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Help to self-

Taking responsibility!
• The burdens of civilisation on people, animals and food are enormous.
• The frequency of change is getting faster.
• i-like is based on the Tai-Chi principle of natural regeneration.
• Classic, traditional expert knowledge and applications are used, and paired
with the latest technology of the 21st century.
• i-like products always comply with the philosophy of "regeneration".
• In this way, a bridge is ideally built between old and new.

i-like's mission is:

«Help to self-help».
«Help to self-help».
Important advice!

After long, careful development and creation, products emerged which cannot
be replicated by any modern, fast technologies. Often metaphysics products
are not only absolutely, exclusively produced in line with patents, but, for the
most part, at I-LIKE we have our own raw materials and longstanding
processing operations.

Therefore i-like bioresonance and vital products are, in direct sales with the
client, ALWAYS offered with a personal consultation.

i-like supports the consultation through extensive training and further training
measures. To this end, collaborations with universities and institutions are

Over 20 years of
Research and Development
Swiss development - Swiss production
Collaboration with
• the Centre for New Technologies in Omsk Russia (Centre for
Quantum Physics and Space Research)
• the Transfer Institute for Health and Development of Steinbeiss
University Berlin
• Health Campus Switzerland of St. Elisabeth Universityand other
• developing with more than a hundred therapists experts,
developers, professors of various disciplines
• More than 5,000 consultants and therapists from various
disciplines work daily with i-like Converters and Vital products

Development and production is in Switzerland.

"Swiss made"
"Swiss engineering"
Something is changing at the

For over 1900 years, 50 million people per 100 years!

Suddenly in a century rather than 50 million, over 6 billion =
120x times faster growth!!

What's more - until 1950 there were «only» 2.5 billion. In 1987 there was a doubling (5
billion) - that is, after 37 years! The next 2.5 billion (that is, in total, 7.5 billion) was
achieved this year, in 2016 - i.e. 29 years later! What's next?
It's becoming even more extreme!

150 years ago there was NO E-smog!

In the 1980s
The frequency of electricity/
electronics reached
50Hz in the 1980s
= 50 cycles per second!

The frequency today has reached 2.5GHz
(giga Herz = 2.5 billion Herz =
2,500,000,000 x pro second).

That's an increase in frequency of

a factor of 500-million =
500,000,000x faster
in 30 years!
There is scarcely a limit - E-smog occurs everywhere!

Here are two pictures - taken five years apart. Sermon by the
Pope at the Vatican:

Between the upper and the lower picture

there is ONLY a 5 year gap!

If anyone still believes that things are not changing

a great deal, we are sorry to demonstrate otherwise.
More and more burdens
• The Faraday cage effect creates an e-smog problem
in the car
• Solar panels with inverters generate massive amounts
of e-smog
• Public transport is increasingly electrified
• Industrial food
• Medication
• Stress
• Bullying and other psycho-emotional stress
• Physical activity
• Increase in tobacco consumption
• Increase in Internet and TV consumption
• Increase in radioactivity
• Control by authorities is becoming more restrictive
• and.........

Everything has a massive

influence on the
vibrational frequency
of our cells!

Everything that exists on our planet - EVERYTHING - has a

form of energy (frequency). Even our thoughts!

The Tai Chi principle uses energy

to convert it into something positive.

In this sense, it is a true BLESSING, the number of new,

powerful frequencies which are currently being created
on Earth! If we transform, revitalise and use them for
ourselves, we are on the right track!
Cancelling interference frequencies through
the programming of magnetite crystals!

The goal is, through the charging of the bioresonant

programmed Converter and the Vital products, to be able
to neutralise the potential interference frequencies.

