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A Thematic Overview!

The Noble Quran:

 A Giant Book with Rules and Regulations-Laws-Surahs

 What The Pure Allah expect from you???

 What’s the most and least You can achieve???
 What’s the best you can achieve???

Chapter ASAR
4 – Sections:
A-Faith (Believers)
B- Good Deeds
C- Patience
D-Counsel Eachother to Truth.

 Allah Swear in Quran in order to give you Evidence and

describe a witness.

 Time itself is a Witness.

 Human Being is in Loss
 Time-Health
 Drowing uncnsiously – wake up
 Believe it otherwise Death
 Do something…what???
 Successful People.

 Prophet Ibrahim PBUH

(Alone-Homeless Person)
 Prophet Muhammad PBUH
(Alone-Homeless Person)
 Dhul-Qurnain
(Used Time Wisely-Gratitude)
 Successful people believe in ALLAH-Hereafter-Angels-
 Licensed Teachers from ALLAH.
 Mature in Faith
 All of Us have some Gudness Like Kind,forgiving etc.
 Everyone has its own defination.
 Foundation of Faith is deeply rooted b/w ALLAH and You.
 The More Giver You are,that’s for your own self.

 Failure. ☹

 Qaroon (Rich One)

 Pharoah (A criminal-Politician)

 Wealth doesn’t goes down whenever you Give.

 Refunded back to You.
 Prayer and Give Charity/Sadaqa.
 (Orphans-Needy-Relatives-Poor-Travellers)

 What about Us???

 How We Use our Time???
 Do’s/Don’t
 Islam isn’t a casual thing,don’t take it for Granted.

 Who’s Allah???
 How do you describe ALLAH???
 Explore His Speech.
 Words of ALLAH.
 Goodness itself is believeing in ALLAH.
 Faith-Moral Goodness-Character and Conduct.
 Don’t be soo quick to judge others.
 Be Good to His Creation.
 Patience (Constant even In difficult times)
 Pious People
 Look Goodness in His Speech.
 Reflect-Angels
 Remember,Hereafter is a serious business.
 Description of Heaven and Hell,why???
 i.e actual a Mercy of ALLAH-Meeting of ALLAH-Salam to
People of Jannah.
 Only Words are empty,So Do something for Hereafter too.
 Actions-Good Deeds (Mental-Spiritual Exercise)
 Fix Yourself-Self Care.
 Counsel eachother to the Truth.
 Be ready to Hear the Truth i.e Cosntructive Crticism
 Teach the Book-Wisdom (Choose Right Time)
 Patience

 Chapter Baqara.
3 Kinds of People
 Believers-Prophet Adam PBUH-Angels-Prophet Ibrahim
PBUH- Prophet Muhammad PBU.

 Disbelievers
 Hypocrites
(Jews-Bani Israel-Many Prophets Killed-Prophet
Jesus PBUH-Saved)

 Hypocrisy (Conscious-Unconscious)
 Qibla (Jerusalem-Makkah)
 Jews were not Happy…why???
 Deep down in their Hearts,they do believe that
Muhammad is the final Messenger.
 Capital is Bait-ul-Haram
 Everything changed,a New Nation Arabs .
 Their Hypocrisy exposed.
 Jews (Didn’t take their Religion serious-Certain things are
imp-Mix Halal-Haram)
 Atheist
Balance (Body/Soul)

 Luqman to His Son.

 Be Grateful to ALLAH (You only helping your own

selves-a Happier Person-Remember Allah doesn’t need
you to be Grateful-He is ALL-Ghani-Guardian Angels-
Protecing Us)
 No Shirk (Believing in The Pure ALLAH- We Pray to ALLAH
directly not through anybody else)
 Love of the Pure ALLAH-Obedience to the Pure ALLAH
 Slavery to ALLAH - It ‘ll give you Strength – ALLAH is alive.
 Love of this World can break you – Everything ‘ll die.
 Be Good to Your Parents.
 (Bear soo much pain especially your Mother – Load upon
Load – Feeding – Don’t take your Parents (Mother-Father)
for Granted And Be Grateful to your Parents.)
 Spend Time with your Parents-Make them Happy-
Remember Prophet Ibrahim PBUH – Don’t do Shirk But
spend time with them.
 Why your Tolerance goes down with Your Parents???

