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Model set-2 FM:-100

Time: 2 hours PM:-50

Group: A (60*1= 60 marks)

1. The stone suitable for rubble masonry

a. Hard b. Tough

c. Heavy d. Light

2. Which property of the fluid accounts for the major losses in pipe?
a. density b. specific gravity

c. viscosity d. compressibility

3. When is the fluid called laminar?

a. low viscosity b. The density of the fluid is high

c. Reynolds number is greater than 200 d. Reynolds number is less than 200

4. Isohyets are…….
a. Area of equal precipitation b. Lines of equal precipitation on maps

c. Lines of equal temperature on maps d. Lines of equal barometric pressure on maps

5. In detailed exploration, the field test is conducted to determine

a. Tensile strength b. Rigidity

c. Water content d. Permeability

6. A combined footing may be rectangular in shape if both the columns are …….
a. Unequal loads b. No load

c. Equal load d. All of the mention

7. ……………………is used for maintaining the ground surface at different elevations.

a. Floor b. Ceiling

c. Roof d. Retaining wall

8. The shear strength in cohesion less soil is due to ……………

a. Inter friction b. Cohesion

c. Inter granular friction d. Inter particle force

9. The water content of soil deposited in the in-situ conditions is determined by……
a. Radiation b. pycnometer

c. calcium carbide d. oven-dry

10. What will be the porosity of a soil sample whose void ratio is 0.35?
a.19.5% b.40.70%

c.25.9% d. 30%

11. Which of the following is an indirect method of surveying….?

a. Contouring b. Chain surveying

c. Tacheometry d. All of the mentioned

12. The plinth area of the building not includes …..

a. Area of the wall at the floor level b. Internal shaft for sanitary installations up to 2 sq m. in area

c .Lift and wall including landing d. Area of the cantilever porck

13. Distance of the center of gravity of a solid shaft cone from the vertex is…….?
a. 3h/4 b. 4h/6

c. 2h/3 d. 5h/4

14. Wood surface requires……………….coats of plastering.

a. 2 b. 3

c. 1 d. none

15. Bitumen felt …

a. is used as a water proofing material b. is used damp proofing materail

c. is made from bitumen and hessian fibres d. All above

16. As per I.S. code, the weight of timber is specified at…..?

a.10% moisture content b. 12% moisture content

c.14% moisture content d. 8% moisture content

17. Which method is mainly adopted for design of steel structures as per IS code?
a. Earthquake Load Method b. Ultimate Load Method

c. Limit State Method d. Working Stress Method

18. In simply supported beams, the slope is…….at supports.

a. Minimum b. Zero

c. Maximum d. Uniform

19. A slow sand filter is cleaned if its filter head is higher than ….?
a. 10 cm to 20 cm b. 20 cm to 40 cm c. 40 cm to 70 cm d. 70 cm to 120 cm
20. What is the function of butterfly valve ?
a. on/off control b. Flow regulation

c. Pressure control d. Hydraulic control

21. Which minerals and in What form are present in ground watrer?
a. Fe & Mn in Ferrous and Manganous b. Fe & Cu in Ferric and Cupric

c. Fe & Mn in Ferric and Manganous d. Cu & Mn in Cuprous and manganous

22. Which of the following method is not used to determining slope and deflection at appoint?
a. Moment Area Method b. Double Integration Method

c. Isoheytal Method d. Macaulay’s Method

23. Which if the following is the statically determinate structure?

a. Two hinged arch b. Fixed beam

c. Double Overhanging d. Continuous beam

24. The rate of change of deflection is

a. Slope b. Moment

c. Shear Force d. None of the above

25. Which of the following assumption is incorrect of Bernoulli’s equation?

a. The fluid is ideal b. The flow is steady

c. The flow is incompressible d. The flow is rotational

26. Slope is classified into…….types

a. 2 b. 3

c. 4 d. 5

27. Cohesionless soils are

a. sands b. clays

c. silts d. silts and clays

28. Works in whitewashing and plastering are measured in…..

a. sq m. b. meters

c. Litres d. cub m.