Frequency misinformation

Frequency misinformation reflected

The two vibrations neutralise each other

and ofset the misinformation!
The trend!
Health and prevention
• Repair medicine has come under suspicion
• Excessive costs, health only for the «rich»
• The trends is clearly moving in the direction of
«retaining health, wellness, beauty, well-being»
= prevention.
• In the USA in 2015, the revention wellness
healthcare industry had more sales made than
the medical industry!
i-like is prevention
In the sense of "Help to self-help", i-like is entirely
on trend!
With more than 20 years of research and
development and a huge network of expert,
professionals, developments, universities, etc., i-
like has flourished with this trend.
Hundreds of thousands of experiences,
customers, patients and consultants have a
fount of knowledge which flows into the i-like
bioresonant and Vital Products!
Electric smog?
frequently fully misunderstood!

Up til now, E-smog has been measured via power,

frequency etc.
The classic (outdated) scientific measuring methods are no
longer adequate and have been replaced by new
measurement methods directly from the cells of the
recipients (human, animal, plant, water, etc.).
Today we know it is the information of E-smog which can
bring about loss of life.

But what IS electro-smog?

V/m, µT, mW/m2, µW/cm2, A/m, W/m2, Gauss or what…?

NO - E-smog consists of particles

which break away from the electric /
magnetic wave.
They are not the wave itself!
They are also called leakage fields.
And THESE leakage fields (e-smog)
disrupt the biologically relevant
frequency of life - whether in
humans, animals, food and so on ...
Measuring correctly is the
new discovery!
• The impact of e-smog depends only partly on amount and
• The adequate method of measurement is the inquiry into
the biology of the body (human, animal, plants).

The latest methods of measurement from the field of medicine, bioresonance, fulfills the task of
verifying the direct effect of electro-smog and other types of interference on people.
The E-Smog problem

Electro-smog causes some:

• Frequencies interfering with communication of

body cells
• E-Smog causes a high acidity (PRAL kidney)
• Impaired concentration
• Sleeping problems
• Many diseases

Electro-smog arises wherever

technologically created electric,
magnetic and electromagnetic fields
Why not simply
stop the radiation?

It does not work!

Commercial mobile phone chips try to reduce the
radiation of mobile phones. That absolutely does
not work!
If it did work, the mobile phone would no longer
The danger is only now being recognised,
thanks to the latest measurement methods!

• In the USA, mobile phone providers have begun to write

that you should use the device only from a distance of 1m
(in the instructions). What nonsense!
• In the USA and Europe, the court decisions are
accumulating due to tumors, which have been
demonstrably caused by electro-smog!
• The biggest insurance company in the world (Lloyds)
has excluded any liability for damage
caused by e-smog from all its policies since
07/02/2015 (and what insurance is NOT in league
with Lloyds ?? The directive applies to
virtually all contracts)
What can remedial action
All life consists of vibrations (frequencies).
With bioresonance, cell vibration is harmonised.
Bioresonance is produced through two processes:

1. Self-regulation - a healthy cell harmonises itself

(biophoton reflection)

2. Send out information (scalar waves, Meta-Converter,

acupuncture, herbal / natural healing, reflexology
zones etc) and, as a result, harmonise negative
frequencies (vitalise).

For his evidence that all that is «MATERIAL» consists of a minimum 1: 1 billion
ONLY of vibration (information), Prof.Dr.Dr. Carlo Rubbia received the Nobel
Natural medicine and today quantum physics proves:
«everything is vibration!»
Double-blind study - university study with 67 volunteers.
Demonstration of the effectiveness of the e-Chip Converter.

«Based on the information provided by the manufacturer the first results infer an increase in
health optimisation by use of the Chip. In summary, based the first results generated by this pilot
study a further investigation of the i-LIKE chips in terms of health and resilient strength would be
promising.» Health Campus
Double-blind study - university study with 67 volunteers.
Demonstration of the effectiveness of the e-Chip Converter.

ANS regulation
Health (gen.)

150 100

ANS (imago) Placebogr. Active
treatment gr.


