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1. The term used to describe the exchange of carbon (in various forms, e.g.,
as carbon dioxide)
between the atmosphere, ocean, terrestrial biosphere, and geological deposits.

a. Nitrogen cycle
b. Carbon cycle
c. Water cycle

2. What is the correct term for plants releasing water from their leaves,
which then evaporates?
a. Precipitation
b. Evaporation
c. Transpiration

3. The study of the interactions that take place among organisms and their
a. Biology
b. Ecology
c. Zoology

4. All the organisms in an ecosystem that belong to the same species is

referred to as
a. Population
b. Community
c. productivity

5. It refers to all the populations in an ecosystem.

a. Population
b. Productivity
c. Community
6. The technique used for collecting bottom-dwelling marine organisms
(e.g., shellfish) or harvesting coral, often causing significant destruction of reef
and ocean-floor ecosystems.
a. habitat destruction

b. Dredging
c. Drift-net fishing

7. The contamination of a healthy environment by man-made waste.

a. Pollution
b. Siltation
c. Salination

8. The removal of soil by the action of water or wind, compounded by poor

agricultural practices, deforestation, overgrazing, and desertification.

a. Soil Degradation
b. Soil erosion
c. Surface run off

9. The illegal killing of animals or fish, a great concern with respect to

endangered or threatened
a. Poisoning
b. Shooting
c. Poaching

10. The_nonliving chemical and physical factors such as temperature, light,

water, and nutrients.
a. Biotic component
b. Abiotic component

c. Organisms
11. This is concerned about the way in which an individual interacts with
its environment.
a. Organismal ecology

b. Community ecology

c. Population ecology

12. It occurs in neritic zones of warm, tropical water, dominated by

cnidarians, very productive and protects land from storms.

a. Seashore
b. Deep-sea vent
c. Coral reefs

13. Occurs in benthic zone; diverse, unusual organisms; energy comes not
from light but from chemicals released from the magma

a. Coral reefs
b. Deep-sea vent
c. Oligotrophic Lake

14. A terrestrial biome that is usually vertical stratification with trees in

canopy blocking light to bottom strata.

a. Tropical forest
b. Temperate deciduous forest

c. Coniferous forest

15. It occurs when water channels and reservoirs become clotted with silt
and mud, a side effect of deforestation and soil erosion.

a. Siltation
b. Salination
c. Purification

16. A science that deals with applying ecological concepts and principles to
the design, development and management of agricultural environment

a. Behavioral ecology
b. Agroecology
c. Entomology

17. The effect of biota on global chemistry, and the cycles of matter and
energy that transport the earths chemical components in time and space

a. Organic chemistry
b. Biochemistry
c. Biogeochemistry

18. Which of the following is true about BIODIVERSITY ?

a. A diversity among and within plant and animal species in an

b. All the populations in an ecosystem

c. Anything that restricts the number of i ndividuals in a population

19. The increase of concentration of a substance .

a. Molecular magnification

b. Biological magnification

c. Atomic magnification
20. The study of the geographic distributions is called .

a. Biogeography
b. Biography
c. Biology

21. This deals with the ecological role of biological chemicals used in a wide
range of areas including defense against predators and attraction of mates.

a. Microbial ecology
b. Agroecology
c. Chemical ecology

22. What is the biological community of plants and animals that has reached
a constant occurring when the species is best adapted to average conditions in
the area?
a. Climax community
b. climax-pattern model

c. climax

23. Which one correctly explains about endangered species?

a. species that contains numbers so low that it risks becoming extinct

b. species that contains numerous numbers

c. species that are extinct

24. process by which tissues of dead organisms break down to more

simplistic forms of mater and organic material, freeing up the limited space in
the biome
a. Decomposition
b. Digestion
c. Production

25. Why are ecosystems with high biodiversity more stable than those with
few species ?
a. They recover from negative events more quickly.

b. They have a higher carrying capacity

c. They have a number of species

26. Which is the method that uses organisms to clean up to toxic waste?

a. Monoculture
b. Bioremediation
c. Carrying capacity

27. What combine with atmospheric moisture to create acid precipitation?

a. Methane and nitrogen dioxide

b. Sulfur dioxide and carbon dioxide

c. Sulfur dioxide and nitrogen dioxide

28. The maximum number of individuals an environment's resources can

support, including the food and water available for the environment

a. Carrying capacity
b. Monoculture
c. Cogeneration

29. What is the organism, usually an animal, that feeds on plants or other
a. Consumer
b. Decomposer
c. Producer

30. This of the following refers to meeting the needs of the present without
compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs.

