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My Activity

Cambridge Lower Secondary

Mary Jones & Sally Burbeary

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My Activity English Skills and Support
Command words 1
Connecting words 2
The language of science experiments 4
Modal verbs 9
Comparative adjectives and adverbs and superlative adjectives 10
Phrasal verbs 14
Graphs 15
Turning verbs into nouns 15
Prepositions 17
Active and passive 18
Conditional sentences 19

1 Photosynthesis and the carbon cycle

1.1 Photosynthesis 20
1.2 More about photosynthesis 22
1.3 The carbon cycle 24
1.4 Climate change 26

2 Properties of materials

2.1 Atomic structure and the Periodic Table 28
2.2 Trends in groups within the Periodic Table 31
2.3 Why elements react to form compounds 32
2.4 Simple and giant structures 34

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Contents Contents

3 Forces and energy 8 Rates of reaction
3.1 Density 36 8.1 Measuring the rate of reaction 82
 3.2 Heat and temperature
Conservation of energy
8.2 Surface area and the rate of reaction
8.3 Temperature and the rate of reaction
My Activity 3.3
3.4 Moving from hot to cold 42 8.4 Concentration and the rate of reaction 88
3.5 Ways of transferring thermal energy 44
3.6 Cooling by evaporation 46 9 Electricity
9.1 Parallel circuits 90
4 Maintaining life 9.2 Current and voltage in parallel circuits 92
4.1 Plants and water 49 9.3 Resistance 94
4.2 Transpiration 51 9.4 Practical circuits 96
4.3 Excretion in humans 54
4.4 Keeping a fetus healthy 56

5 Reactivity
5.1 Reactivity and displacement reactions 58
5.2 Using the reactivity series and displacement reactions 60
5.3 Salts 62
5.4 Other ways of making salts 64
5.5 Rearranging atoms 65

6 Sound and space

6.1 Loudness and pitch of sound 67
6.2 Interference of sound 69

6.3 Formation of the Moon 71
6.4 Nebulae 73

7 Genes and inheritance

7.1 Chromosomes, genes and DNA 75
7.2 Gametes and inheritance 77
7.3 Variation 78
7.4 Natural selection 80

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How to use this book English Skills and Support

How to use this book English Skills and Support
This book is to help you with English skills when you are studying science.
 This workbook will help you to use and understand the English that is involved
The English Skills and Support section gives you information about important
topics in English that you will use in science. You can use this section at any time
My Activity while learning science. you need help with English while studying science.
It will help you to: You will see many different grammatical terms in the English language reference
• understand what you read in your science books, and what your teacher section explained.
tells you during the lessons
• talk to other learners in your class in English, during your science lessons, Command words
using the correct vocabulary
Science questions often start with command words, for example, ‘suggest’,
• understand questions that you are asked by your teacher or in tests ‘decide’, ‘evaluate’ and ‘explain’. You need to know how to answer these
• speak or write answers to science questions that say clearly what you mean. questions correctly.

Command words Definition

This workbook contains an English Exercise 2
Skills and Support section. This contains Give a possible reason why something happens or which method
This exercise is about some of the vocabulary you have learnt in this topic. Suggest
information about English grammar Complete these sentences. Use some of these words.
could be used.
and vocabulary to help you with science. cells chlorophyll chloroplasts fertiliser photosynthesis
You can use the reference section at any nitrate root hairs stomata water yield Decide To make a judgement based on different alternatives.
Plants make their own food by . They absorb carbon dioxide
time you need help with English while
studying science.
from the air through the in their leaves. The carbon dioxide
To assess the advantages and disadvantages of something, such as a
reacts with water inside the in the palisade cells in the leaf, Evaluate
forming glucose.
scientific investigation.
Plants can use the glucose that they make to produce other
substances. For example, plants use from the soil to convert Explain Say why something happens.
the glucose to proteins. They can also make , using
magnesium from the soil. Write down This simply means write on paper.

Predict To say that something will be or may be in the future.

This workbook provides questions for Exercise 1 Work out mathematically. It is usually important to show your working
you to practise what you have learnt in Calculate
In this exercise, you will use an active verb to rewrite a sentence about how
scientists think the Moon was formed. Look at the information about active
in an organised way.
class. There is a topic to match each topic and passive verbs in the English Skills and Support section.
in your Learner’s Book and two Exercises For example:
in each Topic. You can use the English
Skills and Support section to help you as Question: Suggest how to measure the volume of an object.
you complete the Exercises. Each of these sentences includes a passive verb. Answer: Place the object in a measuring cylinder full of water and measure how much water
Underline the passive verb. Then rewrite the sentence using an active verb. You may
also need to change some other words in the sentence so that it makes sense. is displaced.
Here is an example.
Rocks were sent flying into space when the collision happened. Question: Decide what is wrong with this sentence, and underline the word that should be
The collision sent rocks flying into space.
a Dust and rocks were pulled together by gravity.
changed: The more dense a material, the more likely it is to float on water.
Answer: The word ‘more’ before dense should be underlined and replaced with ‘less’.

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English Skills and Support English Skills and Support

 Question: Describe how the intensity of light affects photosynthesis. Here are some examples.
Answer: As light intensity increases, the rate of photosynthesis increases.
positive + positive
Question: Explain why the intensity of light affects photosynthesis. and
 Answer: Plants use energy in light for photosynthesis. The more light they
have, the more energy they can use.
Iron is strong and hard.
My Activity
Question: Write down the result.
positive + negative
Answer: The water boiled at 100 degrees Celsius. Iron is strong and hard but sodium is much softer.
Question: Predict what will happen if you use a silver ring in an
electrical circuit. fact or situation + why
Answer: I think the silver ring will conduct the electricity. because
Countries agreed to reduce they want to improve air
carbon dioxide emissions quality.
Connecting words
fact or situation + why
Connecting words help you to join two pieces of information together in because of
different ways. Countries agreed to reduce
because of global warming.
carbon dioxide emissions
In science, we often need to talk about more than one thing. We can join two ideas fact or situation + result
together with connecting words, for example: ‘and’, ‘but’, ‘because’, ‘so’. These are
called connectives. Connectives are like glue – they stick two ideas together. so
they can absorb minerals
Plants have roots so
There are many connecting words in English and they do different things from the soil.
in sentences.
reducing carbon
as a result of Air quality has improved as a result of
Connective What it is used for emissions.

increase the speed of

and Connects two positives together in order to We use a catalyst in order to
the reaction.
but Connects a positive and a negative together

Gives a reason why and is usually followed by
a subject and a verb

Gives a reason why and is usually followed by a verb

because of
ending in -ing or a noun.

so Gives the result of a situation

as a result of Effect + as a result of + cause

in order to Action + in order to + purpose

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