DalaNP Technical

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• As discussed above, the effluent from Rapid gravity filter will be collected in a clear water sump
cum-pump house at Treatment works to be pumped for providing water demand of Zones-
1/2/3/4 and 5.
• The capacity of Clear water sump has been calculated considering 2 hours of Ultimate stage
discharge i.e. for the year 2055, taking into consideration interruption in Electricity power supply.

• The quantity of treated water, discussed in para 6 and sub para 6.2 above required to be
produced and pumped from the proposed Treatment Plant in the year 2055 is 3329 KLD.
Required capacity of the sump (CWR) at Treatment works = [(3329x2)/16] KL
= 416.12 KL
Adopted = 450 KL

Thus, a Clear Water Sump (CWR) of 450 KL capacity has been proposed at the treatment works.
Proposed size of sump is 12 M x 10 M x 4 M.


As per standard norms/design criteria capacity of CWR is to be assessed based on half hour
ultimate stage year 2055 water demand, however taking into consideration electric power
interruption and other connected factors, CWR capacity equivalent to 2 hours of ultimate stage
water demand is being provided.
Zone Ultimate Stage 2 hours of water Capacity of CWR Existing Adopted Size of CWR
year 2055 Water demand Required CWR Capacity of CWR
3 690 86.250 100 KL Nil 100 KL 6x5x4 M
5 791 98.875 100 KL Nil 100 KL 6x5x4 M
No CWR exist under Zones 1/2/3/4 and 5, 450 KL CWR proposed at Treatment Plant, water from
WTP is pumped to Proposed RCC OHT Zone-1 for Demand of Zone-1, For water demand of Zone-
2 water will be pumped from WTP upto proposed RCC OHT under Zone-2, Proposed water
works under Zone-3 situated at the peak point of the zone therefore water will be pumped from
WTP upto proposed RCC CWR and thereafter pumped to proposed RCC OHT, For Zone-4 water
will be directly pumped from WTP upto proposed RCC OHT and Water from WTP pumped upto
RCC CWR situated at peak point of Zone-5 thereafter will be pumped upto RCC OHT then
supplied to the residents of tha zone.


13.1 The duties of the clear water pumping plants required to be installed in the sump/Pump house at
treatment works for conveyance of water through rising main upto CWR under Zone-1/Zone-2
and Zone-4 and for pumping water from Zonal CWR upto the RCC overhead tank in the zone are
discussed below-
Following parameters have been adopted:-
a) Availability of power supply has been adopted as 16 hours.
b) Depth of water in sump below GL is 4.0m (3.75 M + 0.25 M for free board).
c) Average depth of water in a OHT is 4.50m.
d) Required terminal pressure at a OHT is 4.0m.
e) Pumping plants have been provided for Middle stage year 2040 water demand. 100 percent
standbye unit has been provided.
Rising main have been provided for conveyance of Raw water from Sone River upto the water
treatment plant proposed near Ward no. 9 Lanka Colony and for pumping treated water from
clear water reservoir upto the CWR and RCC OHT under Zone-1 and Zone-2/Zone-3/Zone-4 and
Zone-5. Economical size of rising main has been assessed on the software available with
computers in U.P. Jal Nigam headquarters at Lucknow. DI pipes in accordance with IS-8329/2000
or its latest amendment have been proposed. DI pipes provided have been checked for
surge/water hammer and have been found to be safe.
14.1 Economical Size of Rising mains provided are detailed below:-
For conveyance of raw water from Intake well at Sone River upto the proposed WTP,
300mm dia DI pipe class K-9 in length of 4000 metres have been provided.
From Prop. WTP upto Prop. CWR under Zone-3 = 150mm dia DI pipe Class K-9, L-3600 M
From Prop. WTP upto Prop. CWR under Zone-5 = 100mm dia DI pipe Class K-9, L-4100 M


From CWR at WTP upto Prop. OHT under Z-1 = 150mm dia DI pipe Class K-9, L-100 M

From CWR at WTP upto Prop. OHT under Z-2 = 150mm dia DI pipe Class K-9, L-2000 M

From CWR at Z-3 upto Prop. OHT under Z-3 = 150mm dia DI pipe Class K-9, L-40 M

From CWR at WTP upto Prop. OHT under Z-4 = 150mm dia DI pipe Class K-9, L-2700 M

From CWR at Z-5 upto Prop. OHT under Z-5 = 100mm dia DI pipe Class K-9, L-40 M


For storage, RCC overhead tanks have been provided under the 04 zones namely zone-1/zone-
2/Zone-3/Zone-4 and Zone-5. Capacity of RCC Overhead tank has been calculated by 3 methods
i.e. by draw-off pattern, capacity equivalent of 10 hours of middle stage year 2040 water demand
and equivalent of 8 hours of Ultimate stage year 2055 water demand, out of the above 3 values
maximum storage capacity has been adopted, data/details are given in the following table.



