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CAMBRIDGE UNIVERSITY PRESS Cambridge IGCSE™ English as a Second Language WORKBOOK Peter Lucantoni & Lydia Kellas Contents > Contents Introduction 1 eo ee ene Part 1: Lelsure and travel Unit 1: Sports and free time Reading Verbs followed by | Reading, open response: 212 other verbs Unit 2: Digital life Reading Adverbs Reading, multiple matching 73-25 Reading, note-taking Unit 3: Food Writing Linking deviees Writing, formal writing 26-38 Unit 4: Transport Listening The passive voice Listening, sentence completion 36-48 Unit 5: Holidays Listening Words ending ining _| Listening, short extracts 4-54 Part 2: Education and work Unit 6: Learning ond study skills The zero and fret Rang eee ailing, OBOE 55-45 Unit 7: nter Tatning ating [Wipemtevetntents | Omang, Raviow we Wing, informal writing Unit 8: Work Reading Present pero Reading, open response Tea7 Racing, note-taking Unit 9: Communication Withg aenna ate Waiting formal wring 97 Unit 10: Education aT [Mas csraiionsk | Seestng, erie [= > civienibse ice eNaLeN asa seeERD LAN SURE WoRRBOOK Skills focus language focus Exam styl pra Page Part 3: People and achievements Unit 11: Human achievements Reading Post perfect simple and | Reading, multiple matching Toe-114 post perfect continuous Unie 12: Organisations and volunteers Writing Nordeng rave] Wring Tomal wing Tis128 Unit 13: Success and fame Reding Showing contaat | Reading, note-taking 124-133 Unie 14: Medical care Listening end writing [Future inthe past | storing, dialogue Tae Writing, informal writing Unie 15: Healthy Wfertyle Reading end speaking [Guantifyng pwrasee | Reading, open response Tas154 Speaking, shor talk Part &: Our modaen world Unit 16: Anime! fe Reading Adjeatives wih nouns | Reading, multiple matching 155-166 Reading, multiple choice Unit 17: The environment Reading and wing — | Reference wards Reading, note-taking Tar? Wiring, formal wating Unit 18: Feeding the world Writing Noun phrases Writing, formal writing 178-186 Unit 19: Lifestyles Reading and listening | The poston of Reading, open response 1a7-198 adjectives Listening, muliple matching Unit 20; Technology and the future Speaking Describing future | Speaking, dscussion 199-206 events Audioserists 207-219 Acknowledgements 220 SL wd Introduction > Introduction This 6th edition of the Workbook is for students who are studying the Cambridge 1C IGCSE (9-1) English as a Second Language syllabuses (0510051 11089 (0993) for ex: 21124. The Workbook supplements the 6th edition of the Coursebook, both of which i erial and now activities. You ean use the Workbook te practise and reinforce the language and skills from the Coursebook, 28 well as practising additional examestyle questions, Language focus ‘activities urea new feature ef the Workbook, These are divided into Foundation, Practice and Challenge sections te support and then stretch you. CSE™ and Iis assumed that most of you who use this book wil be studying English in order to improve your educational or employment prospects, and therefore it includes broud range of topies ‘and themes related to this goal. You will ind passages and activities based on a wide range of stimulating cross-curricular topics amd people from all over the world, whicl we hope you will enjoy reading and discussing, The Workbook follows the same format as the Courssbook, with each unit focusing on w specific skill (for example, writing a formal article) within the context of the unit theme, There are word. puzzles to help build your confidence with vocubulzry in an engaging way, as well as grammar reading. writing, listening and speaking practice. We hope you enjoy using this book! Peter Lueantoni & Lydia Kellas @ age group ga------=- ¢ encaurage and motivate 4 oxporioncing in a negative way a e agroup F having made a definite decision 9 personal control fh not known to you 1 somecne you play against in sport | changes of postion — 2 Complots sontonces 2-i using the words from Activity 1. a Forthote of you who are... tennis ot badminton with equash, it ie not like b Tho aim of the game is to hit the ball in such a way that your cannot retuen it. © _ I went from playing squash for fun to becoming a force on the court after several defeats ds iwes.. to get better. 2 Imade a - to myself that I would keep trying to improve. F This pushed me into learning particular... and the finer techniques of the game. Unit 1: Sports and free time 9 My training has to follaw a system, so it requires a great deal of Glossary stratagle (adjective) helping to achieve @ fh 1n 2020, at Professional Squash flan regional event analytical (adject ‘examining the details of something carafully, in order ‘of women athletes. to understand or explain it : FThope my success will ..nnunaniennnennenenmeeee the nent 3. Choose five of the words from Activity 1 to complete the text below. What are MMOGs? For those of you who ate unfamiliar wih the world of online games, MMOGs are games that are played via the internet or using a computer network. They can be very simple or inoreditly complex. Basic online games are usually text-based, while more complicated games use amazing arephics and virual welds, with many players or) online atthe same tims That's why these more complex games are called ‘massively mutiglayer online games’ (MMOGs) Whie onine gaming is an enlertaning pastime and can (b).. : players to become better at the game ‘self it also helps to develop creativity. and io support and improve creative thinking. Moreover. ‘gaming improves communication skits — not least by encouraging people to be more aware of and to respect athar people's opinions, views and cultures. And let's not forget that physical (¢) arean ‘important part of many games, so there is also an element of keeping ft involved! MMOGs can help players to become mere (4)... and strategic in ther thinking, end to develop ancyical sil, whch ere imprint when assessing sks. Having quick eacons and responding to changing situations are other important skis that can be improved through online garning. Importantly, many of ‘these skills are transferable to real-world situations that rely on (e). solving enalicel skils and strategic thinking probiem- 4 Write short definitions, or give synonyms (words with similar meanings), for these words. a hence: b regardiess: © feat monetary pastime: > iiminsk nee eneceNas A EENR UNRUARE WoRmOOX 5 Draw lines ta match the phrases to make complete sentences, ‘Online gaming can be expensive, regardless of her tiredness, Sho was determined to carry on was an amazing feat. Finishing the task on time has recently become online gaming, White it was a beautiful picture, it se itis not an option for everyone. His favourite pastime had little monetary value. Language focus: Verbs followed by other verbs Foundation 1 Foreech of the examples below, complete the verb pattern rule. Remember, verbs ean bbe followed by the -ing form, an infinitive verb or an infinitive verb + noun, A. The doctor encourages having a healthy lifestyle. OR The doctor encourages his patients to have a healthy lifestyle These verbs can be followed by oR a piarnoass + B He prefers drinking fruit juice OR He prefers to drink fruit juice ‘Those verbs can be followed by oR with no difference in meaning. We stopped having a break during cur matches OR We stopped to have a break during the match “These verbs can be followed by oR but the meaning changes. Unit 1: Sports and free time 2. Look at the underlined verbs in the sentences. On the line, write the letter fiom Activity 1 to show which verb pattern each sentence follows: A, B or C. Baris and Jihan enjoyed eating in the new restaurant. b The accident didn’t require Altan to visit the doctor. € Mustafa prefers snorkelling in the sea Claudia always encourages her younger brother to read. @ _Diann has forgotten to tell his friends about the party. f — Setiawan considers his family to be the most important part of his life. 9 Puspita omembers to video call her cousins every weekend, hy Lwigi and Martina love to play tennis early in the moming, Practice 3) Which five of these sentences contain errors? Write them correctly below. a He misses to play the piano, b My fother urged me to study harder. © She avoided to go to the dentist d_[con'timagine not to have a mobile phone. © We decided ta go out whan the rain stopped. {anticipate to go to italy next year. We were required to provide two phatographs for our new passports, They onjoy to cook meals using only vegetables, > iiminak nee enaleas AER UNSUARE WoREEEX 4 Complete sentences a-h with the cottect forms of the verb pairs in the box. continue /talk —delay/give discuss /buy dislike / eat embarrass /admit forget / visit (<2) lke / cook a He was making @ mistake. b She dinner for lots ef people. © The teacher often back homework te her students. Nowadays, many people unhealthy food © Myparents a second-hand car. F tMnever the ancient castle 9 Dont . the ancient cactle while you're there. ho She ‘even when the movie started, Challenge 5 Write the letter of the correct meaning for each sentence in these pairs (A or 8) next to the sentence. 2 She forgot to pay for the milk. She forgot paying for the milk. A. She didh'tremember that she had paid te B She didh't give the shop assistant any money for it b He doesn’t remember to turn off the lights, He doesn’t remember turing off the lights A He forgets to turn off the lights. B He's forgotten whether he tumed off the lights. Unit 1: Sports and free time ¢ _Imean to do some exercise every day. Kooging fit means doing come oxercice every day. A [plan to do some exercise every day, B _Keoping fit involves doing some exorcice every day. d__Iregret telling you that you didn't pass the test. | regret to tell you that you didn’t pass the test. A I'm somy | told you that you didn’t pass the test B _I'msorry to tell you that you didn’t pase the tost. @ Johann ted ta open the door. Johann tried opening the door ‘A This was one option and Johann might have tried others. B Johann made an attempt te open the door but was net successful 6 White answers to the questions below, using full senzences. You will need to use either an -ing verb or an infinitive verb after the underlined verb. a What do you regrat? b What have you arranged recently? © What do you enjoy? What do you hate? CAMBRIDGE IGCSE™ ENGLISH AS A SECOND LANGUAGE: WORKBOOK @ What have you insisted on? f What have you avoided? Skills focus: Reading Skim the article. Tick the best The old stay young in China Keeping fit the Chinese way Chinese parks Text 1.1 [1] Fora tong time, China has encouraged older people to stay healthy by keeping active. Scientists at the University of Iinois have found that ancient Chinese exercises such as tai chi are good for older generations. Researchers say that such exercises combine simple moverents and meditation into a setles of exercises believed to have positive, relaxing effects on a person's ‘mind, body and spirit. If you are unfamiliar with the idea, these exercises are relatively simple, ‘but also safe, Moreover, they require no special ‘equipment or clothing that might be expensive and limit participation, [21 Morning exercises (or ‘dances’) begin as early as 5.30. am. and tend to take piace in parks and open spacas near markets. This means that those taking part can buy fresh vegetables and ‘otter food when the markets open for business, ‘The evening groups start exercises atter dinner, Outdoor exercise is extremely popular throughout the day. Because of the ease of taking part and the low cost, there are now an estimated 100 million ‘dancers’ in China. ooo [3] Dancers organise themselves into rows. The front row is made up of the most experienced. dancers, with the very best of them in the centre Of the row. Each of the rows behind contains progressively less able dancers. All the dancers face forward, which allows them to learn from those in the rows ahead. The back row ie often made up cf beginners ~ cancers who are just leaming the movements. There is a discipline about the way in which the dancers arrange themselves, with everyone determined to one day arrive at the midale of the front row and perform \with the same skill as the best dancers. [4] In many parks across China, brichtly coloured, manual exero'se machines are provided as an alternative pastime to dance. Each machine Is designed to give a workout for a specific part of the body. Compared to private gyms, which can be expensive to join, Cnina’s public fines ‘equipment allows people fo take part in physical activity that everyone can use. Furthermore, these areas generally do not have basketball courts or ‘other outdoor sports areas aimed at the younger generation, so older people feel comfortable here Unit 1: Sports and free time 18] While Keeping fit is important, taking part in ‘outdoor physical activity also gives older people the opportunity to socialise safely with others in their age range and to enjoy the beauty of ‘open spaces within cities. Chins is an enormous: country with stunning natural scenery, including forests, parks, mountain ranges andi lakes, but ‘many citizens live too far away to enjoy these features regularly, £0 it It appealing for them to find beauty in their home city. Match the words in bold in Text 1.1 with definitions ah, Write the word next to the correct definition, a approximate b attitude ormood bring together fairly, quite @ usually do something # magnificent, beautiful 9 lack oF difficulty fh controlled by hand Which words or phrases are used to describe the following things in the article? a equipment and clothing b cutdoor exercise © exercise machines... d__ basketball courts and other outdoor sports areas. > ciiieinse ee eiaceas a seeaNn ANoUaRE WoRmERK 4 Answer these questions a What has the University of illinois research found? 1b What reason is given for exercises taking place near markets? ¢ Why are there so many exercise dancers in China? Give two reasons. Who do tho dancers in the back row learn from? © Apart from dancing, what other form of outdoor exorcise can people do? F What might prevent people from enjoying China's stunning natural scenery? 