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Q. What are the key learning points in this presentation?

Ans: These are a few points and facts that I learnt from my presentation and while I was preparing it.

● Topic was out of course for me but when I started researching about the topic, I got interested in it and then I wanted to search more and
more facts and information about coffee. It was very interesting and good to know these facts. It gave me a lesson that if you give time and
you are willing to know things then you can do good and you can gain good knowledge about the topic as well. Some facts I got to know
related to my topic are below.
● Coffee was discovered in Ethiopia.

● Story behind the coffee discovery.

● Some of the rare and expensive coffee names and where they were found.

● Processing of expensive and rare coffee types.

● Some animals are used in coffee production in some countries due to the high cost of coffee.

● Favourable weather conditions for cultivation of coffee.

● Range in rain and exact temperature needed to grow coffee.

● Brazil is the largest producer of coffee in the world for the past 150 years.

● Coffee can be unhealthy, if you have it many times a day it can be very harmful and cause heart disease and type2 diabetes .

Q2.) What areas of improvement do you need from the point of view of content and delivery?

Ans: Content:
● Content was good and well researched but I should have put more facts due to time limitations. I thought not to give too much information
● It Could have been concluded well as it was a presentation of more facts so, I haven’t thought much about the conclusion.

● I Could have added more animations.

● The content could be in a more structured way.


● It could have been more engaging.

● Voice was a bit low while I was delivering, it could be a little high.

● Could have been read and explained well in detail.

● There was more pause and stop then required.

● When I started delivering, I got a bit nervous. I think I need improvements in this.

● Body Language could be more interactive in the sense of making hand gestures.

● I lacked some practice.

● Coffee discovery story could have been narrated well and in detail while delivering.

Q3.) What is your observation from other presentations?


● Most of the people made it very stylish.

● got to know about some of the details about how traditional herbs gets approved

● got to know some of the Disney film actress names and their famous films and characters.

● Some guys explained well through their points.

● Some just read their presentation line by line.

● Some of the topics of presentation were very informative and knowledgeable related to healthcare, intuition, AI etc.

● Some also have very dark backgrounds and lots of pictures in them. These presentations were not easy to read.

● Some people used good animations and images to make the presentation visually good.

● topics were out of course but these were very informative.

● time given should be more for delivering although it was delivered well within that time only.s

● Overall, it was a very good and question answer related to the topics was a nice way to build communication.

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