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Pandora’s box

(Fire crackles)

During the time when gods lived, there were two brothers name Epi and Prom .
One day Prom got in trouble with Zeus(king of gods) angry because they gave humans fire.
Zeus : why did you give fire to humans?!!?
Prom : because they needed it, Zeus don’t you think it’s unfair to do not give that humans ?!?!
Zeus was so furious like hot boiling water that he chained Prom to a rock for many years.
But Zeus is was still furious and had a punishment for Epi.
Zeus demanded The god handyman to make him a beautiful daughter, Zeus named her Pandora.
Zeus knew that Epi is single and needs a wife cus he’s old and Zeus decided to give Pandora to marry Epi.
Zeus gave the married people a gift it was a box the box was locked and it came with a note ‘DO NOT
Pandora got curious and opened and once she raise the lid bad things flew out like envy, hate and
sickness Pandora slammed the lid closed but it was too late.
Pandora opened the lid to show Epi but it was empty but before she shut the lid Hope flew out.
Epi gave Pandora a big smile as a thank you for his freedom and flew away.

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