5) What faclties are there for outdoor exercise where you live? Which activities do you prefer to take part in? Is there any cost involved, such as for equipment or elathing? Write at least five sontences Unit 1: Sports and free time BA eee Reading, open response Read the article about paddleboarding, then answer the questions, Text 1.2 ‘A fow days ago, | was standing on my board, padcling against a gentle eurrent as | made my way up a river ‘There nere clouds overhead and it was beginning to rain, as tho weathor forecast that moming had predicied, The temperature was due to drop tou but the wind direction, which I'm always keen to know about in advance, wes in my favour, | was tying ‘out my new padeleboard, Until now I've always used inflatable boards: they're easier to transport and more straightforward to stove. Bul hard boards are faster and casior to handle in a wind. Beautiful white swans glided past me, and occasionally | saw the shape ofa fish below the surtace, Justin front of me, a seal raised its head out of the water, stared at me for afew seconds, then disappeared cain, | couldn't believe it! In the three years I've been ppaddlebcarding, "ve never come across one inthis pant Of the river before, Besides allowing you to gat close to nature, paddleboarding is @ great way to gat and stay ft It's also vary offective if you nood to ease strass, which is what | was particularly interested in atthe time, Pacileboarding van be done on diferent types of ‘water. You can padcleboard on the sea, but you can also do It on lakes and rivers, which isn’t pessible in tho case of surfing, for oxample. My inital experienc Paddleboarding |was on 8 canal, which had the advantagas of being easily aosessible to me and very calm. Although padidleboarding is fairy straightforward compared ‘with some water sports, i's worth knowing wnat 4 good technique involves, One rules to stand \with your knees slightly bent; standing very sttaignt, \which people tend to do early on, doesnt help with Yyour balance Although the technique isn't too complicated, paddling or an hour or so gives you & good physical workout. ‘The first fon times | did it, my stomach muscles were very sore afterwards. These days, I realise thet my arms ‘re much more toned than they used to be anc: my thighs and calves fea alot stronger ‘As with all water spors, you need to spend some money on aquipmont. Boginnors aro generally advised to buy inflatable (blow-up) boards. The ‘exponsive than the hard ones, and they aso giv you more stably, Also, as you'e often out on the water for some tims, a waterproof backpack is essential | make sure that 'm naver without my phone, justin case there's an emergency, and the bag keeps it dry. Snacks and water can be good too, but they can gata ite heavy so take cash every time | go out, just incase | ned something Glossary stability (noun): the quality of not being likely to change or move > civvenibsk acme ELEN Asia ReeBND LaNSURRE WoRRBOOK Crus 41 Which aspect of the weather forecast does the writer check most carafully before going paddleboarding? AM 2 ee : nm 3 What was the writer's main reason for taking up paddlebearding? ny 4 What mistake do beginner paddleboarders often make? = nm 5 Namo ene thing the writer lvays cartes in her bag when she goes padidleboerding Creare ty 6 What are the advantages of having inflatable boards rather than hard boards? Give three details. : 18} Total: 8) angles (noun) apparently (adverb) dose (noun) Ignored (vars) impression (noun) obviously (advert) percentage (noun) refer to (verb) remote (adjective) supposedly (adverb) transformed (verb) widespread (adjective) a according to others bina way that is easy to understand or see © noteonsidered, overlooked d rmention, talk about © foundiin many placos fa number stated in relation toa whole g atadistance sibs h changed completaly 1 a specific, measured amount of something austen J anidea or feeling you get about something k according to what ie goncrally bokoved | physical points of view 2 Complete sentences a-h using the words from Activity 1. In most casos you will nod to.use a different form of the word. Write the part or parts of speech you have used, (e.g. adjective, adverb, noun, verb) in the space at the end of the sentence, Example: it’s apparent that we need to upgrade the software. adjective leaning! is quite a new term, even though ‘distance learning’ . for many years. . > civierinse cee eNalst ae a meeoNS UNRUAEE WoRtboGK b His coneltion after the doctor gave him three different .. 1 OF the medicine. ¢_ Lean't see the picture very well. I'S... inthe wrong way. d thaveto ssstssessenees 6M YOu the importance of rebooting your computer after the upgrade © I'm waiting for this download to finish. it's still only on 65 fF ifyou continue to the warnings, itis that the situation will get worse. g There's no se-sesene that in the Instruction book, fh This model is to be much faster than my old one, but let's walt and see. 3 Write chort definitions or give eynonyms (words with similar meanings) for the four words n bold. a Abalanced diet and regular exercise premete all-round geod health. I don't think the experience we had on holiday was very positive ¢ He cleaned the table with e soepy sponge. My top priority ic to find the WiFi password! Unit 2: Digital life 4 Draw lines to match the phrases to make complete sentences if you gently sponge it, | isa priority. Ea) | aeeiiaee SSeS oo | She has a great desl of experience | to promote their online services. Tech companies are always thinking of new ways. is part of Language focus: Adverbs Foundation 1 Remember that adverbs are used to describe verbs, adjectives and other adverbs. They can show how, where, wien, why and how often something happens Find and underline the adverbs in the following sentences. There are two adverbs Example: We may be slightly late for our meeting This app is incredibly difficult to use b She sometimes forgets to charge her phone. © Hedide't perfor well in the test. 1d The manager said he would seriously consider my suggestion 2 spoke extensively about the challenges we currently face {Martine is always confident about technical issues. 9 He managed to fix the problem unusually quickly. fh That's a very tall building, 2 Complete these sentences using the adverbs you underlined in Activity 1. You can use each adverb once only. & Ho wants to travel sass seseaneinesne ator he finishos university b She holds the position of technice! supervisor. Hea uses social media in his spare time. > Cilieminse nee enaceas a meeoNn NRUAEE WoRRioOK Trying to finish too might lead to mistakes e its best to change your password, Ff Asyou i sos know, Our products and services are of an extremely high standare, g Police take identify thett .. fh The problem was difficult to solve. i Are you hungry? Yes, = [We heard an scsssstenenn loud bang from the house next door. Practice 3 Look at these sentences. Explain what the adverbs in beld are showing: how, where, when, way or how often. Examples: We happily pay for subscriptions and apps. how Nowadays many people own 2 smartphone. when a Allstaff members had to be present for the early launch af the new phone b He smiled warmly and handed over the prize... © I will serlously think about the price before | make my decision d__ People usually have at least one device connected to the internet. © Faizal speaks very softly. F Some smart speakers ean play music extremely loudly g That TV show is aetwally really good ~ | recommended it to my friends hh The weather app on my phone is never wong. Unit 2: Digital life 4 Match a phrase in column A with a suitable ending from column 8, Fill the gap in the sentence with an adverb from the box. Write the complete sentences below. The first ‘one has bean done as an example. absolutely completely definitely immediately really recently seriously _—_ totally 1. look forward + aitul! She ... recognised advice very This fashion for digital enterteinment | on amazing experience You should take that diferent personalities The brothers have .. hae only appeared That type of behaviour is... unacceptable Tho activity weekend was the woman in the shop. This new phone is to hearing from you. aT geally leok, forward 10 hearing from you. > ciiarinse eee eiacenas a seenNn aNoURRE WoRmERK Challenge 5S Replace the words and phrases in bold with an adverbs ending in «ly Write the word in the space at the end of each sentence, a His teacher tald him again and again to study harder, but he refused to listen. b She wrote the answers with many mistakes © Matthew walked up and down in an anxious way as he waited for his interview. d_Intho ond they managed to find the addrees. © They gave a lot of money to various charities. The driving instructor told him to stop the car at once. 6 Unscramble the letters to make eight adverbs ending In -ly. The first latter is given. Then use each adverb in sentences of your oven, a ylefisautiul bow bb meeployet) Coe © foulbdytul dn. 4 ueaenytlv °. 2 nfbayhisoal f F nsgeeryoul 3 3 nhyguril hen fh ceorrynietl i Unit 2: Digital life a focus: Reading You ate going to read an article about virtual-reality (VR) headsets. First, metch the words from the text in the box with definitions eh, copable (adjective) considerations (noun) _detect (verb) horizontal (adjective) limitations (noun) participate (verb) straps (noun) _vortieal adjective) a to become involved in something b uptight at an angle of 90 degrees to a fiat surface d__ narrow pieces of material for keeping something in place © able to de thinge effectively to achiovo rosite {parallel to the ground or tothe top or bottom of something 9 things that are thought about carefully hh to discover or identify something 3 >) cence eral ionn iaNeURRE WoROOK 2 Skim Text 2.1, Use the words from Activity 1 to fil gaps ah Text 2.1 Virtual reality headsets [1] If you want to travel without leaving your home, then virtual reality (VA is an amazing technology to use. With just a headset anc software to (a). 1nd Follow movement, VR can place you in a virtual location or fet you (6)... fv a game or activity without even being there! [2] VRis becoming increasingly popular, mainly ‘because it offers an incredible user experience. However, headset technology is improving 50 ‘quickly that it can be ditfoult to know which headset to buy. And es with most digital devices, ‘prices can be from a few hundred to many thousands of dollars, [91 A typical headset looks lke a large, thick pel of swimming goggles and Is either tethered cr standalone, A tethered headset is connected to. computer oF gaming station with « cable, Which can be annoying. However, putting all the VR technology into the box strapped to your face has tts (e) . Being connected to a separate computer can offer ‘better-quality graphics and a more complex and interesting VR experience. These headsets have external sensors or cameras, which follow the movements of the user’s head and hands, [4] If you want more physical freedom, however, a standalone headset might be a better option ‘These headsats do net have the came processing power as the tethered sete, but they are stil @).. fof emooth, detailed graphics, and offer excellent fexiblty arc movement tracking They are cheaper than tethered headsets ~ and are mote practical. Furthermore, they give the User greater freedom to move around. Some Of the cheapest standalone headsets use your smartphone as the display and processor. 15] One of the most important when buying a YR jew. The wider the view, ‘the more the VR content wraps around your side vision, giving 2 much betier viewing experience. Field-of-view is measured in three different ways: (9 (@).. and diagonal. Some: ff the more expensive headsets provide 130 deurees of horizontal field-of-view, while cheaper models are lower, at 90 degrees. [6] Another important consideration is the weight of the headset. Some can be quite heavy so it is ‘epsential to make sure that the. th) wore fe comfortable and do not force all the headsets weight onto one part of your head. While headsets have got lighter over the years. they can still weigh betwaen 500 g and 1000 g, although there are rumours of a new VR. headset that will weigh as little as 150 a! 3 Look at these headings. Write a number (1-4) in the box to match each one toa paragraph in the text. a Cable connection b No tickets needed! © Sitting comfortably The experience gets better @ Up, down and across f Wireless connection oor Unit 2: Digital life Anewer these questions a What two things do you need for a VR experience? b Why ie VR becoming more common? © Why can it be difficult to know which headset to buy? d What does a tethered headset need in order to function? © Give two advantages of using a tethered headeet. {What do the cheapest VR headsets also need in order to work? 9 What is the effect of a wider field-of-view? fh Why ore headset straps so important? Complete these nates using information ftom the text. Use 1-3 words in each gap. a VRtechnology allows you to participate without b Headset prices vary between several hundred to of dellars © Atethered headset needs & to connect to @ compute d_ Wireless headsets give more to move around. @ Smartphones are required for some headsets, f Greater field-of-view gives a better 9 VRheadsets need comfortable .... and padding, > cieinsz ieee eral econ Ne WoRmCOK ia tet one Reading, multiple matching Read the article in which four young people (A-D) talk about podcasts they listen to, Then answer questions 2+. Text 2.2 A NITIN WALJI Jimmy Claskis a he chats with a guest, usually another footballer, about what it's like to play football formier professional footballer, and in each episode of his podeast for a living. The structure is straightforward, but the conversation often goes all over the place. Fintilly thougie it was 2 bit too disorganised, to he honest, but asthe series progressed, I realised that Clark has interesting things to say about what goes Tdon't eners, which is odd becuse lots of fans would enjoy ‘on behind the scenes at football cubs. Although he's a well-known perso think the podeast has many it, He was at. In faet, he offen jokes the most skilful player, and he's aware of sahout the mistakes he made and goals he missed, and that side of his character is appealing. He's gota very Ioud laugh, which I imagine might not go dowo well with sone people, but Like him. B STEVEN CARTER Onby« Gameis a podcast that reviews video games. One thing that makes it different from most other game review podcasts is that it's presented by a young ‘woman called Selina Rarnos, and all her guests are female gamers. Selma’ sim isto provide a place where young women ean frcely express their ideas on video games, and the conversations she has are rally informative, Selma is clearly a talented Glossary communicator: Some people from the giming world, however, find her anaaying ae and make their flings known online with silly comments like Why is this podcast (eins a all-female” and Twant to listen to experts, not amateur. Fortunately, Selma believes wah listen jn herself ancl, quite