100 150
state (PES)
60 Central regulation
40 50
Centr. regulation (imago) Placebogr. Active treatment gr.
PES Placebogr. Active
(imago) treatment
Dr. Emoto Water Crystal
BEFORE the application AFTER the application
Emoto Water Cr ystal Cer tification

Left: osmosis purified water without information.

Right: the same water informed for one hour by the E-Chip. The glass of
water was laid DIRECTLY on the mobile phone, which was already
equipped with an E-chip from i-like.
For the vitalisation
of electrosmog!
Where is the disruptive e-smog?

Sources of e-smog?
E-Smog, which is disruptive to our cells, is created
whenever electricity is produced-transported-
consumed by humans.
It is therefore important to vitalise devices, but also
outlets etc.!

Use the manual!

You can make a longer phone call, work
reassured at the computer screen,
enjoy the reading light and find yourself
in a wellness oasis of good vibrations!

For whom?
Always, wherever electricity is being used!
• Adults and children
• Smart phones, mobile phones of all kinds

• Screens and televisions

• Computers and printers

• WLAN router

• Sockets and switches

• Light sources of all kinds

• Vehicles (special Converter)

• Kitchen equipment

• Photovoltaic (special Converter), and much

Self-regulation and
positive influence!
i-like vitalises
We use existing electromagnetism (electro-smog),
to transmit the information from the e-chip on the
(bioresonance principle).

The chips consist of:

a) pyramidal shaped minerals for self-regulation

b) magnetite crystals, which are directed by scalars

and achieve a specific task, depending on the chip
(unique in the world!)
Self-regulation and
positive influence!
The i-like Converter is a highly complex instrument.
It is based on new insights from physics (magnetic
waves, scalar waves, self-field-theory1, field mirror
effects1 etc.). The unique design of the i-like-
Converter (combination of different mineral
crystals and geometric pyramid shapes) means
that the i-like chip is capable of restoring essential
magnetic fields within the body in 6-8 times
density in the body, for health and well-being.
Glued to a device with an electromagnetic field or
electric field voltage this can additionally help to
improve the resonances of people's vital own field
radiation (additional resonance body).
1 Explanation in accordance with Meyl physics
Cancelling interference frequencies through
the programming of magnetite crystals!

The goal is, through the charging of the bioresonant

programmed Converter and the Vital products, to be able
to neutralise the potential interference frequencies.

Frequency misinformation

Frequency misinformation reflected

The two vibrations neutralise each other

and ofset the misinformation!
Car E-Smog
E-smog in the car?
Danger for vehicles (of all kinds) -
Faraday cage
is called a "driving microwave"
in insider circles!
People are measured
Clients are measured after one car journey without a
To do this, normal, every day vehicles are used, and the
journey is of around 30-45 minutes.
The result is ALWAYS: stress, loss of concentration, loss
of power in the cells

Prior to activation of the vehicle, after 30 minutes drive: Health-volume 9%

A value of 9% before the fitting is an extremely poor health value.

Test result with and
without Converter
Combustion engine vehicle, vehicle from the year 2013, fitted with many electronic
aids, Bluetooth, adaptive cruise control (radar) etc.
• The results are collected from the driver
BEFORE the fitting of the vehicle with Converters, measured after 30min. The drive
was measured
• "After" the vehicle was fitted with three Converters. The driver now had a route of
about 45 minutes to get through. Subsequently, the second measurement was
carried out.

1. Result: regeneration level (self-regulation)

• Left Prior to activation of the vehicle, after 30 minutes drive: Health-volume 9%

•Right after the activation of the vehicle, after 45 minutes: Health-volume 64%

A value of 9% before the fitting is an extremely poor health value. The value after the ride of 64% in the kitted out
vehicle is a great contrast and is well above the norm for a man of 52 years.
Test result with and
without Converter
Combustion engine vehicle, vehicle from the year 2013, fitted with many electronic
aids, Bluetooth, adaptive cruise control (radar) etc.
• The results are collected from the driver
BEFORE the fitting of the vehicle with Converters, measured after 30min. The drive
was measured
• "after" the vehicle was fitted with three Converters. The driver now had a route of
about 45 minutes to get through. Subsequently, the second measurement was
carried out.

