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Private and Confidential

25 July 2023

Merino Tinzki Ramirez

Brgy Magliba San Fabian Pangasinan
Philippines 2433

Dear Merino Tinzki Ramirez,


We are pleased to confirm our offer to employ you as a Nurse with MOH Holdings Pte Ltd (the
Company), on a two (2)-year contract. Your employment shall be upon the terms and conditions
as stated in this letter (“Employment Contract”).


1.1 You will receive a salary of S$2,000.00 per month. This monthly basic salary includes the
Monthly Variable Payment (“MVP”).

1.2 The MVP is a flexible component payable on a monthly basis and is included as part of the
monthly basic salary for the purpose of calculating salary payments such as the Annual Wage
Supplement (“AWS”) and End-of-Contract Gratuity. The current prevailing MVP rate is at
10% of the monthly basic salary.

1.3 Your salary will be credited to your bank account on the 27th day of each calendar month.
Should the salary payment date fall on a non-business day, your salary will be credited on
the business day before.

1.4 If you are holding a valid Work Pass at the point of hire and should you become a Singapore
citizen or Singapore Permanent Resident (“SPR”) during the period of the employment,
Central Provident Fund (“CPF”) contributions at the prevailing rates shall be made
immediately by the Company and by you. The rate of deductions and contributions for you
and the Company shall be subject to the Central Provident Fund Act 1953 and the rules and
regulations thereunder as may be in force from time to time. It is your obligation to inform the
Company when you have obtained SPR or citizenship, failing which the Company will
recover any excess payment from you. In addition, this may institute disciplinary action, as
contribution to the CPF is a statutory requirement.

EC-Nursing (NTS) Version 05/2023

2.1 In your Staff Nurse II appointment, you may be posted to different departments in any
Public Healthcare Institutions (PHIs)1, government agencies or Nursing Homes as may be
determined by the Company in its sole and absolute discretion (referred to as “Posting”
which term shall where applicable in the context also include each single posting).
Accordingly, your duties, responsibilities and obligations will depend on and be subject to
the requirements of each of your specific Posting(s), which will be duly communicated to
you by your department head/ supervisor (whichever applicable).

2.2 Your daily working hours, number of working days per week and rest days will depend on
the requirements of your Posting as guided by the operational needs of your Posting,
which will be duly communicated to you by your department head / supervisor (whichever

2.3 If so required by the Company in writing, your Posting will include being deployed to serve
in any PHIs , government agencies or Nursing Homes as may be exclusively determined
by MOHH from time to time in such capacity or appointment as MOHH may determine in
its sole and absolute discretion and upon such terms and conditions as may be applicable
to such appointment having regard to the needs of the PHIs, government agencies or
Nursing Homes (as the case may be) and your training, skills, qualifications and
experience. The Posting assigned by the Company is final.


3.1 You will be eligible for an Annual Wage Supplement (“AWS”), subject to such declaration
by and at the sole and absolute discretion of the Company.

3.2 The AWS payment will be made provided you are in service with the Company and have
not served notice of resignation at the time of payment. Payment will be pro-rated
accordingly should your service with the Company be less than the full calendar year
before the 1st of January of the following year.


4.1 The Company may, in its sole and absolute discretion, pay to you a gratuity equivalent to
two (2) months’ basic salary, subject to your successful completion of your 2-year contract
in accordance with the terms of this Employment Contract.

4.2 For the avoidance of doubt, in the event that you tender your resignation, or have your service
terminated by the Company (for whatever reason), before the expiry of this Employment
Contract, you will not be eligible for the gratuity payment.

Refers to Singapore Government Restructured Hospitals, Singapore Government Specialist
Outpatient clinics, Singapore Government Polyclinics and Singapore Government Community

EC-Nursing (NTS) Version 05/2023
4.3 You must not be under a Performance Improvement Plan (“PIP”), or undergoing any
disciplinary action or civil proceedings, in order to be eligible for the gratuity payment.


5.1 You or the Company may, at any time during the contract period but no later than two (2)
months prior to the end of the contract, give written notice to the other party to request for
the renewal or extension of your employment with the Company (the “Renewal Request”).
Neither party is obliged to accede to the Renewal Request, give reason(s) for declining
the Renewal Request, and/or enter into discussions relating thereto. Either party may
reject the Renewal Request without assigning any reason whatsoever. Should the
Company agree to renew or extend your employment, the renewal or extension of your
employment shall be on such terms and conditions as may be mutually agreed between
you and the Company.


6.1 You will enjoy annual leave, medical benefits, insurance coverage and other benefits
applicable to employees at your level; details are as set out in the Schedule of Perquisites
attached to this Employment Contract.

6.2 All benefits granted by the Company are on the understanding that such benefits or the
value thereof do not constitute any part of your monthly basic salary, and such benefits
may be varied from time to time or withdrawn entirely without prior notice and at the sole
and absolute discretion of the Company.


7.1 You will be placed on probation for a period of six (6) months from the date of
commencement of service. Your employment will be confirmed in writing upon the
successful completion of your probation. Your probation period may be extended for a
further period at the sole and absolute discretion of the Company, should it be deemed
necessary to further assess your suitability for confirmation of employment.


8.1 This offer of employment is conditional on:

(a) You passing the Company's required medical examination, whether or not you
begin work prior to passing such examination. You shall comply with any
direction of the Company to undergo such medical examination under
arrangements made or approved by the Company to evaluate whether you are
medically fit and/or mentally fit for employment. A chit is enclosed for your pre-

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employment medical examination by our appointed clinic unless advised by the
Company otherwise.

(b) The approval of a Work Pass issued by the Ministry of Manpower for foreigners.

(c) As you will be employed as a nursing staff, the offer of employment is further
subject to you meeting these requirements:

(i) A successful registration by the Singapore Nursing Board with a valid

practising certificate for your employment with the Company

(ii) Clearance for immunity against the following conditions stated as a

preventive measure, or to undertake vaccinations, if necessary:

a. Hepatitis B (“Hep B”);

b. Varicella;
c. Measles, Mumps and Rubella (“MMR”);
d. Tetanus, Diphtheria and Pertussis (“Tdap”); and
e. Coronavirus disease (“COVID-19”)2

(iii) If at the time of this offer of employment, you are involved in any on-going
medical litigation cases, you must declare the details of such cases to the
Company before you accept this offer of employment, and the Company shall
have the liberty to revoke this offer of employment as it deems fit to do so.

(d) Your full disclosure of all material information and the correctness of the
information supplied to the Company in the course of your application for

(e) Your assignment to the Company and its subsidiaries, on an exclusive basis, of all
the intellectual property rights (whether vested, contingent or future) that you may
be entitled to in the works you may create or make pursuant to the terms of your
employment under this Employment Contract, or arising from any engagement or
assignment undertaken by you as an employee of the Company, or in your
capacity as employee, or in the discharge of your duty as an employee of the

(f) You are advised to obtain independent legal advice with respect to such
assignment referred to in paragraph 8.1(e), and your failure to do so is at your
own risk and shall in no way prejudice the Company and its subsidiaries’ legal
rights in respect of the assignment.

