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App center CICD

Steps to connect with App center: -

1. Login to app center.

2. Add new app that you want to setup CICD for.
 You can select variety of types of the app.
 As of now we have selected React-native app for Android Platform.
3. Install few packages in the project to connect with App center.
 npm install appcenter appcenter-analytics appcenter-crashes --save-
 Create a new file with the filename appcenter-
config.json in android/app/src/main/assets/ with the following
"app_secret": "{Your app secret here}"
 Modify the app's res/values/strings.xml to include the following lines:
<string name="appCenterCrashes_whenToSendCrashes"
<string name="appCenterAnalytics_whenToEnableAnalytics"
moduleConfig="true" translatable="false">ALWAYS_SEND</string>
4. Select the Build section from the Left menu of the selected app.
5. Select a service from where your project is added
 There are 4 types of services: -
i. Azure DevOps
ii. GitHub
iii. Bitbucket
iv. GitLab
6. Select the branch of which you want to generate build for.
7. Configure Build configurations by clicking on the setting icon of the branch.
 Build variant
 Node.js
 Build Frequency
 Run Unit tests
 Lint Source codes
 There are few more configurations that can be set.
8. Save and Build

Features: -

1. Unit test cases can be run every time build gets generated.
2. Private repos can be used.
3. Build can be configured to be generated on every push of the code to the branch.
4. Webhooks can be integrated for Slack and Microsoft Teams.
a. Message of the success and failed will be sent to the integrated platform.
5. Code Push can be done from App center itself.
6. Analytics are also provided by App center.
7. Automated Build can be sent to testers for the testing.
8. Automated Build can be pushed directly to Respective play stores (Google/Apple).

Reference: -

Limitations: -
1. App center doesn’t support React-native expo-cli
2. App center only accepts up to 60 crashes per minute per unique app.

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