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Questions 41-43 refer to the following conversation M: Hey Anne, (1)………………………...………...

41. What problem does the man have? …………………. ? I mean (2)…………………….
(A) He can't operate the fax machine.
(B) He has to move to New York.
(C) He has misplaced a document. W: Sure, but (3)…………………………………….
(D) He needs a new desk. ………………….………….. Where did you put it?
42. How many invoices are on the woman's desk?
M: (4)……………………………………… I left it
(A) More than two.
(B) Two. right there on your desk.
(C) One. W: Hmm. (5)……………………………...………..
(D) None.
…………………. Maybe (6)………………………
43. Where does the woman think the fax might be?
(A) Under her desk. ………………….………………….……………….
(B) In the fax machine.
(C) With some invoices.
(D) In the garbage
Questions 44-46 refer to the following conversation M: Have you noticed (1)…………………………...
44. What are they discussing? ………………….………………….…………...…?
(A) A management shift.
W: Oh, you mean since (2)………………………...
(B) A cleaning service.
(C) A redecoration idea. ………………….………………….……………...?
(D) A financial difficulty. M: Yes. I think (3)………………………………….
45. What made the man notice the changes on cleaning?
…………………The windows (4) …………….…
(A) The office arrangement.
(B) The bulletin board. …………………. and (5)……………… …………
(C) The rest room. ……………………………………….…………….
(D) The window shade.
W: You really think so? (6)………………………...
46. What is the woman's opinion?
(A) That the new service is better than the old. ………………….………, I (7)…………………….
(B) That the new service is worse than the old. ………………….………………….……………….
(C) That the new service is the same as the old.
(D) That they don't need any cleaning staff
Questions 47-49 refer to the following conversation M: I’d like to (1)………………………...…….. and
47. Where does the man want to go? (2)………………………….……………………….
(A) To a construction site.
………………………………. sometime next week
(B) To a concert.
(C) To a tourism office. (3)………………………...…. …………………….
(D) To a factory. W: Yes, that would be fine. I’d be happy to (4)…....
48. Which part of the facility was built recently?
………………….…………………………….. .and
(A) The manager's office.
(B) The assembly area. (5)…………………………………………………..
(C) The. storage facility. M: I’d also like to (6)……………………………....
(D) The cargo bay.
49. What kind of problem does the cargo bay most
likely have? W: Good idea. We’ve been (7)………..…………...
(A) Not enough delivery trucks. ………………….………………….………………
(B) Incomplete tax returns. We could really (8)…………………. …………….
(C) Payroll irregularities.
(D) Inexperienced workers ………………….………………….……………….
Questions 50-52 refer to the following conversation M: So, I hear (1)……………………………………
50. When was the company dinner scheduled? ………………….………………….………………
(A) February 5th.
(B) February 12th.
(C) February 15th. W: There’s (2)……………………………………...
(D) February 20th. at the hotel (3)………………….so we got bumped.
51. Where is the convention being held?
M: That’s (4)……………………………………….
(A) At company headquarters.
(B) At a hotel. I was planning to (5)……………………………….
(C) At a hair salon. ………………….………………….…………….…
(D) At a convention center.
W: And I (6)……………………..........................…
52. What did the man want to do on February 5th?
(A) Stay in a hotel. ………………………… that I have to change now.
(B) Get a haircut.
(C) Visit a family member.
(D) Attend a dinner
Questions 53-55 refer to the following conversation W: Hey John, long time no see. Actually, (1)……...
53. Why does the woman want to meet the man? ………………….………………….……………….
(A) Because they haven't seen each other in a while.
and (2)……………….……… …………………….
(B) Because they are best friends.
(C) Because they had made prior plans. ……………………….. Are you free this weekend?
(D) Because they are brother and sister. M: Geez, I’m going to (3)…………..……………..
54. When do the man and woman decide to meet?
………………….…………………………., but I’ll
(A) This weekend.
(B) Friday. (4)…………………………………………………..
(C) Monday. …………………. Do you mind if (5)……………..
(D) Tuesday.
………………….………………….? I’ll (6)……...
55. What does the man have to do before meeting the
woman? ………………….………………….………………
(A) Pack his bags. W: I’m not too sure. (7)…………………………...
(B) Get some sleep. ……………………….. so (8)…………………….
(C) See his mother.
(D) Go to the airport Perhaps if (9)……………………………………..,
would that be (10)…………………………………
M: (11)…………...………………………...………
………………….…………………... and I should
I just need to (13)………………... ………………..
…………………. then (14)………………………..
I wish you had told me (15)...……….…………..…
………………………………... I would have been
…………….. ………………….……………….
Questions 56-58 refer to the following conversation M: Could you (1)………………………….……….
56. What does the man want the woman to do? ……….……….……….……….……….…………?
(A) To install new cabinets.
W: Sure, where are you going (2)…………..…….
(B) To hold the door.
(C) To take the elevator. ……….……….……….……….? They look heavy.
(D) To file some papers. M: I have to (3)…………………………………….
57. Where is the man going?
(A) To the boxing ring.
(B) To the recycling depot. W: I see. That must be why (4)…………………….
(C) To the lobby. ……….……….……….……….……….…………..
(D) To the seventh floor.
58. What is in the boxes?
(A) Cabinets.
(B) Files.
(C) Doorknobs.
(D) Tools
Questions 59-61 refer to the following conversation M: Where should we meet up this afternoon, (1)
59. Where will they meet? …………………………………………..…….or
(A) At the car.
(2)………………………………… ……….……..?
(B) In the lobby.
(C) In the parking lot. W: (3)……………………………………………....
(D) In the conference hall. ……….………. The hotel (4)……..……………….
60. When Isn't the hotel usually crowded?
M: I don’t think so. (5)……………………………..
(A) In the morning.
(B) In the afternoon. ……….……….……….……….……….…………..
(C) In the evening. W: Right, but (6)…………………………………...
(D) At night.
61. What special event is taking place there today?
(A) A conference. ………….and (7)……………………..
(B) A tourism seminar. ………………………. ……….……….……….
(C) A car show. ………. then.
(D) A wedding reception.