rightly, is continuing to do exactly what she wants. As she has informetive pointed out, che unusually large audience she attracts suggests thar she is deing (adjective) ‘ ; providing a something right! lot of useful er esses information Decompase is based on a very simple idea, whichis perhaps wy nur to it when T hte Nick Ferns chooses a song, usually a ree, ‘want something, to chill ont to. The posteaster Nick Ferns chooses 2 song, usually A ulin wall-knowa one, and asks the individual or group who wiote ito tell the story of studies or how it was created, Perhaps because of the famous musicians who often feacure, writes about history Unit 2: Digital life oN) the podcast has already seceived a lot oF atteation. Not all of it has been favourable; there hay een complaints for example, that some of the songs don't deserve to have so much time devored to them, But even the positive comments tend overlook the way that Ferns is able to get musicians to reveal a lot about themseh At the end of certain episodes, my feelings sbou a cong are very different som what they were atthe start, If Ferns were to include new recordings of the songs by their original writers itis likely that the podcast would attract many more listeners. DASHA MALIK Untold Hieory i an appropeiace name for the podcast created by the historian Kathy Gordon: it covers areas of history that I've never been taught about in school. I've alwaye found echoo! history lestons rather dull, and this podcast hae made me see the subject in a new light. Also, helpfully, it gives you links to articles, books and videos you can look at if you want to learn more about a topic. Gerdon bi ual information, which is good, but she does itxather quickdy, so unless you really focus, you're Likely to miss certain up her explanations with lots of fact points and then feel lost. She also likes to include fanny stories and jokes in the podcasts. To he honest, these attempts at humour tend co be mther awk: and get on my Untold Hise nes. Apart from that, though, J highly recommend For each stetement, write the conect letter A, B, C or Don the line. Which person 2 says thet one aspect of @ podkast can be iritating? ft) b finds it surprising that a podeact is not more popular? a € ejects criticism of the format of e podcast? At thinks a podcaster’s skill is often underestimated? erat € isimpressed by how modest a podeaster is? eel f expresses approval of a podeaster’s determination? 1 @ finds a podeast relaxing to listen to? cotil hi appreciates additional material available with a podcast? m 1 admits to changing their mind about a poccast? fl Total: 9] | 23 > cavienibsk acme eae as a seED LaNaUREE: WoRRBOOK Read the article about how playing video games can affect people, and then complete the notes. VIDEO GAMING - HOW GOOD OR BAD IS IT FOR US? Glossary doficioncy (nouny: 2 situation in which you do not have enough of something Unit 2: Digital life Imagine you are going to gve a talk to your classmates about the effects that playing Video games can have on people. Use words from the article to help you write some notes. Make short notes under each heading. Health problems caused by playing video games: Exomple: eyesight strain Bl 14) (otal: 71 consume guaranteed —harmless.-—_partleipants actual sprinkled fooled underestimate a There nase large number of people taking part in the cooking competition. 1b The high quality of the food in that restaurant is elays certain... a small amount of cheese. .csccccesateneseeeee © The waiter covered the pasta wi Most people miscaleulate the number of calarias they eat evary day. @ Fast food seems to be safe but we need to eat far less t Don't be tricked into buying food that appears to be healthy. 9 The real number of fast food restaurants is unknown, 2 Choose words from the box to complete the sentences outlots, majority pressure simply a Children put enormous and drink sesame Of theit parents to buy certain food b Nowadays, there are 30 many food ... _ that itis dificult to know where te go. ¢ Saying that advertising controls what we eat is not true. a The. . of customers are very careful about their food choices. © The prices in the new restaurant are lower than elsewhere, Unit 3: Food 3 Read this review of a restaurant. Choose adjectives from the box to fill each gap. In some cases, more than one adjective is possible, but try to use each adjective only once. attractive bright busy convenient cosy delicious extensive fashionable fresh happy healthy helpful local overpriced polite reasonable Restaurant review How meny people reading this noul’ welcome another vegetarian restaurant? If you do not eat meet then you wil probably be extremely (a) “ «hve enother vegetarian option nearby Next wack sass the opening of Healthy Dishes This is an (b) © place, i ad) nese Fgtion, serving an fe) range of vegetarian dishes. ‘The restaurant cen seat up to ebout 18 people, and the sivleis(f) 2nd (9) = When | ysited, the restaurant had not property opened, but | was able to sample some (h) dishes and (Ds .juiges. The food is nat cheap, but nor it)... asallthe ingredients are (k) so sesnn td 100% cxgaric. So, in my oginion, paying slighty more for your food is o The young owners, Ben and Sam, who only gradueted ‘tom university fast year, were (m) fiendly and vary (n) and they are wotking very herd lo get everything ready in time for the grand opening In conclusion, you ere vegetarian and want a (o) ‘new restaurant to try, you won't be diseppointed with Healthy Dishes | predict wll be (p) , 50 make sure you reserve your table. =a £44 : > cians eiacetasaseeeNe NaUaRE WoRmROK 4 Complete the table with your own phrases that express opinion and agreement cor disagreement. Add at least three expressions in each column. An example of each has been given een Pee To ymin boul have you considered other 5 Write short dialogues for each of these three situations. Use the expressions you listed in Activity 4. Underline the expressions of opinion and circle the expressions of agreement or disagreement, Situation 4: Two friends discussing a sports event they have just watched. Situation 2: Two friends discussing a test they have just taken. Situation 3: Two friends discussing what to do at the weekend, Unit 3: Food Language focus: Linking devices Remember that linking devices are words or phrases used to make connections between sentences. They have several different functions, including: © to sequence avents or ideas in 2 place of writing © to signal a contrast or comparison © toindicate cause and effect Foundation 1 Add the words and phrases in the box to the correct column of the table. ‘Three have been done as examples. although —aseresuit because but_—_consequently finally however secondly moreover nevertheless. onthe otherhand to sum up Paes eee seCOndly although as a result 2 Think of twe more examples of linking devices for each column end add them te your table Practice 3 Choose the most auitable word or phrase from the box in Activity 1 to complete these sentences, More than one answer may be possible. Example: We decided not to retum to the restaurant because the food was very overpriced. > Giiminak nee enaleas a eNR ENSUARE WoRmEEX a The weather forecast was net good we decided to risk going fora picnic. Cn the one hand, the food was great. _ we had to wait ages tobe served © [think I've included everything. $0, ... this outlet is really worth visiting if you're in that part of town d_Weate delicious fish and salad, ....sssctsesnnnny the desserts were just as tasty. © I would definitely go there again, only when it’s not so busy F ttwas the only place open so late at night... ‘ we had to eat there 4 Rewrite the sentences in Activity 3 so that they have the same mesning but use a different linking device. You may need to reorder the sentence Example: We decided not to return to the restaurant because the food was very overpriced. Mle decided not 40 return to the restaurant as/since the {00d was Very overpriced. The food was very overpriced. As a result Consequently, ve decided nat to ¢eturn to the restaurant, Challenge 5. Use any euitable linking devices you know to completa the following sentences Use a different linking device In each sentence a to the restaurant's inconvenient location, we are also worried about the lack of parking =e Unit 3: Food b The nev, intemet campaign will be crucial to promoting our new products; , itwill help us leam more about our online customers. € : of the recent rise in oll prices, we ean no longer offer motorists discounts We havea very large order to fill this weekend. | we will need to bring in more staff. e sesso nassnsn She ordered the vegetarian option, the waiter brought her a moat based dich, f We are doing extremely well this yer. we are not planning to expand the business at the moment. 9 So those are the pros and cons. , we all agree to the development of a new menu for the summer season fh The manager does not want us to stay open any ister, vcs the owner does not agree. Write six sentences of your own, using 2 different linking device in each one, Write two sentences each for sequence, contrast/comparison and cause/effact. a MG > CAMBRIDGE IGCSE™ ENGLISH AS A SECOND LANGUAGE: WORKBOOK Skills focus: Writing 4 Use the words and phrases in the box to complete the information about how to varie reviews. There are tWo extra words that you do not need. Do net look at the Coursebook deleted used focus evaluation include read or seen A review is YOUr (@) oe acs « F something you have (b) such 2s afl TV show, video game or book. A review could also (o) sssone. ON Somewhere you have been —~ for exarple, a festival, concert or resteurent or even someting thal you have (4) : such as computer software or equpment. What is the suggested format for writing a review? Add headings for sections 2-4 Co) 2 5 Introduction md Look at this writing task and answer the questions, Your class recently went on a visit to 2 farm to see how local food is produced. Your teacher has asked you to write a review of the visit for the school magazine. In your review, you should give your views aa —_ ‘on the visit and what you learnt, / thed no idea how Opposite ae some commenss rom students (—_aallonal the who wert on the ist NS oa a Now write a review fer the school magazine. —— Cees ‘The comments opposite may give you some ideas, prefertoiustgote and you should also use come idoas of your own 3 supermarket! Write about 120 to 160 words. SS ‘You will receive up to 6 marks for the content of your reviow, and up to 9 marks for the language used, Total: 15] a What exactly do you have te write about? b Whois your audience? Unit 3: Food 4 Read this sample student answer. Which feature in the box describes each section of underlined text? Write the number of the feature in the box next to each letter. You may uso some numbers more than once, 11 addition 4 contrast 7 information about where 2 cause/ettect 5 giving opinion 8 question to engage the reeder 3 concluding 6 information about when 9 sequence Hallowmi cheese — only from Cyprus G)[_] Bid you know that hallouni cheese is now officially a Cuprick product, ard can only be made in Copeus? That was the most aterscting piece of informaticn we learnt during our school vicit to a &) [_] lecol farm (6) [7] jast weet, Hollowni cheese has been produced on Cupriok farms like the one we visited for hundreds of years |_| Ficstly, milk is collected from cous, cheep Or goats, which is heated for several hours and G) | then cooled after it has become sold, (D[ | Then the cheese is cclled in mint, Folded in half and kept in calty water (@)[_] As a cecult the cheese cemains fresh during the long, hot summer months. Incredib'y, the whole production process has remained unchanged for centuries. GD [ ] Although we already knew about the Lovte and texture of hallow’, we had no idea that there is @ global export market of abouk 35 000 tonnes. The biggest consumers are Swedes, Germans and Greeks, (0 [] as well as people in the United Kingdom. This is worth nearly US*3OO walion every wpa GG [Le ewe the ok ans cstreny eberostey 09 |] LU esommnend thal oars should dey to find out more about locally produced food. 5 Imagine that you recently went to # food festival to sample diferent typos of traditional foods from around the world. Make notes about the experience under the following headings. ‘The location of the festival: oo ft > ciiiarinse eee eiaceasia een ANoUaRE WoRmRRK The different types of food avallable: Your experience of tasting different foods: & Use your notes to help you write a review for your school website. Your review should be about 120 to 160 words. Remember to use the four stages you identified in Activity 2, Unit 3: Food Baa eee Writing, formal writing You and some friends recently visited an open-air market where a wide range of street food was on sale. You have decided to wnte a review of the market for your school magazine. In your review, give your views on the market and the food that is served there. Hore are come comments from frienels who want with you! There’s something Its the sort of place special about where you can try things you've never ‘eaten before eating outside in a ret. crowded r Now write a review of the street market. ‘The commants above may give you some ideas, and you should also use came ideas of your own. Write about 120 to 160 words. ‘You will receive up to 4 marke for the content af your raview, and up to 9 marks far the language used (Total: 15) wo a Aries the Te rere on the Boe cha earecaarehe 1h eee Pay ape Oe down of diagonally in the grid. cer coach liner driver.