WB Practice QP 2

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Class X Exam 2023-24

English Language and Literature (184)

Time Allowed : 3 Hrs. Maximum Marks: 80
General Instructions:
1. The Question Paper contains THREE sections READING, GRAMMAR & WRITING and LITERATURE.
2. Attempt question based on specific instructions for each part.


Reading Comprehension Through Unseen Passages

1. Read the following text. 10

1. The world is big but in a sense, it starts with me. Knowledge and awareness about myself have to
precede my knowledge of things other than me. If I want the external environment to appreciate value.
I need to do it by myself, first. In order to make the atmosphere around me green, I have to be green
myself, in belief and action.
2. From dusk to dawn and dawn to dusk, our every activity leaves its footprint on the environment and
ecology. It is a 24 x 7, eternal phenomenon. A laboured consciousness of having to go green in all
possible areas is required in each one of us. It is, after all, our own self-interest and that of our
descendants. The conscious application of change is going to become a habit and one’s culture in due
course. Though we read and hear a lot of green initiatives, we hardly tweak our routines to suit the
larger picture.
3. Greenery in the surroundings prevents dust and noise pollution. The way we water and manure plants
also matters. Water is also a fast-depleting resource. Sprinklers are one example to use and conserve it.
Compost from biowaste can be used as manure for plants which is cost-effective and eco-friendly. We
can also contribute to the preservation of water bodies by not dumping our garbage in them. The use of
public transport systems in the place of individual modes can reduce carbon footprint.
4. ‘Reuse’, ‘Recycle, ‘Re-engineer’ and ‘Renew’ are the mantras. Let us appreciate, support and
contribute our might to the promotional efforts of the community in this direction. Remember, my
ecology is also the community, society and nation that I care for which in turn cares for me. In other
words, all these seemingly outward initiatives done for others are going to make my life more
comfortable ultimately.
5. I have to be, therefore, concerned about what sort of environment I am responsible for, for my own
sustenance, livelihood and progress. As long as my impact is positive, my presence will be welcome.
If it is otherwise, I am going to be shunned. It is either ‘Embrace’ or ‘Embarrass’.
6. Green initiatives are anti-scorch Earth. Air, water and soil need to be conserved for the thriving of
mankind in the future. The increasing onslaughts on the quality of air and soil need to be reversed. The
indiscriminate exploitation of water-consumable water is only 0.3% of freshwater-needs to be stopped.
The Earth ought not to shrink further, continue to breathe easy. Mother Earth looks for only love and
cares from her children and nothing more in return for all the wealth she has so generously showered
on us.
Answer the following questions, based on the passage above.
i. Why does the author say that one should be concerned about the environment? 1
(a) For future generations
(b) For the betterment of country
(c) For the betterment of culture
(d) For better sustenance
ii. The writer is all for measures to be taken to save the planet Earth when he says, ‘Air, water and soil
need to be conserved for the thriving of mankind in the future.” (Paragraph 6) 2
State any two solutions he offers in the extract in about 40 words.
iii. Complete the sentence appropriately. 1
We need to conserve water because .
iv. The passage includes some words that are opposites of each other. From the sets (a)-(e) given below,
identify two sets of antonyms. 1
(a) Belief and action
(b) Knowledge and awareness
(c) Reduce and increasing
(d) Indiscriminate and change
(e) Dusk and dawn
v. Complete the sentence appropriately. 1
The author says that the Earth ought not to shrink further and continue to breathe easy because .
vi. Supply one point to justify the following in about 40 words. 2
I need to do it by myself, first. In order to make the atmosphere around me green, I have to be green
myself, in belief and action.
vii. Why does the writer says “The use of public transport systems in the place of individual modes...”? 1
(a) to manage ecosystem
(b) to enhance air quality
(c) to reduce carbon footprint
(d) All of these
viii. Based on your reading of the text, list any 2 preventive measures for the author’s statement “Water is
also a fast-depleting resource,” in Paragraph 3. 1

2. Read the following text. 10

1. India is home to an estimated 10% of the global Snow Leopard population spread across five
Himalayan states of Jammu and Kashmir, Himachal Pradesh, Uttarakhand, Sikkim and Arunachal
Pradesh which is only 5% of the available global habitat for the animal.
2. Project Snow Leopard was introduced in India by the Project Snow Leopard Committee instituted by
the Ministry of Environment and Forests, Government of India, in the year 2009 to safeguard and
conserve India’s unique natural heritage of high-altitude wildlife populations and their habitats by
promoting conservation through participatory policies and actions.
3. Project Tiger and Project Elephant are prevalent in India with the former introduced in 1973 garnering
worldwide attention.
4. The Snow Leopard usually occurs at an altitude of >2700m above sea level and is the apex predator
in the Himalayan Region along with the Tibetan Wolf. The project is not only to protect the Snow
Leopard but as with Project Tiger, it is considered an umbrella species and with its protection, comes
the protection of other species and the habitat of which they are all a part.
5. Top 3 National Parks in India where the Snow Leopard can likely be seen
i. Kibber Wildlife Sanctuary - Himachal Pradesh
ii. Ulley Valley - Ladakh
iii. Hemis National Park - Himachal Pradesh