2. Result: stress level and self-regulation (autocorrelation)

The left shows the auto-correlation and the spline map (right brain) in each case the stress level before (left) and
after (right) of the activation of the vehicle with the i-like Converters.
Other measurement
Electric vehicle (Tesla) -
before 40min journey time 9% (very poor!) - after 45 min journey time 98% (extremely good!)
Male, 46 years old

Truck (Mercedes 3245) - before full day trip 13% - after 30min. drive 44%
Male, 41 years old
Typical reactions
to the revitalization with the car Converters are:

• Greater relaxation whilst driving

• Lower energy consumption thanks to a
more relaxed driving style
• Reduced risk of accidents due to higher
concentration and attention
• Absence of headaches and other
tension pain
• Reduction of stress-induced hyperacidity
• Significant performance improvement with the possibility of
being able to drive much further without getting tired
Measurement in racing
Car Converters in racing

Histo-Cup, June 17, 2016, Salzburgring

Professional racer Gottfried Pilz, Formula BMW Challenge
Test conditions:
1. Testing before training
2. Testing after the 1st session (30 min training)
3. Testing after the 2nd session (30 min training)

Before the 2nd session (3rd measurement), the vehicle

Converters were attached. In other words, during the last
session (which was the hardest, no breaks or interim
measurement, full speed all the way through) the racing car
was equipped with i-like car E-Smog Converters.
Car Converters in racing

Measurement results

1. Testing: Health-volume (regeneration level) 87%

(very vital person!)
2. Testing: Health-volume 8% (massive hyperacidity, stress level is
extremely high (spline) and regeneration volume practically no longer
3. Testing: Health-volume 47% (great recovery, minimal stress,
regeneration volume above average level)

- After the 1st session both the body and mind were exhausted and
barely capable of concentration.
- Normally after the 2nd session the condition would be measured as
even worse (2x complete load). However, with the Converters a
striking, more than 5 x better health value, acidity value, stress value
be measured That means that with the Converters the professional
racer driver is vital, concentrated and fully capable of regeneration,
despite racing stress.

The bottom line:

With the Car E-Smog Converters of professional racing driver is
clearly more powerful (mentally stronger) and the regeneration is
already working in the vehicle (known as the Schumacher effect).

Since then, G. Pilz has installed

Converters in his vehicle for several
races. Result: he leads the challenge by
a wide margin (33 racers)! We
congratulate him!

The Life Stream

TV team was
promptly on the
spot and
documented the
E-Smog Converter
E-smog in

In a photovoltaic system, the e-smog occurs in the

power converter. It is again important to realize that
neither the frequency nor the strength of the
radiation is crucial.
The distance that e-smog has been detected away
from the inverter was between 15 m and 50 m. This
means that a single family home or a barn is usually
completely contaminated by e-smog!
What can you do?
With the i-like photovoltaic Converters, the e-smog's
directional field is reversed. That means that e-smog is
converted into a normal electromagnetic wave which is
not destructive to living cells.
I-like calls that «vitalisation». The process complies with
the principle of bioresonance.
An inverter which has been kitted out with i-like
Converters radiates bioresonance waves throughout the
entire house!
Measurement results as
an example
Testing evidence and measurements:
The 1st measurement was made prior to the fitting of the i-like
Photovoltaic Converter onto the system's inverter.
The 2nd measurement measured 30-45 minutes after the the fitting
of the Converter onto the house of the inverter in question.
Application / usage
For each inverter, 1 Converter.
Each Converter contains 6 individually programmed chips
that connect through the metal Converter.
Experience report
A good four years ago we had a photovoltaic system installed in the
stable of our farm.
Since that time, everything has gone haywire. We might have accepted
that the mastitis (inflammation of the udder glands), calf death and
many other ominous diseases as simple coincidence, but for the fact
that for just for 4 years, but we have a clear proof that the system on
the roof, and above all the inverters in the stable have had a massive
influence on our lives.
Our animals live in an open, organic cow barn. In addition to the cows
also mice, birds, many insects and occasionally other animals such as
hedgehogs, martens, etc.
About three weeks after the installation of the system four years ago
not a single animal - except the cows - was to be found in barn
anymore. No birds, no mice and, after a few months, no new spider
webs to sweep away.
Since we installed the Converter on the inverters in our barn, swallows
have moved back in. I have long watched them and regarded them as
a gift of from heaven.
We are really very grateful for the help and hope soon to also see an
improvement for our cows.
For the vitalisation of food!
Not just food,
but life giving