a. Reproduction
b. Conservation
c. Bioremediation

31. What is the organisms that breakdown substances into simpler

a. Consumer
b. Producer
c. Decomposer
32. A group of organisms interrelated by the fact that each member of the
group feeds upon the one below it

a. Food chain
b. Food pyramid
c. Food web

33. Choose a possible food chain .

a. Corn -> rat -> cat

b. Corn -> man ->cat
c. Rice -> rat -> man

34. What gas is released during photosynthesis?

a. Carbon dioxide
b. Oxygen
c. Hydrogen
35. A biological interaction between individuals of two different species,
where each individual derives a fitness benefit.

a. Parasitism
b. Commensalism
c. Mutualism

36. The first person to use the word to name the study of how organisms fit
into their environment
a. Sigmund Freud
b. Ernst Haeckel
c. Isaac Newton

37. Uses energy from the sun or energy stored in chemical compounds to
produce energy
a. Autotrophs
b. Heterotrophs
c. Photoautotrophs

38. Which of the following best illustrates DENR?

a. Department of Environment and Natural Resources.

b. Department of Ecological and National Resources.

c. Department of Educational and Natural Resources.

39. It refers to the entire process of organization administration and

procedure institutionalized for the purpose of assessing the significance of the
effects of physical developments on the quality of the environment.
a. Environmental Management System

b. Environmental Impact Statement System

c. Environmental Impact Assessment

40. Refers to those areas which are environmentally sensitive and are listed
in Presidential Proclamation 2146, dated Dec 14,1981.

a. Environmental Impact Assessment

b. Environmentally Critical Project

c. Environmental Cretical Areas

41. Another term for water cycle, is driven by the Sun's heat energy, which
causes water to evaporate from water reservoirs (the ocean, lakes, ponds,
rivers), condense into clouds, and then precipitate back to water bodies on
a. Hydrologic cycle
b. Hydrous cycle
c. Hydroxyl cycle

42. Fifty million years ago, the archipelago of more than 7,000 islands did
not exist yet is now known

a. Thailand
b. Philippines
c. China

43. What does Luzviminda stands for ?

a. Luzon ,Visayas,Mindanao
b. Luzon ,Vietnam,Mindoro

c. Lingayen ,Visayas,Manila

44. The policy of the State to pursue sustainable development for poverty
reduction, food security, biodiversity conservation, and climate change
mitigation and adaptation.
a. Strategy
b. Coverage
c. Declaration of Policy

45. DA. DAR. DENR are the stakeholders, whose responsibilities includes the
following EXCEPT,
a. Provision of extension service

b. Nursery establishment and seedling production

c. Site identification and site preparation

46. The Department of Interior and Local Government (DILG)

responsibilities includes
a. Development of greening plan for urban and sub urban area

b. Establishment of nurseries and production of planting material

c. Provision of transportation, security and fire protection amenities

47. The stakeholder that is responsible in provision of transport for

partcipants and provision of communication facilities

a. Department, of Transportation,and Communications

b. Department of National Defense

c. Department of Justice

48. The lowering of soil and water pH due to acid precipitation and
deposition usually through precipitation.

a. Condensation
b. Acidification
c. Precipitation

49. Plant or animal species whose presence, abundance, and health reveal
the general condition of its habitat.

a. Bio-indicators
b. Biodiversity
c. Binomial nomenclature

50. The total weight or volume of living matter in a given area or volume.

a. Biomolecules
b. Density
c. Biomass

51. The chemicals which cause plants to lose their leaves artificially; often
used in agricultural practices for weed control, and may have detrimental
impacts on human and ecosystem health.
a. Defoliants
b. Oxidants
c. Tryptophan

52. All rules and regulations and other issuances or parts thereof, which are
inconsistent with this Executive Order, are hereby repealed or modified
a. Separability Clause

b. Repealing Clause
c. Implementing Guidelines

53. A layer of the atmosphere composed of ozone gas (03) that resides
approximately 25 miles above the Earth's surface and absorbs solar
ultraviolet radiation that can be harmful to living organisms.

