Registration Procedure in IMS - Winter 2023-24

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1. The list of courses to be registered in the Winter Semester 2023-2024 should be decided
prior to initiating the registration process in IMS. Please note that the courses as per the
curriculum of the programme in the various categories such as PC, DE and OE etc should
be identified. Lower level courses (failed or dropped) should be registered before registering
for higher level courses and the total load in the semester needs to be regulated as per the
applicable Ordinances and Regulations. The choice of the appropriate courses is primarily
the responsibility of the student.
UG Curriculum PG Curriculum UG Rules PG Rules PhD Rules
2. Once you have identified the courses to be registered, login to the IMS using your nitc email
and password Use
to raise a ticket (IMS Login Issues) in case you face problems while logging in to IMS.
3. In the Student Landing page, you will see “My Courses”. In the “My Applications” section,
you will see a button titled “Course Registration”. Click on the “Course Registration” button.
4. You will be able to see and verify your details on the page. Scroll Down and you will see the
following five buttons on the left side of the page: “Core”, “Department Elective”, “Institute
OEs V Own DE as OE”, “External” and “Backlogs”. You will also see all the core courses in
the curriculum corresponding to the semester to which you are registering already
populated on the right side. Do verify this with your curriculum. In case you are not finding
the required course(s), you must contact your FA / PC / Research Supevisor first. Students
should not directly contact / raise tickets in IMS for missing courses.
5. You may click on the above mentioned five buttons to see the courses listed under each
button and you may add any course to the list of courses by clicking on the “+” button on
the right side of the course. In case you want to remove or drop any course from the list,
you may use the “Remove” button. You are strongly advised to submit the registration only
after you have decided and verified on the courses to be registered in this semester. Once
you have submitted the list of courses to be registered, the status near the course will be
shown as “Pending for FA Approval”.
6. In case your FA rejects the list submitted by you, you will receive an email directing you to
contact your FA. Contact your FA immediately and seek the reason for rejection. If you
access the registration page after the courses are rejected by your FA, you must remove
ALL the courses seen on the right side of the page using the “remove” button and add the
courses once again using the “+” button. Once the changes are effected and you have
added ALL the courses, you may resubmit it once again.
7. Once the FA approves the registration, you will be able to make changes only in the time
window designated for “Add/Drop courses”.
8. After the FA has completed the “Physical Reporting” procedure, you will be able to see the
list of registered courses for Winter semester 2023-2024 and the semester will also be
updated on your landing page.

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