According and subject to the prevailing requirements in Singapore applicable to healthcare workers,
as may be updated from time to time, and you shall maintain the fully vaccinated or equivalent status
under the Ministry of Health, Singapore’s National Vaccination Programme.

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8.2 In the event that any of the conditions in paragraph 8.1 is not fulfilled, the Company may,
in addition to its other rights or remedies under this Employment Contract or in law, revoke
this offer of employment with immediate effect or if you have already commenced
employment with the Company, the Company shall have the right to terminate your
employment immediately without notice and without prejudice to the Company’s rights
which may have accrued up to the date of termination.


9.1 You acknowledge that placement/agency fees payable to the relevant employment
agency will be/has been incurred in connection with this Employment Contract
(“Agency Fee”). Subject to paragraph 9.2, the Company will cover the cost of such
Agency Fee, capped at two (2) months of your basic salary, on a pro-rated basis

9.2 In the event that you fail to be in continuous employment with the Company for the two
(2)-year contract (“Applicable Base Period”) for any reason whatsoever, the Company
shall be entitled to recover from you (and you shall promptly reimburse the Company)
the Agency Fee, subject to any proration as set out in paragraph 9.3 below.

9.3 The Agency Fee payable by you pursuant to paragraph 9.2 shall be reduced in
proportion to the number of completed months you have served during the Applicable
Base Period.

9.4 This paragraph 9, including all its sub-paragraphs, shall survive the expiry or termination
of this Employment Contract.


10.1 During your probationary period, either party may terminate this Employment Contract
at any time by giving the other party two (2) weeks’ notice in writing or two (2) weeks’
salary in-lieu of notice.

10.2 After your confirmation, either party may terminate this Employment Contract at any
time by giving the other party two (2) months’ notice in writing or two (2) months’ salary
in-lieu of notice.


11.1 If any clause or provision of this Employment Contract is illegal or unenforceable, such
clause and provision shall be severed from the Employment Contract without affecting the
remaining parts of the Employment Contract.

The Standard Terms & Conditions and Schedule of Perquisites attached to this Employment
Contract are incorporated by reference into this Employment Contract.

EC-Nursing (NTS) Version 05/2023
If you accept the terms of this offer, the Standard Terms & Conditions and the Schedule of
Perquisites attached to this Employment Contract, please sign and return the duplicate copy of
this Employment Contract by 24 August 2023, failing which this offer will lapse absolutely.

We look forward to your contribution to the Company.

Yours sincerely,

Christine Kho
Chief Human Resource Officer


I have read the foregoing and accept employment on the above terms. I shall be able to begin
work on ___________________.

____________________________ _______________________

EC-Nursing (NTS) Version 05/2023


1.1 Without further remuneration than is herein specified, you may be required to perform
your duties in Singapore which includes at any Public Healthcare Institutions (PHIs)1,
government agencies, Nursing Homes and in such other countries as the Company
may, from time to time, direct.

1.2 This contract of employment shall not be affected in any way by the re-organisation of
the Company. The terms and conditions of this letter shall continue to be binding on
the Company and you, notwithstanding any posting assigned by the Company,
reconstruction of the Company, including a voluntary winding up of the Company, if
such winding up is for the purpose of reconstruction only.


2.1 As a practising nurse, it is your personal responsibility to ensure that you hold a valid
practising certificate for yourself throughout the entire period of your employment with
the Company. Should you fail to maintain the practicing license at any particular time
during your employment with the Company, the Company shall have the right to
terminate your employment with immediate effect. The Company will pay for the costs
of your practising certificate for you to work at all PHIs or government agencies or
Nursing Homes during your employment with the Company.

2.2 The Company will recover from you the practising certificate fee paid for by the
Company on a pro-rated basis via salary deduction in the following events:

(a) you resign from the Company;

(b) termination of your Employment Contract; or

(c) expiry of your Employment Contract.



3.1 You shall be subject to the Company’s prevailing policies and procedures and rules
and regulations, including those relating to terms and conditions of employment and
benefit entitlements. Such policies and procedures, rules and regulations, and terms
and conditions will be communicated to you either by letter or via electronic means or
by posting on the Company’s intranet and any other communication media made
accessible to you from time to time. Upon commencement of employment, it shall be

Refers to Singapore Government Restructured Hospitals, Singapore Government Specialist
Outpatient clinics, Singapore Government Polyclinics and Singapore Government Community

Std-Nurses Version 05/2023
your responsibility to acquaint yourself with such policies and procedures, rules and
regulations, and terms and conditions that are in force. If in doubt, the onus lies on you
to make enquiry with the respective authority (or your Reporting Officer) to ensure that
your intended actions or conduct are in agreement with the Company’s policies and
procedures, rules and regulations and terms and conditions of your employment. The
Company reserves the right to vary or supplement any such policies and procedures,
rules and regulations, and terms and conditions as and when necessary in line with
changes in circumstances, law or prevailing market conditions. Any variation or
supplement will be communicated to you by the same available means as mentioned
in this clause.


4.1 You shall exercise prudence when communicating to the media or public on issues that
relate to your work conditions or affairs of the Company or the public healthcare
system. Such communications include personal blogs or other materials which may
be accessed by the general public through which you may be identified as an officer of
the Company. Staff grievances relating to work matters and the internal affairs of the
Company must be raised through the proper channels as prescribed under the
Company’s staff grievance procedures. You must ensure that you abide by the
Company’s rules and regulations on the proper procedures to seek clearance for
communication to the media and public.


5.1 You shall be personally responsible for the income tax payable to the Inland Revenue
Authority of Singapore in respect of all your remuneration and taxable benefits earned
through your employment with the Company. If you are a foreigner and should you
leave your employment with the Company or plan to depart from Singapore, the
Company shall in accordance with the Income Tax Act, withhold payment of all monies
(including salary, bonus, etc) due to you, until clearance is given by the Income Tax
Authority for the release of the same.


6.1 Unless otherwise specified by the Company or your immediate superior, your duties
and responsibilities shall include:

(a) Attending at the place of business of the Company or at such other places and
at such time as you shall be so required by the Company, except when
prevented by sickness or other causes beyond your control or as permitted by
the terms hereof.

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(b) Performing and undertaking all such duties, acts or things that are normally to
be performed or undertaken in the capacity in which you are employed from
time to time.

(c) Carrying out without any additional remuneration, additional responsibilities of

your immediate superior during the latter's absence whilst on leave or overseas

(d) Making full and frank disclosure to the Company the particulars of and all
information relating to any matter including materials, technologies, computer
programmes, products, processes or improvements thereto which are
originated by you during your employment with the Company and complying
with all directions by the Company so as to vest in and secure for the Company
any copyright, patent, design or other property right to or in respect of any such
matter as described above.

