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Zenlish TONG QUAN VE BAI THI TOEIC 1- CAU TRUC BAI THI TOEIC Séluong} Ther | Bim sé Ky nang Ndi dung caursi | gion | tdida Part 1: M6 ta tranh 6 Part 2: H6i- dap 2% Nghe (LC) 45 phit | 495 Part 3: H6i thoai 39 Part 4: Doc thogi 30 Part §: Hoan thanh céu 30 Part 6: Hoan thanh dogn van 6 Doc (RC) 7Sphit | 495 Sogn don 29 Part 7: Boc higu van ban Doon déi, ba 2% Téng 7 phén 200 | 120phut | 990 Il - CAC CHU DE THUONG GAP TRONG BAI THI TOEIC 1. Corporate Development Research, product development 2. Dining Out Business and informal lunches, banquets, receptions 3. Entertainment Cinema, theater, music, art, exhibition, museum, media 4, Finance and Budgeting Banking, investment, tax, accounting 5. General Business Contract, negotiation, merger, marketing, sales, warranties, business planning, conferences, labor relation 6.Health Medical insurance, visiting a doctor/dentist/clinic TOP 1 RUNG TAM CO NHIEU HOC VIEN SG HOU CHUNG CHI QUGC TE NHAT VIET NAM - 2028 Zenlish 7. Housing/Corporate Construction, specification, buying and renting, electric and Property gos services Board/committee meeting, letters, telephone calls, faxes, 8 Offes emails, office equipment 9. Personnel Recruiting, hiring, retiring, salary, promotion, job application 10. Purchasing Shopping, ordering, supplying, shipping, invoice Tl. Travel Train, airplane, taxi, ferry, car rental Ill -5 BUGC HOC TU VUNG KET HOP NGHE HIEU CHUYEN SAU - AUTOMATIC LISTENING Buéc 1: Bat file Gm thanh, nghe va viét lai nhing gi nghe dusc; Bude 2: D6i chiéu véi bén text dé xde dinh ede tisméi, cde tw khong bist cach phat Am, dién vao cdc vi ti minh chua nghe va viét Iai duc; Buéc 3: Tra phién &m, dich nghia va luyén doc tl mdi; Buéc 4: Luyén nghe vé nhdc Iai theo file dm thanh dung ng dm, ngidiéu, téc do; Buéc 5: Quay video nghe, nhdc lai va dich Iai khéng nhin text, TOP 1 TRUNG TAM CO NHIEU HOC VIEN SG HOU CHUNG CHI QUOC TENHAT viET NAM-2028 Zenlish TIMELINE CHUONG TRINH BEGINNER'S TOEIC TUAN | LESSON NOI DUNG TRANG 1 Part 1; Tranh ta Ngudt 5 1 2 Part 1 Luyén dé Part 16 Téng quan Part 2 2 3 Part 2: Cau héi Théng tin: Who + Where + When a 4 Part 2: Cau hdi Théng tin: What/ Which + Why + How 30 2 5 Part 2: Cau héi Nghi vén Yes/No 39 ‘6 Part 2: Cau hdi Busi, Trén thudit + Mock Test 1 42 7 Part 2: Middle Test - Téng quan Part 3&4 48 3 8 Part 3 & 4: Cau héi bél cdnh (Ai, 6 déu, néi vé cai gi) 55 9 Part 3 & 4: Cau héi hénh dong 60 10 Part 3 & 4: Luyén tap ede chil dé khé + Mock Test 2, 6 u Part 3: Luyén dé 14 4 R Part 4: Luyén dé + Mock Test 3 82 B Final Test TOP 1 RUNG TAM CO NHIEU HOC VIEN SG HOU CHUNG CHI QUGC TE NHAT VIET NAM - 2028 Zenlish GIGI THIEU PART 1 TOEIC LISTENING $6 cu hei 6 cau hdl (ter cu hét 1 dn cu hei 6) Dang cau héi Xem buc énh duge in trén dé thi, nghe cde dap dn va chon dap én mé té bic anh chinh xdc nhét NGi dung clia dép én M6 td hanh dong cla mot hay nhiéu nguBi, m6 té trang thdi hode vi tri cia sy vat mé ta cénh vat Khung c&nh trong buc tranh Cé thé Ié cdinh trong nhé (nha héng, nha séch, vein phéng, rap chigu phim...) hodic canh ngoai tréi (bai bién, bd séng, cng vién, quéng truéng,..) Lol khuyén Hoc thude cde tls, cum tis duge ding 48 mé té hénh dong cia con nguéi hodc trang thai cla sir vat 6 Part 2 Myc tigu 4/6 cou Vi du minh hoa: You wil se Youwill hear: Now listen to the four statements. (A) They're leaving the room. (®) They're tuming on the machine. (©) They're standing near the table. (0) They're reading the newspaper. Statement (©), They're standing near the table/'s the best description of the picture, so you should select answer (C) and markit on your answer sheet. TOP 1 TRUNG TAM CO NHIEU HOC VIEN SG HOU CHUNG CHI QUOC TE NHAT VIET NAM - 2028 Zenlish LESSON 1 - PART 1: TRANH TA NGUOI | LANGUAGE BUILDING 1. Céng viée vn phong = Taking notes -Holding a cup ~ Typing on a keyboard ~ Attending a meeting ~ Examining a report = Working on/ repairing a machine ~ Looking in a drawer = Using some office equipment 2. Mua sém/ An uéng = Choosing an item = Shopping for clothes - Searching a bookshelf ~ Researching for an iten ~ Pouring a beverage - Drinking from a cup = Talking to a server ~Paying at a counter 3. Glao théng/ duéng phé - Entering a building ~ Exiting a vehicle - Boarding [getting onto] a bus - Crossing a road - Waiting in line ~ Paving a driveway 4, Hanh dong khac - Playing instruments - Facing each other - Wiping a counter - Leaning /bending over - Shaking hands - Wearing a jacket - Loading boxes onto a cart - Standing in front of a desk TOP 1 RUNG TAM CO NHIEU HOC VIEN SG HOU CHUNG CHI QUGC TE NHAT VIET NAM - 2028 (Cac bude lam bai Part 1: Buséc 1. Phan tich tranh: 5 yéu t6 1] Chathé they, the people, one of the women, the man 2 | Hanh déng standing, watching, looking at, reviewing, talking 3 | Trang phuc jacket, coat, bag, scarf, shoes 4 |Béicanh ‘outdoor, store, outside 5 | Bd vatkhde merchandise, items, window, shelves Buéc 2. Lang nghe ky chtingd, d6ng tl chi hanh dong dé chon dap dn chinh xdc A. They're looking into a store: Phu hap B. They're walking out of a shop: Khéng phuhgp: Nguéi dang ding ngoai nhin vao khéng phdi dang di ra ngodi. C. They're trying on some shoes: Khéng ¢6 hanh déng di thu gidy. D. They're washing a window: Khéng cé hanh déng dang lau cia sé. Luu y: Mot s6 cau cdn dé y danh tt di kém déng tu dé khdng bl bay. Buse 3: Chita Ki theo 5 bude hoc tis vung két hgp nghe higu chuyén sdu. TOP 1 TRUNG TAM CO NHIEU HOC VIEN SG HOU CHUNG CHI QUOC TENHAT viET NAM-2028 (3 Zenlish Il - ACTUAL TEST 1 1 1 aa = JA They're bench , i B.TheY'12 von the grass C.ThEY'1E eens thei bicycles D. Theyre in the water 2 A. One of the menis.. B. One of the MeN Is nsesine sen acounter C. One of the men is... briefcase D. One of the men is. 3 A TRE MAM IS cnennins monet nnnsnnane OUL OF O printer B.The MON IS cees se nee IN. drawer C. The woman is D. The people are... wa document, TOP 1 TRUNG TAM CO NHIEU HOC VIEN SG HOU CHUNG CHI QUOC TENHAT viET NAM-2028 =| Zenlish 4 4 A.Awomanis.. the shelves B.A WOM IS wemnnnennee mnmemen the board C.A woman is D.A WOMAN IS sesennne s A. The women are... B. The women are... TC. ThE WOMEN ALE enn sume nen D. The women are... 6 ATRCY'TE vecnnnnins INO sesrnnine sn B. They're = ON itplane C. They're. D. They're... TOP 1 TRUNG TAM CO NHIEU HOC VIEN SG HOU CHUNG CHI QUOC TENHAT viET NAM-2028 = Zenlish Il — MINI TEST 1 AHe's B.He's CHES vemnennine snnnannns mene enn D.He's ATREYTE cine sens se B. They're. C. They're D.TheY'TE cee nine sn A.The manis.. B. The women are... C. The people are... D.A group i TOP 1 TRUNG TAM CO NHIEU HOC VIEN SG HOU CHUNG CHI QUOC TENHAT viET NAM-2028 Zenlish DHO'S coun B.He's C.He's Do HE'S ceases A.The man is... B, The people are... C. The waiter is... D. The woman is wm ATREYTE cnsnsnes sens memennnee tOGEtHEL B. They're no Outdoor CT. THEY TE wrnnmnenne namnnes THE snnnnes mmr D. They're... TOP 1 TRUNG TAM CO NHIEU HOC VIEN SG HOU CHUNG CHI QUOC TENHAT viET NAM-2028 © IV - MINI TEST 2 Zenlish LESSON 2 - LUYEN DE PART 1 I LANGUAGE BUILDING 1. Van phéng ~ Be left open - Be placed/ positioned ~ Be stored in a closet ~ Be pushed under a desk ~ Be leaning against the wall ~ Be lying/ resting on the ground ~ Be spread out on a table ~ Be hung on the wall 2. Cla hang - Be on display ~ Be arranged on shelves ~ Be stacked/ piled in a bin - Be unoccupied ~ Be full of cartons - Be scattered on the floor 3. Sysép xép ~ Be lined up - Be raked into piles ~ Be parked along a street - Stop at a traffic ight ~ Be under construction ~ Be attached to a pole - Be unattended = Overlook the water 4, Vitri khae ~ Be docked/ tied in a harbor ~ Be floating in the water ~ Be set up outside ~ Surround a fountain = Cross over a river - Lead (up) to an entrance TOP 1 RUNG TAM CO NHIEU HOC VIEN SG HOU CHUNG CHI QUGC TE NHAT VIET NAM - 2028 Zenlish Il. ACTUAL TEST 1 A, She's... B She's. C. She's, os os os D. She's... A.The man is B. The manis C. The manis D.The MAN'S weenie wns ‘on the wall 3 ‘A.Some chairs are: a ate being sn i8 being .is being. TOP 1 TRUNG TAM CO NHIEU HOC VIEN SG HOU CHUNG CHI QUOC TENHAT vier NAM-2028 = ET Zenlish 4 A.One of the womenis.... B. The women are C. The manis.. D. The people are. into a cup 5 A. Anoticeis being B. The women are C. The manis.. D. Abasket is being. AA B. Some people are C.Acashier is. D. Some customers OFe wnnmm os Is giving a man TOP 1 TRUNG TAM CO NHIEU HOC VIEN SG HOU CHUNG CHI QUOC TENHAT VIET NAM - 2028 Zenlish Ml, ACTUAL TEST 2 AHe's B.He's Co HE'S snes snrnene D.He's 2 AA WOMAN'S vsnies wins a busy street B.A woman's with a cloth C.A woman's D.A woman's AA. .at a traffic light B.Amanis IC. Aman is D. Some boxes are... TOP 1 TRUNG TAM CO NHIEU HOC VIEN SG HOU CHUNG CHI QUOC TENHAT VIET NAM - 2028 Zenlish 4 4 A. One of the womens... B.One of the women is. 7 }C. The WOMEN OLE nnn os D. The WOMEN FE sess imnee sent s A. COTS OE wnnnne os os B. Plants are... C. There are D. There are... 6 A.Some .. in awaiting area B.Some.. partitions, C. One of the women is D. One of the men is TOP 1 TRUNG TAM CO NHIEU HOC VIEN SG HOU CHUNG CHI QUOC TENHAT viET NAM-2028 [ETS Zenlish IV. ACTUAL TEST 3. TOP 1 TRUNG TAM CO NHIEU HOC VIEN SG HOU CHUNG CHI QUOC TENHAT VIET NAM - 2028 V. ACTUAL TEST 4 TOP 1 TRUNG TAM CO NHIEU HOC VIEN SG HOU CHUNG CHI QUOC TENHAT viET NAM-2028 = [ET Zenlish Vi. ACTUAL TEST 5S TOP 1 TRUNG TAM CO NHIEU HOC VIEN SG HOU CHUNG CHI QUOC TENHAT vier NAM-2028 (ET Zenlish GIGI THIEU PART 2 TOEIC LISTENING $6 cau hoi 25 cau hoi (ttrcau hdi 7 dén cau hdi 31) Dang céu hét Nghe mét cdu héi di kém ba dép dn ri chon dap dn phan héi ph hgp nhét Bae diém cla cau hoi Cau héi c6 thé 1a cu héi tim théng tin, cdu héi nghi vén, cau héi Lua. chen hdc lei cdu trén thuGt, cu dé nghi, cau gy. Noi dung céu tré i Cée cu phan héi cung ofp théng tin hogic ede céu mang muc dich giao tigp dai thuéng (Truc tiép hogie gidn tig) Lei khuyen Khéng nén c6 géng hiéu tung ty trong céu hd! ma hay ném bat ndi dung chinh, muc dich cla céu héi va cdu tra Idi Muc tiéu 16/25 cou Vi du minh hoa: 1. Where does Mrs. Robertson live now? A. Near the park Cau tra Idi truc tiép B. Right now, please: Trd Idi céu hoi When C.Alex dict Trd16i cu hoi Who TOP 1 RUNG TAM CO NHIEU HOC VIEN SG HOU CHUNG CHI QUGC TE NHAT VIET NAM - 2028 Zenlish LESSON 3: CAU HOI THONG TIN: WHO + WHERE + WHEN A-CAUHOIWHO - EXAMINATION 1. Who will replace Mr. Fernandez when he retires? A [heard that Maria Ortega will B.No. 