 Wisdom (beneficial Knowledge and Act on it)

 Wisdom takes time (An appropriate Time to give an advice
or lecture etc. i.e Wisdom too – Give advice with Love and
Respect i.e Wisdom too)
 Makes Someone feel appreciated – Love i.e wisdom too.
 Always remember everything belong to ALLAH.
 Be Humble-No Haughtiness.

 Gifts of ALLAH…
 Your Parents
 Your Spouse - Children
 Family Friends etc. etc.
 Your Attitude matters.
 Body Language.
 Tawakal (Relience on THE PURE ALLAH)
 Trust is earned.
 Allah doesn’t guide Corrupt People.
 The Pure ALLAH is AL-LATEEF – Knows everythig about you
But He doesn’t give up on you i.e His Love-Mercy Kindness
 Stand Up for The Pure ALLAH – Confidence.
 Establish Prayer.
 Give Good Advice and forbid the Evil.
 Patience.
 Have Real Purpose – Don’t be Fake.
 Walk Humbly- Not arrogantly.
 Keep your Voice Low – Don’t be a Gadha 😉
 Morals (The Moral code is same for all the Prophets and
Same for all the Mankind)

 Watchout - The Hour is coming.

 Faith
 Praise
 Gratitude

 Praise and Gratitude belongs to The Pure ALLAH.

 Prophet Ibrahim PBUH – Thanks for raising Me.
 But what about His Father???
 Idol Worshiping.
 what about Jannah???
 Most of the Things explained in the Quran – all are
introductory Apitizers – The Actual Jannah is beyond the
explanation – Speechless.
 The Believers ‘ll see the angels before the Death and ‘ll get
the Good news of Jannah i.e the Gift.
 The Pure Allah – Salam to the People of Jannah.
 The Pure ALLAH is extremely Loving and Merciful
but watch out On the Day of Judgement,His Mercy Love ‘ll
go away for most of them.
 Master of the Day of Judgment – Truth – Justice.
 This world can’t be fair 100% constantly try but can’t be
perfect in Justice.
 Companions were so sensitive for Justice.
 Story of Caliph Ali PBUH and a Jewish Man and Judge were
Caliph Omar PBUH.
 So be merciful to His Creation for the Sake of the Pure
ALLAH to earn His shade of Mercy on the DAY OF

Allah’s Slavery is very easy:

 Religion – Do’s-Don’t – The Book – Instructions – Sunnah

– Wisdom.
 His other Creation is worshiping Him by obeying Him 24
Hours e.g. SUN Moon Stars etc. But Human Being –
Practically impossible.
 So,Do your the best. 😊

 This Worldly slavery would be oppressive.

 Men Vs Women
 Boss Vs Employee
 Gov Vs People (Dictatorship)
 Conflicts with You (A War within yourself)
 Food for thought for Young Generation :p 😉

 Men – Straight forward – In Urdu Zalim LOL Sorry: P: D 😉

 Women – a lil bit complicated – Not Sure – Cute: p :D
 Islamic Laws – Fair Laws – Fair Justice 😊
 People should be Fair. 😊

Prophet Muhammad PBUH as a Leader

 40- Years - Multiple Relations.

 23- Years – I am Messenger.

 All of the sudden – Will you People believe???

 His Wife Khadija PBUH.
 His Best Friend Caliph Abu bakar Saddique.
 Now For Us – Rasool ALLAH <3
 Makkah to Madina.
 Less Pain in Madina.

 The Pure ALLAH:

 That’s My Message i.e His Speech.

 Prophet Muhammad PBUH:

 If People are turning away from this Msg – feeling of


 The Pure ALLAH:

 I am with You. 😊
 Don’t worry,Just Give Glad tidings to the Believers and
Warnings to the Disbelievers.
 Guidance comes from the ALMIGHTY ALWISE THE PURE.
 The Pure ALLAH created us with a Purpose.

