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The Impact of Social Media Platforms on Tourist Decision-Making and

Destination Promotion in the Tourism Industry

Ambito, Gieann G.
Cruz, Lynrd C.
Gapac, Kyla Franzine T.
Mananquil, Daniel P.
Mendoza, Ferlyn C.
Pacubas, Bea V.

The world of tourism has evolved significantly in the present digital age, partly due to the growing use of social
media platforms. Platforms like Facebook, Instagram, Twitter– currently known as
X, and more recent additions like TikTok play a significant role in how social media has shaped our lives.
These platforms are now substantial resources for inspiration, recommendations, and data for travelers while al
so being instruments for communication. The significant amount of travel-
related content published on social media is increasingly competing with traditional sources of travel advice like
guidebooks and travel bureaus.
Tourists are exposed to fascinating images and personal viewpoints from influencers, other tourists, and reputab
le travel marketing organizations.
These internet interactions have the power to significantly change how people view and choose destinations for
their trips.
Social media has also given travelers the ability to create their own content by sharing images, videos, and revie
ws of their travels. Along with increasing knowledge about travel, user-
generated content also creates fresh opportunities for promotion of destinations.
Despite social media’s evident impact on the travel and tourism sector, there is still much to learn about how th
ese sites affect consumer behavior and the marketing of destinations.
This research intends to investigate how social media affects travelers’ decision-making procedures and the met
hods used by the tourism sector to promote travel destinations,
examine the reasons why travelers utilize social media,and evaluate the reliability of user-generated content.
Through a combination of data analysis, real-world cases and conversations with tourists and individuals in the
tourism industry, this research aims to provide helpful insights for travel industry professionals, destination
promoters, and researchers.

By gaining a deeper understanding of the relationship between social media and travel, we can utilize the
potential of these platforms to enhance travel experiences and promote destination promotion in the


This study has significant effects on the tourism industry by using social media platforms in tourism. We
want to know how much influence the use of social media platforms has on people. In the industry and
in tourism, we also want to know how social media platforms operate. We do that by investigating and
surveying questions.

The importance or reason why we chose this topic is because we all know that nowadays , there are
more people using social media platforms. We know that when on social media, more people will know.
For example, when a person goes to a hotel or tourist spot, of course, he can have that picture to post
what he went to. Through social media platforms. And the effectiveness of using this social media
platform in the tourism industry is no different. We frequently use social media to learn about new travel
destinations and plan our vacations. We share our travel experiences and special moments online, as
well as our thoughts on hotels, restaurants, airlines, and car rental services.

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