(e) Ensuring that all other employees of the Company who come under your
control and direction, observe and comply with the Company's rules relating to
the matters referred to in sub-clause 6.1(d).

(f) Informing the Company immediately of any subsequent change in any of the
particulars you have provided at the time of your application.


7.1 You shall not during your employment with the Company:

(a) Except with the consent in writing of the Company, be directly or indirectly
engaged or concerned or interested in any other business whatsoever, whether
for reward or not, except as the holder of stocks, shares or debentures quoted
or dealt in on a recognized Stock Exchange.

(b) Be or become an officer or member of a trade union unless you meet the
eligibility criteria stipulated for union representation of Executives, as agreed
between the Company and the relevant union from time to time. In the event
that you do not continue to meet the eligibility criteria at any time for whatever
reason, you are required to resign from the union forthwith.


8.1 The use of MOHH issued/ Institution issued IT assets including but not limited to PC /
laptop, Blackberry, MOHH email account (“IT Assets”), is strictly for work-related
purposes only. You shall at all times during your employment be responsible and
accountable for the usage and safeguard of the IT Assets.

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8.2 You shall at all times during your employment ensure that no illegal software is installed
on the IT Assets. You are required to seek clearance with the respective IT department
should there be a need to install additional or new software to the IT Assets issued to

8.3 In the event that you store company data and/or work-related emails in your own
personal mobile device and/or external removable storage device, you shall ensure
that all such information are removed prior to you:

(a) leaving the company permanently;

(b) selling/trading away the personal mobile devices/external removable storage

device; and

(c) disposing the personal mobile devices/external removable storage device in

any other manner.


9.1 The use of MOHH’s email system is strictly for business purposes only. You are
responsible for your MOHH email account, and shall take every precaution to
safeguard your account and password.

9.2 You shall not at all times during your employment:

(a) send emails that contain obscene, offensive or slanderous material.

(b) send any forged emails that intimidate or harass other users, chain messages
that interfere with the efficiency of the system, or promotional mails for profit-
making purposes.

(c) send unsolicited email using MOHH-assigned e-mail addresses, which would
overload and attempt to disrupt the email system.

(d) access another user's email account, or read someone else's email without
their permission.

(e) use your personal email accounts (e.g. Hotmail or GMail) for receiving or
sending office documents.


10.1 Without prejudice to the other rights and remedies of the Company or any PHIs or
government agencies or Nursing Homes, the Company may terminate your services
immediately without giving you any notice, salary in lieu of notice or any other benefit
payments (such as compensation for accrued but unutilised leave) in the event that
you have been found to have committed any misconduct.

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Without limitation, the following shall be deemed by the Company to constitute
misconduct, and such misconduct may occur within or outside the workplace:

(a) you are found guilty of any dishonesty, wrongdoing, negligence or offence
prejudicial to the interest of the Company, whether or not in connection with or
referable to your employment with the Company or posting with any PHIs or
government agencies or Nursing Homes, including but not limited to instances
where you are/ have been charged or convicted by a court of law including a
court-martial (if applicable) in any country or been found guilty of any offence
or have contravened any laws in any country;

(b) you harass or threaten other employees or their families; or

(c) you are in possession of or involved in the trafficking of illegal drugs on/ outside
of the Company’s premises; or

(d) you engage in betting or gambling activities on/ outside of the Company’s
premises; or

(e) you engage in immoral or indecent acts on/ outside of the Company’s premises;

(f) you are guilty of theft or misappropriation of funds; or

(g) you wilfully falsify or forge claims; or

(h) you are absent from work for more than two (2) working days without proper
authorization; or

(i) you commit any serious or persistent breach of confidentiality or breach of any
of the terms of this contract of employment; or

(j) you do any act or thing which brings or is likely to bring serious discredit to the
Company or to any PHIs or government agencies or Nursing Homes to which
you are posted; or

(k) you neglect or refuse, without reasonable cause, to attend to the business of
the Company or of any PHIs or government agencies or Nursing Homes to
which you are posted; or

(l) you flagrantly or persistently fail to observe and perform any of the duties and
responsibilities imposed by the code of conduct, policies and procedures of the
Company or any PHIs or government agencies or Nursing Homes to which you
are posted, or which are imposed by any laws or regulations; or

(m) in the reasonable opinion of the Company, you put yourself in a position of a
serious conflict of interest and fail to inform the Company, or you act against

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the interests of the Company or any PHIs or government agencies or Nursing
Homes to which you are posted.


11.1 Subject to and to the extent permitted by applicable law, the Company has the right (i)
to suspend you from work under this contract of employment; and (ii) to pay you half
of your salary for the duration and in respect of the period of suspension, for the
purpose of conducting an inquiry into any alleged misconduct on your part, regardless
of whether the alleged misconduct relates to actions or omissions occurring within or
outside the workplace. This may include, without limitation, situations where you are
the subject of a potential, pending or ongoing investigation or inquiry by any PHIs,
government agencies or Nursing Homes, the Company or any other governmental,
statutory or regulatory authority and the Company deems it necessary in the interest
of the Company and PHIs, government agencies or Nursing Homes involved to
suspend you from work under your contract of employment pending the completion of
such investigation or disciplinary inquiry pertaining to you.

For the avoidance of doubt, if you are under remand, detention and/or under any
investigation directed by any external governmental, statutory or regulatory authority,
and as a result, you are unable to report for work and perform your job duties, this shall
not be construed as a suspension by the Company pursuant to this Clause, and
accordingly, you will not be entitled to any salary for the duration in which you are
unable to report for work and perform your job duties.

In the event that the findings of the inquiry:

(a) reveal no misconduct, the suspension will be lifted and the Company shall pay
to you the salary so withheld for the period of suspension;

(b) reveal misconduct on your part, whether by virtue of a possible, likely or actual
wrongdoing, negligence, misconduct or offence(s) on your part, further
disciplinary action or proceedings may be taken against you by the Company,
in addition to any other action or proceeding that may be taken by any PHIs,
government agencies, Nursing Homes or any other governmental, statutory or
regulatory authority. You may be suspended from work without pay for not more
than a week following the conclusion of the inquiry.

For the avoidance of doubt, in the event that the PHIs or government agencies or
Nursing Homes that you have been posted to suspends you from work, you shall be
deemed to also have been automatically suspended by the Company from work under
your employment contract.

If at any time during the Employment, the Company has grounds to believe that you
may not be fit to properly carry out your duties under your employment contract, the
Company may suspend you with pay pending further investigation and/or require you
to undergo one or more medical examination(s).

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11.2 The Company’s right of suspension in Clause 11.1 is without prejudice to the
Company’s right to terminate this contract of employment in accordance with the terms
of this contract of employment.