Foods are often deprived of their "life".

The vitality (vibration) has destroyed, the product is sprayed
with many substances and treated (fungicide, anti-bacterial,
anti parasite, additives for shelf life, taste, colour, and more
makes for "dead" food).
The i-like Food-Chip revitalises all food!

For example, spices: they have an especially high amount of Qi (food

How does it work?
• Food is often, even at its origins, confronted with
materials (frequencies) which are not beneficial for
• Many of the products available are already losing
their natural relationship to their origins, the ground
and the Earth and, of course, to the organisms
(agriculture) whilst still in the ground.
• Everything must move quickly, generating a high
income and remaining stable.
• Everything that is «put on» to food during its growth
is transferred to the body.
• The harvest (machines), processing (heat, chemical
changes, durability, colour, taste, etc) and cooking
(stove, overheating, addition of synthetic substances,
such as glutamate, etc.) afflicts the food even
• Everything enters our body.
• The Food-Chip removes exactly THESE negative
An example from food
2 weeks in the fridge - without example: manufacturer of
anti pasti activates the test 2B with a chip during the
production. After both tests are kept for 14 days in two
different fridges.
The result is amazing!

Without Food-Chip

With Food-Chip
What happens with industrial
food (dead food)?
A test with UHT milk. UHT = ultra high temperature That
means, every kind of life has been removed from the milk. No
bacteria survive. This milk is «very dead» and can no longer
ferment. It just turns rancid, slightly sour.
The test is performed at room temparature over 4 days.
2 glasses with milk - one with, the other without a Chip. The
glasses were set at least 5 metres apart.
After 8 hours, with a Chip is already sour.
After 4 days - with Chip, the milk has turned into quark,
without a Chip, the milk is still liquid (rancid, slightly sour -
that's all).
Conclusion: the «dead» milk can be enabled again with the
Food-Chip and a vital food with natural properties emerges!
Self test...

Pour out an «ok» wine or a «cheap» 2-star Balsamic vinegar

into two glasses (good).
One glass stands on a Food-Chip, the other not.
PLEASE NOTE! The glasses must be at least 3 metres apart
and the Chip must not have previously been near the bottle!
Allow the Chip to work for 15-30 mins. Then take both
glasses and let the test person smell each (and you, of
course, as well). Note the difference after such a short
space of time. It becomes even clearer if you activate the
bottle of wine with the Chip for 24 hours.
Typical experience with the
I have a terrible food allergy. I react very badly to the sprays on grapes. Until
now I have only been able to eat them if I wash them first with boiling water -
and then only 4-5 grapes before the reactions begins again. You can only
imagine what the "cooked grapes" look like.
Now I put the grapes, which I wash with cold water, onto the Food-Chip for a
while and can each an entire bunch in one go without any reaction. I am very

I had a couple of ladies visiting me and I showed them the Food-Chip. We tested
something straightaway - I had two lemon yoghurts in the fridge, which were
already past their sell-by date. We opened one of them and put in a Chip and
left it in the neighbouring room. The second we opened up and left. After a
couple of coffees and some gossip, we had a look at the two yoghurts. The
yoghurt without a Chip was unpleasant and smelled very unappetising. Then we
went into the neighbouring room to test the second yoghurt. And we all
remarked that between us we had never eaten such a lovely lemon yoghurt...!
For pets!
Better balanced.
More vital
Healthy, contented
Vital and balanced.
Suitable for all small animals up to about 50 kg.

