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Professional Experience

Have you ever gained any professional experience (e.g. internships, work
of founding a company)?

To further my business knowledge, I interned at APPT Fashion where I learnt about processes ranging from
merchandising to production. Initially, I played varying roles from managing clients, coordinating
departments to handling HR issues. As I gradually got an understanding of the company’s workings, I
moved on to managerial roles, managing design and production departments, during which I was
responsible for negotiating with buyers and making sure that all the deliveries were made on time.

Volunteer/Work / Social Commitment

Have you ever worked as a volunteer (e.g. in a non-profit association, relief
organization, cultural organization, political party, university committee)?

Activity 1

In hopes of positively impacting one’s life, I engaged with Guru Vishram Vridh Ashram, a nursing home for
the elderly. Providing assistance to the elderly with their daily chores for the past 5 years has been highly
rewarding. The joy that comes from helping someone in need, and to be able to see the change your
contributions are bringing into their lives, is insurmountable. Helping the elderly for so long instilled empathy
in me, motivating me to get involved in similar activities in the future.

Activity 2
Wanting to develop entrepreneurial insights, I joined Vyapaar, the Entrepreneurship Cell of my college. Due
to my active involvement in the same, I was promoted to the position of the creative manager. I coordinated
a plethora of events, ranging from networking events to internship fairs through which budding
entrepreneurs were given a platform to connect with investors and receive funding, and eager students were
provided with a platform to score summer internships to kick-start their careers.

Teamwork Experience
Have you ever worked in a team for a substantial period of time?
Please describe the circumstances and your responsibilities in that
team: (503)

In Vyapaar, the Entrepreneurship Cell of my college, we constantly looked for ways to add value to students with
entrepreneurial interests. In one of the initiatives, we organized an event to give students a platform to connect with
and learn from successful entrepreneurs. Here, I led a team of 8, allocated tasks to them, and also helped organize
and plan the event. Working with diversified people during the event helped me develop varied perspectives and
entrepreneurial insights.

What was your most important experience in that context? What

went well? What would you do differently today? (632)

During the event, I realised the value of having a defined vision as well as that of having a diverse team. We
had several members from various disciplines which allowed us to come up with innovative ideas for the
event. We worked together to ideate marketing strategies, drawing a footfall of more than 850 people, while
also scoring 8000+ euros in funding. Although the event proved to be a success, I believe we could’ve
divided our time more efficiently and done better in terms of footfall. Organising more events and
marketing them well while drafting a more feasible timeline could’ve helped us
in planning more events, increasing participation.

Leadership Experience
Have you ever held a position with leadership responsibility?
If so, please describe your area of responsibility briefly: (698)

During my time at APPT Fashion I realized that in an effort to receive more orders, the merchandising
department was missing out on details that was costing the company valuable business. Due to high prices
of garments, buyers were refusing to place orders. I took it upon myself to find a solution and formed a
team of 5 from varied departments to research ways to use raw material efficiently. After thorough testing,
observing fashion houses to see how they tackle similar issues, and formulating a plan, we presented our
plan to the buyers and were able to negotiate a deal with them. Not only did I effectively lead a team but
was also able to reduce the company’s material costs by 9%.

What are your favourite hobbies? (698)

I believe one of my strongest suits is leading people to work towards a common goal, which is why I enjoy
organizing events. I have thoroughly indulged in event-management in college. May it be by helping plan
small activities as a part of a team or by leading teams to make various events a success. Further, creating
an impact is important to me. Consequently, I’ve been a part of various social causes, from being a
volunteer at the old age home to assist the elderly, to being a part of Global Zero’s No Red Button campaign
which works to permanently eliminate nuclear weapons and dismantle the undemocratic system that gives
one person absolute authority over life and death.
Painting and Reading are other pursuits I enjoy.

What is the most unusual thing you have done so far? Please
provide a brief description: (813)
I developed a strong business understanding early in life via exposure to my parents’ garment business. By
the time I started college, I was well-versed with the operations of the same. Hence, when I realized that
committees in my college were having trouble finding customised T-shirts, I initiated a startup catering to
this niche market, as a result of which “Benoy” was launched. Initially, we only dealt with committees from
our college but once we established our brand, we decided to expand our business. I devised marketing
plans involving social media promotion and employment of college ambassadors, resulting in a 25% increase
in customer base increase, and a 6000+ euros turnover within a year. This experience reinforced my belief
in the benefit of value creation with a proper business plan in place.