12.1 In the event that you, by written notice to the Company, terminate your employment
immediately or with such shorter period of notice than that as required under your
employment contract, and are required to pay a sum equal to your salary in respect of
the period of notice which is otherwise required to be given (also known as salary in
lieu of notice), you hereby authorise and, by signing this contract of employment,
provide written consent to the Company to set-off, in its sole and absolute discretion,
and to the extent permitted by law, any accrued benefits, accrued and un-utilised
annual leave, expense claims, bonus or incentive payments, and any other payments
which are due and payable to you.

12.2 You agree that such consent and authorisation will be deemed to take effect from the
date of signing of this contract of employment, and unless your consent and
authorisation have been earlier withdrawn, will be effective until:

(a) in the case where you are not required to provide salary in lieu of notice, the
termination of your employment; or

(b) in the case where you are required to provide salary in lieu of notice, the date on
which all payments due and payable to you have been set-off under this Clause,
or the date on which you make full payment of the salary in lieu of notice,
whichever is earlier.

For the avoidance of doubt, you understand that any withdrawal of consent or
authorisation under this Clause will not affect the Company’s right to claim from you
the salary in lieu of notice as may be required under the contract of employment. In
addition, should the salary in lieu of notice be insufficient to cover such payments due
and payable to you, you agree to pay the outstanding amounts directly to the Company.



13.1 For the purpose of paragraphs 13.2 to 13.9 below, the following words and expressions
shall have the meanings as set out below in this paragraph 13.1:

"the Company" means MOH Holdings Pte Ltd;

"Competitor" means any Entity which is engaged in or carries on any business

in Singapore at any time in competition with any business conducted or carried
on in Singapore by the Company or any Group Company at the time;

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"Confidential Information" means all trade secrets, data, trademarks, patents,
copyrighted materials, discoveries, concepts, ideas, prototypes, software,
systems in various stages of development, designs, drawings, specifications,
techniques, methodologies, algorithms, inventions, research, schematics,
procedures, know-how, plans, strategies, forecast, price list, pricing policies,
financial information, technology and processes, business or marketing plans
and policy or strategy and other proprietary or confidential information of the
Company and includes all information relating to transactions and proposed
transactions, the business and affairs, customers, employees and suppliers of
the Company or any Group Company which are made available or provided to
or are accessible by you in the course of Your Employment and which is made
known to you as constituting proprietary or confidential information of the
Company or any Group Company or which by their nature or the circumstances
under which they were made available to or are accessible by you can
reasonably be understood as constituting confidential or proprietary information
of the Company or any Group Company, but shall not in any event include any
information which at the time of such acquisition by you is in or which
subsequently comes into the public domain otherwise than as a consequence of
any default, breach of duty or wrongdoing on your part or on the part of any

"Entity" means any person, firm, corporation or entity constituted or established

under or pursuant to any law, including limited liability partnerships;

"Group Company" means any corporation which is a related corporation of the


"Prescribed Business" means any business conducted by the Company or any

Group Company and in relation to or for the conduct of which you were
employed or assigned by the Company to manage in any respect and/or
perform any duties or provide any service and/or to serve as employee at any
time during the period of one hundred and eighty (180) days before the
Termination Date.

"Related Corporation" shall have the same meaning as defined in the

Companies Act, Cap. 50, Singapore Statutes;

"Restriction Period" means the period of ninety (90) days commencing on and
as from the Termination Date;

"Specified Employee" means any person:

(a) who as at the Termination Date is an employee of the Company or

Group Company; and

(b) who is known to you in the course of your employment or whose terms
of employment with the Company or Group Company you have

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acquired knowledge of or were able to acquire knowledge of in the course
of your employment by reason of any access accorded to you in the
course of Your Employment to the documents, data or information
relating thereto retained by the Company or any Group Company;

"Termination Date" means the date on which you cease to be an employee of

the Company for any reason whatsoever.

"Your Employment" means your employment with the Company;

13.2 You shall at all times during Your Employment and on or after the Termination Date
keep and maintain the confidentiality of all Confidential Information and shall not at any
time (whether during Your Employment and on or after the Termination Date) do any
one or more of the following other than and to the extent necessary for the purpose of
discharging your obligations and duties to the Company or any Group Company:

(a) directly or indirectly in any manner whatsoever use, divulge or disclose or

permit the disclosure of any and all Confidential Information to any Entity; and

(b) copy, extract or translate in any form or manner any document, paper, disc or
other thing which contain or in which are stored or recorded in any form
whatsoever any Confidential Information or permit or allow any Entity to do so.

13.3 You shall immediately at the request or direction of the Company (whether made or
given before, on or after the Termination Date) return or destroy all documents, papers,
discs and other things in your possession or control which contain or in which are
recorded or stored (in any form whatsoever) any Confidential Information and in
accordance with the directions of the Company.

13.4 You shall not at any time during your employment do or allow any one or more of the
following to occur without the prior written consent of the Company:

(a) become a partner or hold office as director or serve as an employee of any


(b) provide any advice or perform any service to or for any Competitor;

(c) engage in or conduct any business (whether as sole proprietor or in partnership

with any Entity or Entities or on behalf of any Entity) in Singapore in competition
with any business conducted or carried on in Singapore by the Company or
any Group Company; and
(d) retain or own or acquire any interest in any Competitor (other than as owner of
any stock, shares, securities or other interests in any Competitor listed or
traded on a recognized Stock Exchange).

13.5 You shall not at any time during the Restriction Period request or induce or seek to
induce any Specified Person who was an employee of the Company or any Group

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Company as at the Termination Date to terminate (whether lawfully or unlawfully) his
or her employment by the Company.

13.6 You acknowledge and agree:

(a) that the Company and any Group Company may enforce the provisions of
paragraphs 13.2 to 13.5 above against you;

(b) that the Company or any Group Company may not be reasonably or adequately
compensated in damages in an action at law for any breach of your obligation
under or arising from paragraphs 13.2 to 13.5 above and that the Company or
Group Company shall be entitled to temporary and permanent injunctive relief to
enforce the provisions of paragraphs 13.2 to 13.5 in the event of any breach or
threatened breach by you and that such relief may be granted without the
necessity of proving actual damages and without provision of any bond or

(c) that any claim for injunctive relief against you may be made by the Company or
any Group Company as a claim in addition to its claim for damages for breach;

(d) that the Company shall be entitled to terminate your employment immediately in
the event that you breach any provision of paragraphs 13.2 to 13.4 by giving
written notice thereof to you and without any payment or compensation

13.7 You also acknowledge and agree that the restrictions limitations and prohibitions
contained in paragraphs 13.2 to 13.6 above are reasonable in all the circumstances and
that if any one or more of such restrictions, limitations or prohibitions shall either taken
by itself or themselves together be adjudged to go beyond what is reasonable in the
circumstances for the protection of the Company's legitimate interest or to be
unenforceable but would be adjudged reasonable and or would be or become
enforceable if any particular restriction, limitation or prohibition were deleted or if any part
or parts of the text thereof were deleted or revised in any particular manner then the
restrictions, limitations and prohibitions shall apply with such deletion or revision, as the
case may be.

