May 2016

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MATHEMATICS, SURVEYING & TRANS MAY 2016 1 6. 3. 10. aa. 12. 13, 414, 16. PO. ENGINEERING In thy United States, 8 out of every 25 homes are heated by electricity. At this rate, how many homes ina community of 36,000 homes would you predict are heated by electricity? ‘A. 10,780 homes 11,520 homes B. 14,320 homes D. 12/360 homes Iflog x t6 the base 2 minus log 5 to the base 2 Is equal to 3, find the value of x. A. 50 «35 B. 40. D. 60 cl he seventh term in the sequence 1, 1, %, 1/6, 1/24, an: A. 1/120 1/360 B. 17720 Db. 1/5040 ‘The rate of deforestation in Nigeria is 5.75% per year. If the decrease in forest is exponential, how long will it take until only 25% of the current forests are left? A. 25.36 years C. 24.78 years BL 24.11 year D. 23.98 years ‘The model y = -x" + 2x. #27 describes the height (y, in meters) ofa diver (alter x Seconds) who jurnps from a cliff that ts 27 m above the water surface. What is the maximum height the diver reach at 1 second? A. 28m = 30m B. 26m D. 27m a ‘The formula log (1 - k)) = -0.3/H models the relationship between the ball-life H ofa radioactive material and its rate of decay kc Pind the rate of the decay of the iodine isotope 131 tits half-life is @ days, Round to four decimal plices. A. 0.0827 C. 0.1845 B. 0.0635 D. 0.0984 ‘The ude in Mactan channel rises and falls every 13 hours. The depth of the water at # certain point in the channel Is modelled by a function d= § sin (2n/13)t + 9, Where tis time in hours and dis depth in meters, Find the depth alt= 13/4 (high tide) and t = 39/4 ow tide). A. tigh tide depth = 17 m; low tide depth = 1m B. High Ude depth = 13 m; low tide depth = 3m, €. High ude depth = 15 m; low tide depth. D. Hi The formula W in m per second) fora resident of a elty whose population is P thousand. the average walking speed for the people living in the fellowing cities city 1990 Population Jackson, Mississippi 192 New York city, NY 7343 A, Jackson = 1.47 m/s; Now York = 1.91 m/s B, Jackson = 1.91 m/s: New York = 1.47 m/s G. Jackson = 1.56 m/s: New York = 2.15 m/s 1D. Jackson = 2.15 m/s; New York = 1.56 m/s sh tide depth = 14 m; low tide depth = 4m 0.12 In P+ 0.84 is a model for the average walking speed (W, Find he function y = 2x4 5 gives the cost of pizza where PS is the basi the number of toppings at P2 cach, Find the inverse function: A. ym x/2~ 5/2 G yex+5(2) Bo ya S/2 D. Yax4 572 Whe velocity of PAL in still air is 150 kph. ‘The velocity ot wind blowing d is 30 kph. Tf the plane travels south and returns back to its base after thou What distance does the plane travels due south? AL 296 lem GC. 265 km 272 keen 0. 268 km ight travels ata rate of approximately 1.86 = 10° miles per secand. takes lint ) the sun to Barth, What fs the distance betwee! S102 seconds to travel tro. Bardh and the sun? ‘A. 93 milion miles ©. 86 million miles 1.90 million miles DB. 7a million miles ‘The fastestaverage speed by a cyclist acrons the contincneal United States 3 15-1 mph by Pete Pease Ihe Cravolied @ total distance of about BLO miles Al this speed, fod Write tine in days, hours, and minutes. tes Badays, 4 hours, 6 minutes 12 hours, 38 minute D. Bdays, 8 hours, 10 minuces rns P6000 per Month plas a commission of 1596 of sales. Find the minimum amount of sales needed to receive a total income of at Jest P'1s.000 per month, ‘A. P100,000 ©. 