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Book review

A review should contain:

1. An introduction in which you give the main details:
 Title
 Kind of book
 Writer
some biographical information (date and place of birth, relevant information about his / her life, type of
books he used to write/ writes)
 Publishing house
 Publishing date

2. A main body which focuses on the plot and the characters.

 Short summary without saying the ending: who (The book tells the story of …) ,
what (The story begins / is about …),
where (The story is set in …)
 Characters: names, who they are, relationship between them and description
 Style: narrator (who is the narrator, the writer or one of the characters?)
vocabulary (meaning of a few words you have looked up in a dictionary)
writing: dialogue/ narration, who the narrator is,
descriptive – adjectives / narrative – verbs,
order of the events

3. A conclusion which can contain a positive or/ negative opinion, justified by a

comment on:
 Opinion of the
- characters: believable - they make you believe that a particular thing is true
convincing - you think that it could be true or real
unconvincing - they do not seem likely or real
likeable - pleasant and easy to like
- story: interesting
- the ending: predictable
- the plot: absorbing - You want to keep reading it because you find it so interesting,
predictable –
complicated - It makes difficult for people to know exactly what is happening or
what to do
It contains interesting ideas that make people think seriously
Things to include and things to take out)
 Opinion of the book with a justification
 Recommendation: I would advise anyone to read …
(Name of the book) is not worth reading.

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