13.8 Each of the provisions of paragraphs 13.2 to 13.5 above are intended to be separate
and severable. If any provision or part of provision of paragraphs 13.2 to 13.5 above
is held or found to be void, invalid or otherwise unenforceable notwithstanding the
application of paragraph 13.7 above, the remainder of the provision shall be unaffected
and shall continue in full force and effect.

13.9 The provisions of paragraphs 13.2 to 13.8 above are for the benefit of and may be
relied upon and be enforced against you by the Company and any Group Company
and the provisions of the Contracts (Rights of Third Parties) Act, Cap. 53B, Singapore
Statutes shall apply to such Group Company.

Std-Nurses Version 05/2023
13.10 For the avoidance of doubt, Clause 13 shall survive the termination (or expiration, as
the case may be) of this contract.


14.1 The Company collects, uses, discloses and processes your personal data and, if
applicable, the personal data that you provide of other individuals (such as your family
members) for the purposes set out in the Company’s prevailing data protection notice
and personal data protection policy (the “Company’s Purposes”).

14.2 You consent to the Company’s collection, use, disclosure and processing of all
personal data that you provide to the Company for all the Company’s Purposes. If you
provide the Company with the personal data of any other individual, you consent to the
same on behalf of that individual and you warrant that you have obtained his/her prior
consent to the collection, use, disclosure and processing of his/her personal data by
the Company for all the Company’s Purposes.


15.1 Any notice required to be given in connection with your contract of employment shall
be given in writing, in the form of an official hard copy letter or email.

15.2 In the case of a notice given by the Company, such notice shall be valid if delivered
personally to you or sent by registered post to your last known place of residence, or
sent to your email address.

15.3 In the case of a notice given by you, such notice shall be valid if it is hand delivered,
sent by registered post or emailed to the Company at its registered address.


16.1 The rights, duties and liabilities under this contract of employment shall be construed
in accordance with and shall be governed by the laws of the Republic of Singapore.
The parties hereto agree to submit to the non-exclusive jurisdiction of the courts of the
Republic of Singapore.

16.2 Save as expressly provided herein, a person who is not a party to this Agreement has
no right under the Contracts (Rights of Third Parties) Act, Cap. 53B Singapore Statues
to enforce any term of this Agreement.

Std-Nurses Version 05/2023


1.1 You shall be entitled to all gazetted public holidays in Singapore.


2.1 You shall be eligible for 21 (for Job Grade SEN II to SSN I) working days of annual
leave per calendar year.

2.2 Your annual leave eligibility shall be pro-rated should your service period with the
Company be less than the full calendar year before the 1st of January of the following
year, or you are on No-Pay Leave during the year.

2.3 You shall be allowed to carry forward the full year’s annual leave eligibility to the
following calendar year. Leave carried forward must be consumed by 31st of December
of the following calendar year, failing which, such leave shall be automatically forfeited
without any compensation or notification.


3.1 You shall be eligible for 14 days of sick leave per calendar year. In the event of
hospitalisation, you shall be eligible for up to 60 days of hospitalisation leave, which
includes the 14 days of sick leave.

3.2 Your sick leave/ hospitalisation leave eligibility is subject to certification by a registered
Medical or Dental Practitioner in Singapore.

3.3 Leave granted by a registered dental practitioner is considered as sick leave.

3.4 Overseas medical certificates and medical certificates issued by Traditional Chinese
Medicine (TCM) practitioners are not accepted.

3.5 You shall not be eligible for sick leave for cosmetic consultation and procedures, unless
it is verified by the doctor/ dental officer that such procedures are medically necessary.

3.6 Subject to a minimum of three (3) months of continuous service, and you are not under a
Performance Improvement Plan (PIP), or serving notice of resignation, you shall be
eligible to consume up to 3 days of sick leave without producing a Medical Certificate
(MC) per calendar year. The 3 days of Sick Leave with no MC, are counted against your
sick leave entitlement of 14 days per calendar year.

3.7 Leave must be taken on a full day basis.

Nursing (TS)_(NTS) Version 05/2023

4.1 Subject to a minimum of three (3) calendar months of continuous service immediately
preceding the day of confinement and provided you are still in the employment of the
Company, female employees shall be eligible for maternity leave in accordance with
the relevant provisions under the Employment Act and the Child Development Co-
Savings Act.

(a) Singapore Citizen Child

Mothers of Singapore Citizen children are eligible for 16 weeks of paid maternity
leave per occasion.

(b) Non-Singapore Citizen Child

Mothers of non-Singapore Citizen Children are eligible for 12 weeks of maternity
leave per occasion in accordance with the table below:

1st – 8th Week 9th – 12th Week

Less than two living
children (excluding the Full pay Maternity
Unpaid Maternity Leave
newborn) at the time of Leave
Two or more living
children (excluding the Unpaid Maternity
Unpaid Maternity Leave
newborn) at the time of Leave
^In the case of multiple births in a single delivery during the first pregnancy, you will be
eligible for 8 weeks of full pay maternity leave for the next pregnancy.

4.2 The first 8 calendar weeks of maternity leave are to be taken continuously, starting not
earlier than four weeks before delivery or later than the day of delivery.

4.3 For female employees who are eligible for the additional eight weeks (9th to 16th weeks)
of maternity leave (Maternity Leave Flexible), as a default, these eight weeks will follow
immediately after the expiry of the initial eight weeks. However, if operational
exigencies permit and with the approval of your HOD / supervisor, the last eight weeks
may be taken flexibly over a 12-month period from the date of your child’s birth.

4.4 If your child is not a Singapore Citizen at the time of birth, but subsequently fulfill the
Government-Paid Maternity Leave (GPML) eligibility requirements within 12 months from
the date of your child’s birth, you shall be eligible for the GPML benefits (i.e. 16 weeks
less any maternity leave that you have already taken). Your GPML benefits in this
instance will start from the date of your marriage and/or the date your child obtains
Singapore Citizenship. Your GPML benefits must be consumed within 12 months from
the date of your child’s birth.

4.5 In the event you wish to resign from the employment of the Company during your
Maternity Leave, your Maternity Leave can count towards your service of the notice

Nursing (TS)_(NTS) Version 05/2023
period. You will forfeit any remaining Maternity Leave in the event you finish serving
your notice period before the end of your Maternity Leave.

4.6 In the event you wish to resign from the employment of the Company at the end of
your Maternity Leave, and do not intend to serve out your resignation notice period, it
would constitute giving the Company immediate notice of resignation where you are
required to pay salary in-lieu of notice.


