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commercial (adj) related to making money by buying and selling things

adjust (v) to change something slightly, especially to make it more correct, effective, or suitable

to become more familiar with a new situation

biofuel (n) a fuel that is made from living things or their waste and is less harmful to the environment than other types of fuel
bomb (n) a weapon that explodes and is used to kill or hurt people or to damage buildings
boost (v) to increase or improve something

an occasion when something is improved or increased

colony (n) a country or area controlled politically by a more powerful country that is often far away

a group of people with a shared interest or job who live together in a way that is separate from other people

committee (n) a small group of people chosen to represent a larger organization and either make decisions or collect information for it
consume (v) to use fuel, energy, time, or a product, especially in large amounts

to eat or drink something

density (n) the number of people or things in a place when compared with the size of the place

the relationship between the mass of a substance and its size

disappointed unhappy because someone or something was not as good as you hoped or expected, or because something did
(adj) not happen
dud (n) something that has no value or that does not work

not working or not having any value

economist (n) a person who studies or has a special knowledge of economics

expectancy (n) the feeling that something exciting or pleasant is going to happen

famine (n) an extreme lack of food in a region, causing suffering and death

a situation in which there is not enough food for a great number of people, causing illness and death, or
a particular period when this happens

fee (n) an amount of money paid for a particular piece of work or for a particular right or service
hopeful (adj) having hope or causing you to hope; believing or causing you to believe that something desired will happen

lazy (adj) not willing or not wanting to work or use effort to do something
mankind (n) the whole of the human race, including both men and women
nanotechnology an area of science that deals with developing and producing extremely small tools and machines by controlling the arran
(n) gement of separate atoms

optimism (n) the quality of being full of hope and emphasizing the good parts of a situation, or a belief that something good
will happen

overpopulation the fact of a country or city, etc. having too many people for the amount of food, materials, and space available there
sincere (adj) (of a person, feelings, or behaviour) not pretending or lying; honest
specific (adj) relating to one thing and not others; particular

clear and exact

starve (v) to (cause someone to) become very weak or die because there is not enough food to eat
wartime (n) a period of time during which a war is being fought
absorb (v) to take something in, especially gradually

to understand facts or ideas completely and remember them

ATM (n) Automated Teller Machine: a machine, usually in a wall outside a bank, shop, etc. from which you can take money out
of your bank account using a special card
augment (v) to increase the size or value of something by adding something to it
enormously (adv) extremely or very much
etch (v) to cut a pattern, picture, etc. into a smooth surface, especially on metal or glass, using acid or a sharp instrument
float (v) to stay on the surface of a liquid and not sink

generate (v) to cause something to exist

inconspicuous not easily or quickly noticed or seen, or not attracting attention


interface (n) a connection between two pieces of electronic equipment, or between a person and a computer

a situation, way, or place where two things come together and affect each other

marine (n) related to the sea or sea transport

overload (v) to put too many things in or on something

to give someone more work or problems than they can deal with

project (v) to calculate an amount or number expected in the future from information already known

to throw or direct something forwards, with force

reality (n) the state of things as they are, rather than as they are imagined to be
sophisticated having a good understanding of the way people behave and/or a good knowledge of culture and fashion
intelligent or made in a complicated way and therefore able to do complicated tasks

superimpose (v) to put especially a picture, words, etc. on top of something else, especially another picture, words, etc., so that what is in
the lower position can still be seen, heard, etc.
transcript (n) an exact written copy of something

a complete written copy of spoken or written words

unfamiliar (adj) to not have any knowledge or experience of something

user-friendly easy for people to work with
virtual (adj) created by computer technology and appearing to exist but

not existing in the physical world almost a particular thing or quality

wraparound (a piece of clothing that is) made so that it can be tied around the body
(used to describe) something that curves around in one continuous piece
capability(n) the ability or power to do something

deploy(v) to use something or someone, especially in an effective way

emission (n) the act of sending out gas, heat, light, etc.
empower (v) to give someone official authority or the freedom to do something
fleet (n) a group of ships, or all of the ships in a country's navy
harness (v) to collect and control something so that it can be used effectively
industrialised having developed a lot of industry
used to describe a country, economy, area, etc. that has many businesses and factories involved in producing goods

intermediate being between two other related things, levels, or points

means (n) a method or way of doing something
philosophy (n)
the use of reason in understanding such things as the nature of the real world and existence, the use
and limits of knowledge, and the principles of moral judgment

a particular system of beliefs, values, and principles

purifier (n) a machine or a substance that removes harmful substances from something
relatively (adv) quite good, bad, etc. in comparison with other similar things or with what you expect

in comparison with other similar things or with what you expect

reliant (adj) needing a particular thing or person in order to continue, to work correctly, or to succeed
shell (v) to remove peas, nuts, etc. from their shells or their natural covering
straw (n) the dried yellow stems of crops such as wheat, used for animals or for weaving

a thin tube, usually made of plastic, used to suck a drink from a container

value (v) to give a judgment about how much money something might be sold for

to consider something important

ventilation (n) the movement of fresh air around a closed space, or the system that does this
direction (n) the position towards which someone or something moves or faces

the ability to find places or to know which direction to go

paste (v) to stick something to something else

to move a piece of text to a particular place in a computer document
possibility (n) a chance that something may happen or be true

something that you can choose to do in a particular situation

trouble (n) problems or difficulties

a situation in which you experience problems, usually because of something you have done wrong or badly
asulum (n) protection or safety, especially that given by a government to people who have
been forced to leave their own countries for their safety or because of war

blueprints (n) a photographic copy of an early plan for a building or machine

an early plan or design that explains how something might be achieved

cockpit (n) the small closed space where the pilot sits in an aircraft, or where the driver sits in a racing car

the area on a boat where the person operating the controls sits or stands
determine (v) to control or influence something directly, or to decide what will happen

to make a strong decision

firefighter (n) someone whose job is to stop fires and to save people and property from being harmed
handheld (adj) small enough to hold in your hand
imagery(n) the use of words or pictures in books, films, paintings, etc. to describe ideas or situations

laborious (adj) needing a lot of time and effort

motivation (n) enthusiasm for doing something

the need or reason for doing something

obscure (v) not known to many people

not clear and difficult to understand or see

oriented (adj) showing the direction in which, something is aimed
overlay (v) to cover something with a layer of something

a thin covering of something

pedestrian (adj) a person who is walking, especially in an area where vehicles go

not interesting; showing very little imagination

prototype (n) the first example of something, such as a machine or other industrial product, from which all later forms are developed

the original model of something from which later forms are developed

tracking (n) the act of putting students with similar abilities in a group and teaching them together
windscreen (n) the window at the front of a car, truck, etc.

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