Become Aware of Your Insecurity

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Become aware of your insecurity

First I want you to write down to your journal what the insecurity is, and then ask to
your self, “where do I think this insecurity comes from? where is the life experience, the deeply
rooted childhood traumas that this insecurity comes from, what do I believe its hurting me?” so
look at your insecurity and its not always easy but yoU`ve got to face it, cry if you have to, feel it,
don’t just avoid it. Most people just push down their insecurity because they too afraid to feel it.
they don't want to feel that sadness, all of that. So be brave enough to feel it, to face it, and
analyze it: where does it comes from?

2. Change your perspective

Ask your self: am I willing to see this differently? A book says a miracle is just a shift
perception. Sometims all you have to do is change the way that you look at your life, change the
way that you look at your insecurities. Ask your self: am I willing to see this insecurity through
the eyes of love? Am i willing to see my self and treat my self with love? You can just sit and
think about it. I want you to journal it out and put it on paper. What would it look like if you
treated yourself with love, regarding this insecurity? How would you deal with this insecurity
with love? A part of that might be going back to that experience where that insecurity came
from and seeing that experience through the eyes of love, rather than the eyes of “ im not
enough”. Say you`re insecure about your tan skin because in school, all the kids commented on
your tan skin. And that is a common insecurity that most people have. Instead of seeing yourself
as just a victim being bullied and then feeling like you re not pretty enough, you`re not good
enough, you look at that situation through the eyes of love. Then you would see that what you
would do to that child version of you is give youself a big hug, and tell youself you`re pretty and
its okay and its doesn`t matter what other people say about you. They don`t know what they`re
saying. They`re kids. They will forget that they said that the next day. In ten years, it won`t
matter. Basically, you have to look at this insecurity and these life experiences from all angles.
Try to shift it. Try to see it from all new perspective, and treat all of those perspective with love.

3. Reprogram you mind with thoughts that support you

Thoughts that are made out of love, that support you, that are positive, that will not
hold you down or put you down any longer, because that`s all insecurity does. For each insecure
and negative thoughts that you have hopefully you`re writing them out line-by-line, working on
them each individually. I want you to cross out the insecurity and rewrite it with a new belief
that supports you, a new belief that`s written out of love. For example, you might write: “i`m
insecure about my tan skin and I`m not confident about it” so you would cross that out and
instead you would write a new belief: “I love my skin because my skin is exotic and I have an
international look, I have the same skin tone with one of the best presidents, Obama. I do not
need a mainstream media beauty standard to dictate how I feel about my own beauty”. So the
process is: after you become aware of your insecurities or your negative thoughts, refute those
thoughts and instead write a new thought that support it. After doing this exercise with a bunch
of insecurities, you will have a list of positive affirmations, positive self talk. And the way to
ingrain those into your mind is pure repetition. Write these in your phone, repeat them to
yourself in the morning, in the evening. Repetition is how your brainwash yourself to really,
really believe in it. And this is brainwash for good, for positivity. So you want to reprogram your
mind to stop thinking about those negative, insecure thoughts and instead replace those
positive ones. That`s step three,

4. Stop comparing youself

You have to change your mindset and see that its not a competition, its about
community. We are here on this earth to work together in community. You`re not in
competition with all the girls you see on instagram. Its not a race. You`re not trying to be better
than other people. Like there is no way that you can be better than other people because
everyone`s story is different. Each person has their own life experience, their own stregths, their
own stories. And there`s no way you can compare one person with the person next to each
other. Like they might be good at different things and different areas. Its not an equal
comparison. Its not a fair comparison, so just stop comparing youself to other people. Know that
all you need to compare yourself to is the past you, the you from last year, five years ago. As
long as you are improving, then that`s all that matters. Its progress, not perfection. Progress, not
competition. And one thing that I had to learn too, in my life is: one person`s success does not
diminish your own worth. Just because someone else is beautiful and killing it in life doesn`t
make you any less. It just shows that u can do that too. And what we should do instead is lift
each other up, rather than want each other to fail. One person`s light does not diminish your
own light. If anything, it can help you find the light you have within, to bring it out even more.

5. Stay aware and catch yourself whenever you notice yourself having an insecure or negative
thought, or when you catch yourself comparing yourself to other people, because you know that
those things hurt you. So you want to program your mind to only think thoughts that help u and
support u in your life. And so u gotta be policing your mind sometimes. You are in control ur
mind. And u don`t want to let your mind control u because most people let their mind and
thoughts control them. But now that u can take the power back. So this step is just to stay
consciously aware of your mind and actively practice those positive affirmations, programming
your mind for positive thinking, seeing the world through the perspective of love. And if u keep
doing these things, it’s a continuous positive feedback loop, and it will help u so much with
undoing your insecurities. So that`s all I`m gonna say to you

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