5.1 Subject to a minimum of three (3) calendar months of continuous service immediately
preceding the birth of your child and provided you are still in the employment of the
Company, a male employee who is the natural father of the child shall be eligible for
paternity leave. “Natural father” in relation to a child, includes a person who is identified
in the registration of the birth of the child as the father of the child.

(a) If you are or had been lawfully married to your child’s mother between conception
and birth, and your child is a Singapore Citizen, you shall be eligible for 2 weeks
of Government-Paid Paternity Leave (GPPL).

(b) If you are not lawfully married to your child’s mother and/or your child is not a
Singapore Citizen, you shall be eligible for 3 working days of paternity leave.

5.2 Leave must be taken within 12 months from the date of your child’s birth. It can be taken
flexibly or in a block, any time within the 12-month period. The maximum entitlement
for continuous paternity leave is based on calendar days, while the non-continuous
period is based on working days.

5.3 If you are not lawfully married to your child’s mother and/or your child is not a Singapore
Citizen at the time of birth, but subsequently fulfill the GPPL eligibility requirements
within 12 months from the date of your child’s birth, you shall be eligible for the GPPL
benefits (i.e. two weeks less any paternity leave that you have already taken). Your
GPPL benefits in this instance will start from the date of your marriage and/or the date
your child obtains Singapore Citizenship. Your GPPL benefits must be consumed
within 12 months from the date of your child’s birth.

5.4 Adoptive fathers who meet the following requirements shall be eligible for GPPL:

(a) You have completed at least 3 months of continuous service immediately

preceding the point of your formal intent to adopt;
(b) Your child must be adopted within 1 year from the point of your formal intent to
(c) If your adoptive child is not a Singapore Citizen, you or your spouse who is
adopting with you must be a Singapore Citizen. Your child must become a
Singapore Citizen within 6 months after the adoption order is granted; and
(d) You must be an applicant to the adoption.

Nursing (TS)_(NTS) Version 05/2023

6.1 If you are the natural father of your Singapore Citizen child and you are or had been
lawfully married to your child’s mother between conception and birth, you shall be
eligible for 4 weeks of Shared Parental Leave. “Natural father” in relation to a child,
includes a person who is identified in the registration of the birth of the child as the
father of the child. The child’s mother must also qualify for GPML and she is willing to
share it with you.

6.2 Leave can be taken in a continuous block or flexibly within 12 months from the date of
your child’s birth. The maximum entitlement for continuous shared parental leave is
based on calendar days, while the non-continuous period is based on working days.


7.1 Subject to a minimum of three (3) calendar months of continuous service and provided
you are still in the employment of the Company, you shall be eligible for the following
Childcare Leave (CCL)/ Extended Childcare Leave (ECCL) per calendar year:

Child’s Nationality Child aged below Child aged 7 to below
7 years old 13 years old
Singapore Citizen 6 days per year 2 days per year
Non-Singapore Citizen 2 days per year 2 days per year

7.2 If you have children in both age groups, i.e. below 7 years old as well as between 7
and 12 years old (inclusive), your total paid CCL/ ECCL entitlement shall be capped at
a maximum of 6 days per calendar year (for Singapore Citizen child) or maximum of 2
days per calendar year (for non-Singapore Citizen child). This maximum entitlement
cap is based on the age of your youngest child.

7.3 Leave shall be pro-rated accordingly should your service period with the Company be
less than the full calendar year before the 1st of January of the following year, or you
are on No-Pay Leave during the year. Unconsumed or any balance of your CCL/ ECCL
shall not be encashed and cannot be carried forward to the following calendar year.


8.1 Subject to a minimum of three (3) calendar months of continuous service and provided
you are still in the employment of the Company, you shall be eligible for 6 days of
unpaid infant care leave per calendar year if you have any Singapore Citizen child
under the age of 2.

8.2 Leave must be taken on a full day basis.

Nursing (TS)_(NTS) Version 05/2023

9.1 Subject to a minimum of three (3) calendar months of continuous service and provided
you are still in the employment of the Company, you shall be eligible for 3 working days
of paid family care leave per calendar year to take care of your immediate family
members. Immediate family members under this clause refer to parents, parents-in-law,
spouse and children.

9.2 Leave shall be pro-rated accordingly should your service period with the Company be
less than the full calendar year before the 1st of January of the following year, or you
are on No-Pay Leave during the year.

9.3 Leave may be taken on a half day basis.


10.1 Subject to a minimum of three (3) calendar months of continuous service and provided
you are still in the employment of the Company, you shall be eligible for 12 weeks of
adoption leave if your adoptive child is below 12 months of age at the point of formal
intent to adopt, and you meet the Government-Paid Adoption Leave criteria.

10.2 The first 8 weeks of adoption leave must be taken in a continuous block, starting not
earlier than the date of formal intent to adopt or later than the date that the adoption
order is granted. The last 4 weeks can be taken either as a continuous block or flexibly.
This leave must be taken within 12 months from the date of the child’s birth. The
maximum entitlement for continuous adoption leave is based on calendar days, while
the non-continuous period is based on working days.


11.1 If you are or had been lawfully married to the adoptive mother on or before the date
she makes an election in favour of you as the adoptive father under Section 12E(5) of
the Child’s Development Co-Savings Act 2001, you shall be eligible to share up to 4
weeks of Shared Adoption Leave. The adoptive mother must also qualify for
Government-Paid Adoption Leave and she is willing to share it with you.

11.2 Leave can be taken in a continuous block or flexibly within 12 months from your formal
intent to adopt. This leave must be taken within 12 months from the date of the child’s
birth. The maximum entitlement for continuous shared adoption leave is based on
calendar days, while the non-continuous period is based on working days.

Nursing (TS)_(NTS) Version 05/2023

12.1 Subject to a minimum of three (3) calendar months of continuous service and provided
you are still in the employment of the Company, you shall be eligible for 5 working days
of marriage leave on the occasion of your first marriage during your employment with the
Company. The leave must be consumed within 1 year from the legal date of registration
of marriage, or the date of traditional or religious wedding ceremony.

12.2 Leave must be taken on a full day basis.


13.1 You shall be eligible for paid compassionate leave of up to a maximum of 3 consecutive
working days per occasion in the event of the demise or a dangerously ill condition of
any of your following family members:

(a) grand-parents
(b) grand-parents-in-law
(c) parents
(d) parents-in-law
(e) spouse
(f) children
(g) siblings
(h) legal guardian

13.2 Dangerously ill means a disease or state in which death is possible or imminent, and
usually the doctor will determine if the patient is dangerously ill and if the condition is
listed in the hospital’s Dangerously Ill List (DIL).

13.3 You are eligible to use your Compassionate Leave locally even though your family
member who has demised or is dangerously ill may be overseas.