Functioning radius for the activation of the programming of

around 50 cm.
Its effectivenss can be strengthened through metal (such as the
food bowl).

1. Self regulation (own field resonance)

2. Special frequencies for the harmonisation against
3. Possible vaccine side effects are resolved
(not the vaccination)
Typical experiences with the
Our family dog has been in chronic pain for the past year. He is limping. The vet
has only been able to help him using cortisone and we know that it's
not really good for his health. We have kept the Animal-Chip bandaged onto the
location of his pain for 10 days. It is obvious that his pain has completely
disappeared, because the dog runs and romps again, like he did a year ago. We
have also stuck a chip to his food bowl and by one of the places he sleeps. So,
three items in total. For us it has been worth it, and the result has really
impressed us.

Our neighbour's dogs are constantly barking in the garden. We find this
unpleasant. Using a pretext, I gave our neighbours an Animal-Chip.
Officially, of course, simply to improve their health. However, my intention was to
see what happened with the barking. The result
has really amazed me. A few days after my gift of the chip, my wife (who did not
know about my present), commented: "Don't you think that the neighbours's
dogs have become a lot quieter?" I then revealed to her
about the chips. She can scarcely believe it, that it is due to the chips. However
I am convinced that the chips are the reason for this change in their nature.
The Horse Meta-Converter
With the Horse Meta-Converter specific information is
conveyed, which is tailored precisely to animals.
Through this information, the self-regulation of the horse is
activated for an improvement of well-being.
The Horse Meta-Converter has an operating radius of 1-2
metres. It comes in a high quality box including a practical
bag. The effectiveness of the Horse Meta-Converter is
further reinforced with metal. In addition, the box protects
against losing the valuable Horse Meta-Converters.
Suitable for all horse breeds (from
ponies up to heavy horses)
Typical experiences with the
My Freiberger's recurrent airway obstruction (disease of the bronchial system -
note the editorial) has been chronic for months. Alternative remedies
have not helped, we had to resort to cortisone. Shortly after finishing the course
of cortisone the illness flared up again and was
severe. We were desperate. A friend suggested I deal with the issue of
bioresonance and seek help from the
Swiss firm i-like. I then used the Horse-Metal-Box and after 7 days my horse
was free of symptoms. I don't know whether it was now really only the box or all
the circumstances combined which have helped. But what is certain is that I am
very grateful for this new opportunity. In any case, the box is staying on my
horse, when riding it is directly on me and I also get a really good feeling from it.

Our horse could hardly move. The vet said that he could barely take away his
suffering any longer. In our distress we had tried
everything. So far nothing had helped. Now we have got the chip from a friend
and put the chip onto the horse blanket. After
a day, our horse has completely changed. The Chip has now been there for two
weeks and we are of the opinion that the pain has completely
gone, becasue the 14-year-old animal is moving again just like the young
animals surrounding it. Our experience with the Chip has been spectacular and,
a doctor like me, incomprehensible!
Vital water!

• Water molecules are aligned, vitalised.

• Water droplets are enclustered, hexagonal water
is created.
• Pollutants cannot attach themselves to hexagonal
water! This means that the body absorbs no
toxins via the water when the water is
• Reduction oxidation (redox) potential can be
reduced. This is the environment where the water
is currently located (people, frequencies all kind)
significantly (redox is unstable)!

The Water-Chip has a sphere of activity of around 50

cm (spherical).
The ideal activation time is 24 hours. Shorter or
longer is also fine.
Only water is activated by this Chip. For other
beverages, the Food-Chip should be used.