a. Ozone shield
b. Hemisphere
c. Thermosphere

54. The disease in which bacteria survive in, and are transmitted through,
H20; always a serious threat in areas with an untreated water supply.

a. Water-born diseases

b. Air-born diseases
c. Personal contact diseases

55. An area that is environmentally sensitive and is so listed under

Presidential Proclamation (Pres. Proc.) No. 2146, Series of 1981 as well as
othe' areas which the President of the Philippines may proclaim as
environmentally critical in accordance with section 4 of P.D. No. 1586.
a. Environmentally Critical Population

b. Environmentally Critical Project

c. Environmentally Critical Area

56. The document required of proponents describing the environmental
impact of, and mitigation and enhancement measure for, project or
undertakings located in an ECA. Shall replace the Project Description required
under DAO 21, series of 1992.
a. Initial Environmental Examination

b. Multipartite Monitoring Team

c. Social Acceptability

57. A certification issued by the EMB certifying that, based on the submitted
project description, the project is not covered by the EIS System and is not
required to secure an ECC.
a. Certificate of Teaching

b. Certificate of Non-Coverage

c. Certificate of Coverage

58. The project or program that has high potential for significant negative
environmental impact.
a. Ecologically Critical Project

b. Environmentally Critical Project

c. National Project

59. Which of the following best illustrates Environmental Monitoring Fund

a. Any natural or juridical person intending to implement a project or
b. Any activity, regardless of scale or magnitude, which may have significant
impact on the environment

c. Shall be immediately accessible and easily disbursable

60. The entities who may be directly and significantly affected by the
project or undertaking.
a. Stakeholders
b. Administrator
c. Proprietor

61. The phase in the EIA process whereby the document submitted is
subjected to technical evaluation by the EIARC.

a. Substantive Review

b. Project or Undertaking

c. Public Participation

62. The following are requirements for Securing Environmental Compliance

Certificate (ECC) and Certificate of Non-Coverage (CNC), EXCEPT,

a. Manual of Procedures

b. Forms and Contents of EIA Study Reports and Other Documents

Required Under the EIS System

c. documentary Requirements for Proponents

63. A group composed of representatives of the proponent and of

stakeholder groups, including representatives from concerned LGU's, locally
accredited NGOs/POs, the community, concerned EMB Regional Office,
relevant government agencies, and other sectors that may be identified during
the negotiations.
a. Multipartite Monitoring Team

b. Legislative
c. Executive

64. Any portion or provision of this Executive order that maybe declared
unconstitutional shall not have the effect of nullifying other provisions hereof,
as long as such remaining portions can still subsist and can be given effect in
their entirety
a. Repealing Clause
b. Separability Clause

c. Funding Mechanisms

65. This Order hereby supersedes Department Administrative Order No.

96-37, Department Administrative Order No. 2000-37, DAO 2000-05 and
other related orders, which are inconsistent herewith.

a. Sanctions
b. Separability Clause

c. Repealing Clause

66. This Executive Order shall take effect immediately upon its publication
in a newspaper of general circulation

a. Oversight Committee and Lead Agency

b. Implementing guidelines

c. Effectivity

67. Imitative behavior of animal species resembling one another.

a. Imitation
b. Mimicry
c. Camouflage

68. The movement of organisms from one place to another.

a. Immigration
b. Migration
c. Voyage

69. The study of small scale ecological phenomena.

a. Microbial ecology
b. Microbiology
c. Microecology

70. The coastlines in the tropical and subtropical regions fringed with a
strip of swampland which is inundated every high tide with marine and
brackish waters.
a. Marine wetlands
b. Mangrove wetlands

c. Marine ecology

71. Type of animal territory in which males of a certain species gather to

demonstrate their prowess before or during mating season

a. Lek
b. Lake
c. Dessert

72. The body of liquid on the surface of the Earth; it is considered a _____
when it is not part of an ocean, is inland, and is fed by a river.

