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1. What is Climate?

Answer: Climate refers to the sum total of weather conditions and variations
over a large area for a long period of time (more than 30 years).

2. What does ‘weather’ mean?

Answer: Weather refers to the state of the atmosphere over an area at any
point of time.

3. What are the elements of weather and climate?

Answer: Temperature, atmospheric pressure, winds, humidity and

precipitation are the elements of weather and climate.

4. What is the climate of India?

Answer: India’s climate is described as ‘Monsoon Type’ climate.

5. What is the variation of temperature in India?

Answer: In some parts of Rajasthan the highest temperature is 50oC and it is

around 45oC at Drass in Jammu and Kashmir.

6. What is the variation of annual precipitation in India?

Answer: The annual precipitation is over 400 cms in Meghalaya and less than
10 cms in Ladakh and western Rajasthan.

7. Define the term ‘Monsoon’.

Answer: The word monsoon is derived from the Arabic word ‘Mausim’ which
literally means season. Monsoon refers to the seasonal reversal in the wind
direction during a year.

What are the controls affecting the climate of any place ?

There are six major controls of the climate of any place. They are:

1. Latitude
2. Altitude
3. Pressure and wind system
4. Distance from the sea (continentality)
5. Ocean currents
6. Relief features

What are the major controls of the climate of a place? Explain them.


There are six major controls; of the climate of a place:

(i) Latitude: Due to the curvature of the earth, the amount of solar energy
received varies according to latitude. As a result, air temperature generally
decreases from the equator towards the poles.

(ii) Altitude: As one goes from the surface of the earth to higher altitudes, the
atmosphere becomes less dense and temperature decreases. The hills are
therefore cooler during summers.

(iii) Pressure and wind system: The pressure and wind system of any area
depend on the latitude and altitude of the place. Thus it influences the
temperature and rainfall' pattern.
(iv) Distance from the sea: The sea exerts moderating influence on climate.
As the distance from the sea increases, its moderating influence decreases and
the people experience extreme weather conditions. This condition is known,
continentality which means very hot during summer and very cold during

(v) Ocean Currents: Oceans along with onshore winds affect the climate of
the coastal areas:. For-instance, any coastal area with warmish-cold currents
flowing past it, will' be warmed or cooled if the winds are onshore:

(vi) Relief features: High. mountains act as a barrier for cold: or hot winds..
They. may also cause precipitation, if they are high enough and lie in the path
of rain, bearing winds. The leeward side of the mountains remains relatively

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