For large vessels, a Chip should be installed every 50

cm, so that all the water can be activated.
Highest distinction!

Dr. Emoto Water Crystal

BEFORE the application AFTER the application
Emoto Water Cr ystal Cer tification
Vital products

All i-like Vital products are activated with the latest

technology through bioresonance.
This offers many benefits:
- higher efficacy of the products
-neutralising of potential disruptive frequencies
- better tolerability
- increased absorption capacity (receptivity)
- activation of additional functions
Philosophy of regeneration!

Over one thousand years of accumulated knowledge of holistic

regeneration stands behind i-like.
The insights of health and healing enjoy a long tradition in the cultural
circles of the West as well as the East and are recognised to the highest
degree (Druids, Celtic medicine, traditional Chinese medicine).
Distilled information and high-quality products have the goal of supporting
people in their quest for health and well-being. The unique concept seeks
to inspire people that, at all times, they are moving their body and mind
towards a new start.
I-like Vital products are:
• balanced in YIN and YANG (also thermal)
• all the five elements of TCM are included in each product and
ingredients, colours, thermal effect, sapor (taste) are in themselves
naturally balanced
• (100% nature, also certified vegan)
• Acid-alkaline regulated
• free from allergens and free of harmful ingredients
• high concentrations thanks to extraction and reduction of the active

Over acidic, full of toxins!
Diseases of civilisation!
Solution: bamboo

Phyllostachys Bambusoides
• There are only 2 varieties of food-grade bamboo (from over
1,300 varieties in total)
• Grows up to 1.5 m per day (during the main growing season)
• It is a grass which regrows after harvesting (biomass is virtually
• 1.5 x more stable than steel
• THE detoxifier per excellence
• Has all of the 521 polyphenolic substances which we know
plants possess (ginseng 240, garlic 140...)
World innovation
Vital plasters & bioresonance!
A new generation of Vital plasters!
• 6-8-fold greater efficacy than existing Vital
• Bioresonance enabled
• With the bioresonance Converter to increase
• Dr. Emoto Water Crystal Certification
• certified 100% natural
• certified vegan
• Bamboo extract matured for many years
• Balanced formulation in Yin and Yan, according to
the five elements
• Swiss recipe
• Swiss bioresonance processing
15 decades in development!
Much knowledge, great Erfa reports,
extensive research and development!
Dr. Emoto Water Crystal
Vital plaster bamboo extract texting
through the HadoLi fe l abor ator y

Awarded by the Dr. Masaru Emoto Hado-Life laboratory


Proof of the ef fectiveness of the vitality patch

by Kirlian photography

Patient, 25 years old, a drug addict

• Left: Kirlian before the vitality plaster application
• Right: Kirlian after 10 days of putting two plasters on the
soles of the feet every evening and to leaving to work
Recording time at 8am with a therapist
White light radionics

Vital plasters were audited by the Association of White Light

The association is the highest body of radionicists

The measurements are specified as percentages.

0-10% is very harmful for health
11-25% is harmful
25-50% considered less ideal
51-70% is vitalising
71-80% is strongly vitalising
81-90% is healing energy
Over 90% is rare, and is very strong regenerating and healing
100% does not exist – would be pure light!

Result of the Vital plasters: 93%

100% natural
and vegan

f ro m i - like are 10 0 %
natural and certified
Basic application
Purification intensive application!

• 30 nights with a plaster on each sole of the feet

• Reflexology zones will be activated in this way
• Sleep is improved
• Acid and toxins are actively rejected
• Balance according to the cranio-sacral foundation is
• Sense of well-being and vitality
• Also ideal for use during periods of detoxification
(fasting, treatments, spring time etc.)
Basic application
Acid-alkaline regulation

It is characteristic that, after application, many acids can

be measured in used vital plasters.
Instead of consuming "only" alkalines, this application
allows for the active drawing out of acids.

