Reciprocating Compressors Summarised

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Reciprocating compressors

Take definite quantity of fluid (gas /air) and delivers at required pressure

Single acting and double acting reciprocating compressors

P – v diagram for reciprocating compressor
- Induction stroke d – a: as piston moves from d to a,
the inlet valve is open (at point c) and air is induced.
Induction starts when pressure in the cylinder is
sufficient to open the inlet valve
- compression stroke a – b: as the piston returns,
compression closes the inlet valve. The air pressure
is compressed and required pressure attained the
outlet valve is opened (at point b).
- compression may be assumed to be polytropic
. =
- delivery done from point b – c can be assumed P &
T are constant.

Work done on the gas per cycle = area under a d c d

= ( − )
Indicated power

= ̇ ( − )
̇ =

indicated power can be written as

= ̇ −1

= ̇ −1

= +

Compressor mechanical ef iciency =

If efficiency of motor + drive is taken to account


(Read reference text book on how the equations are derived)

Example 1
A single stage reciprocating compressor takes 1 m3 of air per minute at 1.013 bar and 15 ℃ and
delivers it at 7 bars. Assuming that the law of compression is = , and that
clearance is negligible, calculate the indicated power.
= 1.013
̇ =1 /

= ̇ −1

1.35 1 7 .
= 1.013 10 −1
1.35 − 1 60 1.013

= 4236

= ̇ ( − )

̇ 1.013 10
̇ = = = 1.226 /
287 288
7 .
= = 288 = 475.4
1.35 1.226
= 287 (475.4 − 288) = 4238
1.35 − 1 60

Example 2
If the compressor in the above example is to be driven at 300 rev/min and is a single – acting,
single cylinder machine, calculate the cylinder bore required, assuming a stroke to bore ratio
or 1.5/1. Calculate the power of the motor required to drive the compressor if the mechanical
efficiency of the compressor is 85% and that of the motor transmission is 90%.

ℎ = 1 ⁄
= = 0.00333 ⁄

ℎ = 0.00333 = = (1.5 )
4 4
Where d is bore and L is stroke, and stroke to bore ratio (L/d) is 1.5/1
= 141.1

ℎ = = 4.99
= = 5.54

ℎ =

ℎ = =

If m and are mass and volume induced per unit me, then these equa ons give the
isothermal power.
Using the data of previous example, calculate the isothermal efficiency of the compressor

1.226 7
ℎ = ̇ = 0.287 288 = 3.264
60 1.013

ℎ 3.246
ℎ = = = 0.77 77%

Reciprocating compressors including clearance

- clearance is necessary in a compressor to give

mechanical freedom to the working parts and

allow the necessary space for valve operations.

- ideal indicator diagram for a reciprocating

compressor including clearance is shown below

- when the piston reaches point c, a small volume

of compressed air at pressure will remain in

the clearance volume.

- As it starts the induction stroke this volume will expand according to = until it

reaches pressure Pd. at this point the inlet valve will open.

- The clearance reduces induced volume to − .

- Masses of das at the four points

̇ =

̇ = ̇

̇ − ̇ = ̇ − ̇

= = −

= ̇ ( − )− − ̇ ( − )
−1 −1

( ̇ − ̇ ) ( − )


̇ ( − )

ℎ ̇ = ̇ − ̇

(. )

Other expression that can be derived include

= ̇ −1

ℎ ̇

If there are cycles per unit time, then

̇ = ( − )
Indicated power then we also have

= ( − ) −1

practice problem Example 12.4 from reference book

The mass delivered per unit time can be increased by designing the machine to be double acting
i.e., gas is delt with on both sides of the piston, the induction stroke foe one side being the
compression stroke for the other.
read, multi-staging, energy balance and inter-cooling.

Further practice problems 12.1 – 12.8.

Summarized notes

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