6. The reasons for the introduction of Project Snow Leopard are as follows.
i. High altitudes of India > 3000m including the Himalayan and Trans-Himalayan biogeographic
zones support a unique wildlife assemblage of global conservation.
ii. There has been relatively less attention on the region from the viewpoint of wildlife conservation.
iii. The region represents a vast rangeland system supporting important traditional pastoral
economies and lifestyles.
iv. The region provides essential ecosystem services and harbours river systems vital for the
nation’s food security.
v. India has ratified international agreements promoting the conservation of high-altitude wildlife
species such as the snow leopard.
vi. The region is important for the country’s national security as well as international relations.
vii. The high-altitude wildlife in India today faces a variety of threats.
viii. The existing high-altitude protected areas in India require considerable strengthening.
ix. Wildlife Management in the region needs to be made participatory.
Answer the following questions, based on the passage above.
i. Complete the following sentence appropriately. 1
Project Snow Leopard was introduced in India to .
ii. Select the appropriate option to fill in the blanks from Paragraph 4. 1
The and the which usually occur at an altitude of >2700m, are the apex predators in the
Himalayan Region.
iii. What do you understand by the word ‘ratified’ in point number (vi) in paragraph 6? Why do you think
India has ‘ratified’ the international agreements? (Answer in about 40 words) 2
iv. Infer the meaning of the phrase ‘snow leopard is considered an umbrella species’ from the passage. 1
v. In which states/UTs of India can the Snow Leopards be found? 1
vi. Select the correct option to complete the following sentence. 1
The reason for the introduction of Project Snow Leopard in high altitudes is that .
(a) the region provides essential ecosystem services and harbours river systems vital for the nation’s
food security
(b) the region has a cold climate
(c) the region offers a very less chance of survival for other animals
(d) snow Leopard survive better in such climates
vii. List any two reasons for the introduction of Project Snow Leopard in high altitudes in about 40
words. 2
viii. Which of the following is an appropriate title for paragraph 2? 1
(a) Project Snow Leopard
(b) Project Tiger
(c) Preserving India’s wild
(d) Man in the Wild


3. Complete ANY TEN of twelve of the following tasks, as directed. 1 # 10 = 10
i. Fill in the blank by choosing the correct option to complete the sentence. 1
For the past few days, I pleasantly by world leaders who were coming to pay their
respects before the inauguration.
(a) have been besieged
(b) had been besieged
(c) was besieged
(d) was being besieged
ii. Read the conversation between a teacher and her students. Complete the sentence by reporting the
conversation between the two. 1
Students : Who gets the teacher’s medal in creativity?
Teacher : Unfortunately, this student has been absent from school for some days and is not here to
receive the applause that is due to her.
When the students asked the teacher about the winner, she informed them that from school for
some days and .
iii. Select the correct option to fill in the blank for the given line, from a travel magazine. 1
The Monyu festival of the Phoms, which marks the end of winter with dancing, singing and social
work, such as the and construction of bridges.
(a) is celebrated, repairing
(b) celebrate, repair
(c) celebrates, repairing
(d) celebration, repaired
iv. Select the option that identifies the error and supplies the correction for the following line, from a
history textbook. 1
The rebel troops crossed the bridge in boats over the Yamuna and stood clamouring for admittance
below the Red Fort walls.
Option No. Error Correction
(a) troops troop
(b) in of
(c) over under
(d) for over

v. Complete the given narrative, by filling in the blank with the correct option. 1
They the path into the woods that disappeared perhaps into a grove of lush, old trees touching the
soil with long aerial roots.
(a) went into (b) went along
(c) were going into (d) had gone into
vi. Fill in the blank by using the correct form of the word in the bracket, for the given portion of a letter. 1
Dear Sir,
We (organise) our Annual Function on 5th November 20xx. On this special occasion, we would be
pleased if you accept to be the guest of honour and send us a confirmation.
vii. Report the dialogue between a grandson and his grandfather, by completing the sentence. 1
Grandson : Why are you planting so many saplings, Grandpa?
Grandfather : We need to learn the quality of giving selflessly only from the trees.
A grandson asked his grandpa why so many saplings , to which the old man replied that
the quality of giving selflessly only from the trees.
viii. Identify the error in the given sentence, from a story in a popular magazine and supply the correction. 1
The woman agreed to apply for the post after suggested by the police superintendent.

