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Model set-1 FM:-100

Time: 2 hours PM:-50

Group: A (60*1= 60 marks)

1. For plastering walls, the cement mortar would be generally used in which ratio?

2. Which apparatus is generally used to measure the soundness of the cement?

a) Vicat Apparatus
b) Le-Chatelier apparatus
c) Soundness meter
d) Duff Abrams apparatus

3. The minimum crushing strength of third class brick is:

a) 3.5 N/mm2
b) 7 N/mm2
c) 10 N/mm2
d) 20 N/mm2

4. What is the formula of radius of gyration?

a) k2 = I/A
b) k2 = I2/A
c) k2 = I2/A2
d) k2 = (I/A)1/2

5. Which of the following is not required for chain surveying?

a)Dumpy level
b) Pegs
c) Arrows
d) 20 m chain

6. The center line method is suitable for walls having ________

a) Different cross-sections
b) Similar cross-sections
c) Same weights
d) Same materials

7. The phase diagram is also known as _______

a) soil grain diagram

b) block diagram
c) constituents diagram
d) element diagram
8. Increase in water content causes _______

a) shrinkage
b) swelling
c) frost heave
d) frost boil

9. Slopes is classified into ____________ types.

a) 2
b) 3
c) 4
d) 5

10. The expression for K0 as given by Jacky is ___________

a) K0 = 1 – sin φ
b) K0 = sin φ
c) K0 = 1 – cos φ
d) K0 = 1 + sin φ

11. which of the following, is a type of shallow footing?

a) Spread footing
b) Pile foundation
c) Pier foundation
d) Well foundation

12. The parameters Nc, Nq, Nγ in the equations of bearing capacity failure are known as _________

a) Constant head
b) Bearing capacity factors
c) Effective pressure
d) Load intensity

13. Specific gravity is what kind of property?

a) Intensive
b) Extensive
c) None of the mentioned
d) It depends on external conditions

14.The principle of floatation of bodies is based on the premise of

a) Metacenter
b) Newtons first law
c) Newtons law of viscosity
d) None of the mentioned

15. Darcy- Weisbach equation gives relation between__________

a) Pressure and temperature

b) Mass, volume and pressure
c) Head loss and pressure loss
d) Pressure loss only
16. What type of flow can be taken for granted in a pipe of a uniform cross-section?

a) steady
b) unsteady
c) uniform
d) non-uniform

17. The ratio of inertia force to viscous force is known as

a) Grashof number
b) Reynolds number
c) Fourier number
d) Nusselt number

18. What does hydrograph based on day gives?

a) Idea about flood period during the month

b) Idea of rainfall
c) Idea of draught during the year
d) Idea of scarcity of water in the upcoming year

19. Sagging, the bending moment occurs at the _____ of the beam.

a) At supports
b) Mid span
c) Point of contraflexure
d) Point of emergence

20. Which point on the stress strain curve occurs after the proportionality limit?

a) Upper yield point

b) Lower yield point
c) Elastic limit
d) Ultimate point
21. Which stress comes when there is an eccentric load applied?

a) Shear stress
b) Bending stress
c) Tensile stress
d) Thermal stress

22. What are the degrees of freedom?

a) Total variables in the process

b) Total species in the process
c) Total reactions in the process
d) None of the mentioned

23. An arch is a beam except for ____

a) It does not resist inclined load

b) It does not resist transverse forces
c) It does not allow rotation at any point
d) It does not allow horizontal movement

24. In influence line diagrams (ILD) :-

a) Points remain fixed, position of load changes

b) Points change, position of loads remain fixed
c) Both of them changes
d) Neither of them changes

25. Which IS Code is used for designing a structure considering earthquake loads?

a) IS 800
b) IS 875
c) IS 1893
d) IS 456

26. What is the full form of HRM in concrete technology?

a) Human Resource Management

b) Human Reserve Management
c) Humidity and Resource Management
d) None of the above.
27. Which of the following format is used in limit state method?

a) Single safety factor

b) Multiple safety factor

c) Load factor
d) Wind factor

28. What is the recommended value of effective length if the column is effectively held in position and fixed
against rotation in both ends?

a) 0.8 l
b) 0.5 l
c) 0.65 l
d) 0.9 l

29. Which of the following relation is correct?

a) Design Strength = Ultimate strength / Partial factor of safety

b) Design Strength = Ultimate strength + Partial factor of safety
c) Design Strength = Ultimate strength * Partial factor of safety
d) Design Strength = Ultimate strength – Partial factor of safety
30.Batten is a piece of timber whose thickness and breadth do not exceed ________
a) 10 mm
b) 30 mm
c) 50 mm
d) 100 mm

