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Year 8 – Progress test A

Name No. Class

Date Mark Teacher

A Listen to Adam talking about the News Media Club at his school.
Tick the correct option.
1. The name of the school’s radio programme is
a. Adam’s broadcast. b. Adam’s daily news. c. Adam’s activities.

2. The _______________ teacher is responsible for the new school club.

a. PE b. English c. ICT

3. Students can take part in the News Media Club every _______________ afternoon.
a. Wednesday b. Thursday c. Friday

4. This club is currently looking for a(n) _______________ to join their team.
a. ICT assistant b. writer c. school reporter

5. There will be a welcoming meeting at

a. 2.45. b. 2.30. c. 2 o’clock.

6. Students can send an email to _______________ for any additional information.


B Listen again. Are the statements True (T) or False (F)?

1. They interview teachers every week.
2. Members of the News Media Club will do different tasks.
3. Students who want to be members of the club must attend the
welcoming meeting.
4. Mr Roberts is the ICT teacher.
5. Tomorrow’s episode will be about problems the planet is facing.

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Year 8 – Progress test A

Name No. Class

Date Mark Teacher

I – Reading

Read the text.

Ecotourism – The Way Forward? by Mark Brion

Hello everyone, and welcome to my blog! My name’s Mark, and I’m an environmental and
wildlife conservationist. I absolutely understand the impact and effects that tourism has had on
destinations, so I’d like to share some principles of ecotourism with you.
Ecotourism is all about active tourism and is a low impact form of travel that finds ways to
5 preserve the natural world by guaranteeing that ecosystems and local communities stay
protected and undamaged. For example, no one wants to visit a beach that’s full of plastic.
Therefore, you can do ecotourism activities that focus on keeping places clean. In fact, there
are now eco-resorts and ecolodges that have become more and more popular with travellers.
Many are the benefits of ecotourism:
10 - it educates people and raises awareness1 of the risks to the environment;
- it ensures that the world stays beautiful for a long time and preserves some of the most
fragile ecosystems on the planet;
- it supports local communities by putting money in the hands of small companies;
- it improves the quality of travel by giving you a richer cultural understanding of the
15 destinations you travel to.
It is true that tourism is responsible for about 8% of greenhouse gases, but this doesn’t
mean we should give up travelling. We must find a balance and, by choosing ecotourism, we
are giving back to the planet and making conscious decisions about travelling in an eco-
friendlier way. So, if you’re interested in becoming an ecotourist, travel to a destination that is
20 known for its ecotourism initiatives and practise responsible hiking, camping and backpacking.
You should also respect the wildlife, observe the animals at a safe distance and don’t try to feed
In a nutshell2, I believe ecotourism is definitely the way forward.; abridged and adapted

1raises awareness: sensibiliza; chama a atenção
2in a nutshell: em suma
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A Find the opposite for the following words between lines 4 and 12.
1. high ____________________________
2. damage _________________________
3. dirty ____________________________
4. strong ___________________________

B Match the two columns to make true sentences about the text. There are two extra

is one of the advantages of

Mark Brion realises 1 • • a
There is a variety of such as eco-resorts and
2 • • b
ecotourism activities ecolodges.
Supporting local finds a way to travel to eco-
3 • • c
communities friendly destinations.
tourism has had negative
An ecotourist 4 • • d
effects on destinations.
is the cause of 8% of greenhouse
• e
which are environmentally
• f
friendly and keep beaches clean.

C Answer the questions about the text.

1. According to Mark, what is ecotourism all about?
2. Why does ecotourism improve the quality of travel?
3. As an ecotourist, what should you do when visiting wildlife?
4. Do you think ecotourism can save the planet in the future? Justify your answer.

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Vocabulary and Grammar
Year 8 – Progress test A

Name No. Class

Date Mark Teacher


A Complete the sentences with the correct environmental issue. There are two extra

air pollution oil spill deforestation floods

endangered species global warming water contamination

1. Many of the fish in the Tagus River died because of ___________________________. Scientists
found many dangerous chemicals in the water.
2. It rained so much last winter that the ___________________________ destroyed most of the
3. ___________________________ makes it harder for us to breathe because there are so many
car fumes that are toxic.
4. The number of __________________________ is rising. Soon many animals will become
5. ___________________________ wouldn’t be a problem if we didn’t cut down so many trees.

