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Correlating the SPT N value with chalk grade for some zones of
the Upper Chalk

Article in Géotechnique · January 1975

DOI: 10.1680/geot.1975.25.3.610


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1 author:

John Dennehy


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The solutions were obtained using the ASKA 1 finite element program (developed by Pro-
fessor J. H. Argyris and the Stuttgart Institut fiir Statik und Dynamik) and the CDC 6400
computer at Imperial College. The Authors are indebted to the staff of the Aeronautics
department at Imperial College who made the program available, and to the staff of the
Computer Centre for their assistance in running it.

Borowicka, H. (1936). Influence of rigidity of a circular foundation slab on the distribution of pressures
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hombgeneity on.settlement. Pro;. 8th Zn;. Co& Soil Mech., Moscow 1.3, 39-k.
Boussinesq, J. (1885). Applications despotentiels cil’dtude de i’&quilibreet du mouvement des solides Plastiques.
Paris: Gautier-Villars.
Carrier, W. D. & Christian, J. T. (1973). Rigid circular plate resting on a non-homogeneous elastic half-
space. Giotechnique 23, No. 1, 67-84.
Cole, K. W. & Burland, J. B. (1972). Observations of retaining wall movements associated with a large
excavation. Proc. 5th Europ. Conf. Soil Mech., Madrid 1,445-453.
Gibson, R. E. (1967). Some results concerning displacements and stresses in a non-homogeneous elastic
half-space. GPotechnique 17, No. 1,X-67; correspondence: 18, No. 2,275-276 and 19, No. 1, 16&161.
Hooper, J. A. (1973). Observations on the behaviour of a piled-raft foundation on London clay. Proc.
Znstn Civ. Engrs 55, Part 2, 855-877.
Hooper, J. A. (1974). Analysis of a circular raft in adhesive contact with a thick elastic layer. Giotechnique
24, No. 4, 561-580.
Timoshenko, S. & Goodier, J. N. (1970). Theory ofelasticity. 3rd edn. New York: McGraw-Hill.

Correlating the SPT N value with chalk grade for

some zones of the Upper Chalk


Recent work by Carter and Mallard (1974), indicates that age has a considerable influence
on the geotechnical properties of the majority of the chalk outcrop in Southeast England.
They showed that the younger Upper Chalk had lower density and strength characteristics
than the older chalks. This point is not taken into account in the general correlation suggested
by Wakeling (1969) between chalk grade and SPT N value, which has been widely used.
Apart from the conclusions made on the influence of chalk age, Carter and Mallard also
indicated that there was a significant difference in properties between the chalk of the Norfolk
coastal area and the remainder of the outcrop. Other chalk in Norfolk may differ from that
south of the Oxford Axis because of differences in the depositional environment. Thus
Wakeling’s correlation, which is in large part based on observations made at Mundford,
Norfolk, in Middle Chalk may be inappropriate to large areas of the chalk outcrop, both
because of location and because the majority of the chalk outcrop is Upper Chalk.
Many of the factors which affect settlement predictions in chalk revolve around chalk
grade, the deformability of the chalk mass being intrinsically linked to the joint spacing and

l Soils Engineer, Ground Engineering Ltd, Manor Way, Borehamwood, Hertfordshire.

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5 IO 15 10 25 30 35 40 45 745
5PT N values

Fig. 1. Frequency of N values against observed chalk grade

degree of weathering. The recent review of these factors by Hobbs (1974) reaffirms the
importance of establishing chalk grade. Ideally, the chalk grade profile across a site should
be established by visual inspection, since this yields the fullest information, and provides a
direct basis of correlating with elastic modulus. Frequently however, the correlation with
elastic modulus is made on the indirect basis of SPT N value.
The purpose of this Note is to examine the correlation between SPT N value and observed
chalk grade for some Upper Chalk zones, using data from two large site investigations in
Hampshire. The Chalk zones to which the data relate were predominantly micraster coran-
guinum or younger (hc5”‘-hr5’“). The study refers only to chalk above the groundwater
table. The chalk as exposed in test pits was graded, and these grades compared with SPT
N values recorded in shell and auger boreholes adjacent to the test pits. The chalk was
graded using the classification system of Ward et al. (1968) and Wakeling (1969), which is
summarized in Table 1. Whilst this classification was primarily developed for Mundford,
the basic grid of joint sizes has been found to have general application. Local structural
and weathering activity does, however, affect the block shape and degree of joint openings.
Thus, as an example, in the locality studied here, instances were found where the only difference
between grade III and II chalk was in the block size, the joints being closed. Such local
differences should always be noted, since they are likely to affect the elastic modulus, and are
important when comparing information from other sites. As a result, on some sites, it may
be necessary to introduce additional grades. However, it is considered that the system of
Ward et al. otherwise provides a good general basis for classifying and comparing chalks.
Figure 1 shows the SPTs recorded against each of the visually assessed grades. This
figure is based on a total test pit meterage of 224 m together with 251 N values. The figure
shows that whilst the general trend is for N values to increase with chalk grade, grades IV, III
and II are not easily distinguished by the SPT test. This point is emphasized in Table 2
which shows the closeness of the mean N values for these grades. Such a gradual change in
relative hardness may be expected since chalk of the same lithology may contain several