'mnot tired - O cau hdi: Nghe hiéu 3 tirdéu tién. - Oddp an ding: tén ngusi, logi Yes/ No 2.Who attended the awards ceremony? A.No one in my office B, Attendance is mandatory ~ O cau héi: Nghe hiéu 2 tu déu tién. - O dap an dung: Nhom tirdién ta chua ¢6 ai, khéng cé ai lam, téi ty lam. 3. Who do you want to recommend for the job ‘A. Well, why don't you ask your supervisor? B. The job is still available - O cu hdi: Nghe hiéu 4 tirdéu tién. - 6 dap dn ding: Cau ggi y, héi ai, gap im 6 dau dé biét théng tin. ‘4, Who is the woman in the black suit? A. She is the new marketing manager B. Everyone has to be formally dressed - O cau hdi: Nghe hiéu 4 tirddu tién, - O dap an ding: Nhém tis chi chide vu 5. Who conducts the quality control test on the brand-new products? ‘A. Several people do B. The testing begins next week - O cau hi: Nghe hiéu 2 tu déu tién. - O dap an dung: Mét nhém nguéi, mét b6 phén, mot céng tylam viée dé, TOP 1 TRUNG TAM CO NHIEU HOC VIEN SG HOU CHUNG CHI QUOC TENHAT VIET NAM - 2028 Zenlish HOT LAI CACH NHAN DIEN DAP AN DUNG TRONG CAU HOI WHO 1. Trong edu héi: Cdn nghe hiéu dug it nhdt 4 tu ddu tién, dé xde dinh al lam vie 6, ai la nguéi do. 2. Trong dap an dung: - Tén nguéi, loai Yes/ No = Nhém tu chi chic vu = Nhémtu dién td chua c6 ai, khéng 06 ai lam, ti tylam - Mét nhém nguéi, mot b6 phan, mot cong ty lam viée dé. - Cau gol y, héi ai, gap ai, tim 6 dau dé biét théng tin. Il LANGUAGE BUILDING 1. Chute vu 2. Phéng ban - Accountant Accounting department ~ Applicant - Customer service department ~ Assistant Finance department - Coworker ~ Human resources/ personnel department - Director ~ Maintenance department ~Keynote speaker - Marketing team - Receptionist - Shipping department ~ Sales representative ~ Technical support team ~ Spokesperson - Headquarters - Supervisor - Branch (office) - Vice president - Catering company TOP 1 TRUNG TAM CO NHIEU HOC VIEN SG HOU CHUNG CHI QUOC TENHAT VIET NAM - 2028 Zenlish Il TEST TACTIC 1 at the airport? 2.Do you know Me Chong we snmumne fer Claudia retires? B.Yes, between A CThere'sa B. We ses wen on Cin 3.0 YOU KNOW wens weve we 4. on sn ens senna US OF GINA? vow the new recruits? A Tonight AYes, itis Bo veocsne wow | don't know B. Jim NG May eovenene semen C.Welll be TOP 1 RUNG TAM CO NHIEU HOC VIEN SG HOU CHUNG CHI QUGC TE NHAT VIET NAM - 2028 Zenlish B- CAU HOI WHERE 1- EXAMINATION 7. Where are youhok the staff meeting? A.In the conference room B. Because our deadline's changed = Trong cau héi: Nghe hidu4 tir déu tién ~ Trong dap én ding: Cum tt chi dja diém cy thé chtia gidi tirin/on/at 2. Where should Isubmit the application form? A. The personnel manager takes care of it B. You should fill it out = Trong cau hdl: Nghe hiéu4 tir ddu tién ~ Trong dép dn ding: Cum tt dién ta sé €6 ‘Ingudi ndo dé lam gidip ban tim ra théng tin. 3. Where will the interview take place? A.It hasn't been decided B. Some résumé = Trong cau hdl: Nghe hiéu4 ti ddu tién ~ Trong ddp én ding: Cum ti dién ta dia diém dé chua duge quyét dinh 4, Where did you put your expense report? B It wasn’t expensive at all = Trong cau hot: Nghe hidu4 tirddu tien = Trong dép én ding: Cum ti chi dia diém cy thé chtia gidi tirin/on/at 5. Where can I get a bus to Kington? A.I'llfind a transit map B.Areduced fare = Trong cau hét: Nghe hiéu4 tur ddu tien - Trong ddp dn ding: Cum ti thé hién pha 16i méi tra 1di duge kiém tra Iai im Iai TOP 1 RUNG TAM CO NHIEU HOC VIEN SG HOU CHUNG CHI QUGC TE NHAT VIET NAM - 2028 Zenlish CHOT LAI CACH NHAN DIEN DAP AN DUNG CAU HO! WHERE 1. Trong edu héi: Can nghe hiéu dugc it nhdit 4 tu ddu tién, dé xde dinh duge cau héi héi vi tri, dia diém, phuang huéng, xudt xt. ctia con nguéi, su Wat, SL Vie gi 2. Trong dap an din, - Cum tir chi dia diém ou thé chua gidi ti - Cum tir dign ta sé cd 1 ngudi no dé lam gidp ban tim ra théng tin. = Cum tir dign ta dia diém dé chua duge quyét dinh, ~ Cum tirthé hign phai kiém tra lai, tim Ii... 16i mdi trd 16i duge. Il, LANGUAGE BUILDING 1. Bia diém, vitri 2. Tenriéng - Upstairs = In Coriboo Park -Ina drawer = In Milan =In the file cabinet = It's only available online. ~In the supply room ~ Jason had it yesterday = In your mail box = Our supervisor should know = Near the entrance - On Fifth Avenue 3. Hanh dng dé Idy théng tin = On the second floor - Go to the personnel department. = Right across the hall - I'm going there now. = Right next to the park ~ Try the security office. ~The shop next door ~ Check this brochure -To be right of the elevator - Leave them on my desk. TOP 1 RUNG TAM CO NHIEU HOC VIEN SG HOU CHUNG CHI QUGC TE NHAT VIET NAM - 2028 Zenlish I TEST TACTIC 1 this scarf that | | 2... has Ms, Garcia... found in the hallway? AA BNO, I'M GFE cence snes 8 Mr. Jones B. on your desk last night c.. with the receptionist 3, on vacation? | 4. been? Aan AN, B.I'm BL It'S smernnee somnnnee c.'m C.The TOP 1 RUNG TAM CO NHIEU HOC VIEN SG HOU CHUNG CHI QUGC TE NHAT VIET NAM - 2028 Zenlish -CAU HOI WHEN 1. EXAMINATION 1, Whenis the financial report due? A. Not until next Friday B.I'Idoit ~ Céu hot: Cén nghe hiéu tir 48 héi + dong ti chi thdi gian ~ Dép én dung: Cum tir chi thai gian chiza ngay/ thang/ nam. 2. When can | expect your final decision? A After I speak to regional headquarters B. An increased project budget ~ Céu hoi: Cén nghe hiéu 4 tir déu tién = Dap dn dung: Cym tir 66 gidi tir chi thei gian. 3.When will the next issue of the magazine be published? A Unfortunately, it's been discontinued B. Just on the intemet ~ Cau héi: Can nghe hiéu4 tir déu tién - Dap dn ding: Cum tir dién dat sy khong tén tai clla diéu dang duge héi: discontinued ~ canceled - delayed— called off 4, When are we interviewing the next job candidate? A. In about fifteen minutes B As part of the hiring process ~ Céu héi: Can nghe hiéu 4 tir déu tién - Dap cn ding: khodng thai gian trong ‘tuong lai gan. 5. When can we take a break? A. Oh,are you tired? B.I'll slow down ~ Céu héi: Cén nghe higutir 4é hei + dng tir chi thei gian - Dap dn dung: Cau héi nguge, dién dat sy béit nga, hod mudi lam 18 hon trude khi tra loi, TOP 1 RUNG TAM CO NHIEU HOC VIEN SG HOU CHUNG CHI QUGC TE NHAT VIET NAM - 2028 Zenlish CHOT LAI CACH NHAN DIEN DAP AN DUNG CAU HOI WHEN 1. Trong cau héi: Can nghe hiéu dugc it nhdit 4 tu ddu tién, dé xde dinh duge cau héi hdi théi gian dién ra hanh déng/ su kién gi. 2. Trong dap an dung: - Cum tirchi théi gian chta gidi ti + ngay/ thang/ nam. = Dap an dung 06 thé la cum tirdién ta thoi diém khdng duoc xdc dinh 16, mot thoi diém ndto dé trong tuang lai. = Cum tir din dat su khéng t6n tai ctia diéu dang dang duge héi: discountinued, canceled, delayed, called off... - Cau héi nguge, dién dat su bat ngé, hodic mudn lam ré hon trude khi tra Idi. - Luuy cdc bdy vé thi (Hién tai, tuong lai, qué khd) trong odu cde céu tra I6i Il. LANGUAGE BUILDING 1. Tuong Iai ~ At the next weekly meeting ~ As soon ass the train arrives ~ By the end of the month -In two days - Later today =No later than Friday = Not until after lunch ~ Probably this afternoon = Right after the presentation - Sometime in July = This afternoon would be best 2. Tén suét/ Hign tai/ Qué khit - Every month - Fornow ~ Right away = Right now - Today - Yesterday - Already ~ At our last gathering ~ Earlier this week ~ Sometime last week = Three weeks ago TOP 1 RUNG TAM CO NHIEU HOC VIEN SG HOU CHUNG CHI QUGC TE NHAT VIET NAM - 2028 Ml. TEST TACTIC. 1, to goon 2 the next vacation? job candidate? Alt's AAs part of the a B.OUP ces nee Cc. C. In about ee 4 went JO YOU thINK vee nee I A Dallas? BYES, suns smn AA Cc _|hope B.ALOUNG vsemnnnnennnsinee C.From shrough D-MINITEST 1 2 3] 4 5s | 6 7 8 9 | 10 E- ACTUAL TEST 1 6 1 6 2 2 7 2 7 22 3 8 B 18 23 4 9 4 9 24 5 10 5 20 25 TOP 1 TRUNG TAM CO NHIEU HOC VIEN SG HOU CHUNG CHI QUOC TENHAT VIET NAM - 2028 Zenlish LESSON 4: CAU HOI THONG TIN: WHAT + WHY + HOW A- CAU HOI WHAT/WHICH EXAMINATION 1. What time does the presentation begin? A. It starts at 10:00 B. | was present there = Trong céu hdl: Nghe hiéu 4 tir déu tién, tim duge tirkhéa quan trong. ~ Trong ddp dn:Théng tin lin quan dén cdu héi When/ What 2. What do you t! k of this month’s budget? ‘A. Looks like we need money B. Thanks, it was a gift - Trong céu hét: Nghe hiéu cdu héi, tim duge tir khéa quan trong. ~ Trong dap én: Théng tin vé. cém nghi Which restaurant should we eat dinner at? A. Either one is fine B. Dinner is at 7 p.m. ~ Trong cdu hi: Nghe hiéu 4 tirdéu tién, tim duge tirkhéa quan trong. ~ Trong ddp Gn: Théng tin cia céu héi Iya chon 4, Which of these ties will look better with this unit? A. Actually, neither B. You should wear a suit = Trong céu hdl: Nghe hiéu 4 tir déu tién, tim duge tirkhéa quan trong. = Trong dap dn: Cau trd Idi dién ta mét sy that, mong muén khée 5. Whats the shipping cost? A. It depends on the delivery method B. Yes, it will arrive soon = Trong céu hdl: Nghe hiéu edu héi, tim duge tir khéa quan trong. ~ Trong dép dn: Céu tid I6i gién tip eta How much TOP 1 RUNG TAM CO NHIEU HOC VIEN SG HOU CHUNG CHI QUGC TE NHAT VIET NAM - 2028 Zenlish CHOT LAI CACH NHAN DIEN DAP AN DUNG CUA CAU HOI DANG WHAT/WHICH 1 Trong cau hdl: Nghe hiéu ki cau hdi ddc biét la 4 ti ddu dé tim duge danh tind kém tit dé héi hodic tts kha quan trong dé xdc dinh muc dich cau héi: ~ Céu héi What + danh tu..? yéu cdu cho biét théng tin cy thé la cau héi thuéng gap: + What time ... = When, + What method. = How. + Whats the price.. = How much, + What do you think..= How do you feel. ~ Cau hdi Which ding thay thé cau héi What khi cau héi cé myc dich yéu edu Iyer chon déi tugng cu thé trong s6 nhiéu déi tugng. 2Trong dap én dung: = Cau héi tim théng tin: dap din o6 thé la tryc tiép hod gidn tiép. = Cau héi cdm nh4in: dap dn 06 tinh tis chi cdim wc hodic tinh terms ta. = Cau héi hainh déng: dap dn 6 déng ti chi hanh déng. Il- LANGUAGE BUILDING = What time - What's the price /cost of A? - What date ~ What was the topic of A? - What floor - What's the best way to ~? = What kind/ type = What is like? - Which department ~ What should | do with A? = Which restaurant - What did he ~? - Which catered - What happened at A? = Which food supplier - What should | indude in A? = Which menu item = What doyou think of/ about A? TOP 1 RUNG TAM CO NHIEU HOC VIEN SG HOU CHUNG CHI QUGC TE NHAT VIET NAM - 2028 Zenlish Ill TEST TACTIC 1 youin | 2, would you ike the lobby? for your new office? A 2 A That's a B. THE ve B. I JUSt oes ene ween USING ROW C. That's plenty of time c. for another month 3. scene sts sens OF thIS BOOK? 4 anaes nnens GO YOU think WE SHOUD vee A yen ~? B.Yes, . please A over there c. Northern Mexico Bl. 1 ennene FOF it TOP 1 RUNG TAM CO NHIEU HOC VIEN SG HOU CHUNG CHI QUGC TE NHAT VIET NAM - 2028 Zenlish B- CAU HOI WHY |- EXAMINATION 1. Why did you stop using that insurance company? ‘A. Because the rates were too high B. Yes, I'm sure ~ Trong céu hét: Nghe hiéu tir dé hei va dong tirchinh ~ Trong dap dn: Cau tré lei ly do ding lién ‘tubecause, due to, because of,.. 