Before using - After the application

p.H. 7.8-8.2 p.H. 3.8-4.8
Acupuncture points and
reflexology zones
Today over 1,000 application possibilities
are known!

Bl10 l

Bl11 l

Bl17 l

Bl20 l


The textbook on
By i-like founder Dr. A. Gruber
Reflexology zones on the face
The soul of the organs!
The Active-Bioresonance

• Vitalises, tones
• Increases the skin's tension
and radiance
• Bioresonance-enabled
• Balancing of reflexology zones

"Fantastically soft and a great feeling of

well-being. After just one month I got
complimented on my skin!"
(customer review)
The Active-Bioresonance
• Reduction of wrinkles
(detected within 28 days by 52%)
• Tripeptide-5 and dipeptides (amino acids) are
world firsts in the anti-wrinkle effect!
• to mimic muscular relaxation
• Regeneration of irritated skin
• Supplies moisture and many vital substances
• Tightening the entire skin
• active protection against the weather and
environment effects
The Active-Bioresonance
• Hyaluron: world first! Combined long- and short-
chain hyaluronic acid!
• Body analogue micelle technique - using this we
can combine both hyaluronic acids in a serum!
• Long-chain: preserves and provides the skin with
long-lasting moisture
• Short-chain: stimulates the fibroblasts. Collagen
can be formed!
The Active-Bioresonance
• Q10, for the oxidative phosphorylation (energy production
by cells), protects against skin aging by binding of free
• Swiss Alpenrose; stem cell extract, increases the vitality
of the skin stem cells, enhances the regeneration of the
epidermis, improves the function of the skin barrier
function (protection against environmental factors).
• Swiss Edelweiss; strong antioxidant, combats free
radicals, protects from harmful influences, protects the
connective tissue (acts as an anti-cellulosic), with
vitamins A, C and E
• Pomegranate; powerful antioxidant, protection from
bacteria, detoxifying effect, protection from UV radiation,
promotes the repair of damaged cells
• Bamboo; highly siliceous (77% share, cell formation),
bioresonance charging
Feel-good mask
Feel-good mask
• For the activation of facial reflexology zones
• Firming
• Vitalising
• Bioresonance technology
• Cocos bio-cellulose mask
• Swiss plant stem cells
"An application is like a spa weekend"
(Customer review)
Feel-good mask
Reflexology and acupuncture points have long been, in Asian
culture, an important issue when it comes to people's wellbeing.
Using a complex system they characterise the relationship
between the emotions and the organ system.
The reflexology zones play a crucial role in the face, because our
face may be referred to as a link between body, mind, soul and
the outside world. It is the mirror of our life lived.
• With primordial sea salt (halite quality)
• Strongly alkaline (pH 9.0)
• Bamboo and many other active herbs

Wellness-AlkalineBath for a feeling of well-being,

active regeneration and detoxification!
The salt in your bath is important
More than 200 million years ago, beneath the Alps,
underground natural salt deposits of exceptional purity
were formed out of the primodial seas. It
is the highest quality salt possible.
This quality halite crystal salt forms the basis of active Active-
Bioresonance Bamboo-AlkalineBath. Enriched with valuable
herbs and optimized thanks to the newest Swiss bioresonance
technology, this is bath wellness and pampering body care in
Through a high pH value of 9.0 the natural osmosis of the skin is
activated (toxins, poison) and cell circulation is stimulated.
The VitalOil
• TCM master formula
• Pure organic oils from Europe
• Application of fragrance
• Many more options

«Do you know what Qi smells like?»

i-like is...

1. Bioresonance competence
2. Vitalisation of electro-smog
3. Frequency regulation for various applications
4. Natural healing for at home and in the practice
5. Highly effective, yet extremely gentle detox / detoxing
6. Wellness, well-being and immediate experience! to self-help!

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