 Which Purpose???
 He made us the best Creature.

Two Lights:

 One is within Ourselves i.e Light. (Rooh)

 Other is The Noble Quran i.e Light.
 Help each other in winning Jannah,Lucky you are if you
have opportunity to winning jannah.
For Success:
 Experiment.
 Fail
 Learn
 Repeat.

 Bad things happen,everything comes from ALLAH.

 If you really do believe then your Heart ‘ll be at ease,you ‘ll
be relax,No Depression.
 Self contentment comes from ALLAH.
 Patience – Gratefulness.
 That’s Believe. 😊
 Obey ALLAH and His Rasool PBUH.
 Allah guides your Heart,true Believers only trust Allah.
 Be Responsible. 😊
 Believing Him – Trusting Him – Obeying Him.

 Trials of Life:

o Wealth with Ignorance.

o Females with Ignorance.
o Kids with Ignorance.
 A huge trials for You,So watchout and follow the right
 They could be your enemies if you are obeying every
demand so watch out.
 Do’s and Don’t.
 Use your Wealth wisely.
 How did you raise your Kids,that’s matter.
 Don’t lie yourself – Save your Family.
 Listen and Obey ALLAH for your own Benefit…
 Give me a lil bit from your Life,I ‘ll give you in return alots.
 Money – Time.

 Mind over Matters. 😉

 Al-Malik – Al-Aziz

 The Master – The King

 Ultimate Authority He has.
 His Kingdom,His Creation.
 So You ‘ll be asked for what you did in this World.
 Remember,The Description of the Hell Fire is a terrible
 A warning for all the Nations.
 Christians – Jews (their believe is deterioting with the
Time,they eliminated the warning of Hell Fire)
 Muslims (We do believe otherwise Corruption)

 Forgiveness :
 Turn back to the Pure ALLAH.
 Guilt – Fear – Forgiveness – Fix it now sincerely.
 A True Believer should have to believe that He has given
Forgiveness. (i.e UNSEEN)

 Knowledge :

 Knowledge isn’t free,you have to pay attention.

 Sincere
 Listen
 Comprehension
 Memorisation
 Implementation
 Propagating

 Believers:
 What’s the priority ???
 Priorities everything.
 This world and that world
 Young age - Spending time wisely – productive work.

 Disbelievers:

 Just do it – obey your thirst.

 Only this world.
 Deep down inside of you,you know very well,what you
 Temporary Authority you have all over your Body.
 This authority ‘ll be snatched and you own body ‘ll speak
against you or for the benefit of yourself. So You have to
make decission right now,that’s it.

Revelations :

 Prophet Muhammad PBUH !

 Quickly memorize – Nervous – Hard work.
 Memorize within His Heart ‘coz He doesn’t know how to
read and write.
 The Pure ALLAH !
 Don’t worry – don’t Rush to it quickly.
 I ‘ll make it easy for you.
 Constant and Stable.
 A First Hafiz. 😊

 Death:
 Moment of Death – Anytime.
 Windows in the Grave – Believers can visit each others in
 Know that who you are???
 Sperm and egg – A dirty fluid.
 Are you created w/o a purpose???
 Think about it.
 And you Doubt that you can’t be created again???
 Weakness of the Mind.
 Are you Created by you own self???
 Day of judgement - Shade of Mercy.
 Always leave your loved ones with loving and Good words
presumably it may be the last time YOU see them.

 Think before Ink.

 Disbelievers - Hypocrites:

 Don’t Listen to His Words, Run from His Words.

The Pure ALLAH:
 If they are not listening to you – O’Muhammad PBUH then
Punishment‘ll come to them again as Aad and Thamood
 Don’t mess with Words of ALLAH and His Prophet
Muhammad PBUH, it’s not Poetry.
 Challenge of QURAN - ‘Bring any Surah like it’

 Our attitude towards the QURAN???

 Before the revelation – Women were nothing – Ignorance

& much more.
 After the revelation – Women are a noble part of the
 Haya – Respect.
 It took 23 years to change the Arabs in every aspect of
their Life – a Revolution.
 This Noble Quran brought change in their Society.
 Just Imagine A PERSON who doesn’t know how to read
and write – First Hafiz of the Noble QURAN.
 How He teach it to others???
 Speaking Skills – Bit by bit.

