sd1402 Atc - Mini Feeder Pillar

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1. AII dimensions are in miIIimetres unIess otherwise


2. AII isoIation units shaII compIy with H.S.E EIectricity at

360 200 Works ReguIations 1989, I.E.E Wiring ReguIations -16th
Edition, I.L.E Code of Practice - 1992.
3. DoubIe poIe isoIating switches and isoIating distances
between contacts shaII compIy with BS EN 60 947 :
Part 3.

4. The isoIator shaII prevent unauthorised interference via

a padIock, without the need of additionaI accessories
and shaII be cIearIy marked so as to show to which
equipment it reIates.

5. IsoIation shaII be externaIIy visibIe or cIearIy and

reIiabIy indicated.

6. PiIIar shaII be manufactured from 3mm gaIvanised mId

steeI and shaII be 360mm wide x 200mm deep x

Apr 16,2021 - 1:47pm I:\Highways\Design and Construction\Roads and Highways\Projects18-19\20000\20971 New Hway Design Guide for New Dev\Design\CAD\New standard details\NCC SD\1400 Series\SD.14.02.dwg
800mm high.

7. WeIds to compIy with BS EN 1011: Parts 1 and 2 Hot

Dip GaIvanised to BS EN ISO 1461.

8. Root section to be additionally protected against
corroson by bitumen coating to 100mm above ground

9. Doors to be fitted with weather seaI to give degree of

protection to BS EN 60 529 at Ieast IP 34.

REFER TO STANDARD DRAWINGS SD/14/11-14 10. Backboard 12mm non-hygroscopic pIy (5mm air gap
behind) treated with CuprinoI cIear water repeIIant.
11. LabeIs to be fixed with stainIess steeI rivets.

12. Warning notice semi-rigid PVC or poIycarbonate riveted

in position to have: BS 5499 Pt 5 0044 symboI above
the words " Danger EIectric Shock Risk ".

13. The door Iock shaII be as 1418:3 of "Specification for

Highways Works" and be greased non-corrodibIe Iever
design operated by a trianguIar headed stainIess steeI
screw. Doors shaII be hinged with two heavy duty
stainIess steeI hinges.

14. The base shaII have 1 No. bIack easy-bend and 3 No.
orange easy-bends. Bends shaII be in accordance with
"Specification for Highway Works" Appendix 5/2.
Ground IeveI

marker IabeI

Rev. Description Drawn Ch'kd Auth Date
Project Project Drawn Date

in partnership with Highway Construction Details JLS 13/08/2020

Status Project No. Ch'kd Date

Street Lighting JD 04/02/2021

Drawing Title Auth Traced Tel 0115 804 2100 ATC/ Mini Feeder Pillar JP JLS
Bilsthorpe Depot, Bilsthorpe Business Park, Bilsthorpe, Drawing No. Rev. Scale
Nottinghamshire, NG22 8ST
SD/14/02 0 N.T.S @A4
© Via East Midlands Limited,Registered in England no.09903246

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