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1) Why are you turning the television off? I...........(WATCH) the news in a moment.
2) ”Oh! I´ve just realised I haven’t got any money”. “Have you? Well, do not worry! I..........(LEND)
you some”.
3) What you................(DO) if I visit you at six this evening?
4) ”What time the play.................(START) this evening?”. “At 8 and afterwards we.............. (HAVE)
dinner at the Trocadero”.
5) I..............(PHONE) Jim but I decided to write a letter to him instead.
6) ”Good bye! Have a nice holiday!”. “Thanks. I..................(SEND) you a postcard”.
7) ”I’ve decided to repaint this room”. “Oh! Have you? What colour you.................(PAINT) it?”.
8) ”I don’t know how to use this camera”. “It’s quite easy. I.............(SHOW) you”.
9) ”I’m bored with this programme. What time it................(END)?”.
10) Sue...............(COME) home to see us tomorrow. She..................(TRAVEL) by train and her train…………
(ARRIVE) at 10.15.
11) When Liz.................(PLAY) tennis with Sean next Sunday, she............................ (WIN ) as usual.
12) ”What would you like to eat?”. “I....................(HAVE) a sandwich, please”.
13) He spends his spare time planting trees. He says that by the end of the next year he..........
(PLANT) 2,000.
14) ”Pete, do you want me to pick you up at the school?” . “No, thanks, Liz.................(PICK UP) me”.
15)This time next week I.................(WASH / NOT) the breakfast things. I................(HAVE)
breakfast in bed in a luxury hotel.

16) ”When I last saw Paul, he...............(GIVE UP) his job”. “That is right but in the end he decided to
stay where he was”.
17) The table you..............(BUY / JUST) is quite modern. Where you.......................(PUT) it?.
18) I...............(OPEN) the window? It’s too hot in and you’re too pale.
19) I’m too tired to walk home. I..............(TAKE) a taxi.
20) ”I..............(GIVE) you a lift to work tomorrow if you like”. “Have you borrowed a car?”. “No, I´ve
just bought one. I................(COLLECT) it this afternoon”.
21) When I finish my tour next week, I................(GIVE) exactly the same lecture 54 times.
22) ”You............(LEND) me some money for the train ticket?”
23) You.............(FEEL) better after you have had something to eat.
24) Mary............(BUY) some food in the supermarket this afternoon but afterwards she´s decided
to stay at home because it is very cold out.
26) The Prime Minister ………………(ATTEND) the European Summit in two days.
27) When I...........(SEE) Tom tomorrow, I..............(INVITE) him to our party.
28) ”The ceiling in this room doesn't look very safe, does it?”. “No, it looks as if it..............(FALL
29) ”We need some bread for lunch”. “Oh, do we? I................(GO) to the shop to get some. I fancy
going for a walk”.
30) The next art exhibition...............(OPEN) on 3 May and..................(FINISH) on 15 July at the
Tate Gallery.

31) If Paul..............(CONTINUE) buying such a lot of stuff, he...................(SPEND) all his money before
the end of the month.
32) In fifty years there..................(BE / NOT) any oil left.
33) There is a hole in the bottom of the boat. It is filling up with water very quickly. It..................
34) We..................(NOT / START) dinner this evening until Jack............(ARRIVE BACK) and..............
(HAVE) a shower.
35) I don’t know what I...........(DO) in a near future. At the moment I............(TRY) to revise for the
exams. But I don’t know enough. I.......................(FAIL).
36) Hurry up! The train…………………(LEAVE). You can miss it!!!!
37) We are late and I only expect the film...............(NOT / BEGIN ) by the time we................ (GET) to
the cinema.
38) ”Is it all right if I come at about 8,30?”. “No, don’t come then. I.............................(WATCH) the
match on television”.
39) ”Come on! Hurry up! Ann................(BE) annoyed if we.................(BE) late”.
40) ”What a mess! You...................(HELP) me clean it up?”.
41) ”Congratulations! You.............(HAVE) a baby next June!”.
42) ”Do not come over until 4 o´clock. I.................(ATTEND) a lecture between noon and half past
43) If your brother....................(GO OUT) without a jacket, he..................... (CATCH) cold.
44) By the time you................(FINISH) work this afternoon, I..............(DO) the shopping and............
(MAKE) dinner.
45) ”George, is it true you..............(GET MARRIED) next week?”.

46) ”Why we...............(NOT / HAVE) a party at Sue’s tomorrow?”. “That’s a good idea. I............(BUY)
some drinks”.
47) ”You................(GO) to the concert tonight?”. “I don’t know. I.................(TRY) and.................(BUY)
tickets this afternoon.
48) I..................(CROSS) the road when someone shouted “stop!”.
49) ”Remember to get a newspaper when you go out” . “OK. I.....................................(NOT / FORGET)
50) We.....................(GO) to the gym now? We need some relax.
51) Can you wait for me? I......................(NOT / BE) long.
52) ”Have you decided what to do about the job you were interested in?” . “Yes, I.................(NOT /
APPLY) for it”.
53) ”I’m in a hurry. I need someone to take me to the airport now” . “That’s no problem! I...........
(TAKE) you”.
54) He.............(BUY) a new car but he couldn’t get the necessary amount of money”.
55) Do not visit her at 7 p.m. this evening! She................(GO) for a walk with her daughter but I’m
sure she................(BE) back at 8.15.
56) The opera season..............(BEGIN) on December 8th. I’ve just got two cards. You............. (COME)
with me to the premiere that night?
57) We...............(HIRE) an apartment to spend Easter at the seaside?
58) I’m sure my friends.........(do) their best in passing this exam.
59) Are you completely sure Paul………………………(CHECK OVER) every report by 7 o´clock this afternoon?
60) My sister…………………(TRAVEL) to the USA next winter but as she………………(WORK) now for an
important firm, she………………(PUT OFF / JUST) it.

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