90,000 PEE 000 oes B._PS5,000 oy contains 20% copper and 596 tin, How many pounds of copper and Whe melted with 100 tb ol tho given alloy te produce anoekor alles Shalysing 30% copper and 10% tin? All potcentages are by weight. ‘A. 20.5 Ibs copper; 9.5 Iba tin i Ibs copper: 4.5 Ibs Un 5 Ibs coppers 7.5 Ibs tin 5 Ibs coppers 0.5 Ibs th 1 together, tive people can de na website in 5 hours. If each worked one of then, would desinn the site in 2 hours less time than the other, How, jong would it take each person to design a website working alone? A. @.1 hours for the slower person and 12.1 hours for the faster B12. hours tor the slower person and 8.1 hours for the faster pe C94 hours for the slower person and 11.1 hours fo D. 11.4 hours for the slower person anc 9.1 hours for the fate A contractor estimates Uiat he could finish a project in 15 days I At the start he hired 10 mon thon after @ days, 10 more men Many days was the project delayed? An & ea mS D3 FP beachtront lot has a perimeter of 1000 i, ‘To create a sense of lot owner decides to fence along three sides, exelucing Ue side that fronts the water, The fencing cost along the lol's front lengeh iz P1SO0 permetst, and along two side Widths (s P500 per meter. The tatal cost of thle feneiiay alone all three sides comes to P650,000. What isthe lots dimensions? A. 425m 150m ©. 300m < 200m B. 350m = 1501 Db. 250 m= 250m 1B. A rectangular swimming peo! is 12 meters long and 8 meters wide. A tile border Uniform width is to be built around the poo using: LOz square peters of tl from w discounted stock (so no additional materials are available), ana ‘The tile ts L120 square meters are to be used. How wide should the border be? A Lem 24m Bo 2lam D. 21m tritionist ina hospital Is arranging special dists that consist of a combination le foods. It is i consume exactly ‘Aeach day The noni food ounce are piven In the followin table or thre Food ¢ |" z A. Food A” ounces; Food R= a ounces: fh rood 4-5 Ounces} Food B~ 6 ounces; Food © —S ounces ©. Hood A- 6 ounces; Food BS ounces; Food G— 5 owne D. Pood A. 6 ounce: s) Food G3 ounces 20. The demand function for a certain compact disc is given by che function. p= -0.01x? 0.2849 nd the corresponding supply function is given by Pw O.01x— O4x+ Lind the equilibrium quantity by solving the where x is i thousands of units system consisting of Me Gvo given equ A. 30,000 G.20,000 3B 15,000 1B. 25/000 21. Given the Fourier series im cosine form: I(t) = 5 cos 2041 + 2 cos 40xt » cos BOE Compute the fundamental freauency. ‘AL 40 ©. 20 B10 Be a0 22. From pet A on level ground, the angles of elevation ef the top ‘T and hettom tt ofa tower attuated on the top of a hillare mensured as 47" 52) and 49! 6s the height of the hill 1 the haight of the tower Is 85.41 in. ‘A, 224m G. 289m Be 197m D. 254mm 24. Find the area ofa triangle whose sides ave measuring a= m, b = 280 mand = 429m A. 30,390 me B. 30/986 m2 24. A piece of property in downtown Cebu Is advertised for sale at 79,500 per quai meter. If the lengths of the sides Of the triangular lot are 70 m, 72 m, anc 49 1 what is the asking price tor the lot? A. P14,896,520 LB. P16,058.000 D. 25. Aline isdrawn from point P to pont O where the line AG of the Uriangular lot ABC. IPAP:PE = 4 proportion of the aren of APO and ABC? A. 2:15 B. 3:14 Dd. 3 26. In two regular polygons with the same number of sides, find the length ofa sid ofthe smaller if the lengths of the apothems are 20 and 50 and a side of the lari © 32,452 me b. ©. P15,297,290 P15/864,250 pis along the line AB and 0 is alon Land AQ:O€ = 2:5, what is the has length 32.5. AL 15 Gite B14 D. 413 al if its interior angles avc 27. Vind each interior angle measure of a quadrilatel represented by x + 10, 2x 4 20, 3% — 50, and 2x - 20, A. 50%, 100%, 70°, 60° . 