29. The ratio of the discharge and plan area of a continuous flow type settling tank is known as..
a. surface loading b. Overflow

c. Overflow rate d. All above

30. The part of the hydro power plant which takes water from valve house to turbine is..?
a. penstock b. Forebay c. Tail race d. Spill way
31. Kaplan turbine is …….?
a. axial flow turbine b. inward flow turbine

c. tangential flow turbine d. mixed flow turbine

32. Which of the following is not requirement for site selection of hydroelectric power plant?
a. Availability of water b. Large catchment area

c. Rocky land d. Sedimentation

33. The difference between the maximum time available and the actual time needed to perform an activity is
known as……..?
a. Free float b. Independent float

c. Total float d. Half float

34. ………… used to draw curve which are not circular.

a. compass b. protector

c. French curves d. pro circle

35. According to Nepal Road Standard , minimum design speed for hair pin bends is …..
a. 10km b. 20km

c. 25km d. 30km

36. Thickness of broken line markings on multi-lane road for lanes is generally kept….
a. 10cm b. 12cm

c. 15cm d. 20cm

37. Color of sewage is ………………………?

a. green b. brown

c. pink d. grey

38. The filter run in rapid sand filter should not be less than ……….hours.
a. 1 b. 6

c. 12 d. 24

39. …………………………represents the bacterial density that is most likely to be present in water.
a. BOD b. COD

c. MPN d. Coliform index

40. The maximum permissible reduction in the waterway from lacey’s oerimeter is…….
a.15% b.20%

c.25% d.30%

41. The side slope of approach channel of chute spillway is………………..?

a. 1:1 b. 1:2

c. 1:3 d. 1:2.5

42. What device is placed in front of head regulator for silt removal?
a. Weir b. Silt Extractor

c. Silt Excluder d. Barrage

43. Which factor directly affect the duty of water?

a. Types of crop b. Useful Rainfall

c. Types of soil d. canals

44. Scoping is procedure of environmental issues.

a. identifying b. impact

c. physical impact d. attributes

45. ……………….wall is used to resist lateral forces like several wind.

a. Knee wall b. Cavity wall

c. Infill wall d. Shear wall

46. Alum is chemically

a. Copper sulphate b. Aluminium Sulphate

c. Ferrous sulphate d. Ferric sulphate

47. The pressure at the inlet or exit of the draft tube should not be…….?
a. Less than one third of atmospheric pressure b. greater than one third of atmospheric pressure

c. Less than one atmospheric pressure d. greater than one atmospheric pressure

48. The upstream face of earth dam is considered as ……….

a. equipotential line b. streamline

c. streakline d. path line

49. A safety valve for a dam to discharge major floods is called…?

a. Spillway b. Penstock

c. Fore bay d. canal

50. The outer portion of the tread of a stair is:

a. Going b. Outcrop

c. Bulge d. Nosing

51. Tacheometer has……………number of horizontal hairs.

a. 2 b. 3 c. 4 d. 5
52. Scaffolding you generally adopted when the height of structure is above……..?
a. 1.3m b. 1.5m

c. 1.7m d. 2.2m

53. Proof stress for minimum bolt tension is:

a. 0.7fyb b. 0.5fyb

c. 0.7fub d. 0.5fub

54. The main purpose of providing camber is

a. To collect storm water b. To maintain equlibrium

c. T floe IRC specifications d. To follow geometric specifications

55. The Thixotropy is the phenomenon of …

a. strength loss b. strength gain

c. strength loss- strength gain d. strength gain- strength loss

56. The principle of submerged mass density method is…….

a. Equilibrium of floating bodies b. Stroke’s Law

c. Archimede’s principle d. Darcy’s Law

57. The plastic index is calculated from the relation……

a. IP= WP- WL b. IP= WL-WP


58. What is the level below window called….?

a. Pane level b. Lintel level

c. Sill level d. Plinth level

59. …………is applied to the process of laying down certain lines and marks on the ground before the excavation of
foundation trenches.
a. Ground tracing b. Surveying

c. Dummy level d. Digging

60. As per the rules for the measurement of items, it is specified that the areas should be measure to the nearest..?
a. 0.1 sq m b. 0.25 sq m

c. 0.01 sq m d. 0.95 sq m
Group: B (20*2= 40 marks)

61.In a braking test, a vehicle was moving with a speed of 45kmph and was stopped by applying brakes, the
skid marks were 10.0m in length. Determine the skid resistance.
a) 0.78m
b) 0.69m
c) 0.71m
d) 0.72m