—bicycle ferry helicopter balloon lorry _—passonger —_—pilot boat tram yacht s=l[clo[zlz[= @PDEEEPEEE efzlzlolalefe|[~[e|mfolz -l<[-[-[olz[-[-]-[>]-[o elel=lelel=l-lal=lz of l=ll=1-1<)>[le lelzl-lel-P [ele lolel= m[=fol=telefelzfolo[el- -lal-[el<[<]- [re [el ciivenibsk iene eNaLEN a a ReUEND LANGUAGE WoRtBOmK 1 ashon, easily remembered phrase, often used in advertising |. somecne who takes part in particular activity... ke increased in size or amount | ways of earning maney in order to survive 5 Complete the text using seven words from Activity 4 Electric scooters - a guide for beginners At first we only sew them in airports, but nowadays the number of electric scacters has (a). ‘and they are pretty much everywhere, providing a reliable means of wensport. For anyone concemed about trafic jars and (6) roads, an e-scocter is an excellent solution for(c) around town, Riding an e-scooter is no different ftom riding a bike At fist you may leck confdence and be staid of something @ hhapoening, bul you wil soon reaise how easy and oonfrtable they ae to ride. In some places e-scooters are only alowed to be driven on the road, and the last thing anyone wants is more tel caused by careless riders. Make sure you get plenty of practice on @ quiet sieet or somewhere without other vehicles before you go ito tow, Consider jeining one of the many government 0 designed to teach you the skils required to be a safe, confident e-soooter rider ‘Anelmet is required by law when nding an e-sovoter. Other protective geer. such as elbow and knee pads, are optional, but i you Gd fl off or were involved in en accident, these pads can go @ ong Way to preventing severe: @ 2 Language focus: The passive voice \, Foundation A 1 Complete thi information about the passive voice using the words in the box. main action agent be object past or present participle unknown Unit 4: Transport The passive voice allows yout focus on the (a. ortho (b) ofan sotion, rather than on the (c) ofthe action. fen the agent is (d) ~-ornot important. The passive voice is constructed using the correct tense of the verb (e) orot the verbs have + be anc the (f ofthe (@) vert, Underline the passive verb forms in these sentences. Write what tense each one is. Example: Fatalities are caused by careless drivers. present a Abelmet is required by law. bb Hewas involved In an accident, but there was ne need for an ambulance, ¢ Eleow and knae pads are designed to prevert trauma d_ Government initiatives have been set up to support new @ E-scooters ware seen in airports kefore anywhere else. f Bicycles have been used for transport for many years 9 Planesere flown by pilots. fh Ourtickets were checked by the conductor. Practice 3 Identify the mistakes in the verbs in these sentences. Rewrite each sentence with the correct pazsve form. There may be mors than one possible answer. Examples: In the new park, shade provided by many tal trees In the new park, shade is,piavided by many tal tees The United Arab Emirates are connect by 9 modom road systom. b Aunique road transport system planned forthe new city > ciiiarinse eee eiaceas a seenNe aNoURRE WoRmEeK ¢ It isestimates that people waste 100 hours annually commuting to work d__ People not persuaded by the benefits of park and ride systems @ Parents encourage to allow their children to walk to school. f Recently, incroased strocs levels has linked to traffic congestion, g Since last torm, students aro promising froe internet accoss, The city divide after the conal had built 4 Complete these sentences using the passive form of the verb in brackets. There may be more than one possible answer. Example: For the holiday business, the world hes been changed (change) by aeroplanes a Somuch demage ... (do) to the read that now itis full of potholes. b The microphone {not switch) on s0 nobody heard the announcement. MY CAF EYES aesentnen (badly wear), 60 | should replace them: d Theriver (swell) after the heavy rains last wack. © As s0 many feCt019 eeesenon sees (involve), a decision sill (not make) F Alot of pressure (put) on him to pass his driving test Some porticipants «ens «usu (Force) to repeat the exercise last week fh When we arrived at the aitport we (face) with huge queues es Unit 4: Transport Challenge 5 Read about four different forms of transport. Complete each paragraph using the passive forms of the verbs in brackets in the tense indicated in italics, Traghetto, Venice The Grand Canal in Venice's 3.53 km long, but there are ony three bridges over the water, sa how do people ‘61088? The famous traghetto (fori ttalian) isthe answer. Thase boats (a) (design present) to provide passengers with a quick and cheap way to ga rom one side of the canal othe other, Each bost (b) {(fow presen) by two oarsmen, one at each end of the traghstio, and passengers usually stand during the short crossing. Tangah, Pakistan Pakistan is famous for rckshas are tans, but money (c) (can save presen) by ning on fa targah. This s a cariege, siting on top of two large wooden wheels. Tangahs, which (d) (pul present by one or two horses, (€) (not design past) for comfort! Nowadays tangahs Cc) (use present} for enjoyment and entertainment rather than as a way of covering long cistanees, Bamboo train, Cambodia If you're feeling brave, ty riding a Cambodian bamboo train. These trains, which (g) (know present jocally es nor, (h). : (fist use past in the late 20th century. Passengers siton a platform made from bemboo, which (i (power presenf by an electric engine Nori ()) {know present perfect to travel at speeds of up to 40 koh. As the tracks ” (not maintein presen) the ride can be extremely bumpy and uncomforable, bur the fares are cheap and its an amazing experience. Monte toboggan, Madeira Monte toboggens () (introduce past) in the 19th century as a quick method to descend from Monte to Funchal in Portugel. Today they aro a popular tour attiacion, although you (rn) 5s (wil accompany furs) by two drivers. The divers, who (n) (cress presen) in traiiona white ‘outfits, wil steer you through the narrow streets et up to 48 kph, making ita truly excitng experience. 41 >? ) civierinsk nee enace asa eoNR UNRUREE WoRtboOK 6 Write passive sentences using the words provided. Use any appropriate tense for the underlined verbs, and make any ather necessary changes. Example: Cyclists / not protect / danger > Cyclists are not protected irom danger. a Cyclists with colourful clothes / see / more easly. b Nowadays, the risk of head injury / reduce / with a helmet. ¢ Road signs / introduce / in the 1880s. dBikes/ check requiatly / will be sofer. @ The werkd / make small / faster air travel F Pilots’ conversations / record / on a ‘black box’ g Were you stress / when you flew? fh Since 1901, many accidents / prevent / strict speed limits Skills focus: Listening 1 You are going te listen to four different people talking about their experiences with a boda-boda Before you listen, precict each speakers’ first sentence by uiriting a letter A-D in the box. ‘Speaker 1; Well, vo been dkiving my bods-boda for 15 years now ‘Speaker 2: came to Uganda for work and had my first bada-boda experience from the airport Speaker 3:| had a couple of days in Kampala ‘Speaker 4:/ live and work in rural Uganda 26.3 nurse . Unit 4: Transport A ...and fm like an ambulance on two wheels B__... and ithas provided me and my family with a comfortable living. and the hotel recommenced that | should ride with Dennis because he was the bbest person to help me get to know the city D_ ... where | was taken to my hotel along with my 25-kllagram suitcase on the back cof my friend's bod-bota Now chose each speaker's next sentence. Write the number of the speaker in the bax a Hewes brilliant and I had no idea that Kampola wes such a vest and interesting place b tma properly licensed driver and we get a lot of benefits, € We take people, especially pregnant women, from their homes to the local hospital. d_ Well, he became my friend after thet nait-biting experience, as ikept throwing my arms around him because I was so frightened, Listen to the speakers end check your answers to Activities 1 and 2 Look at these questions. Write down what type of information each question requires you to listen for. @ What can happen to many foreigners in Kampala? b What is recommended for safety on @ boda-boda? Give two details © Why did the speaker hold on to the driver? d_ Where were the mother and her baby being taken? @ Why did the narrator ride with Dennis? {Where did they ga on day three? 9 How did the narrator fool when she bogan working? Le > cians eiacetasaseeeNe NaUaRE WoRmROK hh Whar does she need ta be careful of when driving? Name three things 5 Listen agein and write short answers to the questions in Activity 4 re are two questions for each speaker Pewsey Listening, sentence completion @ _yeetitber emaert ging presreton show a young mon cle Rl Oil, hos an mentor tom Romania. Fer each question choose the correct answer, A, B or C, and put a tick () in the appropriate bex ‘You will hoar the talk twico, 4 When Raul was young, he dreamt of becoming ... Aan investigator. Ban astronaut. 008 © anengineer ty 2 Alter three years of research and development, Raul attached a jet engine to... A acer el B aplane, Oo © bicycle Oo 1 Unit 4: Transport ein 3 At16, Raul began . .. co thet investors would finance his project. ‘A publishing academic articles c B contacting people on social media oO writing letters to managing directors Oo nm 4 Raul received... from Steve Sammartino to launch a spaceship ‘A. $7000 oO B $1000 o ss90000 a i 5 ‘Although Raul was otdy 17, he dernonattsted le Steve thet he could A lead a large team. [ey B__ manage a project Oo © deal with media attention. Oo tm 6 Raul wanted to invent a full-size vehicle that A dici not cost much to build, oO 8 companies would want to produce, Oo would nat need any petrol o nm 7 When Rau! sent his vehicle to Australia, A the engine cracked. a B come parts got loxt i © itcame apan. nm 8 The-safect driving speed for Rau'e vohicle ie A 27kph. oO B 2Bkoh. Oo © 22ich Oo nm {Total} ‘1 Find these ten words from Unit § in the Coursebook in the wordsearch. The words may appeer across, down or diagorelly in the grid. appreciate rolling basically stunning constantly blink dramatic x[xfefcle[ufc[clo[y]s[rfa[u[r[i[y[m Pfalsfe{e[s[x[«lo[m|r[«]z]«[s]slo[n s{a[w[efo[e[ulelelelvis[ilefalclalu efafefefalt[a[rfal«] i [xlelo[slefo]y Ta twle[wfalelolz[x[vla[o [wfc [lw [w[x fdafelefefefels [a] tfebclofelifecle]i [ec s|mic[m[n[xfs[slelclolele]ilalri{ ale s[wlalclelnielelrlofe[v[u[w[e[v[e[m s{tlu[n[n[ifwlolalelalelefe[c[e[u[« ofe[slrfofre[a[m[alt[i[e[nfcly[v[s[n s[e[t]y[elalwiy[e[z[rt[r[ale[z[s[n[r ele[y[z[e[c[ofo[:[s[alol«]o]r[wlofe 2 Write the ten words from Activity 1 next to thelr definitions. ate recognise how good or valuable something is bused to refer to the main characteristic of something © toquickly close and open the eyes incredibly beautiful © te find something attractive and pleasant to look at fall the time, or very often zs unit Holidays 9 very noticeable or full of excitement and interest : fh the naturel features of a landscope sons gently rising and falling aoe J extremely beautiful or attractive 3. Use the words from Activity 1 to fll the gaps. More than one answer may be possible. a Ifyou. v= YOu may miss something. b All around us was the most beautiful ...scaccsesnesnensene © The higher you go, the more you can the .. views. The hills, which you can... score from some way off, are a sight. © The views are changing ss.0/.s/ssnt nin Because of the movement of the helicopter. f Asthe lesson was ss for advanced skiers, it was too difficult for me. 9 From aur hotel we could see the - os hills in the distance —a very sight. 4 Write chort definitions or give eynonyms (words with similar meanings) for these five words. a confident b professional © historical unfortunately > ciieminse tac enalnt as a men ANSUAnE WoRREOOK 5 Draw lines to mateh the phrases and make complete sentences Tho travel company was oxtremaly confident to make sure we didn't get lost! We booked a professional guide the food was not very good. ‘We spant an amazing fow days visiting many historical monuments ‘and wo get great photos of some of the animals. The restaurant staff were very efficient, but unfortunately that we would be comfortable in this hotel, There was an amazing diversity of wildlife, in different perts of the city Language focus: Words ending in -ing Foundation 1 Complete these examples, which describe the different ways that -ing forms can be used, Write the «ing forms of the words from the box in the gaps. frighten ite drink fly | A They can be used as nouns, as the subject or object of sentences, particularly when talking about types of activity Example: ssiccsarisstnrantsnrm 80 much fizzy sods is not good for you. B_ They can be used after a preposition, in the same way as a noun, Example: She sharpened her peneil before ©The -ing form is also used to crsate continuous verbs tenses Example: Tomorrow they are. 1D. Some adjectives end with -ing. Example: The horror movie was reaily to Australia, 2 Look at the following sentences. Which funetion of the -ing form does each of the nde! red words show - 8, B, Car D? Example: The hotel manager is talking to some other quests. C Unit 5: Holidays The hills are a stunning sight. b Walking along the beach at sunset is incredibly peaceful © We're planning to trevel when the weather is cooler d_Aitor enjoying so much delicious food, we decided to go back to the restaurant again ° {twas a thrilling experience — the best ever! ‘They're thinking about where to go and what to do. We really loved Listening to all the birds in the garden during our holiday. Instead of saimming in the poo|, they went down to the river Practice 3 Complete the text using -ing forms of the words in the box. The fist one has been done as an example, amaze burst. «crumble eat explore check offer rolex sparkle. = swim = think cit Discover the Isles of Scilly by air or sea (@) Thinking ebout where to go for your next tip can be stressful The Isles of Scilly Steamship Group provides You with tvo great choices to enjoy @ day tnp to the islands. Whether you choose a (b) cotise (on Scifonian lil orto fy on Skybus (he islands! own airine), and whatever time of year you are (} 5 , youll be sure to enjoy the (d) natural beacty ofthe islancs Exctic plants, ancient monuments and (e} castles, (f) white sands and ‘a bright blue sea— all he treasures of te islands await you. They are located only 45 km from England's Lend’ End, but they are (g) ‘wth touches ofthe Tropics ‘The |sles are populeted by a communty of 2000 islanders, end there are fve inhabited sland, (,) eeeeeeereriee Just one will make your day ti memoreble, Joureys between the islands are available from St Mary's Quey. but t's always wort () times and tides for avalaiity. ‘StMary's, where the airports stuated, is the lrgest of the islands. Hugh Town, its capital, isthe commercial centre, 0 2 greal choice of shops, restaurants and cafés. Afr (K) don't iss the ‘exhbis at the museum or@ walk round the Garson and the Blizabethan fort, There are many walks and nature tres, > cians eiaceas a seeaNe NoURRE WoRmERK ‘The other inhabited islands are St Martin's, Biyher, Tresco and St Agnes. On St Agnes isa {7th-century lighthouse, the second oldest in Gran, as well as cafe forrefreshments. The beaches at Portn Gonger and the Cove are creat for) Which funetion af the -ing form dass each of your answers in Activity 3 show —A, B,C or D? Write the letter in the box. The first one has been done as an example. af 3 ’[] + CJ «CT i a | i ° k ‘Cl 1 Challenge 5 Make complete sentences