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When data is collected for the purpose of making some desired decision, it is referred to as raw
or ungrouped data in that present form. It therefore requires some organization to enable the
researcher calculate the various statistics required or desired. The data is organized by way of
grouping it into suitable class intervals to obtain a frequency distribution.
Example A: The following data show 21 measurements of lengths in meters which were taken
and recorded.
13.30, 13.25, 13.28, 13.32, 13.48, 13.29, 13.31, 13.35, 13.29, 13.21, 13.29, 13.36, 13.32, 13.28,
13.33, 13.40, 13.43, 13.52, 13.28, 13.30, 13.21
Obtain a frequency distribution for the data starting with 13.20-13.24, 13.25-13.29…
Length (m) Frequency
13.20 ̶ 13.24 2
13.25 ̶ 13.29 7
13.30 ̶ 13.34 6
13.35 ̶ 13.39 2
13.40 ̶ 13.44 2
13.45 ̶ 13.49 1
13.50 ̶ 13.54 1
Limits: These occur when a given class doesn’t begin where the previous one ended. The data
above is classified using limits.
Boundaries: These occur when a given class begins where the previous one ended. This is how
the above classification would be using boundaries.
Length (m) Frequency cumulative frequency

13.195 ̶ 13.245 2 2

13.245 ̶ 13.295 7 9

13.295 ̶ 13.345 6 15

13.345 ̶ 13.395 2 17

13.395 ̶ 13.445 2 19

13.445 ̶ 13.495 1 20

13.495 ̶ 13.545 1 21
Other Examples:
Limits Boundaries
13.2 ̶ 13.4 13.15 ̶ 13.45
13 ̶ 17 12.5 ̶ 17.5
Data Representation
The grouped data can be represented by Pie Charts, Bar Graphs, Histograms, Frequency
Polygons and Cumulative Frequency Curves (Orgive)
Pie Chart
This is a circle divided into several sectors, each representing a class interval
Length (m) Frequency Central angle
13.20 ̶ 13.24 2
13.25 ̶ 13.29 7
13.30 ̶ 13.34 6
13.35 ̶ 13.39 2
13.40 ̶ 13.44 2
13.45 ̶ 13.49 1
13.50 ̶ 13.54 1

Bar Graph
This is a graph with spaces between bars. The frequencies and classes (class limits) are displayed
on the vertical and horizontal axes respectively.
This is a graph with no spaces between bars. The frequencies and classes (class boundaries) are
displayed on the vertical and horizontal axes respectively.

Frequency polygon
This is drawn by placing a dot at the top center of each bar of a histogram and joining the dots
with line segments.
Cumulative frequency curve (Orgive)
For the orgive, prepare a cumulative frequency distribution starting with lower class boundary
of the second class as follows.
Less than: c.f.
13.245 2
13.295 9
13.345 15
13.395 17
13.445 19
13.495 20
13.545 21

The following data show the speed of 30 cars on a highway (in km/h):
110 118 85 92 93 105 112 100 99 106 87 81 86 84 122 117 102 109 120 121 104 81
83 100 95 93 110 94 97 105
(a) Construct a frequency distribution table to present the above data starting with 80─89, 90 ̶
(b) Draw the above five diagrams to represent the data.

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