2.Why hasn't the launch date been finalized? A. The product is still being tested ByThey haven't visited before ~ Trong céu hot: Nghe hiéu tir dé hei va dong tirchinh - Trong dap dn: Sti dung cum tt dién ta dang kiém tra, xem xét, can nhdc... dé h. gid 3. Why did they postpone the meeting? A. haven't heard anything about that B. There is a post office on the corner ~ Trong cau hét: Nghe hiéu tir dé het va dong tirchinh - Trong ddp Gn: Bap dn gidn tiép dién ta chua biét vé théng tin 4, Why are the technicians here? A.To set up a new computer lab B. They should be here soon = Trong cau héi: Nghe higu tir dé hdi va d6ng tirchinh ~ Trong dp Gn: Cau tré at ly do str dung cdu tnicto V, for N.. 5. Why don't you join Mary and me for a walk? ‘A. Some fresh air would be lovely B. It’s a great organization = Trong cau héi: Nghe higu tir dé hdi va d6ng tirchinh dé néim duge myc dich cau hot cau ggiy ~ Trong dép dn: Sti dung eym tiream than din ta sutan déng hoge tt chdi. TOP 1 RUNG TAM CO NHIEU HOC VIEN SG HOU CHUNG CHI QUGC TE NHAT VIET NAM - 2028 Zenlish CHOT LA CACH HAN DIEN DAP AN CHO CAU HOI WHY TTrong cau hei - Nghe hiéu ki cau héi da biét la phn tu dé héi va danh tt, dong tu di kem dé xd dinh muc dich cu héi: - Cau héi Why héi ly do thuéng dé cp dén ode tinh huéng nhu viée ti hodn hay thay déi lich trinh, may méc hu héng, hé théng truc tréc, dy dn that bai, - Cau hdi Why don’t we...?, Why don't you...? thuéng ding dé dua ra gi y, dé nghi, 2Trong dap én dung: - Cau hoi ly do: dap dn truc tiép thudng st dung edi lign ttshotic edu tric e6 dinh hode cau trd loi gidn tiép. - Cau ggi y: Cau td Idi déng y, tirchéi hode dua ra ly do, oi y kha. Il LANGUAGE BUILDING 1. Cum tir chily do 2. Céc cu tré Iai gidn tiép/ chi ly do - Due to a scheduling conflict - We're looking into that. ~ Because of the bad weather - We're investigating it ~ Because | got stuck in traffic - We're still deciding, - The budget's not big enough - It's under review. ~To discuss A - | had a meeting with a client. - For some renovations - | was out on holiday. ~ So (that) they can meet the deadline - He was on vacation, -He left early. ~ He's out of the office. TOP 1 TRUNG TAM CO NHIEU HOC VIEN SG HOU CHUNG CHI QUOC TENHAT VIET NAM - 2028 Zenlish Ill, TEST TACTIC 1 are the 2 2 was the schedule 2 A,THeY nun sons oe A, Because Mr, Wang wun ses wm then B.No, B an appointment c anewcomputerla | C.Sorry, | 3 the printer working? 4, Why did you last Allt's night? B here A c work B.We snes nes C.Unti TOP 1 RUNG TAM CO NHIEU HOC VIEN SG HOU CHUNG CHI QUGC TE NHAT VIET NAM - 2028 Zenlish C-CAU HOI HOW |. EXAMIMATION 1. How often do employees at your company have performance reviews? A.We have them twice a year B. My manager's Ms. Aweel ~ Cu hdi: Nghe hiéu tu dé héi va tu khéa di k@m dé xdc dinh muc dich alia cau héi: - Dap Gn: Cau trd di tryc tip vé tén sudt 2. How long did you work for your previous employer? A. For seven years B. Yes. | liked my employer ~ Cu hdi: Nghe hiéu ty dé héi va ty khéa di k@m dé xdc dinh muc dich aia cau héi, - Dap dn: Cau tré Idi truc tiép vé khodng thai gian 3. How many people are coming to the reception tonight? A. There could be several hundred B.| don’t have time tonight ~ Cau héi: Nghe higu tir dé héi va tir khéa di kam dé xdc dinh muc dich aia cau héi, ~ Dap dn: Cau tréldi truc tiép vé $6 lung. 4, How will the new equipment be delivered to the factory A.lti "Il come by truck B. On this delivery form ~ Cau hei: Nghe hiéu cfu hoi dé biét le dong tu di km dé xde dinh myc dich cu hdl. ~ Dp Gn: Cau tra di tryc tiép vé edich thc 5. How do you like your new computer? A. It's much faster than the old one B. It's along way to travel ~ Cu hdi: Nghe higu ou héi déie biét la dong tl di kém dé xdc dinh muc dich cau hoi. - Dap an: Céu tré Idi din té cdm nan TOP 1 RUNG TAM CO NHIEU HOC VIEN SG HOU CHUNG CHI QUGC TE NHAT VIET NAM - 2028 Zenlish CHOT LAI CACH NHAN DIEN DAP AN DUNG CUA CAU HOI HOW 1. Trong edu hdi: Nghe hidu ki cau héi dac biét la phdn tl dé hdi va tdi kem hoa dng tichinh cla cfu dé xdc dinh muc dich cau héi. = Cau héi théng tin: How many, How much, How long, How often, = Céu héi cam nhéin: How do you think..?, How do you feel..?, - Cau ggi y: How about + Ving. 2. Trong dap an dung: - Cau héi théng tin: Dap dn td I6i truc tip hode gidn tiép = Cau héi cdich thie: Dap dn c6 sti dung déng tu hode danh tlr dé chi phuong +tién, cach thie = Cau hdi cdm nh4in: Dap dn c6 sti dung tinh tt chi cdm xtc hode tinh tu ms ta ve suivat, hién tugng Il. LANGUGAGE BUILDING - How many — around twenty / a few - How will we get to A from B? - We'll take - How much - twenty euros each a tax - 2- How often —a few timesa day How can we improve A? ~ By advertising online, - How long ~ a few more days ~ How did you like A? ~ | had a great time. ~ How soon — in about an hour ~- How is A going? — I'm almost finished with - How far - about a mile Ct i TOP 1 TRUNG TAM CO NHIEU HOC VIEN SG HOU CHUNG CHI QUOC TENHAT VIET NAM - 2028 Ill. TEST TACTIC. 1 2 2 was the new computer? A A B. With the B. dollars, C. Itwas C. No, itis 3 is the wait at the 4, How do you your new ticket booth? assistant? A. For A with the project. B. ADOUt sss sun B. | want tou. sone 5 well c the sales, cl alot. D-MINITEST E- ACTUAL TEST 1 6 1 6 2 2 7 2 7 22 3 8 B 18 23 4 9 a7 9 24 5 10 5 20 25 TOP 1 TRUNG TAM CO NHIEU HOC VIEN SG HOU CHUNG CHI QUOC TENHAT VIET NAM - 2028 Zenlish LESSON 5: CAU HOI NGHI VAN YES/NO 1- EXAMINATION 1.IsMs, Romano coming to the reception tonight? A.I'm not sure B was free yesterday ~ Trong cGu hét: Nghe higu cdu héi dua vaio tro dong ty, cha ngt va dong turd km - Trong dap dn: Dung cym tir dién ta khéng che, khong 16. 2. Don't you have to catch a train soon? A. cancelled my trip. B Sony, | don't have any - Trong cfu héi: Nghe hiéu cu héi dua veo tro dong tu, cht ngtt va dong tii kem ~ Tong dép én: Tra lai gién tiép 3, Michoel. Is this your coat? A. Because it’s cold outside. B.No, mine's brown - Trong cfu héi: Nghe hiéu cu héi dua veo tro dong tu, cht ngtt va dong tii kem ~ Trong dép dn: Dung "No" + vé xée thyc 4, Do you have this shirt in a different size? A. Yes, we also have it in medium B, Sure, she can go ~ Trong cau hét: Nghe higu cdu héi dua vao tro déng tu, chi ngtf va déng ti di kém ~ Trong dap én: Dung "Yes" + vé xée thye 5, Can you take notes at tomorrows meeting? A Ididn't notice B.I'llbe happy to ~ Trong céu hét: Nghe hiéu cau héi dye veo 11g dong ty, chi ngtt va dong ttrdi kém xde inh muc dich cu héi - Trong dap én: Tra bi déngy cho cau gol y TOP 1 RUNG TAM CO NHIEU HOC VIEN SG HOU CHUNG CHI QUGC TE NHAT VIET NAM - 2028 Zenlish CHOT LAI CACH NHAN DIEN DAP AN DUNG CUA CAU HOI NGHI VAN YES/NO 1. Trong c@u héi: Nghe hiéu cau hoi dua vaio tro dong tu, chi ng va dong tu di kém xd dinh muc dich ou héi. - Cau héi bat dau bang tro déng tt tobe: hdi vé vi tri, trang thai hay dac diém ctia chil ngtt - Cau héi bat dau bang tro déng tis do/does/did: hoi théi quen/ nghé nghiép hodc hanh déng aia chi ngtr, - Cau héi bat dau bang tro déng ty will/ would/ can/ could/ should: hoi vé dur dinh hode dién ta su nhé vd, yeu odu, dé nghi - Cau hdi c6 edu tic Have/ has + S + PIl..?: hoi xem ch ngt da hoan tat anh dong hode ting 6 trai nghiém nao dé chua. - Céu héi gidn tigp: sau déng ty ctia cau héi di kém tu dé héi théng tin 2. Trong dap an ding: - Cau nghi van: Tra Idi xdc nhdn truc tiép vao théng tin chinh trén cau héi, 66 thé 6 thém vé mé rang - Cau dé nghi, gol y, moi: Cau tre Idi din ta su déng y hode tis chéi - Cau hdi gidn tiép: Cau tra Iéi tryc tiép, gidn tiép hodic ly do khéng biét thong tin. Il, LANGUAGE BUILDING - Do you want/ need to do A? ~ Yes, that'd be great. = Do you want me to do A? - Yes, I'd appreciate that. -Do you have A? - How many do you need? ~ Did you buy/ get A? - Yes, last week. ~ Have you finished A? -| did that this morning. -Have you seen A yet? — No, 'm going to see it tomorrow. - Are you available for A? - Yes, I'd be happy to. Is there Ain the store? - You can follow me, ~ Sure./Okay. Al right./I think so/ Not yet. Not really. Unfortunately. TOP 1 RUNG TAM CO NHIEU HOC VIEN SG HOU CHUNG CHI QUGC TE NHAT VIET NAM - 2028 Ill. TEST TACTIC 1 to join me for 2 the research breakfast? presentation? A last year A.No, BNO, wees ne BI nee see agift C. Sorry, but C.Can! , please 3 oneof | 4. to our desserts? design our Web site? co .. to make it BWEE ver nn proposals B.No, but . B.No, . CA C. At IV. MINITEST 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 V. ACTUAL TEST 1 6 v 6 a 2 7 2 v7 22 3 8 B 8 23 4 9 % 9 24 5 10 6 20 25 TOP 1 RUNG TAM CO NHIEU HOC VIEN SG HOU CHUNG CHI QUGC TE NHAT VIET NAM - 2028 Zenlish LESSON 6: CAU HO! DUOI, TRAN THUAT A- CAU HOI DUOI - TAG QUESTION - EXAMINATION 1. ll be sharing this office, won't |? A. | think Sue's the committee chair B. Yes, your desk is by the window ~ Trong cau hdl: Nghe hiéu cau héi chu y cha ng va dong tt trong céu. - Trong ddip dn: Tré loi xde nhn e6 hoge khéng va vé mé réng 2. You're going to accept the supervisory Position, aren't you? A.I'm seriously considering B. The department head. ~ Trong edu hétt Nghe higu cau héi chu y cht ng va déng tis trong cau. ~ Trong dap dn: Cum tiraign t6 dang suy ngti, dang c4n nhc, chua chéic chén,. 3. Tomorrowis the deadline for this project, isn'tit? A. Yes, Mr. Doyle wants it done by noon. B. The line's over there. ~ Trong cau hdl: Nghe hiéu cau héi chu y cha ng va dong ts trong cdu. - Trong ddip dn: Tré loi xde nhn e6 hoge khéng va vé mé réng 4, Youread the final report, didn’t you? A. |just glanced at it B. | have to report to work on Monday. ~ Trong céu hél: Nghe higu ou hdi chy cha ngit va déng tt trong cau. ~ Tiong dap én: Cum tt dién t& hanh dong TOP 1 RUNG TAM CO NHIEU HOC VIEN SG HOU CHUNG CHI QUGC TE NHAT VIET NAM - 2028 Zenlish CHOT LAI CACH NHAN DIEN DAP AN DUNG CAU HO! DUOI - TAG QUESTION 1. Trong edu héi: Nghe hiéu phén déu edu héi chi y chi ngti va déng tlrtrong cau - Cau héi dudiduge str dung khi muén tim kiém sis déng tinh olla ngudi nghe hodc muén kiém tra xem thong tin ma minh biét c6 ding hay khéng, = Trong cau héi néu ph4n ddu (hinh thuc cau trén thudt) 6 dang khdng dinh thi phn dubi 6 dang phi dinh va nguoc lai 2. Trong dap an dung: - Cau td Idi khéng phy thudc véo hinh thie khdng dinh hay phi dinh ctia cde phén trong cau héi. Néu néi dung odu tra [oi nang tinh khding dinh thi dap an 06 tu Yes, néu ndi dung mang tinh phi dinh thi dap dn 6 tts No, - Cau td Idi dling c6 thé ld tré Idi xde nh4in 6 hodc khéng va vé mé réng hoa dua ra ly do, cau tra Idi gidn tiép. - Luuy: Dap dn saiicé thé bét ddu bang ti Yes/ No va théng tin di kem khong hop logic vai cau héi. Il LANGUAGE BUILDING ~The bank opens at 9, doesn't it? — I'm sure it does. ~Timis leading the training, right? - Yes, that’s what | heard, -| can leave my bag here, can't I? ~ Of course you can, ~ You finished the report, didn't you? — No, I'l do it tonight. - You've sent the invoice, haven't you? — No, not yet. / No, John did. = Ms, Shin is in the office, isn’t she? ~ No, she’s on vacation ~ This & the last interview, isn't it? - No, there's one more. ~ There are folders in the supply room, right? — No, | used the last one. TOP 1 TRUNG TAM CO NHIEU HOC VIEN SG HOU CHUNG CHI QUOC TENHAT VIET NAM - 2028 Zenlish Ill - TEST TACTIC 1. You've... mmm before, | 2. Mr, Chang wil. haven't you? won't he? AYES, BYES ene sen en nee thIS YOOF B.In the B.No, | got it C.NO, cee CIM ee se SOON 3, Sonia 4, my security doesn't she? badge, do |? AYes, there A. The guard B.The fil en B_No, the 0n€ YOU HOVE vers sevens se perfectly c each TOP 1 RUNG TAM CO NHIEU HOC VIEN SG HOU CHUNG CHI QUGC TE NHAT VIET NAM - 2028 Zenlish B. CAU TRAN THUAT 1- EXAMINATION 1. They won't bill us for their consulting service. A. Yes, | saw their advertisement B.