Use the given format for your response.

Error Correction
ix. Read the response of a child to his mother: 1
“You have misunderstood my words, Mummy!”
Now, report the question posed by the mother.
(a) The mother asked angrily what he means by those words.
(b) The mother asked angrily what he meant by those word.
(c) The mother asked angrily what did he meant by those words.
(d) The mother asked angrily what he meant by those words.
x. Identify the error in the given sentence and supply the correction. 1
Labelling a child as obese should run the risk of making him angry. Use

the given format for your response.

Error Correction

xi. Select the correct option to complete the narration of the conversation between two friends studying in
different universities. 1
A : Recently, we honoured Professor Timothy Walsh with an award for outstanding work in languages.
B : Do you know that his research work by the students of linguistics all over the world?
(a) was referred to (b) had been referred to
(c) will be referred to (d) is referred to

xii. Identify the error on the door of an office and supply the correction. 1
Executive Bored Room
Keep Silence!

Use the given format for your response.

Error Correction

Note : All details presented in the questions are imaginary and created for assessment purpose.

4. Attempt ANY ONE from A and B given below. 5

A. You are Manish Paswan of 46, Tughlaq Road, New Delhi, Write a letter to the SHO, Tilak Marg
Police Station, New Delhi, complaining against eve teasing in your area (word limit 100-120 words).

B. You happened to read the recently published report by National Crime Records Bureau (NCRB) 2021
that stated that fatalities in road accidents in India were the most in 2021 and the highest since 2014.
Anxious, you decided to write a letter to the editor of a newspaper to shake up the authorities and the
public about obeying traffic rules for everyone’s safety. Write the letter as Alok Jha from Lucknow, Uttar
Pradesh. Invent necessary details.
5. Attempt ANY ONE from A and B given below. 5
A. Write a paragraph in about 100-120 words on the following topic.
Covid-19 — Novel Coronavirus Pandemic
Hints : Covid-19 a new strain of Coronavirus Identified in Wuhan, China Named Covid-
19 Symptoms — runny nose, sore throat, cough and fever, breathing difficulties and organ
failure A fatal disease Dangerous to elderly people, minor Children and persons with pre-
existing medical condition Prevention. Hand washing, using sanitizer, wearing masks and
observing Social Distancing

B. Write a paragraph in about 100-120 words on the following topic.
Come Back to the Nature
Hints : Meaning of back to the nature Turning away from urban environments to agrarian
lifestyle Rousseau The foremost proponent of a primitive idea of turning to back to
nature How to go back to the nature Go to state parks Plan a beach trip Visit
the famous garden ‘staycation’-hiking visit to national Park.


6. Read the given extracts and answer the questions for ANY ONE of the two, given. 5
A. As she and her husband turned away in terror, the extraordinary chair pushed them both out of the
room and then appeared to slam and lock the door after them. Mrs Hall almost fell down the stairs in
hysterics. She was convinced that the room was haunted by spirits, and that the stranger had somehow
caused these to enter into her furniture.
“My poor mother used to sit in that chair,” she moaned! To think it should rise up against me now!
The feeling among the neighbours was that the trouble was caused by witchcraft.
(Footprints without Feet)

i. State any one inference about Mrs. Hall ‘moaning’ about ‘the extraordinary chair’ from the given
context. 1
‘the extraordinary chair pushed them both out of the room and then appeared to slam and lock the door
after them.’
ii. State TRUE or FALSE. 1
The spirits haunted the house and the furniture in Griffin’s room was surely possessed according to the
None of the terms (a)-(d) below, can be applied to the given statement.
(a) a hypothesis
(b) an assumption
(c) just a superstition
(d) a theory waiting to be proved
iii. Elaborate in about 40 words, with reference to the extract. 2
Mrs. Hall ‘was convinced that the room was haunted by spirits’ and other people thought so too.
iv. Which phrase would correctly substitute ‘in hysterics’ as given in the extract? 1
Mrs. Hall almost fell down the stairs in hysterics.