60%, 120%, 1007, 80° B. 707, 140%, 130°, 100° D. 40°, 80°, 40°, 40" nel an angle Of 30% between Uh. carest hundredth of an inch) Ot got the arc lensih) 28. The wagon wheel has a diameter of 28 inches # spokes. What is the length of the are s (to the between two adjacent spokes? (Hint: use the formula s— A. H33in C. 7.33 in 6.67 in DL 7167 in 29. Chord AB and CD intersect at point O which is inside the circle 12m, and DO = 20 em. If AB is the diameter of the circle, calculate the area of AO = Bem, CO Oca. A: 5O.6S ent CG 63.25 em: BL 48.96 cm? D. 54-81 cm? hrongh what 30. A train travels at 8 mph along a circular track of radius 2500 ft gle does it turn in one minute? A. 1863" Cc 14.56" BL 15.46" D. 16.13° ides has a polygon if the sum of the measure 5 interior angle 31, is 360007 Bifee G20 Bye 21 Db. 12 32. Find the Cartesian equation of the curve represented by the parametric equation 16 9 for at oe x= 40+ Sandy AL yoxt ax Gey ys xé- ax BL y= x? 6x D ys XP 6X 34. an. 89, 40, AL. a2. aa. a. 47, an. 49. an equation of y? = 8x, Find the equation of the diamere {chords parallel co the line xy =. ¥ of the A parabola b parabola, whieh Di any Royse Weircle has point of tangency of the circle. yaa center at (3.-27) and is tangent to Sx + dy ~ 26 = 0, Calewlate the, ‘A. (18-7) (G7). B (-6,3) B. a8, 6) Calculate the distance from point AC, 5, «3) £0 the plane 4x4 y +87 +3 Ao 2 a7 R172 D. 372 ind the equation of a sphere of radius 3 and planes (f the center is on de first 6 A. xety2eoe~ 3x By — 3249 xityt+ a9 BoOX¢sy!4u2—2x-~2y-2249=0 D, xeayta zt 6x by ~62418=0 The cylindrical coordinate of a point P is (8, 30°, 5). What is the valué of the 3 gent to all three coordinate, coordinate of P in the Cartesian coordinate system? A. 6.25 C693 B+ b. S78 What is the slope of the curve y = x + 6x ~ 4. at (0-4) A 6 2 Boa Db. -4 A point moves in a plane according to the equation x = C4 2eand y = 2t8 ot Find dy/d when t= 0. 2,and 5 Bele Gees a2) Baia Disa) a2 Given the position function of a particle, x) = Ub BE. Hind th by the particle at t= Oto tm 4 A. 160 CHa B. 140 D. 150 vatuate fai Na+ Sx A. 6.667 ©. 3227 B73 b. Basa An exp S of selecting three [tem from a box ef Several items. ‘The three items are ¢ ed defective (D) or non-defective (N) as they are selected, Give the sample space for this experiment. Which outcomes are In the events A, B, C where A exactly one defective? A. (NDP, DND, DDN ©. (DNN, NDN, NND) BL (DDD, NDD, DNN) D,_ (NNN, NNDB, DNN), A box contains 5'dofective and 195 non-dofsetive batteries. A quality control ineer selects 2 batteries at randem without replacument.. What i. tie probability that neither is detective? A. 0.8456 c. 0.0406 1B 0.9745 B. 019808 A box contains 54 red marbles, 14 yellow marbles, 32 blue marbles, all thc Inarbles are of the same size. Three marbles are drawn at random from the bo frst one, then a Second, and then a third. Determine the probability of geuiny, first red marble, second yellow marble and third blue marble with replacement A. 0.0242 c. 0.0128 B. 0.0342 1D. 0.0482 An indistrial engineer has found that when she takes a sample of size 5 of « product, 90% of the time there are no defectives in the sample, 3% of the ti there is 1 detective, 2% of the time there are 2 detectives, 2% of the time ther: are 3 detectives, 2% of the time there are 4 detectives, and 1% of the time ther 5 defectives. What is the probability of taking a sample that has least defectives in the 5? A. 14% 5m mh 7% D. 9%, One thousand copper rods have the following propertics: eaclece Diamete Length | Tsothin, [OK Too thick Eee sho 10. 5 TEROIG: a0" Tosiona t If the cod mects the length specifications, find the probability that the rod meet the diameter specifications. A. 0.78 G 0.95 O48 D. 0.87 tapult is placed 100 feet from the castle wall, which is 35 fect high, “The s the burning bale of hay to clear the top of the wall and land 50 fect tle wall, If the initial velocity of the bale is 70 feet/second, at what angle should the bale of hay be launched so that it travels 150 feet and pass over the castle wall. Use g= 32 It/s2, A. SA.5° Cisse: B. SO.Ee b. ‘39. In 1626 Peter Minuit convinced the Wappinge® Indians to sell hint Manhattan Island tor $24, If the Native Americana had put the $24 into a bank account! aying 5% interest, haw much would the investment worth in the year 2000 i: interest were compounded monthly? A. $3,052,428,014 52,428,014 B. $3,152,428,614 (552,428,614 An