B Read the sentences about environmental issues and match them to their possible solution.

Plastic, paper and glass aren’t always

1 • • a ride a bike
placed in specific bins.
Henry wastes a lot of water when
2 • • b recycle
brushing his teeth.
We still burn fossil fuels to generate
3 • • c use renewable energies
electricity every day.
Car fumes are really toxic and increase
4 • • d buy an electric car
the levels of air pollution.
Plastic bags are found every day in the
5 • • e don’t leave the tap running
My brother always drives to work, but
6 • • f use paper bags
it’s only five minutes from home.

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A Complete the sentences with a reflexive pronoun.

1. I prepared this project on ecotourism by __________________.
2. Jonathan planted those pine trees __________________.
3. Kids, help __________________ to some free stickers about global warming.
4. The students really enjoyed __________________ at the eco-resort.
5. Marge, did you make this recycled necklace __________________?

B Fill in the blanks with for, since, never, just, yet or already. Use each option only once.
1. Have you seen Leonardo DiCaprio’s new documentary on climate change __________?
Yes, I’ve __________ watched it. I watched it a moment ago. It was great!
2. Ethan and Harriet have __________ stayed in an ecolodge, so they are going to book one
for next year.
3. Mr Larson has had his electric car __________ 2019.
4. We’ve __________ separated the plastic containers, so you don’t have to worry about
that. We did it a minute ago.
5. Mark has been a wildlife conservationist __________ seven years.

C Complete the sentences with the present perfect.

1. Zack _________________ (see) many tornados where he lives. He says these occurrences
_________________ (increase) over the past years.
2. Many people _________________ (read) about the greenhouse effect and its threats.
3. __________________________________ (Rachel / ever / do) research on endangered
4. You _________________ (have) your Toyota hybrid for a long time now.

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Year 8 – Progress test A

Name No. Class

Date Mark Teacher

Look at the photos and think of an imaginary situation. Choose one of the environmental
problems below and write a news article. Use the information in the boxes to help you.


1st paragraph


last paragraph

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Year 8 – Progress test B

Name No. Class

Date Mark Teacher

A Listen to Adam talking about the News Media Club at his school.
Tick the correct option.
1. The name of the school’s radio programme is
a. Adam’s daily news. b. Adam’s activities.

2. The _______________ teacher is responsible for the new school club.

a. PE b. ICT

3. Students can take part in the News Media Club every _______________ afternoon.
a. Wednesday b. Thursday

4. This club is currently looking for a(n) _______________ to join their team.
a. ICT assistant b. school reporter

5. There will be a welcoming meeting at

a. 2.45. b. 2.30.

6. Students can send an email to _______________ for any additional information.


B Listen again. Are the statements True (T) or False (F)?

1. They interview teachers every week.
2. Members of the News Media Club will do different tasks.
3. Students who want to be members of the club must attend the
welcoming meeting.
4. Mr Roberts is the ICT teacher.
5. Tomorrow’s episode will be about problems the planet is facing.

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Year 8 – Progress test B

Name No. Class

Date Mark Teacher

I – Reading

Read the text.

