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Even with some inconveniences, we didn't have a bad time at all during the activity,
as we took part in it when no one was there and we found it entertaining. There are
some things that worked very well while others not so much.

Firstly, the most disruptive to the game was the weather conditions because we had
to go into the classroom as soon as it started raining and we could only keep the
activity for a short period of time. I also think we should have had a loudspeaker
playing music to prevent it becoming so monotonous and boring. However, our game
was not a total disaster, several teachers, ESO and Bachillerato students
participated in it, and although they did not stay long playing, it worked well. Perhaps
we should also have introduced some modifications in the functioning of the game to
make it more attractive and engaging, for example, a system of awards and
penalties to generate a more competitive environment.

Regarding our work as a group, I think it worked great because we organized

ourselves in a very effective way, helping each other and everybody participating in
the game. It is important to highlight that the correct development and preparation of
the activity would not have been possible without everyone doing their part, and
doing their homework.

I think that repeating this game next year could be interesting, since the players do
not dislike it at all and the organization and setting were perfect, but certain
modifications would be necessary, such as the ones I mentioned before. In spite of
the failures that the game could have, I don't think that the students would have
participated even if it had been completely perfect, because they didn't show any
interest in playing anything, in fact most of them were indoors because of the rain.

I would have liked to have dedicated more time to the preparation of the game in the
EF classes, especially the decoration part. We had plenty of time to think about the
game, the rules, and practice it, but we would have appreciated more classes to
decorate the game environment in a more visually stunning way.

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