using the prompts. Each sentence should use an -ing form. ‘cle punctuation if necessary Example: I couldn't / haar! her/ sing / because f noise T coulil hear her singing because of the noise. a see /turlle / swim by / we / start to follow it b while/ talk / to other people / 1/ learn more about turtles & _now/he / understand / importance of / preserve /everything in the water growth / underwater touriem / open up / Great Barrier Reef © underwater tourier / put / more people / in touch with / underwater world fF nowadays / be / possible / explore / accans / without / get/ your fact wet Unit 5: Holidays g this /be/ most / excite / part of the holiday h fly (helicopters / be / my dream & Write two sentences of your avin for each of the four ing categories, A, B, C and D (eight sentences in total). Your sentences should be on the topic of tourism. Skills focus: Listening 1 Make o list of at least five lers' thet you reed about in Unit Sin the Coursebook, Example: actually @ 2 Listen toa student, Aphrodite, talking to her friend Spiro about a speaking practice lesson. {As you listen, tick the fillers that you hear the speakers use Actually 1 Really? oO Hime Tobe honest go Vim not sure OO wet go QO Let me think > ciiminsk nee eneceNas A eEoNR UNSURE WoREOK 3 Listen again, Write bref nates an what advice Spira gives to Aphrodite about each of the following. Example: worrying doesn’t help - prepare, questions are personal, not challenging a dealing with nerves busing your own language and phrases to shew you dor't understand © not having enough to say d_ the topic @ pronunciation 4 Hore are Aphrodite's concoms, For each ono, take the role of Spiro and record your spoken responses, using the notes you made to help you. 8 We're doing a speaking practice session next week and I'm a bit worried as I don't feel that can prepare properly fori. b Tobe honest, I'm often really nervous if | feel 'm being judged on how well fm speaking or fI'm making mistakes. © But what ifm asked something and | don’t know how to reply in English? Can I say itin my own language? d_ Thanks, that’s good advice. But yau know, I'm really worried that I just won't have enough to say Unit 5: Holidays @ What if| don't know anything about the topic they want to talk about? {What sbout my pronunciation and my accent? | sound horrible! | fee! | speak so diferertly to the people | hear on the news and on television 5. Listan again and check your anewers te Activity 4, Beeson Listening, short extracts You will hear five short recordings. For each question, choose the correct answer. A.B or ‘ond put a tick (¥) in the appropriate box. You will hear each recording twice ‘You will hear a girl telling her classmates about a diving trip. 1 What did the girl leam during her diving trip at the Great Bairie Reef? 7 hea ldengorous tier hobby ean bo oO Gna cReT eer merece Oo G) Hewdvens seallte o nh 2 What recommendation does the git! give about visiting the Great Bertier Reef? ea eoreac verieameireriaere o B study the local culture in edvance Cc research seasonal weather conditions oO m You will hear s boy and his mother talking about going on 2 food tour. 3 Why did she mother decide to book the food tour? FAM par acod vehlater cane, o B tthed outstanding reviews oO © Itvisited places with famous chefs. oO n) 4. Why do the boy and his mother enjoy going on food tours? A) tery outers ares oO B to discover less well-known places o Ey folesin more aber atlas thayaes tention with i nm You will hear a man who teaches people how to surf voleanoes. 5 Why does the man think surfing voleanaes is becoming more popular? A. People are trying to follow the latest trend o B’ People’are sharing their experiences on social medi o © Paople:are bean tb experience a new type of edventurs oO ) > ciiierinse eee eiaceas a seeaNe ANoUaRE WoRmERK 6 What advice does the man give about surfing voleances? ‘A increase your strength B use particular equipment o00 water a certain documentary 1] You will hear a tour guide giving information about visiting a wildlif park. 7 What instruction dees the tour guide say everyene must follow in the wildlife park? Ca eernte ecierree oO B wear sultable clothing oO © remain in the vehicle oO mn 8 What tip does the tour guide give about taking photos of wildlife? A putyour cameras onacliensetting a iB incite fiw abienakrscia d © try to focus on an animat’s eyes Oo a ‘You will hear a boy telling a friend about his holiday in northern Canada. 9 What did the boy find most interesting about dog sledding? A taking part in an annual competition Oo B leaming how to give commands to dogs o © discovering more about the tradition oO fo 10. During hit holiday, the boy was particularly improsced ky A the night sky Oo the Winter landscape 1 © the unusual accommodation. Oo fl {Total 10] absorbed —bulld up. engaged equivalent to 2300 million new social media users each year is the same as 550 new social media users each minute. We are all experiencing a huge excess of information. .. ¢ Having too much information leads to a False confidence in what we really know. d_ Students need to be kept busy while learning. <0. © One of a teachor's roles ic to help students increase their confidence. f Onthe course, we learnt all the important information... 2. Use the words in the box to complete the sentences access discouraged loan reflect regrets. struggle 2 [think he felt sic because of al the criticisn he received. b The students needed more time to on their calculations. © Some people When trying to leatn something new, but you should never give up. The internet provides incredible . sven to information. © Banks can provide a financial to support further studies. # Everyone has oes , but it's important to remain positive. > # CAMBRIDGE IGCSE™ ENGLISH AS A SECOND LANGUAGE: WORKBOOK Fill in the gaps using eight words from Activities 1 and 2 What are study si Is? Study skls are very personal and are what you ned 10 become a more confident learner. You should have no fears ora). about developing and improving your study skils!As you (b) different ways to study and learn, you wil be abe to meet your own leaning needs in a more effcien way. Applying study skils efficiently wil also ensure you do nat () ‘The skills you acquire when studying English can be used to (4) yourself with too much knonledge other subjects as wel, ‘hough you stil nged an independent understanding of maths or geography, for example, or you may e with those subjects, Remember — practce makes perfect! You should not fee! (f) hil, Onoe you have (g) the study skills, hey will become automatic and you will scon fi yourself using them in ‘many dflrent situations. Skis such as tme monagement, critical thinking, colaboration, note-taking and giving yoursatftime to (hy are all jus! as important in the workplace as they are in school or sallege. Write short definitions or give synonyms for these five words. boradom coordinate material challonged. ifit takes time to acquire anew Unit 6: Learning and study skills 5 Draw lines to match the phrases to make complete sentences The teacher gives her students | that students are performing well. | We need someone to coordinate | all the after-school sports. ‘Our group needs to collect | challenged usually perform better. [seen woe [ Seas ‘The headteacher regularly ensures Language focus: The zero and first conditionals Foundation 1 Complete the information about conditionals using words and phrases from the box. before before or after —realworld — scientific facts. comma twoparts now —mainclause probability possible. ‘The Zero conditional is used to maka stataments about the (a) It often refers to things that ‘are generaly tue, ke (b) its tine reference is (c) oF always, and the situation tt describes real and (8. nen nee —for example, Plans le ifthey dont have water. ‘The ftst conditional refers o something that has a high (2) cof happening — for example, IFA happens then B vilnayimightcouid heppen ‘A conaltonal sentence Na () 0s n1en the condhtonal (clause end the (a) ‘The conditional clause can come either {h) : the main clause. When it comes 0 the main clause, the two clauses are seperated with a Gj) > cliente ice eaLaN Asa ReeERn UaNaURtE: WoRRBOOK 2 Draw lines to match the phrases and make complete sentences in the zero and first conditionals, There are two extra phrases in the second column that you do not need. Il cateh it iit rains, we might have a plentc. We can't go to the match if | know the answers. ifyou mix rod and blue, if my friend picks me up. If sho misses the bus, Hf we don't have tickets. Call my mobile if you can't find the house. | could help him sho might be late, If the train is running on time, if he has forgotten his passport, | won't need the car the grass gets wet. Practice you get the colour purple. 3. Circle the correct word irom the tho options in each case. present simple). simple + model verb) Zero conditional sentences con be wntten using different a) verbs /fenses. However. (b) both / some parts ofthe conciionel sentence refer to(c) tire presentiime or always. For example: if get lost| ask for instructions. (present simple + present simple) and Im staging wit problem, fy to get hep. (present continuous + ‘The (d) infinitive / imperative verb form, or a modal verb, can also be used ~ for example, Don't disturb me i'm studying! imperative + present continuous) and Ifyou put the towel on the cooker, it ight catch fre. (present Unit 6: Learning and study skills 4 Make complete sentences by matching these phrases, Write the number (vil) of the second half of the sontence (hom the box) next to the frst haf. Then put the verbs in brackets into tho correct tenes in the gap in each sontonce. Heverthing (bet just a dick away b Inmyopinion, you can't miss something . . ¢ Success isnot guaranteed ... dH they sosssseeseesnerserssesssens (Co) this, ° 7 (not overload) yourself f Kyou reflect on what you have studied, g Kl (fall, fh You should challenge yourself i everything (became) clearer HL pick myself up and vy again. Hh ifyOU sn : (rot prepare) to make an effort outside the classroom, Ww ifyou are struggling to understand, vo ifyou (never have) it. vi ifyou (think) things are too easy, vil they will have reflected an thelr own performance. ‘our brain forgets or ignores much of the information it receives, Challenge 5 Complete the following ideas with either a conditional clause or a main clause to make zero conditional centences, Examples: Ifyou make a mistake, Tf you make a mistake, erase iL and write the correct answer: | go back to something later 1 go back £0 something later if T dont understand id the first time. > ciiminak nce enalnt asa eeoNN ANSUARE WoRmEEX a Ifyou forget to bring your laptop to elass b Don't bother to go to the study room Ifyou lose all your data d__ My students always perform better @ Teachers encourage US wsninmnmnnnnnnnnin F Loften help Maria vith her hameworle g Note-teking is @ helpful study skill Ifyou follow the instructions 6 Write four sentences of your onn on the following topies, using the given tense combinations, + asciartific fact: ifpresant simple + prosent simple + aweekend plan: If present continuous + present simple + an instruction or request: imperative + if present continuous + atruth or fact: present simple + if present perfect Skills focus: Reading 1 You are going to read a newspaper article called ‘Why can't teenagers get up in the moming? First, read the following information from the article and circle T or F to indicate ifyou think itis true (To false (P During the ‘terrible teons' peried, all children develop a lazy streak. TE b Evidence is emerging that teenagers are biologically incapable of going to bed ata sensibie time TWF © Despite the potentially fatal consequences of a shortage of sleep, just one in five teenagers gets the nightly nine hours recommended to keep them in tip-top condition. TIF Unit 6: Learning and study skills d_ Although it isn’t known exactly haw our body clack centrale our sleeping hours, itis thought that teenagers are around an hour cut of sync with everyone else. TIE 2 Here are eight sub-headings. Skim the article and write the sub-headings at the start of the correct paragraph, ‘An easy solution Changing cycles Exams in the morning are wrong Nine hours is good Inaccurate body clocks Not ready for schoo! Cool dewn and sleep Jetlagged teens Text 6.1 Why can’t teenagers get up in the morning? i o— ‘They refuse to go to bed at a decent hour, complain when they have to get us for school {and lie in bed for hours at weekends. During the ‘terrible teers! period, most children anpear to develop a lazy streak. And now it seems that being unable te get up in the moming may not be thelr fault, with research showing that teenage body clocks may simply be out of sync. A slight move forward in the bocy's natural rhythms ‘makes teenagers annoyingly awake late at night and frustratingly groggy in the morning. This could have serious consequences for the teenagers themselves, | 2 New Scientist magazine explains: “Evidence is ‘emerging that teenagers are biologically unable to go to bed at a sensible time. Ii teens are refugees from a different time zone, then by making them get up and go to schact before their bodies are teady, we are rot just making schoo! life difficult, ‘we ere also putting them at risk. Lack of sleeo Jeopardises thoir future prospects, their health ‘and even their ivas. | 1 Toronto University psychologist, Professor David Brown, said: ‘Adolescents, wno are usually evening types, perform very badly in the morning, whieh is the time of day that they are usually assessed for examinations. There are some kids \whoee teachers have simply never seen them at thelr best and that is a terrible shame." 4 However, getting good grades could be the least of their problems, with other research showing that changes to our body elock caulc seriously damage our health. Tests on hamsters showed that changing their cycle of sleeping and ‘wakefulness had shocking consequences. Bl His findings look bad for sleep-deprived teenagers. 