Your decision on subject of study

What were the decisive motives and expectations behind your
choice of a Master’s program? (1251)

In the past 2 years, I’ve had several opportunities to further develop my practical business understanding.
From starting a business from scratch, to interning at 2 successful businesses, I’ve had the chance to
practically supplement the theoretical knowledge I’ve gained through my bachelors. Putting it into practice, I
realized that in order to run a sustainable business, one needs to be competent in every management
function, from operations to finance and marketing. In a bid to bridge these gaps, I believe a master’s
degree is a step in the right direction. A master’s program will provide me with a more comprehensive grasp
in various fields of management. Moreover, having worked in smaller frame companies all my life, I would
like to work at an MNC and get an understanding of how they function. During my Master’s program, I
would like to take part in workshops, integrated internships and comprehensive courses, thus expanding my
existing network and allowing me to learn from like-minded individuals. In addition, I would like to work in a
diverse atmosphere that could help me become culturally aware and prepare me for a career in international

Why have you decided to pursue a Master’s at WHU specifically,

and what do you believe makes you particularly suited for our
program? (1251)

I want to study at a university which integrates academic rigor with practical experiences and fosters a
global perspective, which is why I narrowed down on WHU. From its compulsory internship, to the double
degree opportunities it provides, WHU covers both, practical experiences and theoretical bases. It offers the
freedom to personalize ones curriculum by choosing between the General Management Track and
Concentration Track. Also, the international experience through the capstone module abroad, a semester
abroad at a partner university, or the unique double degree programs make WHU my first choice. Also
Moreover, with its strong alumni, WHU will provide the opportunity to interact with accomplished individuals
and build networks.
What makes me suitable for the program is my constant urge to push my limits, along with my ability to
operate in a multinational environment. I aim to be a part of WHU clubs such as IdeaLab! and capitalize on
the opportunity to build networks get in contact with successful entrepreneurs and renowned investors. My
endeavors have always been centered on learning from new experiences to help create value. At WHU, I
plan to do the same by applying my previously gained knowledge while learning something new every day.

Which of your abilities and other qualities would you like to develop during
your Master studies? (1251)

Working with various international clients during my internships, I’ve realized the importance of being more
culturally aware and adapting to unfamiliar environments. At WHU, working hand-in-hand with people from
diverse backgrounds during projects and events will allow me to hone my adaptability and become more
versatile as an individual which is imperative to survive in an international workplace.
Though I have a solid understanding of management, I believe a comprehensive master’s at WHU will allow
me to approach a situation holistically. I would like to develop my marketing acumen and problem-solving
skills at WHU by taking up courses such as Advanced Methods of Market & Management Research and
Advanced Corporate Finance. This will enable me to assess problems in a more comprehensive manner by
understanding, analyzing and then coming up with practical solutions.
Further, I would like to polish my communication skills by participating in various in-house events and taking
full advantage of the semester abroad. This will also aid me in networking with like-minded students and
employers by teaching me not only how to deploy rational, reasoned arguments, but also how to effectively
elucidate my standpoint.

What professional activities would you like to pursue following the completion
of your Master’s degree? Why these activities? (1251)

The collective experiences of working in my startup, my internships, as well as my time at my college’s

entrepreneurship committee have helped me understand that in order to run a sustainable business, one
needs to have a strong understanding of every management function, and especially marketing. Effective
marketing can completely change the game for a startup and help it fight bigger, established market players.
While launching my startup, I realized that with the changing marketing trends and the introduction of
concepts such as digital marketing, data analytics, etc., one needs to have an explicit understanding of these
concepts in order to effectively market a product. Consequently, in the near future I would like to develop
my understanding as a marketing manager in a global company such as Zara or P&G where I can be
involved in marketing management, product development or digital marketing and develop my
understanding of the same. My future goal is to come back to India after gaining some relevant, practical
experience and apply my accumulated understanding in my family business in order to help market it better
to allow it to help it reach global heights.

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