| have change for a 10 dollar bill ~ Trong céu héi: Dua vao 4 tir déu tién, dé phan dodn y nghia ngém hiéu la théng béo 1 ni jung méi. = Trong dép din: Xde nhéin theo nghia ngém hiéu do, 2.| thought the workshop was very useful. A. It's new, not used B. Yes. learned alot = Trong cau hét: Dua vaio 4 tu déu tién, dé phdn dodn y nghia ngém hiéu la tim kigm sy tan déng ~ Trong ddip dn: Xac nhén theo nghia ngém hiéu do, 3. Let's buy our tickets now in case the show sells out. A. That's probably a good idea B. Yes, everything was half off = Trong cau hdl: Dya veo 4 tu déu tién, dé phan dodn y nghia ngdm hiéu 1d eau gol y ~ Trong dap dn: Béngy véi agiy 4,1 can't make it to the party tonight. ‘A.Do you have other plans? B. She will come, too ~ Trong céu héi: Dua vao 4 tl déu tién, dé phan dodn y nghia ngém hiéu la théng bdo 1 néi dung méi - Trong dép dn; Héi thém thang tin TOP 1 RUNG TAM CO NHIEU HOC VIEN SG HOU CHUNG CHI QUGC TE NHAT VIET NAM - 2028 Zenlish CHOT LAI CACH NHAN DIEN DAP AN DUNG DANG CAU TRAN THUAT 1. Trong cau héi: Nghe hiéu phéin déu edu héi chi y chi ngtiva déng tlrtrong cu, cha y ngit diéu dé xce dinh muc dich ctia cu: thong bdo théng tin méi, on tim su déng thudn hay dua ray kién cd nha... 2. Trong dap an dung: ~ Khi cu déi thoai la cu trén thudt thi loi dap 06 thé la cau trén thudt, cau eam than, cau héi, - Cau théng bée théng tin: Cau tra Idi dién ta syrngac nhién hod hdi lai dé xae nan théng tin - Cau ndi vé em nhén, y kién ed nh: Cau tra Ibi dua ra su déng tinh hoac y kién khae - Cau dé nghi gitp dé hode I6i khuyén: Cau tra Idi cho biét sé lam theo Ibi khuyén. hode cdm on Il, LANGUAGE BUILDING -| can't open the file. - Sorry, I'll try sending it again ~ The copier is broken. - Call the technician. = I'm afraid | won't join you. - I'm sorry to hear that. = I'm having trouble doing A. - | can help you with that. - We're out of fiyers. - There's a printerin my office. ~We need to buy a new blender. - That's a good idea. = We should call off the meeting, ~ | agree with you. - We're going out for dinner tonight. - That sounds nice. ~The deadline is on Monday. - Where did you hear that? - Our online business is growing faster this year. ~ It really is. = Our sales are low, - I'll look at the results again. TOP 1 TRUNG TAM CO NHIEU HOC VIEN SG HOU CHUNG CHI QUOC TENHAT VIET NAM - 2028 Ml — TEST TACTIC 1 in my office is. 2, before tomorrow's training session. A another one A look it over BIS Qassim B. sense ene HANSMISSION C. There's atthetable | C at the station 3.1 thought the wea een 4. anos nnmennen t0 the supply Closetis A That BYES. enue ASome c. not used BM C.lcan. ‘C- MINI TEST 1 2 3] 4 5s | 6 7 8 9 | 1 D- ACTUAL TEST 1 6 N % a 2 7 R v 2 3 8 B 18 23 4 9 % ” 2% 5 10 15 20 25 TOP 1 RUNG TAM CO NHIEU HOC VIEN SG HOU CHUNG CHI QUGC TE NHAT VIET NAM - 2028 Zenlish LESSON 7 - MIDDLE TEST LISTENING TEST In the Listening test, you will be asked to demonstrate how well you understand spoken English. The entire Listening test will last approximately 45 minutes. There are four parts, and directions are given for each part. You must mark your answers on the separate answer sheet, Do not write your answers in your test book. PART 1 Directions: For each question in this part, you will hear four statements about a picture in your test book. When you hear the statements, you must select the one statement that best describes what you see in the picture. Then find the number of the question on your answer sheet and mark your answer. The statements will not be printed in your test book and will be spoken only one time, Statement (C), "They're sitting ata table,” isthe best description of the picture, so you should select answer (C) and mark iton your answer sheet. TOP 1 TRUNG TAM CO NHIEU HOC VIEN SG HOU CHUNG CHI QUOC TE NHAT VIET NAM - 2028 Zenlish TOP 1 TRUNG TAM CO NHIEU HOC VIEN SG HOU CHUNG CHI QUOC TENHAT VIET NAM - 2028 Zenlish TOP 1 TRUNG TAM CO NHIEU HOC VIEN SG HOU CHUNG CHI QUOC TENHAT VIET NAM - 2028 TOP 1 TRUNG TAM CO NHIEU HOC VIEN SG HOU CHUNG CHI QUOC TE NHAT VIET NAM - 2028 Zenlish PART 2 Directions: You will hear a question or statement and three responses spoken in English. They will not be printed in your test book and wil be spoken only one time. Select the best response to the question ‘or statement and mark the letter (A), (B), or (C) on your answer sheet. 10. 1. 3 13. 14, 15. 16. 17. 18. 18, Mark your answer on your answer sheet Mark your answer on your answer sheet. Mark your answer on your answer sheet. Mark your answer on your answer sheet. Mark your answar on your answer sheet, Meck your answer on your answer sheet Mack your answer on your answer sheet. Mark your answer on your answer sheet, Mark your answer on your answer sheet Mark your answer on your answer sheet Mark your answer on your answer sheet Mark your answer on your answer sheet Mark your answer on your answer sheet. 20, Mark youranswer on your answer sheet 21, Mark your answer on your answer sheet. 22, Mark your answer on your answer sheet. 23, Mark your answer on your answer sheet. 24, ‘Mark your answer on your answer sheet. 25. Mark youranswer on your answer sheet 26. Mark your answer on your answer sheet 27. Mark your answer on your answer sheet 28. Mark your answer on your answer sheet. 28. Mark your answer on your answer sheet. 30. Mark your answer on your answer sheet 31. Mark your answer on your answer sheet. TOP 1 TRUNG TAM CO NHIEU HOC VIEN SG HOU CHUNG CHI QUOC TE NHAT VIET NAM - 2028 Zenlish GIGI THIEU PART 3 & PART 4 A.PART3 S6 cu héi 39 cau hdi (tty cau hdi 32 dén cau hdi 70) Dang edu héi Nghe dogn déi thoai gitia 2 hode 3 nguéi va chon dép én ding cho cde cau héi (Nghe 13 dogn déi thogi, méi doan déi thogi co 3 cu hdi, cdc dap dn aia mBi chu hdl duge in sdn trén dé thi) Muc dich eta edu héi Xée dinh chi dé hotic cde théng tin chi tiét duge dé cap trong dogn déi thoai Noi dung céuhéi Yeu odu cho biét chi dé hoe myc dich cla dogn déi thogi, théng tin vé cdc nhdn vat, ven dé va cach gidi quyét, thong tin vé dia diém, thoi gian, cde dé nghi clia nhGn vat, nhing su viée sé xdy 10, Loi khuyén. Doc truée nhanh ede cau hdi dude in sn trén dé thi, sau dé via nghe dogn déi thogi via tim théng tin phi hgp Muc tiéu 25/39 cau Vi du minh hoa: 32. Why is the woman calling? 32-34 ‘A To make an appointment M-Cn: Thanks for calling Riverside Auto Repair B.To renta car How can Ihelp you? C. To ask about a fee W-Br: Hi.| got my car repaired last week and D.To apply for a position Used your shuttle service to get a ride back to 33. According to the man, what has recently | my office, Can you tell mewhy there's a service changed? charge on my invoice for using the shuttle? I've A. Office hours B, Job requirements C.A computer system D. A company policy A.Waive a fee CC. Sign a contract D. Repair a vehicle 34, What does the man agree to do? B, Reschedule a meeting never had to pay that before. M-Cn: Yes, unfortunately the cost of auto fuel has risen quite a bit, so the company now requires us to charge for the shuttle. W-Br: Well, | wasn't expecting that. M-Cn:1im sorry we didn't inform you of this head of time. Ill waive the fee now, but please be aware that you have to pay for rides in the future, TOP 1 TRUNG TAM CO NHIEU HOC VIEN SG HOU CHUNG CHI QUOC TE NHAT VIET NAM - 2028 Zenlish B. PART 4 S6 cu héi 30 cu hdi (tUrcdu hdi71 dén cau hdi 100) Dang céu hét Nghe bai néi va chon ddp dn dling cho ode céu hdl (Nghe 10 bai 1N6i, MAI bai Ndi C6 3 cu héil, cde dép Gn dugc in sn trong dé thi) Muc dich alia edu héi | Xde dinh chi dé, myc dich hod ede théng tin chi tiét duge dé cp trong dogn déi thoal Cac dang béinéi | Bai ndi 6 Part 4 thuéng ab dang Idi chi dn, théng bdo, tin nhén qua dién thoai, bén tin trén s6ng phat thanh (ban tin du bdo thet tiét, ban tin giao théng, bén tin vé cdc chuong trinh khéc,.J, bat dién thuyét, bai phat biéu tal héi nghi, Idi gidi thiéu vé nhan vat, hudng dén cba huéng dn vién du lich, Lei khuyén| Ghi nhd ede tu vung thuéng xuét hién trong tung dang bai néi, ném ving trinh ty ede phén trong bai néi mau Muc tiéu 15/30 cou Vi du minh hoa: 71. What type of business is being n-7 advertised? W-Am: Attention alllsteners! Polmer's Gym now A. Aformers market has several locations in your areo. We have B.Afitnesscenter everything you need to keep fit, ncludin C.Amedical clinic naning y ia 9 exercise classes and fitness instructors ready to D.Asporting goods store y 72. What will the listeners be able to do. starting in April? help you! But that's not all. Starting in April, your membership gives you access to any of our ‘A.Use multiple locations B.Try freesamples C.Meet with a nuttitionist D.Enter a contest 73. Why does the speaker invite the listeners to visit a Web site? A.Towrite a review B, To register for a class C.Tochecka policy D.Tolookata map locations across the country. So if youre traveling for business or just on vacation, you won't have to skip your workout routine! Visit our Website to see a map of all the Palmer's Gym locations across the nation! TOP 1 TRUNG TAM CO NHIEU HOC VIEN SG HOU CHUNG CHI QUOC TE NHAT VIET NAM - 2028 Zenlish LESSON 8 - CAU HOI BOI CANH (Al, 6 DAU, NOI VE DIEU Gi PART3 |. Chi dé Van phéng 1 1. What is the woman confused about? A. The details of an assignment B. Areimbursement process C. The terms of a contract D. A travel itinerary Tom tét: (Who- Where- Problem/Topic) 1 W-Br: Antonio, were you at yesterday's all-staff meeting? It was during, uh, | was on the phone with an (1) nnnennne NO COUIAN't make it. M-Cri Mhm. You got a copy of the (2) 2 W-Br: Yeah, but the part about how to get (3) wm for travel expenses was really (4) evn une DO yOu know if there's more documentation on that? M-Cn: Oh, you printed out the minutes? If you look at them electronically, youll see there's a, there's a link to our internal Web site where you can find more details on (5) 2 1, What are the speakers mainly discussing? ‘A. Acomputer malfunction B.A company policy C.A financial report D. Arecent holiday ‘Tom tét: (Who- Where- Problem/Topic} 2 M-Crr Hi Thuli, what did you think about the (1) vn ow. they announced at the staff meeting? W-Br:| wasn't really surprised. | think a lot of companies ask employees not to use (2) wove at Work, M-cr Yes, but I'm sure everyone has to send personal e-mails during (3) occasionally. What if I need to contact my bank? 