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grades of chalk due to structural movements. Thus the major contributory factor to the
differences in relative hardness appears to be the number and spacing of joints and the consis-
tency of their infill, coupled with the generally greater depth below ground level of the more
structured chalk. It should be noted that the results from Mundford contain an inherent
effect for depth since the grades from V to I were, in general, encountered at progressively
greater depths, and investigations went to 20 m. The results of the study presented here are
for the top 10 m below ground level.
The SPT tool is 38 mm diameter and, as in grade IV chalk the joints may be open to 20 mm,
over 90% of the test volume may be through discontinuities. However, in grade II
chalk, joints may be closed and over 200 mm apart, and as the N value depends only on a
300 mm test length, only one horizontal discontinuity may be encountered. Thus it would
appear that recorded differences in SPTs for different grades may largely be a function of the
consistency of the infill material rather than the hardness of the chalk rock. Fig. 1 indicates
a very gradual change in relative hardness with grade, and an overall contraction of the
scale proposed by Wakeling. This may be because, in the younger chalks of lower strength
and generally high porosity, there is less difference between the resistances to penetration of
infill and chalk rock than there is in the older chalks. Only the ranges of SPT results for
grades VI and V chalk were found to be in reasonable agreement with those proposed by
Wakeling. Hobbs (1974) has indicated that porosity has an influence on the elastic modulus
of structured chalk, thus it would in turn be expected to affect resistance to penetration.
Therefore structureless chalks, derived from chalk rock of different ages, may be similar
because the influence of porosity is small owing to the high proportion of matrix.

Table 1. Chalk classification

Grade Description
VI Extremely soft structureless chalk containing small
lumps of intact chalk
V Structureless remoulded chalk containing lumps of
intact chalk
IV Rubbly partly-weathered chalk with bedding and
jointing. Joints 10-60 mm apart, open to 20 mm
and often infilled with soft remoulded chalk and
III Rubbly to blocky unweathered chalk. Joints 60-200
mm apart, open to 3 mm and sometimes infilled with
II Blocky medium-hard chalk. Joints more than 200 mm
apart and closed
I As for Grade II but hard and brittle

Table 2. Chalk grade and SPT values in Upper Chalk (Iz,~~- hf6*)

Grade Observed Number of Overall Mean

meterage tests range

VI 21 3-15 8
t: 5-26
7V :!z 9-46 :z
III 64 ff 8-46
II 35 34 12-34 2:
I 10 10 21-50 43

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Fig. 2. Comparison of observed cbaIk grading with WakeIing’s correlation

A factor influencing the spread of results for each grade in Fig. 1 is the presence of flints
which occur frequently in the Upper Chalk, both in defined bands and sporadically, but
which are generally absent in the other chalk divisions. The long ‘tail’ to each grade distribu-
tion in Fig. 1 betrays their effect on the SPT test, and also explains why otherwise unexpectedly
high SPTs can occur in grades V and VI chalk. This latter point could easily lead to mis-
interpretation of chalk grade if test pit information were not available.
It can be seen from Fig. 1 that assessment of chalk grade from singular N values cannot be
adequately made without a broad statistical ‘background’. For example, several values of
N=17 were recorded in grades V, IV, III and II. Even with a statistical background, the
totalled results of SPTs, irrespective of grade, also given in Fig. 1, mask the variations recorded
for individual chalk grades. If test pits had not been dug, and the totalled results had been
interpreted according to Wakeling’s correlation, Fig. 2 shows what the resulting relative
grading would have been. Overdrawn on Fig. 2 is the observed meterage of each grade as
seen in test pits, and this shows that an assessment solely on SPTs and Wakeling’s correlation
would have been erroneous and misleading.

It has been shown that different areas of the chalk outcrop have different correlations between
N value and chalk grade, and that for the Upper Chalk studied, it is not easy to interpret
chalk grade directly from the N values. It is suggested that the following points may help in
the assessment of chalk grade from site investigation information.
It is essential, whenever possible, to make visual observations of the chalk in test pits,
since many factors may affect the SPT, not the least of which is the presence of water. The
chalk exposed in test pits can be wrongly graded, due to excavation smear, unless at least
part of the face is cleaned down by hand prior to logging. Local differences with the classifica-
tion system employed should be noted, thus full descriptions should always be given in addition
to quoting the chalk grade.
A correlation between N value and chalk grade should be made for each site for two reasons:
to compare with previous experience; and to facilitate chalk grade interpretation from N values
at other locations and at depths not penetrated by test pits.

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Where shell and auger boring is used, drillers sometimes add water to assist with boring.
This practice should be discouraged, but if it is necessary, accurate notes should be kept
because of the possible effect on the SPT.
The presence of hints should be noted during boring, and examination of the disturbed
sample from the SPT tool shoe may indicate if flints have affected the test.
UlOO samples are still of some value despite sample disturbance, since the in situ chalk will
be at least as good as that recovered. Additionally, the in situ discontinuities are frequently
stained, and if this has been observed in test pits, it may be possible to distinguish such dis-
continuities from the fractures induced by sampling and so assist with grading. The relative
number of blows required to recover samples from different depths can also be useful, though
due allowance should again be made for the presence of flints.

The Author acknowledges the permission given by the director of the SERCU section of the
Department of the Environment for the use of data.

Carter, P. G. & Mallard, D. J. (1974). A study of the strength compressibility and density tends within
the chalk of south-east England. Q. Jr11Engng Geol. 7, No. 1, 43-55.
Hobbs, N. B. (1974). Review paper: rocks. Cambridge Conference on Settlement of Structures. London:
British Geotechnical Society.
Wakeling, T. R. M. (1969). A comparison of the results of standard site investigation methods against the
results of a detailed geotechnical investigation in Middle Chalk at Mundford, Norfolk. Proc. Conf.
In Situ Znvestigations in Soils and Rocks, 17-22. London: British Geotechnical Society.
Ward, W. H., Burland, J. B. & Gallois, R. W. (1968). Geotechnical assessment of a site at Mundford,
Norfolk, for a proton accelerator. Gdotechnique 18, No. 4, 399-431.

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