'Thase kids are being woken In the night ~ before their body should wake ~ and are suffering something like iet lag," he said. ‘All ‘our animal studies shew how harmful this is to health.” i Despite the potentially fetal consequences of a shortage of sleep, very few teenagers get the rightly nine nours recommended to keep them in tip-top condition. The situation ts 30 bad that ‘many teenagers show symptoms more usually sssociated with nareolepey, a serious condition ‘In which people can ned off in an insiant ee rr 5% 8-9 hours 3-4 hours: 6-7 17% hours 42% 5-6 hours 18% 7-8 hours The number of hours spent sleeping by 9-1 7-year-olds according to a survay of 1000 people Oe. Aeasecna Although it isn't known exactly how our body clock controls our sleeping hours, it ie thought that teenagers are around an haur out of syne with everyone else. Our natural cycle is kept in check by two systems ~ one promotes, wakefulness and the other sleepiness. During the day, the ever-increasing pressure to fall asleep is kept in check by hormones stimelated by light. But, at cusk, cur bodies procce the hormone melatonin, which encourages sleepiness. At the same time, the body temperature cools and. metabolism siowe, and eventually we fall asieep. (6) ln tacnagers, there are two key ehanges. The build-up of pressure to fell asleep is much more ‘gradual, making it easier for them to stay uo later and be alert later. And their bodies start to produce the hormone melatonin around an hour later thar usual. While some researchers are trying to find ways to reset the adolescent biological clock, others favour a more simple Solution, Or Ralph advised: ‘Schools and Universities should ideally not start before ‘tam! Adaptad from www Glossary jeopardises (verb|: puts at risk adolescents (noun): teenagers nod off (verbal phrase) fall sleep groggy (adjective): unsteady and unable to think clearly, hamster (noun): @ small animal without a tal, sometimes used in laboratory experiments narcolepsy (noun): a medical condition thet makes you fall asleep suddenly 3. Skim the text again and check your answers to Activity 2 Unit 6: Learning and study skills Answer these questions about the artide a Give three examples of behaviour during the ‘terrible teens! period. What reason is given for teenagers’ inability to get up in the morning? What cen sleep deprivation put at risk? Why have some teachers never seen their students at their best? What does Dr Ralph's research on animals show? When and where do you think teenagers might show symptoms of narcolepsy? According to the pie chart, how many hours are spent sleeping by the largest percentage of students? Give two pieces of information about how the human sleep cycle works, and two pisces of information sbout how teonagors aro difforent, > CAMBRIDGE IGCSE™ ENGLISH AS A SECOND LANGUAGE: WORKBOOK ae. te Reading, multiple choice Read the article about taking notes when listening to lectures, and then enswer the questions. Text 6.2 A few years age, my teachers at university suddenly siinouineed that in certain classes and lectires students could no longer use electrons deviees for tak ate Instead, we had to make handwritten notes. IE the stall spotted anyone with « laptop open during lecture, they woud jenmediotely tel] them Us close it, There weren't carly as many objections from my classmates tothe policy as I thought these migh be. though there were was to write everything that a leeturer seid by hand, and how coursework would suffer My lecturers docided 1o bon Laptops alier reading about a study by esperts in which groups of students were shed to wotch a video ofa leeture about 15 minutes Jong, Half the students were asked to take handwritten notes of the lecture and the other hall took notes om laptop. Hall an hour kter all the students were given a test on fis contents. Both groups of studlenis answered questions about factual information fom the ketuee equally wel, but those taking notes by hand were better answering questions about ideas “What might explain thic? On a laptop, you ean sitch easily between word processing, checking social media, browsing the invesner, ete, hut the researchers ma sure students were only using thele laptops to take notes. They alco ensured that all the studenis hod plenty of eapericrce of both typing and bundhoriting, notes. One theory —which made good sense to me ‘vas that typing speed meant students could just eopy Taking notes in lectures Is it better to-write notes by hand or type them on a laptop? Murad Awan investigates most of what they heard, but those writing hy hand more slowly had to carefully select polnts to note, ofien in their own words. This involved efforts to understand the ideas they were listening to, which helped with But are the findings of one study enouigh for us to sy with confidence that note taking by humd is better th typing notes? The answer fs no, and i response to Ais other researchers later tepeated an earlicr study as closely s possible to check whothor the results wvere wliable The same number of sudents were asked ta watch, the same tall and to take notes either by hand or on ‘luptop, However, ie the original eeseareh, students wer’ in classroom with a sereen at the Front, whereas inthe second study, over 50% of students watched lecture on individual laptops out of class. Importantly a five-year gap hetween the two studies meant that different students participated, which — it seems to ‘me may well have influenced the results, The second study aso found laptop users weoie much mace vever, both at answering both than the handwritten note-takers. Ho groups in this study did equally wel factual questions and those shout ideas in the past that students taking lecture notes on ‘lapkop ate likely to Fearn fess shan students ith handwritten nates is not supported by the latest Unit 6: Learning and study skills een research, When more reseutcl is cured out, certain questions and discussion. Also, the gap between the end changes sho! be considered. Most university lectures of a university ecture and when stuckints need 10 show sane quite different from recorded talks; they last much what they can remember is usually much longer than longer thun 15 minutes and often inelude pauses for 30 minute 1. When his teachers introduced a new rule about the use of laptops, the writer was 0 A annoyed at how strictly it was enforced, B concerned about how it might affect his progress. o Sindttsselby How few ghdanes eomnplariad about ts o n 2 What is the weter’s main aim in the second paragraph? A qepiansherenah onan couche Oo B_ to.outline the procedure followed in the reesarch o € tosummarise the results of the research E| nm 3 The witer used to think that taking notes by hand wat more effective than ing them because A. itinvolved more thinking, Oo B students had more practice in it Oo there were fewer distractions to deal with o hy 4 What does ‘this refer to in paragraph 4? is) a bolufinet man sndavewerneesd oO B a doubt about the methods used in some tesearch Oo © a question about how to put cortain idoas into practice Oo n 5 The writer suggests that the key difference betneen the first ond second studies was A the place whara peaple took notes. fe) B the subject people took notes about. o © thwidemiy of the people wing nates oO n 6 What does the writer suggest for eny future study of note-taking? A. increasing tho amcoirct daaciaciad dg B putting participants in a more realistic context o being more cautious when draning conclusions oO n Total: 6} adviser (noun) proficiency (noun) alort (adjective) reforoe (noun) demonstrate (verb) simply (adver) informative (adjective) summary (noun) loisure (adjective) voluntary {adjective} listing (verb) willing (adjective) a done willingly without payment b great skill and ability € happy to do something _—— d only ee 2 providing a lot of useful information f quick to understand and act 3 ashort description giving the main points st fh to show how to do something os | someane who knows you and wil give thair epinion of you j someone whose job is to give advice ke doseribing things that are cone in your res time 1 writing down information Unit 7: Interviews 2 Fillin the gaps in the sentences using elght of the words fom Activity 1 In some sentences, you may need to use a diferent form of the word. aa cannot be 2 family member b Complete the application, _.- all your experience © He's an international to several different governments dthate my parttime job. Ie... do it for the money. © Mest of my friends do .« work after schoo! and at the weekends. {The job advertisement said applicants nesded to be inat least three lancuages. g The wacher how to use the equipment fh The town does not have many... feciities for young people. 3. Use the remaining four words in sentences of your own. 4 White short dafinitions or give synonyms for these five words. a insights b latter © handy 4 romotely e acid > cilieminsk ieee eneKeas A eEENN NRUAEE WoREOK 5 Draw lines to match the phrases to make complete sentences. Then fillin the gaps in the sentences using words from Activity 4. These have really been you can easily refer to them the interview is going to be done Make sure you keep your notes Incrodibly helpful. They phoned me to say that going to work next week. {don’t think | can ‘the one that | would choose. Language focu Foundation : Imperative verb forms 1 Complete the information about imperative verb forms using words from the box. Do nat look at the Coursebook ‘a recommendation or suggestion arequest a. warning advice an order or command ‘The imperative veri form has several different functions in sentences. Imperatives can bbe used 10 BBV bo make © GE cn offer © make . (0.9. Come hero) (e.g. Please take a seat) eee (ge Watch out!) (e.g. Check your notes) (e.g. Start with the personal details) Unit 7: Interviews 2 Write one more example for each af the functions a-e in Activity 1 Practice 3 Look at these imperative sentences. What is the function of each one? Example: Don’t touch that! It’s boiling hot! warning 2 Shut the window please. b Getoutnow! © Make sure you take an umbcella d__ Don't keep doing that or I’m going to get very angry. @ Read the information leaflet and then plug it in... 4 Which of these phrases could be used to respond to each imperative sentence in Activity 3? Write the letter in the box. There are two extra phrases that you de not need to use. 2 Don’t worry, Il drive earefully oO b> Why? The sun's shining. [iz] € Butit’ss0 hot in here! C] Okay, tm leavine. TC | © Nothanks, I'l stand Oo # Yes, that makes sense. 9 Alright, 'm sorry. ee ee re Challenge 5 What isthe function of each of these imperative sentences? Write a reply to each one Example: Bring me a glass of juice, pleese. Geder Certainly. Orange or apple? Don’t ever touch my laptop. b Remember me to your parents. Toke another step and you'l flint Look at all your notes before the exam, @ Stand straight and look to the front F Pick up that liter & What would you say in the following situations? Use an imperative form and say what the function ic. Example: You are talking on your phone and your fiend is shouting something at you Plaase can you speak more quiet? (request) 2 Your fiend needs to see 2 doctor. Someone has taken your favourite seat in class Afemily member wants to go shopping with you d__Youneed to explain to someone how te use a machine, © You have to tell someone to arrive on time. Your riond ie leaving to go on holiday. Unit 7: Interviews g You sea someone starting to crass the road and a car Is coming, hh You have co apolagise for a mistake Skills focus: Listening and writing 4 Put the words fram the box in the correct column in the table. Four have been dane as examples ‘absolutely cheracters. = common dominant experience face. ~—good.-—S—shappy _ incredibly lesson nervous occurrence petrified = rude sneeze terribly unbelievable unsmiling very worst wrong years ees en abcolutel petrifiod characters happy 2 Use the words from Activity 1 so make five short phrases Examples: absolutely petrified; happy characters > ciinenibsk cme wala Asa RcUENn UNSURE WoReeOOX ee interviews. Which speaker (1-6) expresses which opinion (A-G)? Write the speaker's umber noxt to the statement. Thoro is one oxtra opinion that you do not ned to use. Behaving wellis very important in an interview. | | get nervous about all types of interviews. It’s important to be prepared before the interview. | feel disadvantaged in a group. I need to think what | am doing in an interview. nmmonge Being prepared is one of my strong points. DUT I always worry when I'm in front of e camera. 4 Fillin the gaps in thie information about informal writing, Informa writing is often an (a)... toatiendora (b)... .. member, telling them about or (c) ‘something that happened recently. Its important to use OE (8) oon sennsnenfQUaQE then you Would use when wing A (6... of. _»forexample, However, you st need to follow the basic sructure of @ (h) ‘conclusion 5 Lookat this informal writing task You recently attended a talk at school about how to prepare for a job interview. Write an email to a friend telling them about the talk. In your email you should + describe where the talk took place and who delivered it © say what you leamt about interview techniques * explain the questions that you and your classmates asked the speaker. Write about 120 to 160 words. a What format is your answer going to be? b Who is going to read your writing? © What do you need to include in your answer?, Unit 7: Interviews Read this incomplete response to the writing task. Use the clues to help you fill in the missing information in your own words. There is no limit on how many words you can write in oach gap but remember that the total word count for your answer should. be 120-160 words. Clues (2) Where? (b) To do what? (e) Use to adjectives to deseribe her. (d) What dil she demonstrate? (@) What type of cues? (F) What did she maintain? (g) Add something positive about the wey she acted. (h) Write a verb. () Use an additional inking device, ) How much did you learn? Hi Gregor, Do you remember that talk about interview techniques | told you about? | thought I'd lat you know what heppened. My year was invited to fa) ‘tb (b) The spocker wos very (c) ‘She demonsireted al a) that wed leemt about in lass and loved watching her use al hose (e) ‘ues. She always maintanned MV re --ssmnwecneone ith US and you Could tll that she was really (9) Of course, the most populer question wes ebout how to (h) anintenien. @ was what to do if you can't answer a question youl asked. Dr Else ‘gave very good responses and we defintely learnt () about interviews and how to do well in them, ‘Anyway, see you next week! Matteo Erne sae Listening, interview ‘You will hear an interview with a women called Sophie Wetson, giving advice about preparing for university interviews. For each question, choose the correct answer, A, B or C, end put a tick v) in the eppropriate box. You will hear the interview twice. > CAMBRIDGE IGCSE™ ENGLISH AS A SECOND LANGUAGE: WORKBOOK What advies does Sophie give about completing university application forms? A provide actual procf of your achievernents B highlight your relevant