Apostolicam-Actuositatem - 20240110 084720 0000

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Decree on the Apostolate
of the Laity
Let’s jump in!
This decree was promulgated by Pope Paul VI on November 18,
1965 and this was during the Second Vatican Council. One of the
key themes of Vatican II was "aggiornamento," an Italian word
meaning "bringing up to date." The council aimed to renew the
Church and help it respond more effectively to the needs and
challenges of the contemporary world. This included a greater
emphasis on the role of the laity, which is the focus of "Apostolicam
What is Apostolicam Actuositatem
The decree emphasizes that all members of the Church,
not just the clergy or those in religious life, are called to
contribute to the Church's mission. It encourages lay
people to take on a more active role in the Church, in their
communities, and in the world, guided by Christian

Apostolicam Actuositatem covers a wide range of areas,

including charity work, social action, family life, and more. It
also discusses the formation of lay people, emphasizing the
need for proper education and training to equip them for
their roles.
It affirms the role of the laity as active
participants in the Church's mission. It
encourages lay people to live out their faith in
the world, collaborate with others, and contribute
to the building of the Kingdom of God. This
decree continues to inspire and guide lay people
in their journey of faith and service.
It's a significant document because it
highlights the importance of everyone's
participation in the Church's mission, not
just those who have taken religious vows.
It's about the call to holiness and service
that all Christians share.

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