Questions 62-64 refer to the following conversation M: (1)……………………..………………………..

62. Who are the speakers? ……….……….………... Have you finished it yet?
(A) Security guards.
W: (2)………………………..…. It’d (3)…………
(B) Lawyers.
(C) Journalists. ……….……….……….………. so I might have to
(D) Librarians. (4)…………………………………………………..
63. When will her article be published?
M: Talk to (5)…………………………….... Maybe
(A) First thing tomorrow.
(B) Next month. (6)…………………………………………..
(C) All night. ……………... ……….……….……….……….
(D) Next year.
64. How will the woman get her work finished?
(A) She will work all night. W: I can’t. (7)……………… ……….……….……
(B) She will ask the editor for help. ……….……….……….……….……….………….
(C) She will read an article.
(D) She will try to get a later deadline.
Questions 65-67 refer to the following conversation M: Hello, (1)……………………………….............
65. Where does this conversation most likely take ……….……….……….……….……….…………?
W: You can, but (2)………………………………...
(A) At a skateboard park.
(B) At a swimming pool. ……….……….……….……….……….……….
(C) At a recreation center. ….M: Really? But I thought (3)
(D) At a hospital.
………………………. ……….……….……….…
66. How much longer can people skate for?
(A) 10 minutes. The last time I was here, (4)
(B) 20 minutes. …………………………….…………………….
(C) 30 minutes.
W: That's (5)………………………………………..
(D) 40 minutes.
67. What time of year is it? In the winter, (6)…………………………..………..
(A) Summer. ……….……….……….……….……….…………..
(B) Winter.
(C) Spring.
(D) Autumn.
Questions 68-70 refer to the following conversation M: It’s (1)………………………….……………….
68. What does the man want to do? I’d really like (2)…………………………………...
(A) Park his car.
……….……….……….……….……….. Are there
(B) Buy some bread.
(C) Plant a tree. (3)……………………………………………...…...
(D) Get some exercise. ……….……….……….……….……….…………?
69. Why did the woman mention about Monterey
W: Not really, but Monterey Avenue (4)…………..
(A) Because the man wants to know the place to park. ……….……….……….…………...Why don’t you
(B) Because the man wants to move his office. try going there?
(C) Because the man wants to know the shortest way
M: Good idea. Monterey Avenue is (5)…..……….
to his office.
(D) Because the man is looking for a park. ……….……….……….……….………….., right?
70. Where is the man going? W: Right. (6)……………………………………….
(A) Baker St. is (7)………………………………………………..
(B) Monterey Ave.
(C) Park St.
(D) The Yates Bridge

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