Final Report of Importance of Water

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Water is a fundamental and irreplaceable component of the human diet, playing a critical role in
maintaining overall health and well-being. Adequate hydration is essential for various physiological
processes, including digestion, circulation, temperature regulation, and waste elimination. This
comprehensive report delves into the significance of water in the human diet, explores the various
functions it serves, and provides detailed guidelines for assessing hydration status using multiple

Fluid balance

• The body's water and mineral balance is meticulously controlled by detectors throughout the
body, neural pathways to the brain, and hormonal factors. Small changes in water levels
trigger adjustments through brain centers, influencing drinking and urine excretion.

• Water is the primary component of bodily fluids, including blood, lymph, and digestive
juices. It serves as a medium for the transportation of nutrients and oxygen to cells while
removing waste products and toxins. Proper hydration ensures that these processes occur
efficiently, safeguarding cellular health.


• Hydration is crucial for the body's temperature regulation, especially in hot environments
and during physical activity. Sweating is a key cooling mechanism, but it can lead to
dehydration if not balanced with fluid intake. Dehydration from sweating causes electrolyte
loss, reduced plasma volume, and increased plasma osmolality, making it harder for sweat to
cool the body.

• Adequate fluid intake helps maintain proper hydration and effective temperature control.
With repeated exposure to heat, the body adapts, reducing the risk of heat-related illness.
Increasing water intake during this adaptation doesn't speed up the process but may help
prevent mild dehydration and associated issues like elevated cortisol levels, increased
sweating, and electrolyte imbalances.

Physical performance

• Water and hydration play a vital role in physical activity, especially for athletes and military
personnel. Even minor levels of dehydration, as little as 2%, can lead to reduced physical
performance, including decreased endurance, increased fatigue, altered temperature
regulation, reduced motivation, and heightened perceived effort. Rehydration can reverse
these effects and reduce exercise-induced oxidative stress.

• Athletes, especially at the start of a season or in hot weather, are at risk of dehydration if
they are not acclimated to the conditions or experience a sudden increase in activity levels.
Performance is more affected in temperate and hot climates compared to cold temperatures.

Cognitive performance

• Water, or the lack of it (dehydration), can impact cognitive function. Even mild dehydration
can lead to disruptions in mood and cognitive abilities. Mild to moderate dehydration can
impair concentration, alertness, short-term memory, and various cognitive functions such as
perceptual discrimination, arithmetic ability, visuomotor tracking, and psychomotor skills.

• In some cases, mild dehydration led to increased subjective feelings of fatigue, confusion,
anger, and reduced vigor.

Gastrointestinal function

• Typically, the small intestine's upper part is where dietary fluids are absorbed. Not
consuming enough fluids is often blamed for causing constipation, and one of the commonly
suggested remedies is to boost fluid intake.

Kidney function

• The kidney regulates water balance through hormonal control, maintaining plasma
osmolality within a specific range. When osmolality rises, arginine vasopressin (AVP) is
released to conserve water, leading to concentrated urine. When osmolality falls, AVP
release stops, and the kidneys produce more dilute urine.

• Additionally, the kidneys need water to filter waste from the blood, with a minimum required
urine volume that varies based on solute levels and AVP levels.

Heart Function

• Blood volume, blood pressure, and heart rate are interrelated. The body normally maintains
blood volume by balancing water intake and output, largely regulated by the kidneys.

• The condition, known as postural or orthostatic hypotension, can be alleviated by drinking

300–500 ml of water. Drinking water promptly reduces heart rate and raises blood pressure,
and these effects occur within 15–20 minutes of consumption, lasting up to an hour.

Hydration Assessment Techniques

1. Isotope Dilution

Principle: Isotope dilution is a precise laboratory method used to measure total body water (TBW). A
known amount of a non-radioactive water isotope (e.g., deuterium oxide, D2O) is introduced into the
body. The concentration change of the isotope in body fluids is used to calculate TBW.