stills and experience © express how enthusiastic you are ebout a subject What general information does Sophie give about university interviews? A the most popular courses always require them Bmore and more courses are starting to have them © certain courses want top applicants to attend them What does Sophie recommend students do to prepare for university interviews? A push yourself to lear new information B keep reviewing what you previously learnt © -momorise answors to typical intorviow questions Sophie says itis important to practise doing interviews A toget valuable feedback B tosce if you know particular facts. Cte become comfortable in stressful situations Sophie says an interviewer is trying to assess ‘Aan applicant's expectations 8 an applicant's personality © en applicant's ideas Sophio says applicants chould ack the interviewer A educated questions. B about the course content. © how the university supports students, What does Sophie advise not to do at the interview? A take a long time to reply to questions B actively lead the conversation © give extensive explanations O00 ooo 000 fo ti tt i) tt] fl t] Unit 7: Interviews eerie 8 What does Sophis suggest doing immediately after the interview? A. send the university a brief message Oo B mentally assess your performance oO C write:a summary of the experience Oo nH [Total 8} Writing, Infermal writing You recently worked in a café for a few days during the school holidays Write an email to a friend describing the experience. In your email, you shoul: * doseribe the café where you worked + explain the type of work you were asked to do cay what you leat from tho experience, Write about 120 to 160 words. You will receive up to, 6 marks for the content of your email, and up 20.9 marks for the language used (Total: 15] Across 3 The place that something starts or comes from (6) 4 Reaction or answer (8) 6 Important or noticeable (11) 7 An aspect of something, such as its structure, eppearance or content (7) Down 1 Changed completely in appearance or character, usually in a positive way (11) 2A ponerful effect that something, especially something new, has on a situation or person (6) 5 Officially announced oF introduced (8) 2 Use the words from Activity 1 to complete these sentences. In some cases, you will need to use a different form of the word. a Curnew IT suite has some excellent b Youneed to make a positive . on your frst day at work © The... _.- of the nev company website takes place tomorrow. Unit 8: Work. difyou donot quickly to challenges, you may fall behind! in the workplace. © There has ben's increase in traffic to the new website f There are several different energy .... avcilable for this project 9 His behaviour this term is ar from last year: 3. Draw lines to match words from the tree cohimns to make ten jobs you read about in Unit 8 in the Coursebook. app blogger chief developer drone director food delivery engineer online listening oxport offshore media instructor social ‘wind farm manager sustainability nutritionist ‘wellbeing officer Zumba” operator > civiarins ee wiaceasa scene aNaUARE WoRmERK 4 What is involved in these jobs? Choose five of the jobs and write a sentence to explain what each person does. Example: An app developer designs and produces new apps. 5 Choose @ word from the box to replace the words in bold in these sentences. In some cases, you may need to use 2 different form of the word. focused graduate —enrol_—_—potent ‘Christina completed her first dogree in English language studies. bb I'dllike my recearch to have a main amphasis on language skills, ¢ There really were hundreds of applications for the Job... d_Ithink there are probably many vacancies on the jobe website. @ Youhave to register for new courses before the end of the month. Unit 8: Work Language focus: Present perfect Foundation Remomber, the prozant perfact form is used to refer to an action or state that occurred at an indefinite time in the pest, or to an action that began in the past and continued to the presant time. The present perfect fs formed using hnavezhas + the past participle ofthe verb. 1 Change the verbs in brackets into the present perfect form, a For hundreds of years, people (work) in agriculture, b Since the start of the 21st century there (be) incredible advances in technology. © Somany things (change) that itis sometimes difficult ta know what to do. The way we communicate (improve) considerably in the past few years. @ Asa rosult ef an increase in demand over the last fow menthe, thoy (choose) not to reduce the number of staff {Management sss . (continue) to support me, FW vinnie (ea) in this restaurant many times. hod thave) at least ten messages since | woke up this moming 2 Lock at your answers to Activity 2. a Which sentences refer to an action or state that occurred at an indefinite time in the past? b Which sentences refer to an action or state that began at a point in the past and continued to the prozont timo? > ciiierinse eee eiceasaseenNe ANoUaRE WoRmEeK Practice We use for and since with the present perfect to indicate time, We use for with a period of time: Martin has studied in Dubai for six months. We use since to talk about a specific point in time, or @ time when the action started Thaven't seen him since last week, ‘Since January I've boon to five matches. We use ever for at any time and never for at no time to talk about experiences Have you ever seen a snake? ve never been to China. 3° Circle the best option to complete these sentences, My sister has had this car for / since / ever / neverten years. Have you for / since / ever / never seen a more beautiful sight? This laptop has for / since / ever / never worked. b c Marios hasn't visited his cousins for / since / ever/ never July, @ I've for/ since / ever / never had the chance to travel by plane. f He she for/ since / ever / never told you what she really wants? 1 i an sic bn fo i eke never mre init tear Ne! hh He's been the manager for/ since / ever/ never many years, 4 Use fer, since, ever or never to complete the sentences. a Have you considered writing a CV? b The speaker has been on stage ...... - 15 minutes CVE ane ? - learnt a foreign language. He's baen visiting last week. e te owned @ new phone ~ they're so expensive fF H9 SAE vst sesseseentersemnees O8ked for help? g_thaven't ridden my bike ... " .. more than two years, hh He's hac! the same job sarnscnncraie BOTS, Unit 8: Werk Challenge 5 Make complete sentences or questions using the words given. Use the present perfect form and add for or since if necessary Example: you / over / have/ job intorviow? Have you ever had a job intervieu? a We /not see / Suzie / six months. 1b Marios / never / clean J his bike © We / live /in the same town / 2008, d_1/ be / vegetarian / four years. © he/ever / visit / Spain? f how long / you / have f your phone? g you /ever/ play / the quiter? fh I/never/ use / the calculator / on my phone. 6 White eight sentences about yourself and things that you have or have not done Each sentence should include a verb in the present perfact form. Use for, since, ever and never when necessary, > civienibsk acme ENaLEN Ae a ReUnRD LAN SURE: WoRRBOOK Skills focus: Reading 1 You are going to read an article about a television show called Dirty Jobs, which wae popular a few years ago. What do you think the programme was abour? Tick the topics that you think are correct. jobs that are only outside jobs that people normally do not want to do jobs where people get their clothes and bodies dirty ‘obs that invalve cleaning things 2. List three diny jabs that you would not like to do and why. 3. Skim the text and wrto these headings at the ctart of the correct paragraphs. * The programme's origins ‘+ Reasons for the show's appeal + Progremme details * Thinge that happen in the chow Text 8.4 Dirty Jobs m. Dirty Jobs was a programme on the Discovery Channel, in wnich the host, Mike Rowe, performed dificult, strange and/or messy ‘eccupational duties alongside the typical Unit 8: Werk 4 employees. The show started with three pilot episodes In November 2003, anc continued until 412 September 2012, with a total of 169 episodes, It was filmed and shown all over the world including in Australia and Europe. (2) The appeal of the show was the juxtaposition of Mika Rowe, a well-spoken man with a sharp. wit, the situations in which he was put, and the colourful personalities of the men and women ‘who actually did that job for a living, Bi Aworker would take on Rowe aa -an assistant during a typical day, during which he worked hard to complate every task as best he could despite diffcutties, hazards or situations that were just plain diegusting. The ‘dirty job! often included the cameraman and the rest of the orev getting just as fithy as lowe, Neatly every job was more difficult than he had expected, and he often expressed admiration and respect for the workers" skis and thei willingness to take on jobs that most people avoid. Be The show was based on a local San Francisco chow calied Somebody's Gotta Do it, whioh Rowe had hosted. After campleting a graphic piece cn cows and dairy farming, Rowe was inundated with letters expressing ‘shock, horror, dicbellet and wonder’. Rowe then sent the tape to the Discovery Channel, which planned a serles based on this concept. Mike stated that he originally wanted to honour his father, a lifetime animal farmer, by bringing fame to the less-than- alorious careers, Now read the text in more detail. ise a dictionary or ot have similar meenings to the words and phrases below a _presenter (paragraph 1) b jobs (1) © with (1) A LESE (eens 2 contrast (2) f humour (2). 9 dangers (3) he very visual () i flooded (4) ides (3) resource to find words that > civienibsk ace eNaLEN As ase UERD LAN SUR: WoRRBOOX 5 You are going to give a talk about Mike Rowe's TV show to your class. Prepare some notes touse a5 the basis for your talk. Make short notes about each paragraph, Paragraph 1 Paragraph 2 Paragraph 3 Paragraph 4 Rea E eg Reading, open response Read the article about an unuaval farm celled Greens for Good, and then answer the questions. Text 8.2 Greens for Good! Located underground in the heart of the UK city ef Liverpool, Greens for Good is no ordinary farm, Down in the basement of an old sugar Factory, now converted Into @ science institute, there are rows and rows of vertical structures in which green vegetables are grown using a method known as hydroponics. In normal farms, crops are grown in soil, but in hydroponic agriculture it's different. They are grown in a liquid solution consisting of water mixed with minerals and other substances. The liquid Is pumped to the crops along pipes: Unit 8: Work Greens for Goad currently produces about 200 boxes of salad graens and horbs per day. Initially, the majority was sold to othar businesses in the area, but the farm now supplies schools and local residents as wall. Because their customers are all locatad within a 7-km radius, Greens far Good can avoid using vans oF other polluting vehicles. Instead, everything is transported by bicycle, Greens for Good produce tends to be a littla more expensive than vegetables from cupermarksts andi shops, but feedback from customers has boon positive, People often comment that the vegetables from the underground farm taste better than supermarket goods. This is partly because the vegetables have bean picked very recently, so thay are fresh, and, unlike on ordinary farms, they are never sprayed with chemical pesticides. Greens for Goad was ostablished by Paul Myers and Jans Thomas in 2014 with two broad objectives in mind. The young scientists were concerned about climate change, inefficient traditional farming practices and other challenges facing food production worldwide. Thay believed that a switch to hydroponic farming in urban aroas was one way to onsuro food security, at loast in somo parts of tho world, They also thought that moving somo farming into towns and cities would make it easier to preserve natural environments. Because there is no sunlight underground, farms like Greens for Good need to have lots of lamps projecting artificial light onto their plants, and they also Glossary need to manage temperatura, The advantage they have Is that they can adjust a the conditions ¢e that they are ideal tor thoir crops to grow in, Howover, the [adjoctivoy whole systom uses a large amount of electrical energy, which is @ major cost standing and the company's most serious challenge or pointing, straight up Despite this, there are ambitious ideas for future developments, The rooftops of ofices and residential buldings in tho cl are very much part of he wate company's thinking. Theintation ss se them to creatosnetwork afeontros | | ‘edesive: no for growing vegetables, herbs and fruit within the wider city. aatiefacrory wey. Inefficient 11 Who eceupies the building that is above the underground farm? nM 2 Who were the farm’s first main customers? nM >) civienibsk acme eNaLEN Ae a ReeEND LaNSURaE WoRtEOOK 3 What do customers say they like about the vegetables from Greens for Good? Give one detail tt] 4 Name one of the broad objectives that tho foundors of Greans for Good had. 5 What is the biggest problem that Greens for Good faces? 