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ADM NO………………STREAM…………


Kenya Certificate of Secondary Education

1. Write your name and admission number in the spaces provided.
2. Answer all the questions in the spaces provided.
3. Candidates should check the question paper to ascertain that all the pages are printed as indicated and that
no questions are missing.
4. The paper consists of 9 printed pages.


Question Maximum Score Student’s Score

1 – 22 80

1. State the function of the following parts of a Bunsen burner (3marks)

a) Air hole
b) Collar
c) Base


2. The diagram below shows the effect of sunlight on chlorine water

Gas W

Chlorine water

a) Identify gas W………………….……………………………………………………. (1mark)

b) Write an equation to show the formation of gas W (1mark)

c) Which two compounds are present in chlorine water? (2marks)


3. An element R can be represented as: 𝟐𝟒

a) To which chemical family does it belong? (1mark)
b) Write the electron arrangement of the atom. (1mark)

c) Draw the structure of its ion. (1mark)

4. The apparatus below was used to separate a mixture of liquid A and B.

State two properties that make it possible to separate the two liquids using the above named apparatus.

5. In a certain experiment, a piece of sodium metal was placed in a beaker containing water. The following
observations were made during the experiment.
(a) For each of the observations stated below, give a reason.
(i) The piece of sodium floats on the water surface. (1mark)
(ii) The piece quickly melts into a silvery spherical ball. (1mark)
(iii)The piece of sodium produces a hissing sound while darting on the water surface. (1mark)
(b) Write a word equation for the reaction of Sodium with water. (1mark)
6. The table below shows pH values of five solutions V, W, X, Y and Z.

Solution pH
V 2.0
W 13.0
X 8.5
Y 7.0
Z 6.5

a) Name the indicator that may have been used to determine the pH values of the four solutions A, B, C
and D. (1mark)

b) Which of the solutions V, W, X, Y and Z is likely to be the following? (2marks)

 Rain water………………………………………………………………………………………
 Sodium hydroxide………………………………………………………………………………
 Sodium chloride solution……………………………………………………………………….
 Anti-acid tablets or tooth paste…………………………………………………………………

7. An organic compound contains 24.24% carbon, 4.04% hydrogen and the rest chlorine. If its relative
molecular mass is 99, what is its molecular formula? (C = 12, H = 1, Cl = 35.5). (3marks)

8. With reference to gas laws:
a) State Boyle’s law. (1mark)
b) A gas occupies 270cm3 at a pressure of 660mmHg at 370C. What would be the new volume of the
gas if its pressure is changed to 810mmHg at 630 C? (2marks)

9. The table below gives the first ionization energy of three elements

Element A B C
1st ionization energy (kJ/mol) 496 419 520

a) Define the term ionization energy. (1mark)

b) Select the element that is the most reactive. Give a reason. (2marks)
10. An element consists of two isotopes with atomic masses 59 and 61 in the ratio of 3:2 respectively.
a) What are isotopes? (1mark)
b) Calculate the relative atomic mass of the element. (2marks)

11. Study the three compounds A, B and C shown and answer the questions that follow.

Compound A Compound B

Compound C

(a) To which homologous series does compound C belong? (1mark)

(b) Give the IUPAC names of compounds A and B. (2marks)
Compound A…………………………………………………………………………………………….
Compound B…………………………………………………………………………………………….
(c) Draw the structure of another positional isomer of compound A. (1mark)

12. Complete the following table (4marks)

Element Symbol

13. Distinguish the terms ‘allotropes’ and ‘isotopes’. (2marks)


14. A hydrated salt has the following composition by mass: Iron 20.2%, Sulphur 11.5%, Oxygen 23.0% and
the rest is water of crystallization. Determine the empirical formula of the hydrated salt. (Fe = 56, S = 32,
O = 16, H = 1). (3marks)

15. Given two organic compounds C2H2 and C2H6. State how you would distinguish them by use of the
following ways.
a) Burning. (2marks)
b) Use of acidified KMnO4 solution (1mark)
16. The setup below was arranged and used to study the characteristics of a Bunsen burner flame.

a) What does the experiment show? (1mark)

b) Name the type of flame labelled flame 1. (1mark)

17. Name the most suitable method of separating the mixtures given in the table below. (3marks)
Mixture Method of separation
Commona)salt and Nickel granules
Dry ice and
b) Sodium chloride
Salt and water
Kerosene and water
Several dyes combined together
Crystals of copper (II) sulphate from copper (II) sulphate solution

18. A bond is a mutual force that holds atoms, molecules or ions together in a given substance.
a) Draw a dot (.) and cross (x) diagram to represent bonding in each of the following substances.

Water molecule. (1mark)

Sodium oxide (1mark)

Carbon (II) oxide (1mark)

b) Name the bond types present in the following compounds. (2marks)

Silicon (IV) chloride………………………………………………………………………………..
Aluminium oxide……………………………………………………………………………………
19. Some of the main sources of alkanes is crude oil, natural gas and biogas.
a) Name the process by which:
Alkanes are obtained from crude oil (1mark)

Alkenes and shorter alkanes are obtained from long-chained alkanes. (1mark)

b) Draw the structure of the 4th member of the alkanol homologous series. (1mark)

20. Chlorine can be prepared in the laboratory by using the following reagents and chemicals. Concentrated
sulphuric (VI) acid, water, manganese (IV) oxide, concentrated hydrochloric acid.
a) State the role of the following substances.
I. Manganese (IV) oxide (1mark)
II.Water (1mark)
III.Concentrated sulphuric (VI) acid. (1mark)
b) Write a balanced equation for formation of chlorine. (1mark)

21. The diagram below shows a set-up that can be used to prepare and collect a certain gaseous alkane G.
Study it and use it to answer the questions that follow.

Alkane G

a) Name alkane G………………………………………………………………….. (1mark)

b) Soda lime consists two components. Name the component of soda lime which reacts with the
sodium ethanoate salt. (1mark)
c) State the role of the other component of soda lime which is not named in (b) above. (1mark)
d) Write a balanced equation for the reaction that occurs in the test tube. (1mark)

22. The following flow chart summarizes some of the chemical reactions/processes which take place in
alkenes starting from ethene.

(CH3 CH3) Ethan – 1, 2 – diol
CO2 and H2O CH2(OH) CH2(OH)


Chloroethene F Ethene C Polyethene

( CH3 CH2Cl ) (CH2 CH2)
[ CH2 - CH2 ]n
( CH3 CH2OH ) 1, 2 - dichloroethane
( CH2Cl CH2Cl )

a) Give the names of the reactions/processes labelled A, B, C, D, E, F and G. (7marks)

A……………………………………………....... B…………………………………………..…..
C………………………………………………... D………………………………………………
E………………………………………………… F……………………………………………….
b) State the major industrial application of the process labelled A. (1mark)
c) Name the two conditions necessary for process A to occur. (1mark)
d) Name the reagents required in the following processes. (4marks)
Process A………………………………………………………………………………………….
Process B………………………………………………………………………………………….
Process D………………………………………………………………………………………….
Process F…………………………………………………………………………………………..

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