Storage capacity has been worked out based on Draw off Pattern as below:

1 Total Requirement of water at Ultimate Stage Period 2055 = 866 KLD

2 Average hourly demand 'a' = 866/24 = 36.08 KL/Hour

3 Rate of Pumping (in terms of 'a') per hour = 24/16

Rate per hour = 1.50

Zone Mid yr_2040 Design 10 Hrs. 8 Hrs. As per Draw-
Demand (KLD) yr_2055 Storage of Storage of off Pattern
Demand Mid yr 2040 Design yr (KL)
(KLD) (KL) 2055 (KL)
1 2 3 4 5 6

Z-1 715 866 298 289 175

Z-2 566 686 236 229 150

Z-3 569 690 237 230 150

Z-4 652 791 272 264 150

Z-5 245 296 102 99 75

Zone Adopted Existing Existing Capacity of

Capacity of Capacity of Capacity of RCC OHT to Staging
RCC OHT RCC OHT CWR be Provided Adopted
(KL) (KL) (KL) (KL)
1 7 8 10 10 11
Z-1 300 Nil Nil 300 KL 18 M

Z-2 250 Nil Nil 250 KL 18 M

Z-3 250 Nil Nil 250 KL 20 M

Z-4 300 Nil Nil 300 KL 16 M

Z-5 100 Nil Nil 100 KL 14 M

Design of Distribution system has been done on latest Norms/Design Criteria and as per the
departmental Guidelines and in accordance with the provisions in Manual of Water Supply and
Treatment CPHEEO Ministry of Urban Development, Government of India, main Parameters are as
16.1 Ultimate stage year 2055 Population

Zone-1 = 5580
Zone-2 = 4421
Zone-3 = 4445
Zone-4 = 5092
Zone-5 = 1907
TOTAL = 21445
16.2 Peak Factor = 3.0
16.3 Minimum Terminal Pressure = 12 M
16.4 Minimum size of Pipe = 100mm GI
16.4 Project area is rocky terrain therefore in accordance with Chairman, U.P. Jal Nigam Lucknow no.
110/Niyojan/RakhRakhav/02 of date 28/04/2011in sizes 80mm, G.I. pipe medium class as per IS-
1239/2000(part-1) in higher sizes DI pipes class K-7 as per IS-8329/2000 or their latest
amendments have been provided orders contained in M.D. U.P. Jal Nigam no.
341/1005NURM/034-2016/13 Dated 06.04.2013 have been considered, since the area is rocky
terrain G.I. and D.I. pipes are being provided. For regular and proper functioning of distribution
system adequate provision of Sluice valve/Wheel valve/Scour valve/Air valves have been made.
Provision has also been made for fire hydrants at strategic locations and at the water works.

Detailed Design of Distribution System has been done on software available with the Computers
in EDP Cell UP Jal Nigam Headquarters at Lucknow. Type/Class/Size of Pipes provided are
Tabulated below-

Sl. No. Type/Class/Size of pipe Zone-1 Zone-2 Zone-3 Zone-4 Zone-5 TOTAL

1 DI pipe Class K-7

1.1 100mm dia 8144 7301 7683 6344 6734 36206

1.2 150mm dia 1052 1175 1435 441 442 4545

1.3 200mm dia 316 220 1039 509 114 2198

1.4 250mm dia 763 133 0 170 0 1066

1.5 300mm dia 494 0 0 65 0 559

TOTAL 10769 8829 10157 7529 7290 44574


In accordance with the guidelines under Atal Mission for Rejuvenation and Urban Transformation
(AMRUT-2.0) programme provision for house connections anticipated at the commencement of
scheme in the year 2025 has been made. As per CWAP total numbers of House connections
expected at the Initial stage year 2025 are 3437. Nos Existing numbers of house connections in
DALA Nagar Panchayat area therefore 3437 number of house connection to be provided,
accordingly provision has been made in this Detailed Project Report.

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