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1. explain the meaning of freedom and

2. identify the importance of freedom in
making moral judgment;
3. differentiate the six types of freedom;
4. differentiate the four types of responsibility.
Freedom and Responsibility for
One’s Act and to Others
Morality presupposes that the person is
capable of choosing right from wrong. The
person’s ability to choose is grounded on the
idea that the person is free. Freedom, as
defined is the power or right to act, speak, or
think without hindrance or restraint.
Six Types of Freedom
1. Internal Freedom – the greatest personal
intimacy and secretiveness, indeed it is the
hidden core of our being and unknowable to
others. It is the first and most basic type of
freedom embodied by the chap (man) in jail.
Some people call this “moral freedom.
Six Types of Freedom
2. Self- Freedom – the practice of self-
control, restraint, and balance to achieve the
admired “master- slave” relationship of soul
over body. It refers to the sense of learning
how to escape the ever-present danger of
enslavement by our own passion and
ignorance. It pertains to “to find myself.
Six Types of Freedom
3. External Freedom – This refers to the
normal and common freedom expected in
daily life, in most countries and throughout
history. It is sometimes called the “freedom
from...” It also implies immunity from undue
interference from authority, especially by the
government. it is sometimes called as
“freedom from”.
Six Types of Freedom
4. Spiritual Freedom – In its purest form, this
type of freedom comes from striving for a
complete identification with God to arrive at a
condition of soul that transcends the confusion
and disharmony of the self and material world. It
leads to complete freedom of the spirit for this
type if, there is strict control if not denial of the
allurement of the body.
Six Types of Freedom
5. Collective Freedom – It is based on the
ideology of collective unity that prescribes
distinct social and moral values and
objectives for all. Example, often under this
ideal of freedom that the state can control the
production of all basic citizen needs, thus
giving them “freedom from want”. It is
sometimes called “freedom for”.
Six Types of Freedom
6. Political Freedom – It has to do with
establishing certain rights of action and limits
to government power that help to guarantee
the practice of those rights. Examples are,
right to speak freely, to associate people with
your choice, to own a property, to worship.,
Freedom distinguishes the person from other
creatures, especially to his nearest kin – the
brutes. It sets the person apart from nature.
Freedom is about making our way within the
limits of physical and material entanglements.
We either live in a life of virtue or vice. To live
in either way depends on our choices.
Responsibility is the duty or obligation to
satisfactorily perform or complete a task,
assigned by someone or created by one’s
own promise or circumstances, that one must
fulfill, and which has a consequent penalty for
Four Kinds of Responsibility
1. Role Responsibility – the duties have one for doing
things which come with occupying certain role in
2. Causal Responsibility – what cause something to
3. Liability Responsibility – who is liable for
something is happening.
4. Capacity Responsibility – the capacity of a person
to be held liability responsible for their actions.
Ownership of actions means that:
a. we are responsible for our actions.
b. we are responsible to whatever consequences
of our actions to others.
c. we are liable morally and legally.

Morality lies on the idea that the person is free –

that she is capable of doing or suspending some
actions deemed advantageous or inimical to her
in the light of reason.
Explain why freedom is important
in our ability to make a moral

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