TOWSAnalysisWorksheet - DD

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External Opportunities (O) External Threats (T)

1.Infrastructure can be leased out to 1.Desertion of advertisers and

cable and satellite channel. producers may result in loss of
2.Digital terrestrial transmission.
2.Due to quality of program, the reach
3.Regional focused channels.
of C & S network is continuously
4.Allotment of time, slots to other expanding.
3.As the C & S network need the
trained staffs, some employees of DD
may switchover and take new jobs.

4.Best of the market-technology is

being used by the private channels.

Internal Strengths (S) SO ST

1.More than 1000 transmitters. 1.Leverage the extensive transmitter 1.Strengthen relationships with
network to lease infrastructure to cable advertisers and producers to prevent
2.Covering 90% of population
and satellite channels. desertion and revenue loss.
across 70 million homes against
only 30 million homes by C & S. 2.Utilize the wide coverage to offer 2.Innovate and improve program
regional-focused channels and attract quality to counter the expanding reach
3.More than 20,000 employees.
more viewership. of C & S network.

3.Collaborate with other broadcasters 3.Implement retention strategies to

by allotting time slots, leading to prevent the loss of trained staff to
increased revenue potential. private channels.

Maxi-Maxi Strategy Maxi-Mini Strategy

Internal Weaknesses (W) WO WT

1.Rigid pricing strategy. 1.Revise the pricing strategy to be 1.Address the weaknesses in
more flexible and market responsive. credibility and program quality to
2.Low credibility with certain
withstand competition from private
sections of society. 2.Invest in improving program quality
to enhance credibility and compete
3.Quality of program's is not as
with C & S network. 2.Re-evaluate pricing strategy to retain
good as compared to C & S
advertisers and producers despite
network. 3.Explore digital terrestrial
threats from private channels'
transmission to tap into new audience
advanced technology.

Mini-Maxi Strategy Mini-Mini Strategy

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