'W-Br: Oh, something like that shouldn't be a problem. The company is just concemed because there have beeN (4) cennnnnnenennen DOU some employees spending too much time on (5) TOP 1 TRUNG TAM CO NHIEU HOC VIEN SG HOU CHUNG CHI QUOC TE NHAT VIET NAM - 2028 Zenlish Il. Cha dé Sykién 3 1. Whatt does the woman say about the man's job performance? ‘A He is respected by his colleagues. B, He always meets his deadlines. C. He has good ideas for new projects. D. He has increased company profits. Tém tét: (Who- Where-Problem/Topic) 3 W-Am:To sum up, Jamal, you've had another very good year here with us. You're a (1) soi mannmnnne Of the team, which is why you consistently receive (2)... . _» from other staff members. M-Cn:I\ve certainly enjoyed the opportunities that I've had while working here. W-Am: Which Is great to hear, because we'd lke you to take on more(3) We're opening an office in Denver in a few months, and weld like you to (4) . . M-Cn: Wow, that's exciting! But, can | have some time to consider it? W-Am: Of course, Why don't We (5) sense next week to discuss your decision? 4 1. What type of event are the speakers discussing? ‘A. Ashareholders' meeting B. A press conference C. Ajob fair D. A product demonstration 2. What problem did the woman experience with one of the restaurants? A. An unhelpful staff member B.A poorly cooked meal C. Abilling error D. A delivery delay Tom tat: (Who- Where- Problem/Topic) 4 W-Am:Hi, Haruto, have you picked the caterer for the (2) ? We want everything to go smoothly. M-Cn:| haven't decided yet, but ve got quotes from a few local caterers, Our budget's pretty tight so I'm leaning toward Star Restaurant. They have the least expensive lunch service. W-Am: You know... Ve HAM (2) summa With Star Restaurant. | hired them to cater a meal for a management meeting last month, and they (3) . sin thE F000 (4) ssn nersnonnns een Ijust don't want a (5) like that to happen during this meeting. You can spend a little more money if you need to, M-Cn: Oh, 'm so glad you told me. Then let's go with Golden Eagle, TOP 1 TRUNG TAM CO NHIEU HOC VIEN SG HOU CHUNG CHI QUOC TE NHAT VIET NAM - 2028 Zenlish 5 1. According to the woman, what is taking place next week? A. Acareer fair B. Aretirement celebration C. Apromotional event D. An anniversary party Tom tat: (Who- Where- Problem/Topic) 5 W-Am: Hi Richard, | just saw the (1) for Satoshi Kato’s (2) next week. M-Au: Yeah, the restaurant said they'd deliver the food around 11:45, That should give us plenty of time to (3) 7 ~ W-Am: That's great, but um, have you ever met Mr. Kato? M-Au: Oh, right! Of course. How could Iforget that Mr. Kato doesn't eat meat? I'l call the restaurant later today to (4)... vv, But I really have to finish this seating chart first. W-Am:| can call the (5) youcan finish up here. for you, so M-Au: That'd be great, thank you so much! TOP 1 RUNG TAM CO NHIEU HOC VIEN SG HOU CHUNG CHI QUGC TE NHAT VIET NAM - 2028 Zenlish B. PART 4: Tin nhén thoi (Telephone message) 1 1, Where do the speaker most likely work? ‘A. Customer Service Department B. Shipping agency C. Car rental D. Landscaping company Tom tét: (Who- Where- Problem/Topic) 1 W-Am: You have reached customer service at (1 neni nmnnenene Fader in (2) We're happy to announce that starting June first, we'll begin offering (3) to Brazil, Note that if you are planning to (4) to ony location overseas, you must provide proof of ownership. Your call may be recorded, and the recording COULD be USEC FOF (5) venneinen or training purposes. Thank you for calling Ocean Shipping, 2 1.Why is the speaker calling? ‘A. To schedule a meeting B, To ask for an e-mail address C. To provide an invoice number D. To review employee training plans ‘Tom tét: (Who- Where- Problem/Topic} 2 W-Am:Hi, Ms. Lee. 'm calling to give you some information about the (1) . since today is ‘Angelos last day in the office. As you suggested, Mariko will be (2) . his job responsibilities. | had ASKED ANGEIO 10 (3) sens nn 10 create involces, but there's a team meeting this afternoon. So | decided to meet with her tomorow and review the (4) ..w.ummnnnne with her myself, Let me know if you or the other (5) have any questions. Bye, TOP 1 TRUNG TAM CO NHIEU HOC VIEN SG HOU CHUNG CHI QUOC TE NHAT VIET NAM - 2028 Zenlish 3 1. What is the speaker plan A.A fund-raising party B.A welcome reception C. An award ceremony D. An annual picnic Tom tét: (Who- Where- Problem/Topic) 3 W-Am: Hi Pedro, this is Margaret. Thanks again for helping me (1) vw to (2) Professor Eclmunson to our university. | know we decided to (3) .. a private dining room at the Willow Lane Restaurant so we can all meet our new colleague. But, now we have a (4) Thirty-five people have accepted the invitation! | wasn't expecting so many. It's probably not too late to book a different place, but we have to hurry. Would you have time to call some other (5) this morning to see what space they have available? Then we can decide what to do. 4 1, What does the speaker want to talk about? ‘A. Working on a different project B, Modifying an agenda C. Moving to a new office space D. Arranging a client visit Tom tat: (Who- Where- Problem/Topic) 4 M-Au: Hi, Alan, it's Clarence. I'd like to talk to you about (1)... ournew. @).. on the second floor. know youre used to the (3) where you work now, but youare right next to the break room. It's much quieter on the (4) ... Pus, the other software developers are already in the new space, and it'd be convenient to have our entire team close together. Please begin packing your (5) this week, and on Monday, I'll arrange for someone to come and set up your computer in the new location, TOP 1 TRUNG TAM CO NHIEU HOC VIEN SG HOU CHUNG CHI QUOC TE NHAT VIET NAM - 2028 Zenlish LESSON 9 - CAU HOI HANH BONG ‘A. PART 3 1. CHU DE NHAN SU 1 1, What is the woman preparing for? A, Atraining session B. Ajob interview C. A safety inspection D. A product review 2. What will the man most likelydo next? ‘A. Postpone a meeting B. Follow up on a request C. Check a piece of equipment D. Review a policy 1 M-Cn: Hi, Nadia, Our department manager mentioned youre (1) W-Am: Yeah, | still have a lot to do, and (2) starts Monday. Ive been so busy updating the (3) ume. . vu, | haven't had time to do anything else. M-Cn: Well... | finished my project early What do. you need? 1, What will the man do on Monday? A. Attend a seminar 8, Graduate from school C. Start a new position D. Receive an award 2. Why does the man say hes busy? A. He is moving into a different office. B, He is meeting with some clients. C. He has an upcoming business trip. D. He has a project deadline. 3. What does the woman offer to do? A. Review an expense report B, Arrange a company celebration C. Introduce the man to a colleague D. Provide the man with supplies Tom tét: Tom tat: W-Am: Thank you so much. Could you (4) the Security Office about the badges for the new employees? | sent them (5) last week, but | haven't heard back yet. M-Cn: No problem, I'l take care of that right away. 2 2 W-Br. Pablo, | heard about your promotion. That's great news! When do you (1) M-Cn: Thanks very much; | start on Monday. Things are (2) atthe moment, though, because my new office is on a different floor, and | (3). all my personal belongings there. W-Br:| just took inventory of the (4) - , 80 ifyou need anything to help you pack, let me know. M-Crx That would actually be very helpful. | can't believe how many things I've accumulated cover the years! Do you think | can get some (5) som aNd tape? TOP 1 TRUNG TAM CO NHIEU HOC VIEN SG HOU CHUNG CHI QUOC TE NHAT VIET NAM - 2028 Zenlish Il CHU DE MUA HANG 3 1, What will the woman most likely do next? A. Replace an item B, Take a photograph C. Read a manual D. Show some slides Tom tat: 3 W-Am: Welcome to Woodford Electronics! How may |help you? M-Au: Well, | (1) this digital camera yesterday from your store - but when | try to preview the photos I've taken, an (2)... displays on the screen. W-Am: Really? Let me take a look, | have a chart here of alll the codes, perhapsit'll tell us what's going on.... ah, see. According to the chart, the camera doesn't have enough battery power to preview the photos. M-Au: Oh. Do | need to buy a (3) 2 W-Am: Well, let me give you (4)... for free, since you just bought the camera from Us (8) 4 1, What does the man say he will do? A. Transfer ai call B. Issue a refund C. Provide a warranty D. Visit a business Tom tat: 4 M-Au: Hi, Ms. Chen. I'm calling from Industry Ovens Incorporated. I (nn soy But the oven you had ordered was accidentally left off of this morning's delivery schedule. We caught the oversight after the trucks had (2) ...on their routes, W-Am: n This isnot xt good news. Two days from now, on Friday, my bakery’s going to be visited bya().. . must be installed i in time, so that the bakery can pass inspection. M-Au: Hmmm... That doesn't leave us with much time. Please give me a second - 'm going to (4) none YOu with my (5) I'm sure shelll be able to help you meet your deadline, The new oven TOP 1 TRUNG TAM CO NHIEU HOC VIEN SG HOU CHUNG CHI QUOC TE NHAT VIET NAM - 2028 Zenlish 5 1, What does the man ask the woman to do? A, Place an order B, Recommend a product C. Explain a feature D. Reduce a price 2, What does the man say he will do with a video camera? A. Document his travels B. Useit for a class C. Record staff meetings D. Make a commercial ‘Tom tat 5 M-Ci Excuse me. Im looking for a (1) vovnnsmnnen HV Never bought one before, and Im wondering if you could (2) W-Br. Sure. Itilhelp, though, to know what your specific needs are and how much you'd like to spend. M-Crx Well, | plan to use it most when | go on vacation. | have a couple of trips coming up, and I'd like to (3) _u Ve never operated video equipment, though, s0 Id lke something that's basic. W-Br. In that case, I'd (4) the Sepler 83. | personally like this one the best because it's very easy t0 (5) nr this is your first video camera purchese, 1d probably get that one. .. Since B. PART 4— THONG BAO (ANNOUNCEMENT) 1 1. According to the speaker, what can some listeners do tomorrow? A.Go ona tour B, Attend an opening ceremony C. Participate in a focus group D. Win a prize 2. What are the listeners instructed to do? A Use an aitemate entrance B. Register in advance C. Complete a survey D. Meet at a designated location Tom tét: 1 W-Br: Good morning, everyone! We hope you've been enjoying the conference on (1). this week. Tomorrow, in addition to our workshops and presentations, youll have the option of leaving the convention center to (2) nnn mnnnen ONE OF the site visits we've arranged, There are two choices. You can (3) either a local high school or the public library's (4). . ._. These tours are free, and we expect them to be very popular. We have limited seats on the buses, so please make sure 1 .