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of events or series of events recounted in the story. Most stories rely on a standard plot
structure, consisting of five essential parts:
a. introduction or exposition - the beginning of the story where the characters and
the setting are revealed. It provides background information for the readers.
b. rising action or complication-the introduction develops a series of complications
that lead to a crisis or a moment of great tension. This is where the events in the story
become complicated and the conflict in the story is revealed ( events between the
introduction and climax).
c. climax or turning point- it is the moment of the greatest tension. It is the highest
point of interest and the turning point of the story. The readers wonder what will happen
d. falling action- the action falls off as the series of complication is sorted out ( the
event between the climax and resolution).
e. resolution or denouement- this is the final outcome of events of the story. The
complications are resolved.
The plot structure can be diagrammed as follows:

In addition to the plot structure, there is another important for the plot—conflict and
without conflict, there is no plot. It is a struggle between opposing forces, that is usually
resolved at the end of the story (DiYanni, 2008). There are four kinds of conflict:
a. Man vs. Man ( physical) — the leading character struggles with his physical
strength against other men, forces of nature or animals.

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