13.4 Leave must be taken on a full day basis.


14.1 You shall be eligible for the Company’s Medical Benefits Scheme (2020)
(“MBS(2020)”). Benefits under the MBS2020 include medical outpatient non-specialist,
medical outpatient specialist, and dental consultations and treatments. Polyclinics and
Accident & Emergency (A&E) consultations and treatment at Restructured Hospitals
are deemed as medical outpatient non-specialist consultations. Cosmetic medical and
dental consultations and treatments are excluded from the MBS(2020).

14.2 With a valid S-Pass or Work Permit, you shall be eligible for full reimbursement of your
own medical and dental consultation and treatment fees with no co-payment or
maximum per visit claim limit in accordance with the Employment of Foreign Manpower

Nursing (TS)_(NTS) Version 05/2023
(Work Passes) Regulations. Full reimbursement of your medical and dental expenses
is applicable only for visits as provided in clauses 14.3, 14.4 and 14.5 below.

14.3 Medical Outpatient Non-Specialist Consultation and Treatment

(a) You shall be eligible to claim medical outpatient non-specialist reimbursements of

up to S$400.00 per calendar year.

(b) S$200.00 out of the S$400.00 per calendar year is ring-fenced. If you have not
fully utilised the ring-fenced amount as at 31 December of the calendar year, up
to S$100.00 from your balance of the ring-fenced amount shall be credited into
your CPF Medisave Account (if applicable).

(c) All medical outpatient non-specialist consultations and treatment sought at any
Registered Medical Practitioner in Singapore shall be subject to firstly co-payment
by you (at a rate of 10% for self), and secondly a maximum of S$35 per visit claim
limit, up to the maximum claim of S$400.00 per calendar year as provided above
in clause 14.3 (a).

(d) Notwithstanding clause 14.3 (c), you shall be eligible for full reimbursement of your
own (self) medical outpatient non-specialist consultation fees subject to you
meeting all of the four criteria below:

i. You had attended consultation and/or received treatment at a Polyclinic,

A&E at Restructured Hospital or MOHH Appointed Panel Clinic;
ii. You were issued with a valid Medical Certificate and used it to apply for
1 day of Sick Leave, and your approved Sick Leave falls on your work
iii. Your approved Sick Leave date is the same as at least one of the dates
to which the Medical Certificate given to you by the doctor applies; and
iv. Your approved Sick Leave is within your Sick Leave entitlement for the
calendar year.

14.4 Medical Outpatient Specialist Consultation and Treatment

(a) You shall be eligible to claim medical outpatient specialist reimbursements of up to

S$600.00 per calendar year for your own (self) medical outpatient specialist
expenses at Public Healthcare Institutions (PHIs)1.

(b) To be eligible for reimbursement claims of medical outpatient specialist expenses

incurred at any Community Hospital, you must have been referred to the
Community Hospital by a Restructured Hospital.

(c) All medical outpatient specialist consultations and treatment sought at PHIs shall
be subject to co-payment by you (at a rate of 10% for self), up to the maximum

Refers to Singapore Government Restructured Hospitals, Singapore Government Specialist
Outpatient clinics, Singapore Government Polyclinics and Singapore Government Community

Nursing (TS)_(NTS) Version 05/2023
claim of S$600.00 per calendar year as provided above in clauses 14.4 (a) and
14.4 (b).

(d) Notwithstanding clause 14.4 (c), you shall be eligible for full reimbursement of your
own (self) medical outpatient specialist consultation fees subject to you meeting all
of the four criteria below:
i. You had attended medical outpatient specialist consultation and/or
treatment at a PHI;
ii. You were issued with a valid Medical Certificate and used it to apply for 1
day of Sick Leave, and your approved Sick Leave falls on your work day;
iii. Your approved Sick Leave date is the same as at least one of the dates to
which the Medical Certificate given to you by the doctor applies; and
iv. Your approved Sick Leave is within your Sick Leave entitlement for the
calendar year.

14.5 Dental Consultation and Treatment

(a) You shall be eligible to claim for dental treatment expenses at any Registered
Dental Practitioner in Singapore up to a maximum of S$150.00 per calendar year
at any dental clinic for preventive and restorative treatment. Dental treatment
excludes those for cosmetic purpose and purchase of dental products.

(b) You shall be eligible to claim full dental consultation fees for restorative treatment
only, upon exceeding your S$150.00 per calendar year claim limit in clause 14.5
(a), subject to meeting all of the four criteria below. This excludes preventive
treatment such as your regular dental check-ups, scaling and polishing procedures,
x-rays and topical fluoride treatment. :

i. You received restorative treatment at a PHI or MOHH Appointed Panel

ii. You were issued with a valid Medical Certificate and used it to apply for
1 day of Sick Leave, and your approved Sick Leave falls on your work
iii. Your approved Sick Leave date is the same as at least one of the dates
to which the Medical Certificate given to you by the dentist applies ;
iv. Your approved Sick Leave is within your Sick Leave entitlement for the
calendar year.

14.6 All claims under the MBS (2020) must be supported by valid receipts, with the breakdown
of service rendered. Overseas receipts are not accepted. For Singaporean Permanent
Residents, in the event you have used your MediSave and/or made a claim from
MediShield Life or your MediSave-approved Integrated Shield Plan (IP) for your medical
treatment and expenses, you are also required to provide any and all such information
and supporting documents relating to your use of your MediSave and/or claim from
MediShield Life or your IP to the Company in order for the Company to process and
administer your claims. Further, you agree and authorise the Company to reimburse the
MediSave portion directly into your MediSave account and/or the MediShield Life and IP
portion directly to the MediShield Life insurer and/or other private insurer, as the case
may be.

Nursing (TS)_(NTS) Version 05/2023
14.7 Your annual claim limit for the MBS(2020) and Medisave crediting limit shall be pro-rated
accordingly should your service period with the Company be less than the full calendar
year before the 1st of January of the following year, or you are on No-Pay Leave during
the calendar year. Unconsumed or any balance of your medical outpatient and dental
benefits shall not be encashed and cannot be carried forward to the following calendar


15.1 With a valid S-Pass or Work Permit, you shall be eligible for the Company’s
Hospitalisation Benefits as follows:

(a) Hospitalisation Fees

i. You shall be eligible to claim up to S$15,000.00 per calendar year for medical
expenses incurred during an event of hospitalisation at any of the Restructured
Hospitals or Community Hospitals.

ii. To be eligible for reimbursement claims of hospitalisation expenses incurred at

any Community Hospital, you must have been referred to the Community
Hospital by a Restructured Hospital.

iii. The medical expenses incurred will include the cost of any surgeries/ operations
(including day surgery), investigative procedures, consultancy, medication and
any other ancillary services incurred during your hospitalisation stay. It excludes
all ward accommodation charges.