engineer has just borrowed P800,000 from a local bank, at the rate of 1% per fonth on the unpaid balance. His contract states that he must repay the loan in 36 equal monthly instalments, How much money must he repay each month? A. P27,587.49 cS B. 30,556.12 b stion’s stock which currently sells for P500 per share, has been P30 annual dividend per share and increasing in value at an average 50% per year, over the last 5 years. Its expected that the company's stock in this performance over the next 8 years. What is the company's Capital raised Uireugh the selling of this stock? : C. 10.68% B. 5%. D. 10.1804 1. Determine the approximate size ofan annual payment needed to retire P6O.000, 000 in bonds isstted by a city to build dam. ‘The bonds must be repaid ov SO-voar period, snd they carn Interest at an annual rte of 6% compounded ‘A. P3,010,000 c. P4.125.000 40,000 DB) P4426,000 fon’s future college Be. Syenn Money can be deposited in a bank accoun t pays BG por y a lly. What equal deposits should be made by the fth 7m birthdays, in order to provide PSO,000 on his son's TE 191, 20m, thaays? AL P12, c. P15,589 BL piaz2s D. P1290. 53. A sinall entrepreneur Investéd a capital of P90,000 for a buy and sell business. SS. A distance was measured on an 8% slope and found to be 2528. 88. 60, 61. 63. 64: 7. A student war He estimated to have a gross income of P28,000 annually and an operating cost Of PS,000 annually. It is assumed the business to have # lite of LD years. it the Fate dfintarest is 12% compute the benaht cost ratie AL UIsé. c. Lasse Bl Lada D. see 4. An Gquipment cost PA80,000 and has & salvage value of 16% of its cost at the end of its tile of 36,000 operating hours in a period of 5 yrs. In the first year of Service, (t was Used for 12,000 hours. Ifat the end of the second year, itwas used for 15,000 hours find the depreciation at the end of the second year ‘A. 134,400 Gc. P256,600 13. P302,400 DB. P254,700 m. What is the hortzental distance imeasured in meters? ‘A. 2589.365, ¢ th 2520.697 D. < of levels, 6 km long fs run between A to H with average backsight and foresight distances of 150m. The average backsight reading 1s 3.0m and each time It is taken, the rod Is Inclined sideward from the vertical 5°. What is the correct clevation of Bis its recorded elevation is 425.56 motors? A. AZAR» C. 422.09 m B a2427m BD. azsizm asked to make & 365.24-m long line using a 25-m tape that 9.0024 m too long, What fs the required measurement? A. 365205 ©."365.152m i 3654580 Dd. 27510 With the transit. at point Band line of sight horizontal, the stadia intercept at ( is 1.25 m.1f the stadia interval factor is 100.42 and the stadia constant is 0-3, ind the distance Be A. 122.587 m G 128.363 m B. 119.365m D, 125.825 m Lines of lovels are run from Station A to Station Bf over three different rout: The route length and difference in elevation between Stations A and B is given as follows: Length Ce Route Determine the most probable value of th at elevation 48.254 m. A. 471.25 476.63 B. 428.38 D. 479.36 Acar driver travelling at a speed of 65 mph approached ‘at hazard and 72.2 m during the perception-reaction Ume. What was the driver's PIbV (perception, identification, emotion, and volition) time in seconds? AL 24 Ge 2.32 Be 2.49 D. 2.75 Determine the degree of simple curve whose central angle is 26° if (he shortest distance from the curve to the pointof intersection of the tangents is 7.54 m. Use are basis. A. 3.8" C49 B. 4a? D. 4.5% A12-degress simple curve isto be designed for a maximum speed of 88 kpb. ‘The ction between the tires and the pavement is 0.40, Compute the coefficient of fr required superelevation. A. 23.86% Cc. 25.84% B. 24.36% D. 22.12% lel tangents of a reversed The perpendicular distance between ‘two ps is 7.5 m and the length of the long chord is equal to 75m. Compute the commen radius of the reversed curve. A. 184.10 © 196.3 i 175.4m D. 187.5 m A reversed curve of equal radii connects two parillel tangents 12m apart. ‘The length of chord from P.C. to P-T. is 140, m. Determine the radius of the curve, A. 408.3 m = 387.6 m. B. 425.8m D. 489.3 1m A spiral casement curve has a length of 85 m and the radius of ¢ 200 m, Determine the maximum velocity that a car could pas: curve? A. 72.56 kph G. 77.87 kph B, 80.54 kph D. 83.65 kph entral curve is through this 66. 