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_-ASSIGNMENT-o1 Mopute -0| 1) 0) Devive the eqration of eqnilibvium in pitch for a fiver ANghl condition and explain the pitch Stability Ne Criteria, Ye C= Dees (4-iw) -Lsin (« -in) N= Leos(a—tw)) +D id @ Minsn¢ | Meg « Net CZ Mac 4 Meus + Mac Mact + Ghe- Nedp BY Ce Mean Revedynamie Bata | Divide (2d by qoute | neg > NMA Geet Oo + Cmts 2 Cnc, SEC NLT Sw | hee — cue Sb teh Co St ENE — Cue Sb Me hy s on Rue | “yeqeete Gina 4G Bat Croat Gream oe ee ia) This is squilibrium equation th Pitch Caeued Fick Stability Geteria + Fer the aivplane to be shuble tre slope of the Gm Versus C curve must be Re ie ae bee dye _paehe >) Nose up { 006: - g 0 -o ~ 05 Stalbleli) =) fi 4 Wee down Tipieal pilching momunb caves +The Alwplane is im squilibrium ot c-l+o Com : £0) an } increase th alvplane, WE corfficdint atong curve A will creak a Nesedown pitching moment, tending tp teduce the URE coefficient pack 6 Waszioiien . A deorzase im With Coefficient will create a nese ~ Up momen’ tending 4p Increase the Nt Coefflelent . +h positive slope of this arve,as shown Buy curve, will sesalb im Static imstabilty > fov although inv eawilibrium ab the same lifL Cosffidnb, an increase iny alyplane WEE coefficient will create nose-up momenbe | Lending do increase the lift coefficient Still further. tb) Explain Ahe contribution of nina and aigilid to the | Static longitudinal Stability P The wing conbribution to Ur sbebic lengibudi nal seabilitg by be analyzed as Follows’ Dsin(a-iw), we Can | of the “oivplane | Feom ‘the eqnation, Ne Leos Ca-iw) + | Cu Cy 00s (- iw) $ep sin(d- 22 peas Cami) -hstnlaniw), Ce# Cy eos (a -iw) -Cisin G-iw) att) write penis } Similarly from equal lon, we can write, | | |" obtain the slopes dew] de. awd aCe] de, differents ating Cy ond QD) WHE We get : : j ; ay) den - cos Canin) -crsin(a-ie de +460 Sin( a- tw) + C0008 ida: dau | ley idee 2 d@ cos (a-tw)- sin (a~ iw) da 6, cos (a~ iw) 3a - Sint étw)) aa. dc. aq La) aa dG | Sines the Angle of Attack is usually a small angle, } appronimating gin(a- iw) and cos G-iw), Dang coufficiend is Very small with respec to Unity | dey 1, i dey des dee ode a(R GONG dq dt da men (da day with (4444) + per degree Thus the equation 80m AC Sta + dee tn + dn nee + (dt Tae RA AS ro (GL So becomes Gel, The wg Corbvibution be Stability. is Lherefe Awclion aerodynamic Center. tific | meqative ite ond fivet term will be sephab Tenge Soils. orn EERE OF Win 0 oa. on oF ako nacelles * ee ~ +035 \ Xa Teh ae [an | of he og: ey with vespect te 1 (16 ahead of aerodynamic center, rx will ee fist term will be chabilizin is aft of aerody namic Center, sta will be acm , mi t Moye Kine ing | Tall contribution | Cnt = Gays wy AON of wing . gis dawnwosk a angle ot bail | es dwe Et tee by ips Treidene | tw Incidence nrglt of wing | fe) © of den i so ae =): : ce | (ae 4 SRR cae acd pty ar Vir {t-gé | eee ae Ry Hp 3ty ne | ™p nid Define Vat Fellovin'g, terms (Newby al point ifstabic margin « Hreudral point(nd), dem + Xeq-Ne | ‘er he Gai the! cic pPBitenae ee eartoil phen dat ae =U ‘Stalic margin | The difference between He nelval 0G locaton and the neural point } dtm = - No da P ] Sadie maya ‘ ab) Devive expression for Stick i ceAPNeulral apaint - > From Leng itud inal Stability. Since G9) neutral pont iS behind aC. From@ , For ee. ie pmpteo = =6 0- aoe” te =O Vn fe “) Cen Ow " sho determine elevator angle we the G30 Devive expression | eoyuiti ley i wm Nife coeffictend. > bi oa ‘ae % . Gt eau fer various elevator deflection . Cm Vs eu dém is Static Longitudinal stability ° dq Se=0 + Se cL Se = Seot Ade Cy dq ele te ah ait waoee Seo dota Cm $ 3) Explain the att c- - limits, I ott ib ts requ uived thot the airplane posses “Some | Static longitud inal sbakility, then it Should never 4 | be possible to load he aivplaw go That its CG. i Vins oft Ake xewtral point. =. . Ye alvplane’s cq will move Somewhat: because of burning of fuel, on expenditure of aymament, change say the initial skages of Hike ainplane designs the awtivipolid. Mac. | afb cq. lies tm front | meat averody namie chor Sara SE ERS: — mae In almost all airplane Aeddgne, No, props wind ani lting No power in load avvangement , ete. 0 jo 20 30 Ca. vonge must be established, ond len tvem on analysis of TYrical oll .4> limits neutral points, this Cyr Yange must be Placed on dhe Mean aerodynarnic chord so that the most of the neutval point: sEaxi- An Alplands 0-9. range cxtende over WO perant oF J and the neutral point is 30/7. of mac, Une range is placed go that Une most aft locablon does nok ty) mart. most forward og Limits for inflight Explain dhe and landing conditions . Re wwicabton et most= forward og permissible: from the devabey Ueory: the svequirement that be capable of bring tng the UFL cont ficient Comes the slevator must always ay plane into 2qyi bwin al maximum sdkatnable by avrtlane: Ko Caos forward , the alvplane becomes sbab and move wp elevator 16 reapired te Lim move owt Cmax, Seo- demic. cr from $e * Cms 2 te thak - The wari allowable for word. ¢. whick woarlmum uP slewehor will Guct eraxtiwum Litt Covfficient edo ee was) fob Cima Pops windmill Free Hight Elevatow Required ts Ai Aine Ground effects veq wirement > | ¥Downwash yeduction tn tail thew imeren sng tal angle of attack peri Red ckion BAe ities slope a e- i aeor oe and -tail LH onvves « af i eo =) ) ae ( (49 PTs. Bey SY gee au j i . AES i. Contribution be stability be 4 “) ertases. : ¥ mast forwacd C6 pesitten iG, must move backward +> adkiswy, sbabilily daring round effect yi (i, fae Ome +Cmp Se Ode 4 Cmae + Cogn aVhE Te Ae = Acq- ta eae Re fe = Cg - Ane) + Grac + Gren 7a (So CeO net Comp bunt 5 ayVnet eg = 2 Lae — Cag. |Semar wu ety tite 4b Cmnc + Gwen tmp Coren = Com $ | i i | Explain the po Nawe and yer plane. opt lane - | Mege Txht rr tudinal Stability 1 Nr Co@ |" wer effects on long | Prop - Power Effects 1 Effects ov Prop! lan en) e ph = oabh a) Se E ce - dcy cue ott ai 4 le). ( de 4 if) re Desiabllahs Stab k Equation for memant at C6. Mea, = Tk Np xX Ap J crag Bh + Cup V spp Cog = Meg ]4Swe Cucg + Cratit 4 CupevSphp asuc dtm der Doh 4 dove be = cash + dour So dp dC, Bic ty ee “de SH’ dew) Loach 0 niet | Ye de idk aor daw de = dkw 462% dcnp dene day Pee aed ae ees ae ee he Be ae ce be Kiva prp-Peshabiln C.G alrad prvp- Stabilieaton Power Hed for Sed