(b) Ward Accommodation

i. You shall be eligible for up to 60 days of Ward Class A/ Private Ward

accommodation per calendar year, where applicable, at any of the Restructured
Hospitals or Community Hospitals in the event of hospitalisation (including for day
surgery where admission and discharge dates are on the same day). You will be
covered for full board (meals) and lodging as charged by the Restructured
Hospitals or Community Hospitals for up to 60 days.

ii. To be eligible for ward accommodation at any Community Hospital, you must have
been referred to the Community Hospital by a Restructured Hospital.

15.2 You shall be required to co-pay at a rate of 10% for self for all hospitalisation benefits
claims subject to the maxima stipulated in clause 15.1.

15.3 All hospitalisation claims must be supported by valid receipts, with the breakdown of
service rendered. Overseas receipts are not accepted. For Singapore Permanent
Residents, in the event you have used your MediSave and/or made a claim from

Nursing (TS)_(NTS) Version 05/2023
MediShield Life or your MediSave-approved Integrated Shield Plan (IP) for your
hospitalisation treatment and expenses, you are also required to provide any and all such
information and supporting documents relating to your use of your MediSave and/or claim
from MediShield Life or your IP to the Company in order for the Company to process and
administer your claims. Further, you agree and authorise the Company to reimburse the
MediSave portion directly into your MediSave account and/or the MediShield Life and IP
portion directly to the MediShield Life insurer and/or your private insurer, as the case may

15.4 Your annual claim limit shall be pro-rated accordingly should your service period with
the Company be less than the full calendar year before the 1st of January of the
following year, or you are on No-Pay Leave during the calendar year. Unconsumed or
any balance of your hospitalisation benefits shall not be encashed and cannot be
carried forward to the following calendar year.


16.1 Group Term Life Insurance

The Company provides Group Term Life insurance coverage to all employees aged
up to 69 years old. Part-time employees and fixed term contract employees must fulfil
a minimum of 8 hours per week and at least 3 months of continuous service under their
employment contracts to be eligible. Employees who are hired at age 69 years old and
above shall be subject to underwriting and Insurer’s acceptance.

The coverage covers death, total permanent disability and terminal illness due to any
cause and is subject to the acceptance by the insurance company and the terms and
conditions of the policy. The coverage is worldwide, on a 24-hour basis. Any expenses
incurred beyond the insurance coverage shall be borne by employees.

16.2 Group Personal Accident Insurance

The Company provides Group Personal Accident insurance coverage to all


The coverage covers death and total permanent disability due to accident, except
suicide, self-inflicted injury, war, participation in riots and competitive racing of any
kind. Total permanent disability is defined as total physical loss, or severe disability.
The coverage is subject to the acceptance by the insurance company and the terms
and conditions of the policy. The coverage is worldwide, on a 24-hour basis. Any
expenses incurred beyond the insurance coverage shall be borne by employees.

Nursing (TS)_(NTS) Version 05/2023

17.1 The Company provides Work Injury Compensation Insurance coverage to all
employees against work-related injuries, death and permanent disability in accordance
with the provisions of the Work Injury Compensation Act (WICA).


18.1 You shall be eligible to claim for a one-time reimbursement for the following items (if

(a) Practising Certificate Fees from Singapore Nursing Board

(b) Pre-employment medical vaccinations


19.1 You shall be eligible for Over-time compensation in the event that you are activated
and called back to return to work for duty during off-hours.

19.2 You will be paid Over-time compensation computed based on the monthly basic salary
for the actual extra hours of work performed.


20.1 You shall be eligible for work related claims or allowance, as may be applicable, based
on the prevailing rate applicable to your Posting.


21.1 You shall be eligible for the reimbursement of transport expenses where you are
required to travel out of the premises of the institution of your Posting on that
institution’s business and where transport of that institution is not available.
Reimbursement for transport expenses on business matters shall be based on taxi-
fare incurred or mileage claimed with supporting documentation.


22.1 The institution of your Posting shall provide you with sets of uniform annually,
replaceable on a normal wear and tear basis.

Nursing (TS)_(NTS) Version 05/2023

23.1 The institution of your Posting shall provide you with shoes annually, replaceable on a
normal wear and tear basis.


24.1 Settling-In Allowance

Upon arrival in Singapore, you shall be eligible for a one-time Settling-In Allowance of

24.2 Air Ticket/ Coach Ticket Reimbursement

(a) The Company provides a one-way Economy class air-ticket / coach ticket (as
approved by the Company) for you to relocate to Singapore.

(b) Only Economy class tickets shall be eligible for reimbursement for all air travel/
coach travel. Any class upgrade including that through travel miles redemption
are strictly not eligible.

(c) All air ticket/ coach ticket reimbursement(s) shall apply to only travel embarked
from either your country of hire or your home country to Singapore.

(d) The air ticket/ coach ticket can only be procured on or after the date of your
formal acceptance of this Employment Contract in writing. The reimbursement
of the procured air ticket / coach ticket (to be supported by original receipts)
must be made within three (3) months from the commencement date of your
employment with MOHH.

(e) At the end of this Employment Contract with the Company and subject to you
not being granted Singapore Permanent Resident (SPR) status, the Company
will provide a one-way Economy class air-ticket / coach ticket for you to return
to either your country of hire or your home country.

24.3 In the event that you resign or your Employment Contract is terminated by the
Company at any time before the contract expiry, the Company shall recover from you,
and you shall pay to the Company, the Settling-In Allowance and Air Ticket/ Coach
Ticket Reimbursement paid for by the Company on a pro-rated basis.

24.4 Housing Allowance

(a) You shall be eligible for a monthly housing allowance of S$500.00 per month
to help defray in full or in part the cost of housing (inclusive of the leasing costs
of furniture). The housing allowance quantum is payable together with your
salary. For the avoidance of doubt, you are not eligible for this monthly housing

Nursing (TS)_(NTS) Version 05/2023
allowance in the event you stay at the accommodation provided by the

(b) Upon obtaining your Singapore Permanent Resident (SPR) status, both you
and MOHH will begin making mandatory graduated CPF contributions to your
CPF account. The amount of CPF contribution made to you will increase over
the first two years of your Singapore permanent residency based on the
prevailing CPF rates. From the third year onwards, both you and MOHH will
contribute to CPF at full employer-full employee rates (i.e. rates applicable for
a Singapore Citizen employee).

(c) You may refer to the following link for more

information (

(d) With the mandatory graduated CPF contributions to your CPF account, there
will be a corresponding graduated reduction in your housing allowance. The
step-down rates for housing allowance are as follows:

Step-down Rate for Monthly Housing

Allowance Quantum
1st year SPR: S$375.00 per month
2nd year SPR: S$250.00 per month
3rd year SPR: NIL

(e) A SPR employee in your first two years of obtaining SPR status may opt for full
employer CPF contribution to your CPF account. Once the change to full
employer CPF contribution takes effect, you shall no longer be eligible for any
step-down housing allowance.

Nursing (TS)_(NTS) Version 05/2023

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