Grammar Quiz

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The first letter of the first word in a sentence should be a

a. Large letter
b. Common letter
c. Capital letter
d. Small letter

2. You should __________ your homework.

a. make
b. do
c. work
d. give

3. How long _____________ English?

a. do you learn
b. are you learning
c. have you been learning
d. you learn

4. She looks ______ she’s going to be sick.

a. as if
b. as
c. likes
d. if

5. The best way to learn a language is _________ a little every day.

a. speak
b. in speaking
c. to speaking
d. by speaking

6. I’d like ______ information, please.

a. some
b. an
c. piece
d. a piece

7. _________ the better team, we lost the match.

a. Despite of being
b. Despite
c. Despite being
d. Although

For each

What is a noun?
a. An action word

1. Dario Frank is an example of a

a. Common noun
b. Abstract noun
c. Proper noun
d. Concrete noun

2. Government is an example of a/an

a. Compound noun
b. Possessive noun
c. Concrete noun
d. Abstract noun

3. The plural of Father-in-law is:

a. Fathers-in-law
b. Father-ins-law
c. Father-in-laws
d. Fathers-ins-laws

4. Cities is an example of a:
a. Singular noun
b. Plural noun
c. Singular possessive noun
d. Plural possessive noun
5. A proper noun:
a. Names any person, place, or thing.
b. Names specific person, place, or thing.
c. Names things you can see or touch.
d. Names ideas, qualities, or feelings that cannot be seen or touched.

6. Which of the following best defines a common noun?

a. A class or group of people, places or things.
b. Names a specific person, place or thing.
c. Names things you can see of touch.
d. Names ideas, qualities or feelings that cannot be seen or touched.



7. It will take all of your energy and will to be able to walk again.
a. Take
b. All
c. Your
d. Energy

8. The works of many great poets have been placed on reserve.

a. Many
b. Great
c. Placed
d. Reserved

9. Sharks and Lampreys are not true fish because their skeletons are made of cartilage rather
than bone.
a. True
b. Because
c. Their
d. Bone

10. Mastering basic mathematics is an important goal for younger students.

a. Mastering
b. Important
c. Younger
d. Students

11. I want to go to a university in the United States.

a. Common noun
b. Proper noun
c. Abstract noun
d. Possessive noun


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