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a) Work Breakdown Structure

a) Gantt chart
Class Diagram
Use case Diagram
Use Case Diagram of Admin/Visitor
Sequence Diagram of Matrimonial Site Management System

Sequence Diagram For Edit Profile:-

:User :Profile :Registration :Photoupload :database

login with correct

username and password

click on edit profile

update imformation

give remaining registration screen

fillup form and click on update store to database

profile updated

click on photoupload

browes photo

click on upload

photo uploaded
Entity Relationship Diagram
Data Flow Diagram
First Level DFD
Second Level DFD
Activity Diagram of the Matrimonial Site Management System
Collaboration Diagram
Function Diagram
User interaction layer
• User login
• Partner selection
• Approve/decline
• Notification

Data processing layer

• Data preprocessing
• Feature extraction
• Rule based checks
• External data integration

Date Selection
• Fix Meeting
• Select Date
• Address
• Analysis anomalies

Decision and response

• Establish threshold
• Evaluate
• Approve/decline
• Send alert
State Diagram

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