31. In which type of water demand, minimum average consumption of water takes place?

a) Domestic water demand

b) Industrial water demand
c) Institutional and commercial water demand
d) Fire demand

32.River intakes is usually situated on ____________________

a) the convex side of the curve

b) the concave side of the curve
c) straight reach
d) the downstream side of a sewer outfall

33. Which of the following type of waste water treatment process is used for treating waste water or industrial
waste water using aeration and biological flocs?

a) Biological aeration
b) Anaerobic digestion
c) Active sludge process
d) Aeration
34.The biochemical oxygen demand is computed by __________
a) Dissolved oxygen / Dilution factor
b) Dissolved oxygen + Dilution factor
c) Dissolved oxygen – Dilution factor
d) Dissolved oxygen * Dilution factor

35. A short-term environmental impact assessment (EIA) has a time period of:

a) 2-5 years
b) 10-15 years
c) 5-10 years
d) 5-7 years
36. What is the name of duty called as in direct irrigation?

a) Flow Duty
b) Quantity Duty
c) Duty
d) Delta

37. Which type of canal is most useful in hilly areas?

a) Side Slope Canal

b) Contour Canal
c) Watershed Canal
d) Field Channel

38. By constructing which structure we can help the fish in their migration?

a) Scouring Sluices
b) Silt Excluder
c) Fish Ladder
d) Divide Wall
39. Which category of river training work deals with flood control?

a) Training for Sediment

b) Low Water Training
c) Training for Depth
d) Training for Discharge

40. In case of design of sarda type fall the length of crest is kept equal to ____________

a) thickness of the Canal

b) bed Width of the Canal
c) water Depth in the Canal
d) hydraulic Jump on the fall

41. What type of crest width is provided in designing a straight glacis fall?

a) Deep Crest
b) Shallow Crest
c) Broad Crest
d) Narrow Crest

42. When a canal is taken as an example what factor about it causes waterlogging?

a) Seepage of Water from the High Lands

b) Seepage of Water through the Canals
c) Over and Intensive Irrigation
d) Excessive Rains
43. Which of the following is not a requirement for site selection of hydroelectric power plant?

a) Availability of water
b) Large catchment area
c) Rocky land
d) Sedimentation

44. Hydroelectric power plant is __________

a) Non-renewable source of energy

b) Conventional source of energy
c) Non-conventional source of energy
d) Continuous source of energy

45. Gravity dam is most suitable when the foundation is _______________

a) weak
b) strong
c) with heavy overburden
d) rocky but cracked

46. The settling velocity of spherical particle is given by ____________

a) Darcy Weisbach equation

b) Hazen and William equation
c) Stokes equation
d) Bernoulli’s equation

47. Which element of hydroelectric power plant prevents the penstock from water hammer phenomenon?

a) Valves and Gates

b) Draft tubes
c) Spillway
d) Surge Tank

48.Penstock in a hydroelectric power plant is _____________

a) a pipe connected to runner outlet

b) nozzle that release high pressure water on turbine blades
c) a conduit connecting forebay to scroll case of turbine
d) a pipe connecting surge tank to dam

49. Which of the following types of roads are most preferred for highways?

a) Cement concrete roads

b) Gravel roads
c) Bituminous roads
d) Unpaved surfaces

50. Transition curve is introduced in ___________

a) Horizontal curve
b) Circular curve
c) Between horizontal curve and circular curve
d) Vertical curve

51. The layer which is constructed above embankment is called __________

a) Sub grade
b) Fill
c) Base
d) Sub base
52. If the aggregates are exceptionally strong then they are having impact value which is?

a) Less than 10
b) Less than 15
c) Less than 30
d) Greater than 30

53. A plane is held parallel to horizontal plane in which view we can watch drawing on that plane?

a) Top view
b) Front view
c) Back view
d) Side view

54. Relationship between annual nominal rate of interest and annual effective rate of interest, if frequency of
compounding is greater than one:

a) Effective rate > Nominal rate

b) Effective rate < Nominal rate
c) Effective rate = Nominal rate
d) None of the above

55. According to the time estimates made by the PERT planners, the maximum time that would be needed to
complete an activity is called as __________

a) The most likely time estimate

b) Optimistic time estimate
c) Pessimistic time estimate
d) Expected time estimate

56. Which of these is not mentioned in a tender?

a) Date
b) Notice number
c) Sign
d) Designation

57. Number of member in NEC exam committee

a. 3 b. 4 c. 5 d. 6

58. Nepal Engineers Association was established in

a. 2014 BS b.2024 BS c.2035 BS d.2042 BS

59. _________ are used to represent activity in a network diagram.