6 What Reading, note-taking he important things used in the crop-growing system at Greens for Good? Give three details. i oo £3] Total: 8) Read the article about open-plan offices, and then complete the notes. Text 8.3 Working in an open-plan office Iwas 11 years ald when the company my father worked for moved to a new building, Instead of having his own small offica—with his desk, chair, filing cabinets and a smell window ‘overlooking the company car park Dadi was now sharing a large, modern room with over 20 other people. He sat halfway slong a row of identical workstations, and he was lass than two metres away from colleagues on oither sido of him He complained that he found it very noisy and because of all the activity around him he found it difficul still commen in open-plan offices today. At the timo, | didn’t understand why Dad was unhappy. o concentrate, Both of these issues are Alter all, | shared a classroom with 20 other boys and girls. Was ‘it better, | thought, to spend your day in the company of athers than to ba shut away on your own? Fast forward 25 years and as a qualified architect, | now design offices, including open-plan ones. Open-plan offices first became comman in the mid-20%h century. Before that, each employee was usually given thoir ov tiny room, or perhaps shared a slightly larger one with one or two colleagues, Then, inthe 1950s and 50s, large organisations realised that having many employees in a single space was more cost. offoctive, and this remains truo today. Unit 8: Werk een eal There were other arguments for the new style of arrangement. Removing walls and other bartiers between people was thought to result In batter communication amang employaes. This, in turn, would load to improved toamwork, My father, however, claimed that, not wanting to disturb anyone, he actually took part in fewer conversations in his new office, Interestingly, ‘some studies have ravealed that my father's, ‘experience is not unusual, it appears that in certain types of organisation, communication declines in large rooms containing lots of hard- working people, who want to protect themselves against the lack of privacy characteristic of ‘cpon-plan offices, There ia a benefit for employers, however: itis, easier to supervise the work of a large number of people when they are all in the same room, ‘One unfortunate consequence Is that employaes ‘can fool their porformanca is always boing assessed, which can be stressful. Having said that, many employees appreciate certain aspects of their workspaces, Large rooms often have large windows and theretore mare natural light ‘Also, employees in open offices tend to spend, more time standing up and moving is beneficial in terms of health: staying seated continuously at a desk for hours on end fs not good for anyone, und. This Imagine you are going to give a talk about open-plan affices to your classmates Use words fiom the article to help you write some notes Mako short notes under each heading Disadvantages of open-plan offices Example: too noisy Advantages of open-plan offices: 13] eet estan (4) [Totel: 7} signalled launched remember — educated appropriate yelling community multi-task a The publication of her new book was set in motion online, b The audience started shouting very loudly because the acting wes so bed, © The ability to do various jobs at the same time can be very useful She gestured for them to join her at the table. @ Children often cannot concentrate for long periods of time, sas stnseneunnsennee fF Curafter-sehool club has become 2 very dose group. ... - 9 Atshirt and jeans are not suitable clothing for an interview. hh The scientict who came to talk to ue was clearly very well-trained. Use the worcs from the box to complete the sentences. digital natives tech-sawy _ invented nned suri a People have been «.. from standing in sports stadiums for years now. b Paper was officially . bby the Chinese thousands of years ago. © Young people ate considered to be thelr whole lives using computers. because they have spent es difficult 0. ssne ns nneeenns without knowing how the internet works. © People who ate NOt Very ssi: sensnnenaninne GaN Often be at a disadvantage. Unit 9: Communication i -orrect form of four of the words from Activities 1 and 2. Complete the text below using Effective communication has been part of our human identity for thousands of years, and ‘evidence stil exists today to show us methods people (a) tohelp them ‘communicate long age. Meny ancient messaging sysiems usa pictures, and images sill (o) thal were drawn in caves around 30 000 years ago, These ae 5 = believed to represent a type of symbolic language. This later developed into pictography ~ ‘an eatly form of wnting, Ideas were communicated through drawing an e u () story, tepresented through a series of images organised in the order in which they took place. These became the basis fr hieroglyphs, (4) the development of the now-famous writing style from ancient Egypt. 4 Write short dafinitians or give synonymé for these six words, a underying b perception. © draft A eValbate case © constructive f semaphore 5 Draw lings to match the phrasas to make completo sentences, ‘The trainees were givon constructive is all about pereoption. There wae on underlying tension in the room ‘you submit your final version, Appreciating and understanding art advico on how te improve. | gave up trying to understand before the committee evaluated it. semaphore, as it was too I suggest you write a draft before alate He spent hours on the project when the new manager entered. > ciiminse nce eNaKE AS AREER NGUREE WoREOK Language focus: Reporting verbs Foundation 1 Complete this information about reporting verbs using words from the box. ‘There are two extra words that you do not need to use. words wh. indirect noun rect object, reporting verbs \When ine want to tell someone what another person said, we can use (a) (reported) speech and 3 (b} verb, such 2s tel, ask, say, explain. Some reporting verbs, such as fel/and say are always followed by a (c) for exemple, Edward told me that he wanted to leave, Reporting veibs can be folowed by diferent patterns of (4) voce oounee OF Clauses: A a that clause; Bale) Cause C the foo infinitive 2. Underline the reporting verb in the following sentences. For each one, wtite the letter of the patter that it follows: A, B or C Example: She taki me where to find the answer. B Thay informed us that there would be a change of policy. 1b Itwas pointed out where we had gone wrong. ] © She asked him to lend her some monay. Tell him to give us that baa immedictly! { @ He maintained that he had not taken the money. £ She promised to buy me an ie cream oO 9 They admitted that they had spent too much money. ] hy They couldn't agree when to go on holiday, Practice 3. Write complete sentences using the words given. Make any necessary changes to ensure that the sentences make sense. Underline the reporting verb in your completed santences. Example: my car's tyres / tell / chock / me/ he / have He 40Ud me £2 have my Cor 's tyres checked. Unit 9: Communication a his proposal / he /me / reconsider / ack / b rewrite / advise / she / me fhe essay / that | should © suggest /all / they / arrive eatly / that we should ditt her / shopping / ask / che / go / her brother (© the instructions carofully / sho road / insist / that cho f some milk / buy f promise / hie sister / he 9 point out /a mistake / she / there wos / why fh anewbag /ask/ she / get / her mother / her Match the phrases and write the complete sentence below. He showed her to mest later to finish the project. They promised me Mary from schoo! later. He didn’t explain to me to leave early to catch the train He taught me it would be better not to have a pet Before the lesson finished, they agreed cevid bring their friend, She agreed to collect how to find the WiFi password. They advised us how to get to his house They eqreed that ina flat without a garden where to salely keep her valuables, They asked ifthey that they would come for dinner > ciieminse tac enalnt as a men ANSUAnE WoRREOOK Example: He showed her where 10 safely keep her valuables Challenge 5 Complete the paragraph using the verbs in the box. Be sure to include an appropriate ‘object, and make any other necessary changes. There are several possible answers. The first one has been done as an example. tel tall explain —pointout notice understand repeat announce ‘My fitend Michae! (a) the other day that he had @ new job in the commrunicatons department of top firm inAthens, Graece. He (b) ~--» that the conditions were grast and that he was working flew-tme ard with 2 team of two other people, He (e) their workstations hed divisions and they were ‘allowed to personalise ther space, but he had (d) stoff rarely communicsted when working He (2) that they were lowed to put some pictures onthe well or heve a plant on ther desk, buthe (f everything had tobe kept very tidy, He (9) ‘heir manager satnearby snd watched them. Also, because he was new inthe offce, he had to Keep asking his coleagues Frew to find things. Despite that, he (h) hie loved his new job and was quite excited with his prospects. Unit 9: Communication 6 Michael's friend Serene also has a new job, Read her description, then revrrite the aragreph to report what Serene said. Use appropriate and varied reporting language. {ve got this new job in Athens, to, buts vith a smal company tt isnt very well known. Im not sure Ike it yel as | have fo commute every moming in the rush hour, which isn't great ‘One positive thing is that the people are realy friendly and there's a very relaxed atmosphere, ‘Our boss lets us de what we want as long as We reach our targets. We each have cur own office space and we can even bring our pets to work if they sit quietly! Because the company | work ‘at n't very large, Ive got to know the people and my new environment very quickly. Its my frst proper job, 50m nat sure how long It stay, but asa fist job, Im really loving it Skills focus: Writing 1. You are going to read a report titled “The importance af non-verbal communication First, use any resources available to check the meaning of the following worels exhibiting facial ~—foldad genuine maintaining posture slumped. Now choose a word from the bax to complete the following phrases from the report > cians eiacetasaseeeNe NaUaRE WoRmROK . good eye sitting contact nonverbal f rolaxed © ams 9 interest 2 oxgrestions h ifpeople are 2. Skim the reper. Fill in gaps a-h using the phrases you created in Activity 1 The importance of non-verbal communication [11 The purpose of tis repor isto desorbe the visit ofa communications expert to our school. The vist took place last week andthe vihole upper school was invited, a : ‘There are many ways that a person can communicate with someone else, However, one thing that people are not alway’ aver ots the importance of (a) Understanding these can help you to communicate more comfortably. (2) ..onene non-verbal oues, hey are qute likely o be disinterested in what they ar listening to. These cues might incluse - in front of the body + lack of a. + not @) a) with eves down, S] ~ Ifyou want to interest your audience (ard understand how they feel about you!) you shou + stand with a (a). + maintain good eye contact + show(h) - in your audience's comments and questions [4] in conclusion, itis cafe o say that effective communication is no just about what you say. Even more important is your delivery avd your reecton to your audienoe Unit 9: Communication Write appropriate sub-haadings for sections 2 and 3 of the report 4 Imagine that a speaker recently visited your school to talk about internet security, but there \were several problems with the visit and the speech. What solutions can you think of for the problems? Make notes about each one, Example: Arrived late. Make. sure speaker knows about start dime ard travel arrangements a Did not engage audience b Gavene new information. ¢ Rarely made eye contact, d__ Kept moving around on the stage. © No facial expressions, 5 Your teacher has asked you to write 2 report about the speaker's visit. Say what the problems were and suggest how the speaker could improve ‘Fhe retums next year Here are some comments from students in your clase: He made no effort to-engage our interest. Arriving on time: would improve the whole experience. Now wrrte the report for your teacher. ‘The comments above may give you come ideas, and you should algo uco some idoas of your own Write about 120 to 160 words. ee rr Bae kos Writing, formal writing Your class has been looking at the role that social media plays in the lives of teenagers today, and you have carried outa survey among students in your school. Your teacher has asked you to write @ report in which you explain what you found out in your survey. In your report, you should explein what the students use social media for, what they think are the bonofits of using it and whether they think It has any negative aspects. Here are some comments from students in your class: All my friends use (social media, butsame 7 . / The conversations |haye\\ on social media are very spend a lot more time Pe davon different from face-to-iece ‘conversations | have. Now write a report for your teacher. ‘The comments above may give you some ideas, and you should also use some ideas of your own Write about 120 to 160 words. You will eeeive up to 6 marks for the content of your report, and up to 9 marks for the language used. (Total: 15] Unit 9: Communication ion achieve educate... include ~ correct 2 epthuse csc wolves differ . costablich . know .. disappoint excite participate Ct eee GOVERN sasestenstesenne Match the correct definitions ta eight verbs from Activity 1 tobe unlike something or someone else, either physically or in another way b to be or become involved in an activity to make someone have strong feelings of happiness and enthusiasm d_tocontrol and direct the public business of a country, city, group of people, ete 2 to express excitement of great interest in something .. 7 46 fal to satisfy someone or their hopes, or to meke someone feel unhappy te include someone in something zs fh te succeed in finishing something or reaching an aim, especially after a lot of work oreffort Unit 10: Education 3. Use the noun form of the ather seven wards to camplete these sentences. a He has a very limited .- of italian. b This partis wrong, so you need to make a... here. © htisimportant for every child to revive a good yas areal se sssatseeennes meeting all your friends, © She was considered for inthe first team The... of new traffic lews is our priority now. 9 The subject is still under sn ensennsne and We'll et you know our decision later. 4 Choose words from columns and B to make noun + noun ar adjective + noun combinations, Write the combinations in column C. air age dosort camping iermational | card digital lub tople conditioning iteracy qualifications education rankings comprehension | reading book skills electronic tests 5 Chooee five of your answers from Activity 4 and use them in sentences of your own. > Giiminak nee enaleas a eNR ENSUARE WoRmEEX Language focus: More conditionals Foundation 1 Look at these conditional sentences, In the boxes, write whether each sentence is z0ro (0), first (1), second (2) or third (3) conditional Example: If! study hard this aftemoon, I'll go to the cinema later. Oy] Fl were you, I woulda’t match thet movie. C] bb youare ng to mica and wata;ieimposla ol € She would have passed the test if she hed studied harder C] ‘Sh coul ie the wanes dower neva nom Oo @ Water boils if you heat it to 100 degrees Celsius. im F Ifyou have taken your medicine, you'l get better quickly C] 3 Youmight have got very wet if you hada't taken your umbrella C] fh ifthad his number, t could call him. O 2 Foreach sentence (a-h) in Activity 1, write the verb tense used. Example: If study hard this afteroan, I'l go to the cinema later. precent simple Gotudy) + modal future Guill 4p)

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