B. “It was only when I began to learn that my boyhood freedom was an illusion, when I discovered as a
young man that my freedom had already been taken from me, that I began to hunger for it. At first as a
student I wanted freedom only for myself the transitory freedoms of being able to stay out at night,
read what I pleased and go where I chose. Later; as a young man in Johannesburg, I yearned for the
basic and honourable freedoms of achieving my potential, of earning my keep, of marrying and having
a family- the freedom not to be obstructed in a lawful life.”
(Nelson Mandela: Long Walk to Freedom)

i. The speaker’s attitude towards his freedom when he was in his boyhood can be summed up as . 1
(a) being self-centered
(b) being naive
(c) being foolish
(d) being indifferent to others
ii. How does Nelson Mandela understand the concept of “transitory freedoms”? Answer in about 40
words. 2
iii. In the statement, ‘I discovered as a young man that my freedom had already been taken from me, that I
began to hunger for it,’ what was Mandela hungering after? 1
(a) The desire to lead a normal respectful life as a citizen.
(b) The desire to fulfil all his professional dreams.
(c) The breaking of the chains that bound his fellow citizens.
iv. If ‘Point of View’ is the narration of a story that can be told from a first, second, or third person’s point
of view, the given extract is told . 1

7. Read the given extracts and answer the questions for ANY ONE of the two, given. 5
A. Don’t eat that chocolate, Amanda!
Remember your acne, Amanda!
Will you please look at me when I’m speaking to you, Amanda!
(I am Rapunzel, I have not a care; life in a tower is tranquil and rare; I’ll certainly never let down my
bright hair!)
i. Fill the blank with suitable word/words as you deem fit. 1
The tone of the speaker in the above stanza is .

ii. What is the listener’s reaction to being constantly scolded? 1

iii. How is Amanda going to be different from Rapunzel? 1
(a) Rapunzel lived away from her family.
(b) A prince is going to rescue her.
(c) Amanda is going to be in a high tower waiting for her rescuer.
(d) Amanda would never let her hair down.
iv. Comment on the poet’s use of language in these lines. 2

B. An ultimate shaking grief fixes the boy
As he stands rigid, trembling, staring down
All his young days into the harbour where
His ball went. I would not intrude on him;
A dime, another ball, is worthless.
Now He senses first
responsibility In a world of
(The Ball Poem)
i. Identify the symbolism used in the given lines of the poem. 1
ii. What is the significance of the use of the words ‘All his young days into the harbour’ to describe the loss
of the ball in the poem and how does this word choice contribute to the overall mood and tone of the
poem? Answer in about 40 words. 2
iii. Complete the statement with correct facts : 1
‘I’ will not intrude on the boy because .
(a) he won’t like the intrusion.
(b) ‘I’ wants him to face the situation.
(c) another ball can be given to him.
(d) the boy is stubborn.
iv. Comment on the poet’s use of language in these lines. 1

8. Answer ANY FOUR of the following five questions, in about 40-50 words. 4 x 3 = 12
i. What did Lencho compare to new coins? Why? 3
(A Letter to God)

ii. What excited Rajvir? Why did Pranjol not share his excitement? 3
(Glimpses of India)

iii. How did the crow change the mood of the poet? 3
(Dust of Snow)

iv. How does a tiger feel in the forest? 3

(A Tiger in the Zoo)

v. What does Lomov remind Chubukov to prove that his dog, Guess, was better than his dog? 3
(The Proposal)
9. Answer ANY TWO of the following three questions, in about 40-50 words. 2#3=6
i. What opened the world of Science for Ebright? 3
(The Making of a Scientist)

ii. What happened at the ball? Was Matilda’s dream fulfilled? 3

(The Necklace)

ii. How did Hari Singh know that Anil had forgiven him? 3
(The Thief ’s Story)

10. Answer ANY ONE of the following two questions, in about 100-120 words. 1#6=6
A. The most important message is that ‘there is freedom when you conquer fear, and fear should not be
allowed to cripple one’s faculty and thinking ability.
Prepare a set of dialogues between two students based on His First Flight and Black Aeroplane.
You may begin like this :
Student 1 : I am totally impressed by the role of baby gull’s parents in His First
Flight. Student 2 : I find The Black Aeroplane more inspiring .

B. “The message conveyed in the chapter Letter to God deals with unflinching faith in one and all.
Lencho has faltering faith that leads to anger and discontentment, On the other hand the pilot of the
Black Aeroplane has undeniable faith in that unknown pilot and he is saved from the crisis.
If you had to use the message with reference to both the chapters how will you elaborate it? Also, how
it is relevant to both.

11. Answer ANY ONE of the following two questions, in about 100-120 words. 1# 6=6
A. “Love and sympathy can transform a thief.” How is it true in case of Hari Singh? Comment.
(The Thief ’s Story)

B. Contentment in one’s life is very important to lead a peaceful life. We should be happy with what we
have and should not crave for what we don’t have. This statement is perfect in the case of Matilda.
What lesson does it convey?
(The Necklace)

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