a. Pond
b. Lake
c. Sea

73. A large, undeveloped, humid forest that is home to many wild plants
and animal
a. Island
b. Forest
c. Jungle

74. Occurs when an animal has a particular internal state while it is in the
presence of an external stimulation called a releaser

a. Instinctive behavior

b. Commensalism
c. Interspecific competition

75. A reversible chemical reaction when ions with the same charge can be
switched. This can be used in purification of a substance.

a. Ion exchange
b. Molecular exchange

c. Covalent exchange

76. Any biological species that defines a trait or characteristic of the

a. illegitimate receiver

b. Indicators species
c. illegitimate signaller

77. This Order shall take effect 15 days after its publication in a newspaper
of general circulation.
a. Imprinting
b. Transitory provision

c. Effectivity

78. A non-native species whose introduction to an area is likely to cause

economic or environmental harm or harm to human health.

a. Invasive species
b. R-selected species
c. Endangered species

79. The flow of water over land from rain, melting snow, or other sources.

a. Run off
b. Land slide
c. Soil erosion
80. A science which seeks to understand the relationships between species
in fossil assemblages
a. Entomology
b. Paleoecology
c. Ichthyology

81. Is a relationship between two or more individuals in a species mainly

concerning food.
a. Symbiosis
b. Competition
c. Mutualism
82. The ultimate source of energy for every ecosystem.

a. Galaxy
b. Star
c. Sun

83. Photo synthesizers such as algae and green plants that produce most of
the organic nutrients for the biosphere pioneer species are ______.

a. Photoautotrophs
b. Heterotrophs
c. Autotrophs

84. Happens over a long period of time and is defined as a certain trait and
how species with this trait can or cannot survive, and how it effects the
reproduction of this good or bad trait.
a. Binomial nomenclature

b. Natural selection
c. Natural resource

85. Conversion of nitrogen into nitrogen compounds (ex. nitrate and

nitrite) that is carried out naturally by certain bacteria and algae

a. Nitrogen fixation
b. Neutralism
c. Nitritification

86. the large body of salt water which covers almost 75% of the earths
a. Sea
b. River
c. Ocean
87. The lead agency in the implementation of agrarian reform and
sustainable rural development programs.

a. Department of Agrarian Reform

b. Department of environment and Natural Resources

c. Department of Agriculture

88. In order to ensure the successful implementation of the a National

Greening Program (NGP), the following strategies shall be adopted EXCEPT,

a. Social Mobilization

b. Funding Mechanism

c. Harmonization of Initiatives

89. This issue is recognized as the most serious threat to the remaining
areas of Philippine forest?

a. Illegal logging
b. Loss of biodiversity

c. Mining

90. What part of earth is thought to be composed of iron and nickel?

a. Lithosphere
b. Asthenosphere
c. Core

91. Which of the following does NOT destroy coral reefs?

a. mangrove preservation

b. aquarium fish collection

c. Oil spill

92. Prohibit the dumping of waste into a river.

a. Fisheries act
b. Anti dumping law
c. Mining act

93. As people become wealthier, they tend to

a. do statement A and B

b. consume more resources

c. produce more waste

94. What is the production of two usable forms of energy at the same time
from the same process?
a. Cogeneration
b. Conservation
c. Sustainable energy

95. Which of the following statement is NOT an effect of increased

urbanization ?
a. Decrease of wetlands

b. Flooding
c. Preservation of natural habitats

96. Which one correctly explains global warming?

a. An increased in Earth's average surface temperature

b. An increased in the concentration of ozone

c. A decreased in Earth's average surface temperature

97. How is biogas produced?

a. By mixing methane and oxygen

b. Conversion of plant and animal waste in a digester

c. Conversion of anaerobic bacteria to carbon dioxide.

98. The advancement of science and technology has ushered economic

growth and convenience to man. How can you help preserve and conserve the
environment through science and technology?
a. Cook your food with the use of non polluting fuels

b. Turn on home appliances at the same time.

c. Ride in a vehicle instead of walk ,for short distances

99. Which of the following is incorrectly paired with its description?

a. Department of Public Works and Highways-- (DPWH)

b. Technical Education and Skills Development Authority -(TESDA)

c. Philippine Assembly and Gaming Corporation--(PAGCOR)