Ecotourism – The Way Forward? by Mark Brion

Hello everyone, and welcome to my blog! My name’s Mark, and I’m an environmental and
wildlife conservationist. I absolutely understand the impact and effects that tourism has had on
destinations, so I’d like to share some principles of ecotourism with you.
Ecotourism is all about active tourism and is a low impact form of travel that finds ways to
5 preserve the natural world by guaranteeing that ecosystems and local communities stay
protected and undamaged. For example, no one wants to visit a beach that’s full of plastic.
Therefore, you can do ecotourism activities that focus on keeping places clean. In fact, there
are now eco-resorts and ecolodges that have become more and more popular with travellers.
Many are the benefits of ecotourism:
10 - it educates people and raises awareness1 of the risks to the environment;
- it ensures that the world stays beautiful for a long time and preserves some of the most
fragile ecosystems on the planet;
- it supports local communities by putting money in the hands of small companies;
- it improves the quality of travel by giving you a richer cultural understanding of the
15 destinations you travel to.
It is true that tourism is responsible for about 8% of greenhouse gases, but this doesn’t
mean we should give up travelling. We must find a balance and, by choosing ecotourism, we
are giving back to the planet and making conscious decisions about travelling in an eco-
friendlier way. So, if you’re interested in becoming an ecotourist, travel to a destination that is
20 known for its ecotourism initiatives and practise responsible hiking, camping and backpacking.
You should also respect the wildlife, observe the animals at a safe distance and don’t try to feed
In a nutshell2, I believe ecotourism is definitely the way forward.; abridged and adapted
1raisesawareness: sensibiliza; chama a atenção
2in a nutshell: em suma

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A Match the columns to find the opposites.

low (line 4) 1 • • a strong

preserve (line 5) 2 • • b dirty

clean (line 7) 3 • • c damage

fragile (line 12) 4 • • d high

B Match the two columns to make true sentences about the text.

is one of the advantages of

Mark Brion realises 1 • • a
There is a variety of finds a way to travel to eco-
2 • • b
ecotourism activities friendly destinations.
Supporting local tourism has had negative effects
3 • • c
communities on destinations.
which are environmentally
An ecotourist 4 • • d
friendly and keep beaches clean.

C Answer the questions about the text.

1. According to Mark, what is ecotourism all about?
Ecotourism is all about ______________________________________________________
2. Why does ecotourism improve the quality of travel?
Ecotourism improves the quality of travel because it gives__________________________
3. As an ecotourist, what should you do when visiting wildlife?
When visiting wildlife, you should ____________________________________________
4. Do you think ecotourism can save the planet in the future? Justify your answer.

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Vocabulary and Grammar
Year 8 – Progress test B

Name No. Class

Date Mark Teacher


A Complete the sentences with the correct environmental issue.

air pollution deforestation floods

endangered species water contamination

1. Many of the fish in the Tagus River died because of ___________________________. Scientists
found many dangerous chemicals in the water.
2. It rained so much last winter that the ___________________________ destroyed most of the
3. ___________________________ makes it harder for us to breathe because there are so many
car fumes that are toxic.
4. The number of ___________________________ is rising. Soon many animals will become
5. ___________________________ wouldn’t be a problem if we didn’t cut down so many trees.

B Read the sentences about environmental issues and match them to their possible solution.

Plastic, paper and glass aren’t always

1 • • a ride a bike
placed in specific bins.
Henry wastes a lot of water when
2 • • b recycle
brushing his teeth.
We still burn fossil fuels to generate
3 • • c use renewable energies
electricity every day.
Car fumes are really toxic and
4 • • d buy an electric car
increase the levels of air pollution.
Plastic bags are found every day in
5 • • e don’t leave the tap running
the oceans.
My brother always drives to work,
6 • • f use paper bags
but it’s only five minutes from home.

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A Circle the correct reflexive pronoun.

1. I prepared this project on ecotourism by yourself / myself.
2. Jonathan planted those pine trees himself / herself.
3. Kids, help yourselves / themselves to some free stickers about global warming.
4. The students really enjoyed ourselves / themselves at the eco-resort.
5. Marge, did you make this recyclable necklace yourself / herself?

B Choose the correct option.

1. Have you seen Leonardo DiCaprio’s new documentary on climate change __________ ?
Yes, I’ve __________ watched it. It was great!

a. yet… never b. just… already c. yet… just

2. Ethan and Harriet have __________ stayed in an ecolodge, so they are going to book one
for next year.

a. since b. never c. ever

3. Mr Larson has had his electric car __________ 2019.

a. already b. for c. since

4. We’ve __________ separated the plastic containers, so you don’t have to worry about

a. for b. never c. already

5. Mark has been a wildlife conservationist __________ seven years.

a. for b. yet c. since

C Circle the correct option in the present perfect.

