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In recent years, there has been a growing interest in developing sustainable and
energy-efficient technologies that can help address the pressing environmental and
economic challenges facing our society. One area where such innovations are
urgently needed is in the field of household cleaning, where traditional appliances
such as vacuum cleaners are known to consume large amounts of energy and
contribute to greenhouse gas emissions.
To address this issue, this study aims to investigate the potential of a power vacuum
cleaner using a ,.
The DC motor, battery, or solar panel for power supply to the BSIT students in
EARIST Cavite.The proposed technology is designed to be more energy-efficient and
eco-friendly compared to traditional vacuum cleaners, while also being affordable
and accessible to students who may have limited resources.
The power vacuum cleaner is based on the principles of a DC motor, which is known
for its high efficiency and low energy consumption. By using a battery or solar panel
for power supply, the vacuum cleaner can operate without relying on the grid,
reducing the carbon footprint and energy costs associated with traditional appliances.
This study will explore the technical, economic, and environmental feasibility of the
power vacuum cleaner, as well as its potential benefits and limitations for BSIT
students in EARIST Cavite. The research will involve a combination of literature
review, design and development of the prototype, testing and evaluation, and user
feedback analysis.
Overall, this study aims to contribute to the development of sustainable and
innovative technologies that can help mitigate the negative impacts of household
cleaning on the environment and promote a more sustainable and equitable future for
The theoretical framework for this research is based on the principles of sustainable
technology and energy efficiency. Sustainable technology refers to the development
and use of technologies that are environmentally friendly, socially equitable, and
economically viable. Energy efficiency, on the other hand, refers to the ability of a
technology to perform its intended function while minimizing energy consumption and
waste. The power vacuum cleaner using a DC motor, battery, or solar panel for
power supply is based on the principles of sustainable technology and energy
efficiency. By using a DC motor, battery, or solar panel for power supply, the power
vacuum cleaner can reduce energy consumption and greenhouse gas emissions
compared to traditional vacuum cleaners. In addition, the power vacuum cleaner can
be designed and developed to be more affordable and accessible to BSIT students in
EARIST Cavite, who may have limited resources. The theoretical framework for this
research is informed by the following concepts and theories:

Frame 1. Sustainable technology: Sustainable technology is a concept that

emphasizes the importance of developing and using technologies that are
environmentally friendly, socially equitable, and economically viable. The power
vacuum cleaner using a DC motor, battery, or solar panel for power supply is an
example of sustainable technology, as it can reduce energy consumption and
greenhouse gas emissions while also being affordable and accessible to BSIT
students in EARIST Cavite.

Frame 2. Energy efficiency: Energy efficiency is a concept that refers to the ability of
a technology to perform its intended function while minimizing energy consumption
and waste. The power vacuum cleaner using a DC motor, battery, or solar panel for
power supply is designed to be energy efficient, as it can reduce energy consumption
and waste compared to traditional vacuum cleaners.

Frame 3. Design thinking: Design thinking is a problem-solving approach that

emphasizes empathy, creativity, and iteration. The design of the power vacuum
cleaner using a DC motor, battery, or solar panel for power supply will be informed by
design thinking principles, as it will involve understanding the needs and constraints
of BSIT students in EARIST Cavite, generating creative solutions, and testing and
refining prototypes.

Frame 4. The Theoretical Framework for this research is based on the principle of
sustainable technology and energy efficient , and will be informed by concepts and
theories such as sustainable technology , energy efficiency, and design thinking. By
applying these concepts and theories to the development of a power vacuum cleaner
using a DC motor, battery, or solar panel for power supply, this research can
contribute to the development of more sustainable and accessible household
cleaning appliances for students and households in the Philippines and beyond.
The purpose of this study is to design and develop a power vacuum cleaner that is
energy efficient and affordable, and can be powered by a DC motor, battery, or solar
panel for BSIT students in EARIST Cavite. The study seeks to address the following

1. What are the energy requirements and constraints for a power vacuum cleaner
that can be used by BSIT students in EARIST Cavite, given their limited resources
and access to traditional household cleaning appliances?

2. What are the design considerations for a power vacuum cleaner that is energy
efficient and affordable, and can be powered by a DC motor, battery, or solar panel
for BSIT students in EARIST Cavite?

3. What are the performance characteristics of a power vacuum cleaner that is

powered by a DC motor, battery, or solar panel, and how do these characteristics
compare to traditional household cleaning appliances?

4. What are the environmental and economic benefits and costs of a power vacuum
cleaner that is powered by a DC motor, battery, or solar panel for BSIT students in
EARIST Cavite, and how do these compare to traditional household cleaning

By addressing these sub-problems, this study aims to contribute to the development

of more sustainable and accessible household cleaning appliances for students and
households in the Philippines and beyond.
This study is significant for several reasons. First, it addresses the need for more
sustainable and accessible household cleaning appliances for BSIT students in
EARIST Cavite, who may have limited resources and access to traditional household
cleaning appliances. By designing and developing a power vacuum cleaner that is
energy efficient and affordable, and can be powered by a DC motor, battery, or solar
panel, this study can contribute to improving the quality of life and well-being of BSIT
students in EARIST Cavite.

Second, this study is significant for its potential environmental and economic
benefits. By using renewable energy sources such as solar panels and batteries, the
power vacuum cleaner can reduce dependence on non-renewable energy sources
and contribute to reducing carbon emissions and environmental degradation. In
addition, by being affordable and energy efficient, the power vacuum cleaner can
help to reduce household energy costs and contribute to improving household
economic well-being.

Third, this study is significant for its potential to contribute to the field of sustainable
design and engineering. By integrating principles of energy efficiency, affordability,
and sustainability into the design of the power vacuum cleaner, this study can
contribute to advancing the state of the art in sustainable design and engineering,
and provide a model for future research and development in this field.

Overall, this study has significant implications for improving the quality of life and
well-being of BSIT students in EARIST Cavite, reducing environmental degradation
and carbon emissions, improving household economic well-being, and advancing the
field of sustainable design and engineering.
This section provides the definitions of important terms or variables used in the study.
These terms are defined conceptually or operationally to provide clarity and
understanding of the study.

Alternative energy - refers to energy sources other than fossil fuels (such as coal,
petroleum, and diesel) and includes all renewable and nuclear energy sources.

Battery - a device that converts chemical energy into electrical energy and stores it
for later use.

DC motor - a device that converts electrical energy into mechanical energy using
direct current.

EARIST Cavite - a higher education institution located in Cavite, Philippines.

Energy efficiency - the ratio of useful energy output to the total energy input in a

Power source - a method of producing electricity. Power sources convert either

mechanical or chemical energy into electrical energy which is then used by the
circuitry of a device to power that device.

Power vacuum cleaner - a household cleaning appliance that uses suction to remove
dirt and debris from floors and surfaces.

Solar panel - a device that converts sunlight into electrical energy using photovoltaic

Sustainability - the ability to meet the needs of the present generation without
compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs.

Variable - a measurable characteristic or attribute that varies or changes over time or

across different situations.

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