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Changes we made:

From reviewer 1:
1. In the Introduction, we rewrite that steel X-bracings can increase the deformation of the upper-
floor columns, according to reviewers' directions.
2. In Figure 4, we changed the image so that it can be read clearly, according to the reviewers'
3. In Base shear analysis results, we add the results for base shear concentric x bracings and
compare them with the existing building. this is in addition.
4. In the results and discussions, we added additional load on foundations results for existing
buildings and buildings with retrofitted concentric x-bracings, as directed by the reviewers.
5. In the results and discussions, we add additional results of the cost estimation of retrofitting
for existing buildings and buildings with retrofitting, according to the reviewers' directions.
6. In conclusion, we add a narrative about the load on foundation and cost estimation.
7. In references, we add reference sources in calculating the estimated cost of buildings by
From reviewer 2:
1. In the Summary abstract, we rewrite about earthquake magnitude, according to reviewers'
2. In the Introduction, we rewrite the references which are using the last names.
3. In the Introduction, we rewrite that steel X-bracings can increase the deformation of the
upper-floor columns, according to reviewers' directions.
4. In section 3.3, we revise the sentence according to reviewers' directions.
5. In section 3.4, we revise the sentence and clarify the values of yield and tensile strength,
according to reviewers' directions.
6. In fig. 9, we revised and added the positions in plan of bracings to help the reader.
7. In section 3.5, we revised the formula (D) according to reviewers' directions.
8. In section 4.1.1, we rewrite about mass effective of variance, clarify the table 2, and add
the modes that has been using, according to reviewers' directions.
9. In section 4.1.3, we change “flat shear force” to “base shear force”, and specify the
values of Cs and W.
10. In table 4, clarify the information.
11. In section 4.1.4, we rewrite the sentence about the output of SAP2000, according to
reviewers’ directions.
12. We revise the non-linear analysis to linear analysis.
13. In section 4.1.5, we replace “varied displacements” with “different displacements”.
14. In the table 6, table 7, and table 8, we clarify the values in m.
15. We add the additional table about the percentage differences of displacements.
16. We rewrite and add some information in the conclusion.

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