-at the desk by the entrance. TOP 1 TRUNG TAM CO NHIEU HOC VIEN SG HOU CHUNG CHI QUOC TE NHAT VIET NAM - 2028 Zenlish 2 1. According to the speaker, what will happen next week? A. Some new equipment will be installed. B. A corporate office will relocate C. New menu items will be available. D. Seasonal employees will begin work 2. What does the speaker warn listeners about? A Preparing orders carefully B, Wearing proper attire C. Recording hours accurately D. Taking inventory daily Tom tét: 2 M-Cn: Before we open the café today, | want to tell you about some (1)... ‘ sevonenansennvansea I just got word from corporate (2) that new coffee beverages will be on the menu starting next week. One of the (3) is called Winter Delight. Ive got some samples of it here for everyone to try. Now, a number of different syrup flavors, such as vanilla or hazelnut, can be added to this drink. So please be 4) when youre (5) customers’ orders. We want to make sure they get exactly what they want. 3 1. According to the speaker, why should listeners visit the customer service desk? A.To claima lost item B, To check extra baggage C. To request a special meal D. To volunteer for a later flight 2. According to the speaker, what is the reason for the change? A, Some workers are late. B.A door is broken. C. The weather is bad. D. Acomputer is malfunctioning, Tom tét: 3 M-Au: Attention, passengers of Flight B 1205 to Los Angeles: this fight is (1). lf you'te available to take (2) sae today, please come to the (3) seneteumne vnnnnnnninnnne ee right away and you'll receive a voucher for a free, round-trip, domestic flight. Additionally, we are now scheduled to board at Gate 24C. We apologize for the late notice, but (4) . to the Jet bridge is (5) , so were being moved to a different gate. Thank you for your patience, We'll begin boarding shortly. TOP 1 TRUNG TAM CO NHIEU HOC VIEN SG HOU CHUNG CHI QUOC TE NHAT VIET NAM - 2028 Zenlish % 1. Why hass the tour bus stopped? A.To let the passengers out for shopping B, To purchase fuel C. To allow the guide to point out a view D.To pay atoll 2, What will the tour group do next? A. Watch a documentary B, Take a group picture C. Board a boat D. Have lunch Tom tat: % M-Cn: OK, the tour bus (1). at this spot for a very special reason. The (2) from this side of the bridge is one of my favorites in the area. Across the river you can see the (3) of Fremont. Today, it's a town know forts delicious local cuisine, but Fremont used to be an important port town where many (4).. were traded, Merchants used to stop in Fremont to buy and sell their goods as they traveled along the river. Next we wil (5) at the Fremont Inn before continuing up the river, TOP 1 TRUNG TAM CO NHIEU HOC VIEN SG HOU CHUNG CHI QUOC TE NHAT VIET NAM - 2028 Zenlish LESSON 10 - THUC HANH CAC CHU DE KHO A. PART3. 1 1 1. What are the speakers discussing? W-Am: Excuse me, sit, but | think you're (1) A. Anarrival time 4A? B, Aseat assignment C. A ticket price M-Au: Let me take a look at my ticket. D.A Travel policy hmm, no, it seems I'm in the (2) evn 2, Whereis the conversation taking place? | -.ece.m.mmm My ticket says M4 A as well A. Ina parking garage B. Atacar rental agency W-Am: Well. this is (3) C. Onatrain ‘Are you sure D. Inabaggage claim area youre in the right car? 3. What does the man say he will do? ‘A. Show his identification card M-Au: Oh, pardon me! I'm 14-A in car six. I've (4) B. Gather his luggage . on the C. Ask for a refund (5) nsonnnmenee FOCK, $0 just give me a moment D. Speak with a supervisor to get my things together. Tom tat: (Who- Where- Problem/Topic- Plan) TOP 1 TRUNG TAM CO NHIEU HOC VIEN SG HOU CHUNG CHI QUOC TENHAT vir NAM-2028 (PT Zenlish 2 2 M-Cn: We're getting close to the airport, so wh we'd better stop to put gas in the car. The *nipor | rental company will (1) fe rk an (2) for fuel if they have to do it. W-Br: Good idea. We don't want to pay more —— than we have to, 1. What are the speakers concerned about? Finding a parking space Missing a flight Paying an additional charge Avoiding heavy traffic M-Cn: OK, should | take this exit then? W-Br, No, that’s G (3) on Keep going, we want (4) DOp> 2. Look at the graphic. Which exit does the 2 ‘woman tell the man to take’ M-Cn: Oh good, and | hope they also sell food, A. Exit 10 Then we can (5). B. Exit 11 for the plane while we're there. C. exit 12 D. Exit 13 3. What does the man say he hopes to do? ‘A. Buy some food B. Pick up a map C. Make a phone call D. Purchase souvenirs Tom tét: (Who- Where- Problem/Topic- Plan} TOP 1 TRUNG TAM CO NHIEU HOC VIEN SG HOU CHUNG CHI QUOC TENHAT viET NAM-2028 [P73 Zenlish 3 1. What most likely is the woman's job? A. Lab technician B. Receptionist C. Pharmacist D. Doctor What does the woman want to change? The quantity of items in an order The location of a seminar The time of an appointment . A payment schedule UOMPN What will the man do next? Update his calendar Submit his medical records Review an invoice . Prepare an agenda VOpPPs Tom tat; (Who- Where- Problem/Topic- Plan} 3 W-Br: Hi, Mr. Lin, I'm (i) ceveneeanee svmen Central Dentistry. You have (2) with Dr. Sumner on June eighth at two P.M. | was wondering if We'd be AbIe tO (3) cere YOUF appointment (4). M-Cn: Well, | have a sales call scheduled that morning, but | think three o'clock would be alll right. W-Br: Wonderful, we really appreciate it, Most of our staff will be attending a dental workshop earlier in the day, and they are concerned about getting back in time. M-Cn: No problem at alll, I'll mark down that. change in (5) right now. TOP 1 TRUNG TAM CO NHIEU HOC VIEN SG HOU CHUNG CHI QUOC TE NHAT VIET NAM - 2028 Zenlish 4 1, Where do the speakers work? A. Ata phone company At a retail store Ata hotel Ata theater 90” 2, What does the woman tell the man about? A. Anew restaurant B, A music performance C. A group discounts D. Amaintenance request 2. What will the man do after lunch? A. Listen to his phone messages B. Send a confirmation e-mail C. Return some tickets D, Go to the woman's office Tom tat; (Who- Where- Problem/Topic- Plan} 4 M-Cn: Jackie, some of (1) .. would like to see the symphony (2) tomorrow night. I've called the box office a couple of times to book tickets for them, but Iust get a recording, W-Am: Well, Ive got a brochure about another (3) happening tomorrow night at @ different venue. Why don't you ask our guests if they be interested in seeing that show instead? M-Cn: Great! Il (5) when | get back from lunch. il get the details then. TOP 1 RUNG TAM CO NHIEU HOC VIEN SG HOU CHUNG CHI QUGC TE NHAT VIET NAM - 2028 Zenlish 5 1, What type of business is the woman calling? A. Alliprary B, Acomputer store C. Afitness center D. Amagazine company 2. What does the man suggest? A. Replacing a membership card B, Calling back later C. Purchasing an online subscription D. Updating contact information 3. What does the woman ask about? A. discount B. Arefund policy C. Overnight delivery D. Hours of operation Tom tat; (Who- Where- Problem/Topic- Plan) 5 W-Br: Hello. I'm calling about my (1) seoneneninnnenne tO TW THVIG (2) sensnrneninnsnnnce | moved a few months ago, and | called to give you my new address at that time. But|'ve only received one issue since then. I'm wondering what the problem is. The name is Fernandez, M-Au: OX, let me check ... Oh yes, | see. Your subscription expired last month. Why don't YOU (3) snnne ovine our (4) nnnsnsnnn sonmenmnnn Of the magazine? We're running a promotional sale for 20 percent off digital subscriptions right now W-Br: Actually, | prefer to read the paper version. Can yOu provide (5) nnn for that? If you can, I renew right away. TOP 1 TRUNG TAM CO NHIEU HOC VIEN SG HOU CHUNG CHI QUOC TE NHAT VIET NAM - 2028 Zenlish B.PART4 1 1, What industry does Janet Colthrup work in? A. Event planning B. Accounting C. Tourism D. Interior design 2, What will Janet Colthrup discuss? A Tips for starting a business B, Strategies for intemational trade C. Modern home-decorating styles D. Effective speech-writing techniques 3. What does the speaker request that listeners do? ‘A. Take a handout before they leave B. Submit their questions in writing C. Move to the empty seats in the front D. Split into small discussion groups Tom tat: (Who- Where- Problem/Topic- Plan) 1 M- Cn: Thank you for attending tonight's Fredrickstown Business Seminar. I'm excited to introduce our first speaker, Ms. Janet Colthrup. She's the (1) of Colthrup (2) .» Her company specializes in International tax preparation and does business in more than twenty countries, Today shelll share some of the (3) she used when she (4) san vane Ten YeOrs agO, Working from her home. As we've done in previous sessions i you have questions for our speaker, please (5) sosonine ON the COTS provided on your seat. Seminar volunteers wil collect these questions throughout the session and then give them to the speaker directly. Without further delay, please help me welcome Janet Colthrup TOP 1 TRUNG TAM CO NHIEU HOC VIEN SG HOU CHUNG CHI QUOC TE NHAT VIET NAM - 2028 Zenlish 2 1, What event took place last weekend? A. An art exhibit B. An openingceremony C. An outdoor concert D. An awards dinner 2. Why is the city rai A. To build a park B, To improve roads C.To open a museum D. To create a monument 3, Why was the event rescheduled? A Ticket sales were low. B. A location was unavailable. C. A celebrity guest canceled. D. The weather was bad. Tom tat; (Who- Where- Problem/Topic- Plan} 2 W-Am: You're listening to News Around Town from WP Radio out of Riverdale. City officials have reported that last weekend's a) at Riverdale Outdoor Theater was a huge success. More than $15,000 was raised to fund the (2) - of (3) sm downtown. Even though the original event was (4)...... ~» due to (5) , attendance was higher than expected. The city still needs to raise another $30,000 before construction can begin on the new park. For more information or to make a donation, please visit the Parks Department Web site. TOP 1 TRUNG TAM CO NHIEU HOC VIEN SG HOU CHUNG CHI QUOC TE NHAT VIET NAM - 2028 Zenlish 3 1. What product does Castillo manufacture? A, Jewelry B. Clothing C. Art supplies D. Backpacks 2. Why does the speaker