 From where this information is coming in the QURAN –

War b/w Romans – Persians near the Dead Sea???
 Angels – Devils – 88 times in the Book.
 Life – Death – 145 times.
 Good – Bad deeds – 167 times.
 Believers – Disbelievers – 70 times.
 Iblees – 11 times.
 Months – 12 times.
 Days – 365.
 Imagination of Arabs.
 All languages were dead almost – Arabic language was
 Quran in Arabic – even tells the meaning of all Prophets
like Moses - New Born – Ishmael – ALLAH listen.
 Prophet Jesus PBUH – Last Prophet for Israel – A Miracle –
No Dad - 25 times in the Quran same with
 Prophet Adam PBUH – A Miracle - No MOM-DAD – 25
times in Quran.

 The way THE PURE ALLAH talks in the Noble Quran

literally Remarkable. 😊
 So, Don’t they reflect upon the Quran Deeply???

 Muhammad – Someone who’s praised and thanked.

 Ahmed – The One who praises and Thanks more.

 His Title – Rasool ALLAH.

 Only ALLAH has the Right to call Him directly by His Name
O’Muhammad 😊

 The Real preservation of Quran is:

 Human’s Memory.
 Human’s Heart.
 That’s the Mercy of ALLAH.
 The Only Book is preserved i.e only the Quran.
 Angels – Book – Messengers.
 The Office of Angel Gibrael PBUH is right under near the
Arsh of the Pure ALLAH.
 His Wings – Remarkable.
 Respect for the Prophet Muhammad PBUH otherwise all
our Good deeds ‘ll be cancelled – Standard set by the

 People in Makkah :
 Freedom of Speech – Jokes etc – No Honor – forget the
 Hurtful Statements from Your People. ☹
 His Uncle abu – lahab – Dancing at the death of His Son –
His Legacy is over now – Only Daughters. ☹
 HeY Muhammad come out… ☹
 Destructive Criticism – People of Taif ☹

 The King ALLAH raised His Status – Maqam- e- Mehmood

– A highest Rank - The Revelation of the Chapter Kauser -
Be Happy O’Muhammad pbuh for what you have been
given and don’t worry about what has been taken away
from you.
 A lot of stuff parallel b/w Prophet Moses PBUH and
Prophet Muhammad PBUH.
 Speak to Allah directly - Books – People.
 Qibla – Jersulem – Makkah – Journey to Madina .
 Prophet Jesus PBUH to His Followers:
 A prophet ‘ll come after Me – who ‘ll Praise more than
Me and ‘ll thank more than Me – His name ‘ll be AHMED
– Special Place For Him.

 DOJ:-

 We ‘ll go to all Prophets for Help – Only The Prophet

Muhammad PBUH ‘ll ‘ve right to talk to ALLAH directly for
US 😊
 Praise – Prostration – Request – My People.
 Rescue My People – Size of Seed – Iman in His Heart.

 A Huge Respect for the Innocent Messenger –


Words of ALLAH:

 Prophet Muhammad PBUH as a Winess.

 You Didn’t Care about The Noble Quran – We ‘ll ask YOU
one the DOJ about Your Nation as a Witness.
 Such People didn’t do their Job.
 Ambassaadors Of Islam.
 Battle of Tabuk – Roman Empire – Hypocrite – Exposed.
 A Blind Story.
 Why does ALLAH correct The Messenger PBUH???
 Only ALLAH has the Right to correct His Beloved Prophet
Muhammad PBUH for His betterment to raise His Rank.

 Disbelievers – Hypocrites to PROPHET MUHAMMAD

PBUH: Show Us a Miracle If YOU are Truthful…


 I swear by Myself – They ‘ll know believe And If We show

them – they ‘ll again disbelieve then Be ready for
Destruction as the Previous Nations.