67 68. 69. 70. 7 TR: 73, ee ‘75, ‘The warrant for the use of safety barriers can be established conside 1. Fore slope of back slope steepness and height I. Unforgiving hazards within the clear zone Ill, Water hazards within the clear zone A. tlonly land Illonly B. Tonly D. alloftne tree Messages when painted on pavement should he limited to how many words only? A. six words or less ©. four words or les: B, five words or le D. three words or le What are the four types of pavement and curb markings? A. longitudinal lines, transverse lines, lane lines, and center lines B. longitudinal lines, transverse lines, stop lines, & center lines ©. longitudinal lines, transverse lines, transition lines, & stop lines D. longitudinal lines, wansverse lines, other lines, & other markings ‘The design of overtaking lanes and climbing lanes requires the consideration of the following: 1. Initial diverge taper Hl. Auxiliary lane length IIL. End or merge taper A. 1,1, & UL © U& ilonly B. 1 &1Lonly D. £10 only It is defined as the number of vehicles per unit distance occupyi ion of roadway ata given instant in time, and fs usually measured in vehicles per mile or vehicles per kilometre. A. flow © capacity B. density D. volume A continucus structure built parallel to along the margin of the sea or alongside riverbank, canals, or waterways where vessels may lie alongside to receive or argo, embark or disembark passengers or lie at rest. A. pier port BL wharf D. lighthouse Minimum K value sag vertical should be selected on the basis of three controlling factors: J. Sight distance is a requirement in all situations for driver safety. I. Appearance is generally required in low fill and flat topography situations. ML. Riding comfort is a general requirement with specific need on approaches toa floodway where the length of depression necds to be minimized. IV, Vertical alignment should fit into the natural terrain earthwork balances. A. LL, & {only C1, &1V only B. UML & LV only D. UHL, & IV only A ramp meter operates during the morning peak period. Ramp meter cycles vary with time as shown in the table below. The metering scheme allows one vehicle per cycle to pass the signal. The table below gives the number of vehicles demanding service on the ramp during particular time intervals, the cumulative demand for the ramp for the moming peak, and the ramp meter cycle for each interval, What are the service rates for metér cycle 12, 10, and 6? ‘Time period 15-minvolume Cumulative volume — Meter cycle, s 6 75. S 4 AS. 6 6 100 178 en10 7 125 300 Haz 7 110 410 12 780 = 745 80 490 10 775 = 8:00 65 555 6 A, 145, 65, 85 vehicles : C. 85,65, 145 vehicles B. 75,90, 150 vehicles < D. 150, 90,75 vehicles Wave ata point where the water depth is equal to one-half of the wavelength or greater to be expressed in terms of the parameters of significant wave. A. significant wave C. equivalent deep water wave B. deep water wave D. highest wave eet Planned water depth is considered as follows: (Fora ship with draft of ‘A. Standard water depth of berth tor the ship (5.5m) + Design low tide (0.55) = 6.05 m B, Standard water depth of berth tor the ship (-5.5m) + Design low tide (-0.55m) = 6.05m C. Standard water depth of berth for the ship (7.5m) + Design low tide (-0.35m) = -7.85 m D.. Standard water depth of berth for the ship (7.5 m) + Design low tide (0.35m) = 7.85m 5m)

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