say, "Just look at the color selection in these samples’? A To introduce a new manufacturing technique B, To assign a task C. To express disappointment D. To support a decision 3, What will Hae-Rim do? A, Present financial information B. Share competitor data C. Analyze survey results D. Introduce advertising layouts Tom tat; (Who- Where- Problem/Topic- Plan} 3 M-Au: Today | want to focus our discussion on Castillo, 6 (1) conensene we will start selling in our stores next month, As you know, our stores attract mainly younger shoppers. In thinking about fashion trends we want to feature, the marketing department has found that customers aged twelve to. eighteen prefer styles that come in a lot of (2) We chose Castillo as a new (3) for this very reason. Just look at the color selection in these samples! Now, the finances of carrying Castilo's line. Hae-Rim will go over the (4) and (5) TOP 1 TRUNG TAM CO NHIEU HOC VIEN SG HOU CHUNG CHI QUOC TE NHAT VIET NAM - 2028 Zenlish 4 1. What type of business is Kendris? ‘A. Anew car dealership B. An auto parts manufacturer C. An electronics importer D. A local marketing firm 2. According to the speaker, what is spe ‘about a new product? A Its the least expensive on the market. B. Itis endorsed by a celebrity. C. Itcan be customized. D. It is made to last longer than others, 3. According to the speaker, what will take place in August? ‘A. An industry trade show B. Acompony merger C. A radio interview D. A sporting event Tom tat: (Who- Where- Problem/Topic- Plan) 4 W-Br: Good evening. Im Michelle Yoon for Radio 101.6. In today’s business news, well talk about innovation in the automobile industry. The Kendris Company, a local (1) vo OF (2) . ~ "has just invented a new type of brokesfor cars. These brakes ore made from a special lightweight material that cools down more quickly after use, which means these brakes will last (3) than ordinary brakes. Kendris, which was founded just three years ago, will demonstrate their new brakes at the Annual Innovation (4) in (5) .. before offering them for sale the following month. From Radio 1016, I'm Michelle Yoon. TOP 1 TRUNG TAM CO NHIEU HOC VIEN SG HOU CHUNG CHI QUOC TE NHAT VIET NAM - 2028 Zenlish LESSON 11 - PART 3: LUYEN DE |. ACTUAL TEST 1 PART 3 Directions: You will hear some conversations between two or more people. You will be asked to answer three questions about what the speakers say in each conversation. Select the best response to each question and mark the letter (A), (B), (C), or (D) on your answer sheet. The conversations will not be printed in your test book and will be spoken only one time. 32, Why is the woman calling? 38. What does the woman notify the man about? (A) To make an appointment (A) She is unable to meet a deadline. (8) To renta car (8) She needs a replacement laptop. (C) To ask about a fee (C) She cannot attend a business trp. (0) To apply for a position (©) She is planning to give a speech 33. According to the man, what has recently 39. According to the woman, what recently changed? . happened in her department? (A) Office hours Zenlistiedicvr (a) 1 corporate policy was updated (B) Job requirements (8) Asupply order was mishandled. {C) Acomputer system {C) Client contracts were renewed, {D) Acompany policy (D) New employees were hired. 34. What does the man agree to do? 40. What does the man say he will do next? (A) Waive a fee (A) Speak with a colleague (8) Reschedule a meeting (8) Conduct an interview (C) Sign a contract (C) Calculate a budget (©) Repair a vehicle (D) Draft a travel itinerary 35. What is the topic of the conversation? 41. What does the man want to do? (A) Health (A) Purchase an area map (8) Traffic (B) See an event schedule (C) Sports (C) Cancel a hotel reservation (0) Finance (0) Book a bus tour 36. What caused a problem? 42. What is the man asked to choose? (A) A staffing change (A) When to arrive (8) Arainstorm (B) What to visit (C) A typographical error (C) How to pay (©) Aroad closure (D) What to eat 37. What will the listeners hear next? 43. What does the woman suggest doing? (A) Acommercial (@) Asong (C) Aweather report (©) Areading from a book TOP 1 TRUNG TAM CO NHIEU HOC VIEN SG HOU CHUNG CHI QUOC TE NHAT VIET NAM - 2028 (A) Wearing a jacket (B) Using a credit card (C) Bringing a camera (0) Looking for a coupon Zenlish 44, What does the man offer to do? (A) Meet in the lobby (6) Contact a receptionist (C) Carry some files (D) Delay a meeting 45, According to the man, what happened last week? (A) An office door would not lock. (8) Asink was installed incorrectly (C) An elevator stopped working. {D) Adocument was lost. 46. Why does the woman say, "a piece of hardware had to be custom made"? (A) To justify a price (B) To explain a delay (C) To illustrate a product's age (0) To express regret for a purchase 47. What product are the speakers discussing? (A) Electronics (B) Office furniture {C) Calendars (0) Clothing 48, What does Donna suggest? (A) Hiring additional staff (6) Revising a budget (C) Posting some photos online (D) Reducing prices 49. What does the man propose? (A) Postponing a decision {B) Conducting a survey {C) Developing new products (0) Opening another location 50. 51. 52. Who most likely is the man? (A) Amanager (8) Aconsuitant {C) Aclient {D) Atrainee ‘What does the woman ask the man for? (A) Some feedback (B) Some assistance (C) Some references {D) Some dates What will the man receive? (A) Extra time off (8) A promotion (C) Bonus pay (0) An award Zenlishieducvn 54, TOP 1 TRUNG TAM CO NHIEU HOC VIEN SG HOU CHUNG CHI QUOC TE NHAT VIET NAM - 2028 ‘What type of product is being discussed? (A) Amusical instrument (B) Akitchen appliance (C) Apower tool (D) Atablet computer ‘Which product feature is the man most proud of? (A) The battery life (8) The color selection (C) The sound quality (0) The size Why does the man say, "my favorite singer is performing that night"? (A) To request a schedule change (8) To explain a late arrival (C) To deciine an invitation (0) To recommend a musician Zenlish 56. What type of event is being planned? (A) Atrade show (B) An awards ceremony (C) Afilm festival (D) Awedding Medical Lab Blood test 018 Allergy test | 019 Body Fat test | 020 Xray 57. What does the man ask about? (A) Accommodations (B) Entertainment (C) Meal options {D) Outdoor seating 58. What does the hotel offer for free? (A) Meals (6) Internet access (C) Transportation 662. What is the man having trouble with? (0) being (A) Conducting a test - -_— (B) Preparing a bill (C) Contacting a patient 59, What problem does the man mention? (©) Shipping an order (A) His cars out of fuel. (8) His phone battery is empty. (C) He is late for an appointment. manuse? (0) He forgot his wallet. (a) 018 Zenlisheduvn (8) 019 60, Whore are the speakers? (C) 020 (A) Ata train station (©) 021 (B) At an electronics repair shoy &) Nan tons ep shop $i do tim wren ami gp (D) Ata coffee shop ‘soon? (A) Some patients willbe transferred to 641. What does the woman suggest the man do? ‘another doctor. (A) Check a Web site (8) Some employees will join a medical B) Call a taxi practice. ©) Sahai 1c) ae ee arena waco 63. Look at the graphic. Which code should the {0) Goto the brary (0) Adoctor will begin a medical procedure. TOP 1 TRUNG TAM CO NHIEU HOC VIEN SG HOU CHUNG CHI QUOC TE NHAT VIET NAM - 2028 Zenlish Sie Large Maia! 1003 Catton Carelnstuctons: Wash in Warm Water Ott Madein India 165. What does the woman say they will need to do? (A) Rent storage space (&) Increase production (©) Organize a fashion show (0) Update some equipment 66. What does the man suggest?” (A) Conferring with a client (8) Contacting another department (C) Photographing some designs (O) Changing suppliers 67. Look at the graphic. Which section of the label will the man need to revise? (A) The logo (8) The material (C) The care instructions {D) The country of origin TOP 1 TRUNG TAM CO NHIEU HOC VIEN SG HOU CHUNG CHI QUOC TE NHAT VIET NAM - 2028 Tinley Avenue Building 1 Building 2 ‘zenlishieduuvn | Parking Area |“ Building 3 (Cedar Lane 168. What are the speakers mainly discussing? (A) Ajob interview (@) Acompany celebration (C) An office relocation (0) Alandscaping project, 69. Look at the graphic. Which building is Silverby Industries located in? (A) Building 1 (6) Building 2 (C) Building 3 (O) Building 4 70. What does the woman tell the man about parking? (A) He should park in a visitor's space. (@) He will have to pay at ameter. (C) A parking pass is required. (O) The parking area fils up quickly Zenlish Il. ACTUAL TEST 2 PART 3 Directions: You will hear some conversations between two or more people. You will be asked to answer three questions about what the speakers say in each conversation. Select the best response to each question and mark the letter (A), (B), (C), or (D) on your answer sheet. The conversations will not be printed in your test book and will be spoken only one time. | J 32, What is the main topic of the conversation? 38. What s the problem? (A) Anow supervisor (A) There is a scheduling conflict. (8) A budget report (8) There are no projectors availabe. (C) An office floor plan (C) A contract is incorrect. (0) A project deadiine (0) A deadline has been missed. 33. What does the man request? 39. What doos the woman inquire about? (A) Additonal ofice supplies (A) Comparing compatitors' prices (6) Extra team members (8) Purchasing new software (©) Adifferent office {(C) Postponing a training session (0) Asample document (0) Arranging a teleconference 34, What does the woman suggest the mando? 40. What does the man say he will do? (A) Speak with a colleague {A) Send some materials (8) Organize some files. Zenlish.edunvn (B) Find some supplies (C) Revise a manual (C) Speak with a supervisor (0) E-mail a memo (0) Contact a cient 35. Who most likely isthe woman? 44. Whore most likely are the speakers? (A) Ajouralist (A) Ata medical office (8) A musician (8) Atabank (C) A theater director (C) Atan electronics store (©) A.costume designer (0) Ata library ‘36. What does the woman ask about? 