 A Muslim – Submit ,not violating the The LAWS Like a

Muslim Prays – Quantity.
 A Moamin – fully submitted – want to do more – a Mohsin
– Fearful – Humble especially in Prayers – avoid Useless
talk – worthless stuff – Quality.
 That’s the first Sign of true Believers.
 Be Preductive – Busy yourself – Doesn’t leave the room for
any Stupidity.
 Physical – Spiritual Personality.
 Know your weakness – fix Yourself.
 Guard Your Dignity – your Private Parts – control your
 A body is juzz like an animal – Spiritual Stuff made YOU a
Human Being.
 Don’t Forget The Pure ALLAH otherwise YOU ‘ll forget
Words of ALLAH
 Believers are those who keep their Promises.
 Truthful – Honest – Realistic .
 The Pure ALLAH build a House in the Jannah for all the
Human Being,He doesn’t want to burn people in Hell But
Some ‘ll refused to go for this Dunia.
 So People ‘ll inherit The Houses in Jannnah Sounds Wow
 Life is A B C D – People ‘ll judge you by knowing a lil bit.
 Destructive Crticism to destroy you especially the
 But The Pure ALLAH is LATEEF AL KHABBER – ‘ll see your
beautifully – ‘ll elevate YOU – raise Your Rank. 😊
 So You ‘ve to work on yourself – Be Honest with Yourself –
Improve yoursef – a Healthy Exercise.
 Fulfill Your Promises – Be truthful – Guard your Prayers –
Fear ALLAH much – Your Attitude – Body Languge – Be
 Speak Peacefully – Salam to Ignorant – Manage Tough
situations- Lower your Voice – Character and Conduct –
Sometimes Give up Your Sleep for your Creator.
 Don’t lose your Control over your Emotions and Ask ALLAH
to protect YOU from the Hell Fire – Spend Your Money –
maintain Balance – Be Responsible – Forgiveness.
 Patience with People – Show Islam through your Actions.
Give ADVICE at the appropriate Time.
 Show Mercy to Your Parents - Smart Work.
 SHIRK – KILLING – ADULTERY means Killing your Body-
Soul-Time – Serious Punishment – So Save yourself by
following the Right Guidance.

 Walk in a Dignify Fashion. 😊

 Two Levels of Faith:

 Legal Faith – Always You‘ve.

 Real Faith – Goes up/down – Matters in front of ALLAH.
Whatever the Pure ALLAH commands YOU whether You
comprehend Or not – that’s only for your own Benefit.
 Confidence:

 Intellectual Confidence – Brain – Wisdom.

 Emotional Confidence – Heart.
 You need both (The Noble Quran & Life of Prophets)
 Then what People‘ll think about YOU – doesn’t matter to
YOU. So stand up for what YOU believe and build some
Confidence. Then ALLAH‘ll open YOUR ways –‘ll protect
YOU and much more. 😊

 Jannah‘s People:
 Prophets – Believers – Martyrs – Truthful.
 Mothers of Believers – show Respect.
 Our Messenger is never UNJUST – a smiling Face – A
Respectful Man with Dignity.
 What about US???
 Hilarious practice of His Teachings – Anger – Hate.
 Love The Truth and Hate the Falsehood.
 Manners – Respect – Dignity.

 YOU ‘Young People’ are Fuel of

this Ummah. 😉 😊

 Prophet Muhammad PBUH:

 A just – Truthful – Honest - Merciful and a Fair Person. 😊

 The Only One Person took the burden of the whole

Muslim Ummah and now this Burden is shared among all
His Ummah.

 Fruitful Reminders for Females.

 Honey Story – Chapter Tahreem.
 Jealousy – Trust Issue within His Family.
 Allah – A protecting friend of Prophet Muhammad PBUH.
 An Army behind Him the PURE ALLAH – Angels – Gabriel –
All the Believers. 😊
 Arguments b/w Husband and Wife – Rasool ALLAH PBUH
– Gabriel PBUH – Scholar Aisha PBUH – Caliph Abu bakar
 Train yourself enough to deal such situations actively.
 Those who have IMAN protect yourselves and Your
Families from the Fire.
 Don’t make joke of ALLAH’s AYAT – His Speech.

 Beware of The Pure ALLAH.

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