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Nothing of me is original i am the combined effort of everyone i have ever known.

This is my favorite quote because while I do think a large part of your identity come from
things such as your family, friends, etc. I do believe there are still things about yourself that
you can call you own. You could say that at birth everyone is a blank canvas but some are
different shapes or are made from different materials. You notice these difference really early
on. For example twins who have met the same people but still are comepletly different.
Another reason i really like this quote is that it suggests that identity can change. After all the
older you get the more people you meet and that can expand your identity or change it
A thing I do disagree with is that i believe that some people dont affect your identity at all. I
think is only the people closes you that have a real effect on how you behave and view

I disagree with some parts of the quote but i still really like it because it shows the effect of
the people around you and how you a person can change with the round people around

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