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In today’s society, [topic] has become an essential part of the rising debate in the

present world, including in Vietnam. It is widely debate whether [viet xuong quan
diem duoc ban luan]. Personally, I strongly agree that [quan diem minh dong y].
This essay will provide some reasons and relevant example to support my
First and foremost, it should be recognized that [ly do 1]. This mean that [Giai
thich]. One example, that supports this view is [vi du]. This clearly demonstrates
that [Topic] has a positive/negative impact on…
Another interesting point is that [Ly do 2]. This is beacause of the fact that [Giai
thich]. For instance, [vi du]. This evidence suggest that [giai thich rang vi du nay
ung ho quan diem cua ban nhu the nao]
In conclusion, this essay argued that [viet lai quan diem cua ban]. However,
everything has two sides and this situation is no exception. Therefore, the efficient
use of [topic] should be promoted, nevertheless, its misuse should be condemned

In today’s society, attending university or vocational schools has become an essential part of the
rising debate in the present the world, including in Vietnam. It is widely debate whether more
students should be encouraged to go to vocational schools. Personally, I strongly disagree with
that opinion. This essay will provide some reasons and relevant example to support my
First and foremost, it should be recognized that university education plays an important role in
developing careers. It means that it provides students with in-depth knowledge and skills about
their major such as critical thinkings, communication skills which are useful in various fields. As
a result, they can professionals in their field and have high positions in the future. One example,
that supports this view is people with higher level education tend to have higher salaries than
those with lower level of education. This clearly demonstrates that attending university has a
positive impact on students’s carees pathways.
Another interesting point is that the labor market has been changing with the development of
technology. More and more corporations or companies use technology to enhance their products,
therefore, they need high quailifications and knowledge people to be to operate well and workers
who have vocational degrees find it to difficult to have a job. For instance, when the product
quality is not good, only university students have enough knowledge to find to fault and
surmount the problem. This evidence suggests that university education could provide students
with certain and advanced skills to have a job in the modern world.
In conclusion, this essay will argued that going to university has more benefits. However,
everything has both two sides, and this situation is no exception. Therefore, the efficient use of
attending university should be promoted. Nevertheless, its misuse should be condemned.

Nowadays, obesity is a serious global problem in today’s society, especially among

young people. It has negative impact on children’s health. This essay will examine
some causes of this problem and suggest solutions to solve it.
There are some factors lead to becoming overweight. First and foremost, young
people has unhealthy diet. Kids tend to enjoy eating a lot of fast food such as
hamburger, sugar drinks, fried chicken and so on which contain plenty of butter,
oil, salt…Besides, nowadays parents are too busy with their career so they do not
have enough time to cook healthy meals. Therefore, take away food can be a best
choice for them. This is bad for children’s health and they might gain weight very
quickly. The second reason is that kids have inactive life. For example, many
children prefer playing computer games, watching TV and surfing the Internet
instead of participating in outdoor activities. Therefore, children become too lazy
and have high risks of overweight.
There are several methods to deal with this problem. The first solution is that
parents encourages children to have a healthy diet and an active lifestyle. For
example, parents should try to cook healthy meals at home so that children can
limit eating fast food and sugar, at the same time, children should eat more fruits,
vegetables and drink more water to provide vitamins or minerals which are good
for their health. Furthermore, parents could help their children to lead an active
lifestyle. For instance, playing some sports or taking part in social activities which
help children keep fit and lose weight. Last but not least, the government could
limit advertisements about junk food. By doing so, children can choose healthier
In conclusion, the above mentioned facts have outlined the reasons as well as the
measures of overweight in children. The presented suggestion would be very good
steps towards solving them. People should have further consideration on this issue

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