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The Importance of The Rights Education

The Importance of The Rights Education

Education is a powerful way to empower people,
especially children, to lift themselves out of
poverty and be fully recognized as citizens. Having
an education helps people in Pakistan to access all
of their other human rights such as:

Education Young
Ambassadors program
The program was created to build awareness
for education rights amongst youth, and
Picture from Pakistan school
strengthen the youth movement for education
rights. The campaign has formed a growing
network of over 300 youth ambassadors in
Pakistan campaigning for education rights.

Picture from Pakistan school

Global Business Coalition for
Participants in the GBC-Education Network agree to
use their influence, personal networks, social

strategic investments in collaboration with

community to increase the number of children and
youth who are in school and learning.

Lastly, Poverty. As many families cannot afford to

send their children to school. There are several
reasons for this low rate of literacy and access to
education in Pakistan.

That why education should be free in Pakistan.

There are several reasons for this low rate of
literacy and access to education in Pakistan. That
why education should be free in Pakistan. To sum
up, the people of people of Pakistan must have the
right to education so that every child has the
opportunity to gain knowledge and to lift themselves
out of poverty and be fully recognized as a citizen.

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