62. In sand replacement method, if the mass of sand filling the calibrating container is 1450g and volume of
calibrating container is 1000cm3, then its buk density is_______ g/cm3.
a) 1450
b) 1.45
c) 45
d) 17

63. A soil deposit has three layers of soil. The permeability of the second layer is twice that of the first layer
and the permeability of the third layer is thrice that of the first layer. The thickness of each layer is 5m. What
will be its average permeability parallel to the bedding plane?
a) k
b) 2k
c) 3k
d) 4k

64. The equation of parabolic camber is given by ___________

a) Y=x/a
b) Y=x2/a
c) Y=x3/a
d) Y=ax2

65. A composite rod is 1000mm long, its two ends are 40 mm2 and 30mm2 in area and length are 400mm and
600mm respectively. If the rod is subjected to an axial tensile load of 1000N, what will be its total elongation(E
= 200GPa)?
a) 0.130m
b) 0.197mm
c) 0.160mm
d) 0.150mm

66. Calculate the number of diffusers for the following.

Blower Flow rate: 535 m3/hr
Coarse diffusers are used.
a) 54
b) 60
c) 65
d) 70

67. Which of the following indicates the formula for Simpson’s rule?
a) Δ = (d/3)*((O0+On) + 4*(O1+O3+……..) + 2*(O2+O4+……….))
b) Δ = (d/3)*((O0+On) + 2*(O1+O3+……..) + 2*(O2+O4+……….))
c) Δ = (d/3)*((O0+On) + 4*(O1+O3+……..) + 2*(O2+O4+……….))
d) Δ = (d/3)*((O0+On) + 2*(O1+O3+……..) + 4*(O2+O4+……….))

68. Distance and elevation formulae for fixed hair method assuming line of sight as horizontal and
considering an external focusing type telescope is D = Ks + C. where K is _______
a) f/i
b) i/f
c) f + c
d) f – c
69. What would be the value of length if the distance is given as 30m, m= 3 and the change in length is 8m.
a) 7.43m
b) 7.34m
c) 6.34m
d) 5.43m

70. The maximum deflection in cantilever beam of span “l”m and loading at free end is “W” kN.

a) Wl3/2EI
b) Wl3/3EI
c) Wl3/4EI
d) Wl2/2EI

71. Calculate the maximum deflection of a cantilever beam with udl on entire span of 3m the intensity of you
udl be 25 kN/m. Take EI as 4000 kN/m2.
a) 0.052m
b) 0.063m
c) 0.076m
d) 0.09m

72. What is the net section area of steel plate 40cm wide and 10mm thick with one bolt if diameter of bolt hole
is 18mm?
a) 38.2 cm2
b) 20 cm2
c) 240 mm2
d) 480 mm2

73. Which section to be considered in the design for the net area of flat?

a) 1-5-6-3
b) 2-7-4
c) 1-5-7-4
d) 1-5-7-6-3

74. The rise of crown for pavement of 7m wide having 1 in 50 slopes with respect to edges is ___________
a) 0.14
b) 0.07
c) 0.09
d) 0.11

75. What type of system does the diagram represent?

a) Drains
b) French Drain
c) Deep Surface Drain System
d) Random Field Drain System

76. What is the size of the tile at an outlet of a 12 hectare drainage system, if the D.C is 2 cm and the tile grade
is 0.5%. Assume the rugosity coefficient as 0.015 for the tile drain material.
a) 10 cm
b) 20 cm
c) 15 cm
d) 25 cm

77. If the specific speed in revolution per minute of a turbine is in between 60 to 300, the type of the turbine is
a) Pelton turbine
b) Francis turbine
c) Propeller turbine
d) Kaplan turbine

78. What will the discharging capacity of a masonry waste weir of 55 m length and 1.5 m width provided in an
earthen bund for passing a flood with 1.2 m water depth over its crest?
a) 120 cumecs
b) 254 cumecs
c) 59.4 cumecs
d) 65.8 cumecs

79. The quantity of sand required for RCC (1:2:4) for 15 cubic metres of work is ___________
a) 4.76 m3
b) 10.32 m3
c) 8.43 m3
d) 6.51 m3

80. Calculate the top width (A) of the earth dam of height 50 m.
a) 5.0 m
b) 4.75 m
c) 6.10 m
d) 3 m


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