1. Zack have seen / has seen many tornados where he lives. He says these occurrences have
increased / has increased over the past years.
2. Many people has read / have read about the greenhouse effect and its threats.
3. Have Rachel ever done / Has Rachel ever done research on endangered species?
4. You have had / has had your Toyota hybrid for a long time now.

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Year 8 – Progress test B

Name No. Class

Date Mark Teacher

Look at the photos and think of an imaginary situation. Choose one of the environmental
problems below and write a news article. Use the information in the boxes to help you.

Short sentence to catch
the reader’s attention.
Lead ______________________________________________________________________________
1 paragraph

Write a short summary of ______________________________________________________________________________

the environmental
problem: who, what,
when, where…
Report the facts in a clear,
formal and impersonal ______________________________________________________________________________
style; quote people.

last paragraph ______________________________________________________________________________
Write how it all ended;
people’s comments,
what’s going to happen in ______________________________________________________________________________
the future…

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Answer Key
Progress Testtest

A. 1. c 2. c 3. a 4. c 5. b 6. c
B. 1. F 2. T 3. F 4. F 5. T

A. 1. low 2. preserve 3. clean 4. fragile
B. 1. d 2. f 3. a 4. c
1. Ecotourism is all about active tourism and is a low impact form of travel that finds ways to preserve the
natural world by guaranteeing that ecosystems and local communities stay protected and undamaged.
2. Ecotourism improves the quality of travel because it gives you a richer cultural understanding of the
destinations you travel to.
3. When visiting wildlife, you should observe the animals at a safe distance and not try to feed them.
4. Personal answer

A. 1. water contamination 2. floods 3. Air pollution 4. endangered species 5. Deforestation
B. 1. b 2. e 3. c 4. d 5. f 6. a

A. 1. myself 2. himself 3. yourselves 4. themselves 5. yourself
B. 1. yet; just 2. never 3. since 4. already 5. for
C. 1. has seen; have increased 2. have read 3. Has Rachel ever done 4. have had

Personal answer

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Answer Key
Progress test B

A. 1. b 2. b 3. a 4. b 5. b 6. a
B. 1. F 2. T 3. F 4. F 5. T

A. 1. d 2. c 3. b 4. a
B. 1. c 2. d 3. a 4. b
1. Ecotourism is all about active tourism and is a low impact form of travel that finds ways to preserve the
natural world by guaranteeing that ecosystems and local communities stay protected and undamaged.
2. It improves the quality of travel because it gives you a richer cultural understanding of the destinations
you travel to.
3. When visiting wildlife, you should observe the animals at a safe distance and not try to feed them.
4. Personal answer

A. 1. water contamination 2. floods 3. Air pollution 4. endangered species 5. Deforestation
B. 1. b 2. e 3. c 4. d 5. f 6. a

A. 1. myself 2. himself 3. yourselves 4. themselves 5. yourself
B. 1. c 2. b 3. c 4. c 5. a
C. 1. has seen; have increased 2. have read 3. Has Rachel ever done 4. have had

Personal answer

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Good morning everybody, it’s your host Adam here from your local school broadcast Adam’s Activities.
On today’s radio programme, I’d like to talk to you about our new school club which was created by our
friendly teacher Mr Marcus, the ICT teacher if you haven’t met him yet.
Mr Marcus and some of his students invite you to participate in the News Media Club happening
every Wednesday afternoon at 5 p.m. Here you will interview members of the student body every week,
write articles for the school newspaper, and update the school’s website with current events. In fact, the
club is now looking for a communicative person to be a school reporter. Do you think you are up to the
Well, if you’re interested in joining the News Media Club, just meet the rest of the team in the computer
room today at half past two for a friendly welcoming meeting. Or, if you can’t make it today, simply send
an email to Mr Jacob Roberts, the ICT assistant. That’s J-A-C-O-B dot Roberts @ news media
Tune in tomorrow for another episode of Adam’s Activities, where we’ll be taking a look at the
environmental issues in our community…

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