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Ben Keene and Mark James founded, an innovative online platform aiming
to form genuine partnerships with remote tribes. Inspired by the potential of social
networking, James proposes using the internet to foster deeper connections and meaningful
experiences, an idea that Keene wholeheartedly embraces. With a lease on the island of
Vorovoro in Fiji and an investment of $53,000, they embark on their ambitious mission, making
donations to the local community. Their online tribe grows rapidly, attracting members from
25 countries. In September 2006, Keene and 13 tribe members venture to Vorovoro,
collaborating with the local tribe to construct buildings, cultivate crops, and establish
sustainable energy sources. This collective effort not only forges lasting friendships but also
brings the two tribes closer. Encouraged by their success on Vorovoro, Keene and James
replicate their model worldwide, believing in the power of cultural connections to drive
positive development while honoring tradition. Today, Tribewanted continues to connect
people and cultures through social networking, offering opportunities to join the online tribe,
contribute financially, or plan visits to their global communities. The inspiring tale of
Tribewanted exemplifies how online connections can evolve into meaningful real-life
experiences. Keene and James have successfully built bridges between cultures, nurturing
development while respecting and preserving tradition.

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