Application: This method is valuable for research purposes, providing an accurate measure of TBW
and, by extension, body composition. It is less practical for routine clinical assessments due to the
need for specialized equipment and expertise.

2. Neutron Activation Analysis

Principle: Neutron activation analysis is an advanced technique that measures the body's content of
specific isotopes (e.g., oxygen-18) by subjecting samples to neutron irradiation. The decay of
activated isotopes is quantified to determine total body water.
Application: This technique offers precise measurements and is commonly used in research settings
to study water metabolism and body composition. However, it is not practical for routine clinical use
due to the complex instrumentation required.

3. Bioelectrical Impedance

Principle: Bioelectrical impedance measures the resistance of electrical flow through body tissues.
Hydration status affects electrical conductivity, allowing the estimation of total body water and,
consequently, body fat percentage.

Application: Bioelectrical impedance devices are available for home use, making them convenient for
routine hydration assessment. They provide quick estimates of hydration status and body
composition. However, accuracy can vary based on device quality and user factors.

4. Body Mass Change

Principle: Monitoring changes in body weight before and after fluid intake, exercise, or heat exposure
provides an indirect assessment of hydration status. It assumes that changes in weight primarily
reflect changes in body water.

Application: This method is straightforward and can be used in various settings. However, it is
influenced by factors such as food intake, sweat loss, and urine output, making it less precise than
other methods for assessing short-term changes in hydration status.

5. Thirst Perception

Principle: Thirst perception is a subjective assessment of hydration status. It relies on individuals'

awareness of their thirst and their ability to interpret this sensation accurately.

Application: Thirst perception is useful in daily life to guide fluid intake. However, it may not be
precise, as factors like age and environmental conditions can affect thirst perception. It is typically
combined with other methods for comprehensive assessments.

6. Tracer Appearance

Principle: Tracer appearance involves introducing a specific marker (tracer) into the body and
monitoring its appearance in bodily fluids (e.g., blood or urine). The rate of appearance can reflect
changes in total body water.

Application: This method is often used in research settings to investigate fluid dynamics. Tracers like
isotopes or stable water isotopes can provide valuable insights into hydration changes over time.
7. Hematologic Indices

Principle: Hematologic indices, such as hematocrit and hemoglobin concentration, can be influenced
by changes in blood volume, which, in turn, can reflect hydration status. Dehydration tends to
increase these indices.

Application: Hematologic indices are commonly used in clinical practice and can serve as indirect
indicators of hydration status, especially when combined with other assessment methods. They are
readily available and cost-effective.

8. Urinary Markers

Principle: Analysis of urinary markers, including specific gravity, osmolality, and color, provides
valuable information about hydration status. Concentrated urine with a high specific gravity or
osmolality may indicate dehydration.

Application: Urinary markers are practical for routine hydration assessments. They are non-invasive
and can be readily measured using simple tools like refractometers or color charts. However, they
provide information about hydration at the time of measurement and may not capture long-term


Water is an indispensable component of the human diet, and maintaining proper hydration is vital
for overall health and well-being. Recognizing the signs of dehydration and utilizing a combination of
assessment methods, including monitoring thirst, urine color, urination frequency, skin elasticity,
body weight, and, in specific cases, sweat rate and electrolyte loss, can help individuals ensure they
are optimally hydrated.

Individual hydration needs can vary based on factors such as age, activity level, climate, and overall
health. For personalized hydration recommendations, it is advisable to consult with healthcare
professionals or registered dietitians who can tailor advice to specific needs and circumstances.

Promoting awareness of the importance of water in the diet and providing guidance on assessing
hydration status can contribute to healthier, more energetic lives, with individuals better equipped to
meet their daily hydration requirements.


• Armstrong, L. E. (2005). Hydration assessment techniques. Nutrition Reviews, 63(6), 40–54.

• Popkin, B. M., D’Anci, K. E., & Rosenberg, I. H. (2010). Water, hydration, and health. Nutrition
Reviews, 68(8), 439–458.

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