Plane ( Pived Hoel effet o Ze | MeTy za — Cy Txzt - Teya Wea Swee qswe Wo eo er | ! Aci ihyut WS 4 : | pied Nowmal bree uffiels ab aly imld duct + eyes, dd | Ny= Ne. Wo. V. | 4 aA | Py Ny = Ma AP Tang sea 4 $93 ody hi ey Vsing a Mea BO “Ap ary ee | a oan dd. a, i Nv | er ce dP |da Jn suc Sere eee ty Sue tm) -_Wa cos & APJaK ty de 1 eVswe de Hic, \ Wee Ries os) aPfae In de ee 5 ev, Swe | Mopoue. A ‘ Bea) Drive expression fox Sick tree neutral pet 7 Semone - cha chay ec Ge} aa / ‘y +(e ies Bees Moment coefficient due to ail Qs) Lg (ie). Ont = cub Ving — 2) Omg e - die Vip (3) : ; dite Ase © = dem dor de Ome Eo aw Eqn(s) can be Written “5 dav. deie/ di \y aS (in) age du ee Cmg « O4VAL 2 ——O) (ie agen (= x aLVnet CU) tree elivabey = Ch Ld hs ca) aL Vhyt chs aw Ge = tha @b ete dQ hone elevator the OY da Bem 6 aie). 5 See (“#4 Bee 01) je deve, chs a aa 2) eee (HO lo/ae es ae e den\\ at Tayi 42) (t—chae ie), , eae Be ( #)( aj? (Be a) ip UINe eed + (Am fder), v = 4e)( iz ne a - (2 a Vh. aah. No a (e722 os sas} Obbain the shift “with the tellewing Ny = 09138, Nyro | deydu- 0-438 1 in pRree, 4 Cho ae wel Aaba, Fer Saget) Baws wind” ye -0:005 deg’, i. Sek j oY 3.4 Sh ) Cha e® 50) Briefly explain the purpose of tab fitked tothe elevator y 3 The cowbrely surface tab is a small ouxtliary flap wsually built iho the braiding edge porter of the Control BiPeace ond, bherbe: wt ibe lecaton con Creme wry powerful moments abouts the cowbrol surface Mae line, for ue as a trimming device a balancing device, a5 a primary Contrel Surface. “Types of tabs ave trimtab;bal anche LaiServe' bab , and Spring dnb which Serve different. prerpeses based on Ane Bun dpe ability of the bab to develop large Hige moments alout he Contre Sarface hinge line. “Deflecking the dab down will create a suction on of the tab which creates a resultant hose av to Re main Controls hingeline is material momenty will be created, Upper surface ppward foree Ww | So Narges Wat a very ending to make the, Surface Aloak up . |. Deflecting the Anb UP makes Ane Control Ba float | down. i} G+ Got era) Gag 22) se 4 (Ze co <1) A) aay ome 2 a 8b Ja, 5 Cy = Cho t Chad ten se Se +s $t,—@) Stient © —Chea- ASE & ——-G) Che che k 7D». Saction due to stab deflection. 4 3 9 R Typical slevaby tab Cowfiquration . QGe) Derive expression for Stick fovee gradient (4F/av) i Elevator stick aes fe es é 0k AL” dean Geor ng can obtai by equating workdone ok +p of stick = Wowk done at devatry gy | Ketber Ss cum xse ieee y epetie ‘ sik, Saas 2 fi a —— | Ks GSecent Ae choacng (wee tw tit) + chs bee fee vas ae chs (dem) +ehe Se ay 34) ~ che (Seca, a ay : (32) + Oat rt (ids bce Myx Chg AW ac Cms= —abVheT den Be (2), 4 tha | Ons. G2) © che aw ad Ch ems ech ea ms dev Hix - aes CREEL CL Che 7 dem ad (32), akitv (a4 Cnse st) -kitva Ons de) Fs Ow dd 2 aKa ar |\—de Kity | Bees cus One ( =) p<) omy \ dev. ree 2 , Kiev (a4 ChSt st) —kw che ae ; : 7 eae, Gb) An sivplane hac the Aollowing Characteristics Obtain ie movement — of rewtval pink on freeing the sbick Wing 8+ B4m, claw * ‘Cred Tei) Se Amt, Lye Thm Bu, ave Ee" ae dive da “1 Qab= — 0-008 deg" » thse--° 013 den ;

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