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A Hello, hello. It's 'A'. I can you _________________ ?

B Hello. I am looking for ________________________ because I have__________

here for __________weeks.
One moment. I look for. You want an apartment with how many_____________?
B I would like ____________ with three coins.
At Voila, we have an apartment on the ____________floors, with a
large__________, two___________ and a
B Which _____________ is it in?
A The ______________ is located in the ______________ district.
B Is the _____________ close?

A Yes, the supermarket is just ______________, and in front of the

B Oh good. I love'_______________. There is also a ______________ ?
A There is an elevator and a small _____________.
B How much does __________ cost?
A The _________ costs 500 euros ____________.
B I can______________ the apartment?
A Yes, you_____________ are looking at the apartment tomorrow. Your name
B My name is ___________________.
A Okay sir/madam/miss 'B'. See you tomorrow. Thankyou very much and
B Please see you tomorrow.

A Hello, hello. Ianya adalah'. Saya boleh awak _________________ ?

B Hello. Saya sedang mencari ________________________ kerana saya
mempunyai__________ di sini selama __________minggu.
Satu masa. saya cari. Anda mahukan sebuah apartmen dengan berapa
B Saya ingin ____________ dengan tiga syiling.
Di Voila, kami mempunyai sebuah apartmen di ____________lantai, dengan
__________ yang besar, dua___________ dan a
B _____________ manakah di dalamnya?
A ______________ itu terletak di daerah ______________.
B Adakah _____________ hampir?

A Ya, pasar raya itu hanya ______________, dan di hadapan ____________.

B Oh bagus. Saya cinta'_______________. Terdapat juga ______________ ?
A Terdapat lif dan _____________ kecil.
B Berapakah kos __________?
A _________ itu berharga 500 euro ____________.
B saya boleh______________ pangsapuri itu?
A Ya, awak _____________ sedang melihat pangsapuri esok. Nama awak
B Nama saya ___________________.
A Okay tuan/puan/cik 'B'. Jumpa kamu esok. Terima kasih banyak-banyak dan
selamat tinggal.
B Sila jumpa esok.

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