a) Circles
b) Squares
c) Rectangles
d) Arrows

60. What is the tenure of registrar of NEC?

a. 3 years b. 4 years c. 5 years d. 6 years

Group: B (20*2=40 marks)

61. If the peak load for a power plant equals the plant capacity then the ratio of the capacity factor to load
factor will be _________________
a) 1
b) 0
c) < 1
d) > 1

62. If two identical pumps each capable to deliver a discharge Q against a head H are connected
a) in parallel, the resulting discharge is 2Q against a head H
b) in parallel, the resulting discharge is Q against a head of 2H
c) in series, the resulting discharge is 2Q against a head H
d) in series, the resulting discharge is Q against a head 2H

63. The design speed on a highway is 60kmph; calculate the super elevation if radius of curve is 150m and
coefficient of friction is 0.15.
a) 0.07
b) 0.038
c) 0.04
d) 0.15

64. If the deviation angle of the curve is 1/200 and the design speed is 80kmph then calculate the total length
of the valley curve for comfort condition.
a) 18.22
b) 18.52
c) 19.22m
d) 19.52m

65. In 1st angle projection the _________ lies between ___________ and ____________
a) object, projection plane, observer
b) projection plane, object, observer
c) reference line, side view, front view
d) reference line, left side view, right side view

66. If interest is paid more than once in a year, ‘i’ is the rate of interest per year, ‘n’ is the number of
periods in years and ‘m’ is a number of periods per years, compound amount factor (CAF) is:

a. (1 + i/m)n
b. (1 + i/n)m
c. (1 + i/n)1/m
d. (1 + i/m)1/n

67.The mean depth of water is 1.5 cm and the mean deviation from the mean is 0.1 cm. Determine its
distribution efficiency.
a) 15%
b) 85%
c) 66.66%
d) 93%

68. An outlet irrigates an area of 40 ha. The discharge required at this outlet to meet the evapotranspiration
requirement of 40 mm occurring uniformly in 40 days neglecting other field losses is _________
a) 4.52 litres / sec
b) 2.31 litres / sec
c) 4.01 litres / sec
d) 1.52 litres / sec

69. What is the spacing of manholes for pipe diameter of greater than 2 m?
a) 90-150 m
b) 150-200 m
c) 300 m
d) 45-90 m
70. In the expression vS = 1.8 (g*d (G-1))1/2, the diameter of spherical particle is ____________
a) 0.1mm
b) < 0.1mm
c) 1mm
d) >1mm

71. Pitch shall not be more than ___ in tension member and _______ in compression member.
a) 12t, 16t, where t = thickness of thinner plate
b) 20t, 16t, where t = thickness of thinner plate
c) 16t, 12t, where t = thickness of thinner plate
d) 16t, 20t, where t = thickness of thinner plate

72. A HYSD steel bar is 400 mm long. The lengths of the parts AB and BC of the bar is 200 mm each. It is
loaded as P1 = 2000 kg and P2 = 1000 kg. Take diameter of AB as 2 cm and BC as 1 cm. The ratio of stresses
in part AB to stresses in part BC is __________
a) 0.2
b) 0.75
c) 0.5
d) 1.5

73. Vertical reaction at support A for the given frame is ______

a) 10kN (Upward)
b) 10kN (Downward)
c) 26kN (Upward)
d) 26kN (Downward)

74. If B = 4, R = 3 and J = 4, then the truss is:-

a) Statically determinate
b) Statically indeterminate and stable
c) Stable
d) Unstable

75. Estimate the section factor for a channel section having cross sectional area of 40m 2 and hydraulic depth
of 6m.
a) 94.3
b) 95.6
c) 97.9
d) 100

76. Calculate the section factor a triangular channel section having side slope 1H:4V and depth of 8m.
a) 32
b) 34
c) 36
d) 38

77. The water table is at the ground level and backfill has saturated unit weight as 22KN/m3. The height of
wall is 6m and Ka=1/3. Find the pressure intensity.
a) 45.22 KN/m2
b) 18.45 KN/m2
c) 83.24 KN/m2
d) 67.83 KN/m2

78. For a soil deposit, C=20 KN/m2 and is found be to a purely cohesive soil. It has a critical height of an
unsupported vertical cut as 4m. Find the unit weight of soil.
a) 13 kN/m3
b) 20 kN/m3
c) 56 kN/m3
d) 77 kN/m3

79. If the radius of curvature is given as 76.98m and the deflection angle as 45˚21ꞌ, find the short curve length
of a compound curve.
a) 60.93m
b) 6.93m
c) 9.63m
d) 3.69m

80. For 2.5 cm thick c.c. floor of 1:2:4 proportion, for 100 sq m, how many cement bags will be required?
a) 18
b) 28
c) 24
d) 10


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