100. A pitcher plant is an example of

a. a omnivorous plant

b. a carnivorous plant

c. a herbivorous plant

101. A certification issued by the EMB certifying that, based on the

submitted project description, the project is not covered by the EIS System
and is not required to secure an ECC.
a. Certificate of non coverage

b. Certificate of coverage

c. Certificate semi coverage

102. Document issued by the DENR/EMB after a positive review of an ECC

application, certifying that based on the representations of the proponent, the
proposed project or undertaking will not cause significant negative
environmental impact.
a. Environmental compliance certificate

b. Environmental certificate of compliance

c. Compliance certificate
103. Area delineated as environmentally sensitive such that significant
environmental impacts are expected if certain types of proposed projects or
programs are located, developed or implemented in it.

a. Critical area
b. Environmentally critical area

c. Critical environment

104. Project or program that has high potential for significant negative
environmental impact.
a. Environmentally critical program

b. Environmentally critical area

c. Environmentally critical project

105. Process that involves evaluating and predicting the likely impacts of a
project {including cumulative impacts) on the environment during
construction, commissioning, operation and abandonment.

a. Environmental Impact Assessment

b. Impact assessment

c. Environmental assessment

106. Document, prepared and submitted by the project proponent and/or

EIA Consultant that serves as an application for an ECC.

a. Environmental Impact Assessment

b. Environmental impact assessment

c. Impact assessment

107. Section in the EIS that details the prevention, mitigation, compensation,
contingency and monitoring measures to enhance positive impacts and
minimize negative impacts and risks of a proposed project or undertaking.

a. Environmental Management Plan

b. Management plan
c. Environmental plan

108. Refers to the EMB PEPP EMS as provided for under DAO 2003-14,
which is a part of the overall management system of a project or organization
that includes environmental policy, organizational structure, planning
activities, responsibilities, practices, procedures, processes
and resources for developing, implementing, achieving, reviewing anc
maintaining an improved overall environmental performance.

a. Compliance certificate

b. Environmental certificate of compliance

c. Environmental Management Systems

109. Assessment, through the use of universally accepted and scientific

methods, of risks associated with a project.

a. Environmentally critical project

b. Environmental Risk Assessment

c. Environmentally critical area

110. National greening program

a. EO 26
b. EO 28
c. EO 30

111. Student and Government employees are required to plant at least.

a. 10 plants
b. 5 plants
c. 3 plants

112. In EO 26, the duty of Mobilization and participation of the indigenous

a. LGU
c. DUG

113. The duty of transportation, security and fire protection for national
greening program.
a. DUG
c. AFP

114. Provision of transportion and medical support for EO 26

a. Government Hospital

b. Philhealth
c. DOH
115. The duty of nursery establishment and production of planting materials
for National greening program(NGP)

b. DOJ
c. DA

116. Target number of trees to plant for NGP

a. 1.5 billion
b. 1 billion
c. 1 million

117. The duration of the implementation of NGP

a. 2013 to 2015
b. 2011 to 2016
c. 2013 to 2015

118. Provision of Conditional Cash Transfer to NGP beneficiaries

b. DBM
c. DOF

119. Succession that occurs after the original population has been destroyed
or disturbed, as with a forest fire.

a. Primary succession

b. Secondary succession

c. Tertiary succession
120. a body of independent technical experts and professionals of known
probity from various fields organized by the EMB tc evaluate the EIS and other
related documents and to make appropriate recommendations regarding the
issuance or non-issuance of an ECC.
a. Environmental Impact Assessment Review council b. Environmental
Impact Assessment Reviewer
b. Environmental Impact Assessment Review Committee

121. Document similar to an EIS, but with reduced details and depth of
assessment and discussion.

a. Initial Environmental Examination (IEE) Report

b. Initial Environmental Assessment Report

c. Environmental Assessment Report

122. Community-based multi-sectoral team organized for the purpose of

monitoring the proponent's compliance with ECC conditions, EMP and
applicable laws, rules and regulations.
a. Multipartite Monitoring group

b. Multipartite Monitoring Team

c. Multipartite Monitoring worker

123. Any natural or juridical person intending to implement a project or

a. Owner
b. Developer
c. Proponent
124. Amendment for application of ECC shall not exceed.

a. 30 days
b. 60 days
c. 40 days

125. ECC deem automatically approve if no decision is made within

specified timeframe and
approving authority shall issue ecc within .

a. 5 days
b. 7 days
c. 10 days


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