42. According to the woman, why should Mr. Patel open an account? (A) A performance date @) A guest list Zenlishieduuvn (A) To view a presentation (C) Some seating assignments (8) To make an appointment (©) Some lighting (C) To receive a free git (0) To leave some feedback ‘37. What does the man say he would prefer todo? 43, What does Colin give to Mr. Patel? (A) Complete a task at a later time (A) An application (8) Ask for a meal to be delivered (8) A receipt (C) Speak with a manager (©) A registration card (D) Conduct some background research (D) A set of instructions TOP 1 TRUNG TAM CO NHIEU HOC VIEN SG HOU CHUNG CHI QUOC TENHAT VIET NAM - 2028 Zenlish 44. What does the man say will take place in two weeks? (A) An awards ceremony (B) Astaff retreat (C) Agrand opening celebration (D) Aprofessional conference 45. What does the woman say she is, concemed about? (A) An inconvenient location (B) Amissed deadline (C) A parking fee (0) Acanceled fight Zenlish.eduuvn 46. Why does the man say, “i's twenty dollars to take a taxi"? (A) To make a suggestion (B) To xpress surprise (C) To complain about a price (D) To correct a mistake 47. Where do the speakers most likely work? (A) Ata local hotel (8) At an employment agency (C) Ata clothing manufacturer (0) Ata laundry service ‘48. What problem does the man mention? (A) Amachine is broken. @) Adoadiine is not realistic. (©) An item is poorly made. (©) Asupplier went out of business. 49. How will the speakers solve the problem? (A) By hiring additional staff (8) By purchasing more material (C) By updating some machinery (D) By negotiating with a business 50. What has the woman forgotten to bring? (A) Areceipt for an item (8) Aloyalty card (C) Some coupons {D) Some shopping bags 51. What problem does the man mention? (A) Amanager is not available. (8) A product is out of stock (C) Acomputer system is not working. (0) An advertised price Is incorrect. 52. What does the man imply when he says, "I know where it belongs"? (A) He can tell the woman where to find an item, (8) He will return an item to the correct location. (C) Asupervisor is not available. (D) An item has been put on the wrong shelf. 53. Who most likely is the man? (A) A professional athlete (8) Astore manager (C) Acity official (0) Atelevision producer 54, What are the speakers discussing? (A) Anealth and fitness show (8) Aworkplace volunteer event (C) A road-repair initiative (©) A bicycle-sharing program 55. What does the woman say is part of the service her company provides? (A) Wellness screening (B) Local advertising (C) Product samples (D) Event tickets TOP 1 TRUNG TAM CO NHIEU HOC VIEN SG HOU CHUNG CHI QUOC TE NHAT VIET NAM - 2028 Zenlish 58. 57. 61. What is the woman announcing? (A) A design has been approved. (B) Some employees will be promoted, (C) Some equipment will be installed. (0) A security inspection will take place ‘soon, What is being arranged for next week? (A) Aboard meeting (6) A training session (C) Accompany luncheon, {D) Ajob interview What does the woman say she will do? (A) Confirm a time (B) Test some software (C) Visita facity (0) Review a proposal ‘Who most likely is the woman? (A) Ajoumalist (6) Amechanic (C) Anengineer (0) A plant supervisor What is the main topic of the conversation? (A) New car designs {B) The opening of a factory {C) An increase in costs (0) Safety ratings According to the man, what will happenin December? (A) Discounted trips will be avaiable. (8) An advertising campaign wl sta. (C) An arile wl be published (0) Production wil begin ata facity. Zenlish.eduuyn ‘Wood Flooring Options Product Code | Type Of Wood W32 ‘Maple Z Wat Oak A wo Pine A woe Ash 62, How did the woman reach her decision? (A) She did some internet research. (B) She asked a friend for a recommendation. {C) She examined some samples. (D) She compared prices. 13. Look atthe graphic. Which product did the woman choose? (a) waz (8) W5t (C) W76 (D) w94 64, Why does the man need to call back later? (A) He is unsure about some inventory. (B) He is about to attend a meeting, (C) He needs to check his work schedule. (D) He wants to consult a coworker. TOP 1 TRUNG TAM CO NHIEU HOC VIEN SG HOU CHUNG CHI QUOC TE NHAT VIET NAM - 2028 Zenlish OS Stockton Community Festival Natural History Museum November 5 and 6 Rain Dates: November 12 and 13 Mammal Hall [Bird Hall| Main | cafeteria Hall LJ i Enjoy local shopping and dining! &: Zenlishieduvn 65. Who most Ikely are the speakers? (A) Community organizers @. (B) Weather reporters. (©) Jewelry designers (0) Restaurant staff 66. Look at the graphic. When will he man work at the festival? (A) On November 5 a (8) On November 6 (C) On November 12 (©) On November 13 67. What does the woman say she will do? (A) Hang up some posters (8) Assist a friend (C) Prepare some food (0) Write a review . Why does the woman talk to the man? (A) To purchase a ticket (8) To sign up for a tour (C) To rent some equipment (D) To inquire about an exhibit Look at the graphic. Where does the man tell the woman to go? (A) To the Mammal Hall (8) To the Bird Hall (©) To the Main Hall (D) To the Cafeteria |. What does the man say about the woman's ticket? (A) Itcan be purchased in advance. (@) It includes admission to special events. (C) Its issued only to museum members. (0) Itis nonrefundabie. TOP 1 TRUNG TAM CO NHIEU HOC VIEN SG HOU CHUNG CHI QUOC TE NHAT VIET NAM - 2028 Zenlish LESSON 12 - PART 4: LUYEN DE |. ACTUAL TEST 1 PART 4 Directions: You will hear some talks given by a single speaker. You will be asked to answer three ‘questions about what the speaker says in each talk. Select the best response to each question and mark the letter (A), (B), (C), or (D) on your answer sheet. The talks will not be printed in your test book and will be spoken only one time. 71. What type of business is being advertised? ‘77. According to the speaker, what is special (A) Afarmers market about the restaurant? (B) Afitness center (A) Ithas private outdoor seating (C) Amedical clinic (8) It has been recently renovated. {D) A sporting goods store (C) Ithas a vegetable garden. (0) It has weekly cooking classes. 72. What will the listeners be able to do starting in Apri? 78. Who is Natasha? (A) Use multiple locations (A) Abusiness owner (8) Try free samples (8) An interior decorator (C) Meet with a nutritionist (C) Anevent organizer (0) Enter a contest (0) A food writer 73. Why does the speaker invite the listeners to 79. Why does the speaker say, I eat it all the visit a Web site? time"? (A) Towrte areview —_Zenlishieduuvn _ (A) He wants to eat something different. (8) To register for a class (B) He is recommending a dish. (C) To check a policy (C) He knows the ingredients. (0) To look at a map (0) He understands a dish is popular. 74. Why does the speaker thank the listeners? ‘80. Where is the announcement being made? (A) For submitting design ideas (A) On a bus (6) For training new employees (8) Ona ferry boat (C) For working overtime (C) Ona train (0) For eaming a certification (©) On an airplane 75. According to the speaker, what is scheduled 81. What problem does the speaker mention? for next mond? (A) There is no more room for large bags. (A) Aretirement celebration (8) Too many tickets have been sold (8) Atrade show (C) Weather conditions have changed. {C) Afactory tour (0) Apiece of equipment is being repaired. (0) Astore opening 182. According to the speaker, why should the 76. What does the speaker imply when she listeners talk with a staff member? says, “i's a large space"? (A) There is room to display new merchandise. (@) High attendance is anticipated, (©) Avenue is too expensive, (©) There is not enough staff for an event. (A) To receive a voucher (8) To reserve a seat {C) To buy some food (©) To get free headphones TOP 1 TRUNG TAM CO NHIEU HOC VIEN SG HOU CHUNG CHI QUOC TE NHAT VIET NAM - 2028 Zenlish 83. 85. ‘approved, er. ‘Who is the speaker? (A) A repair person. (B) Astore clerk (C) A factory worker (0) A truck driver What does the company sell? (A) Household furniture (8) Kitchen appliances (C) Packaged foods (©) Construction equipment What does the speaker imply when she says, ‘all | soe are houses"? (A) She is concemed about some regulations. (8) She thinks a mistake has been made. (C) Aloan application has been completed. (0) Adevelopment plan cannot be What isthe talk mainly about? (A) A mobile phone model (8) An office security system (C) High-speed Internet service (0) Business scheduling software ‘Why did the company choose the product? (A) Itmakes arranging meetings easy. (@) itis reasonably priced. (C) Ithas good security features. (0) Ithas received postive reviews. What does the speaker say is offered with the product? (A) An annual upgrade (8) Amoney-back guarantee (C) Amobile phone application (0) Acustomer-service help line ot. Zenlishediuyn 93. What does the speaker say has recently been announced? (A) An increase in funding () A factory opening (C) Anew venue for an event (0) Achange in regulations ‘According to the speaker, why do some people dislike a construction project? (A) Because it caused a power outage {B) Because it costs too much (C) Because roads have been closed (0) Because ofthe loud noise What will the speaker do next? (A) Introduce an advertiser (8) Attend a press conference (C) Interview some people (0) End a broadcast What does the speaker thank the listeners for? (A) Reorganizing some files () Cleaning a work area (C) Working on a Saturday (0) Attending a training In which division do the listeners most likely work? (A) Shipping and Receiving (8) Maintenance (C) Sales and Marketing (©) Accounting What does the speaker say he will provide? (A) A building name (8) Group numbers (C) Shift schedules (0) Atemporary password TOP 1 TRUNG TAM CO NHIEU HOC VIEN SG HOU CHUNG CHI QUOC TE NHAT VIET NAM - 2028 Zenlish Saturday Monday | Tuesday Sunday eyed CO ‘ Cloudy | Rain | Rain # Pat sunny 95. 97. ‘What event is being described? (A) Asports competition (8) Agovernment ceremony (C) Amusic festival (0) Acooking contest ‘According to the speaker, what can the listeners find on a Web site? (A) Acity map (8) Alist of vendors, (C) Ademonstration video (0) An entry form Look at the graphic. Which day is the event being hela? (A) Saturday (8) Sunday (C) Monday (D) Tuesday Westside Technology Conference April 6 8:00 _ Protecting Your Data, Carla Wynn 9:00 Learning to Code, Jae-Ho Kim 10:00 Latest Devices, Kaori Aoki 11:00 Is Newer Belter?, Alex Lehmann 12:00 Lunch 98. What is the purpose of the call? (A) To confirm a deadiine (6) To explain a company policy (C) To make a job offer (0) To discuss @ new product |. Look at the graphic. Who is the speaker calling? (A) Carla Wynn (B) Jae-Ho Kim (C) Kaori Aoki {D) Alex Lehmann 100. What does the speaker ask the listener to do? (A) Check a catalog (B) Send fee information (C) Submita travel itinerary (D) Update a conference schedule TOP 1 TRUNG TAM CO NHIEU HOC VIEN SG HOU CHUNG CHI QUOC TE NHAT VIET NAM - 2028 Zenlish I. ACTUAL TEST 2 | parts Directions: You will hear some talks given by a single speaker. You will be asked to answer three questions about what the speaker says in each talk. Select the best response to each question and ‘mark the letter (A), (B), (C), or (D) on your answer sheet. The talks will not be printed in your test book and will be spoken only one time. 71. Whereis the announcement being made? 77. What productis the speaker discussing? (A) Atan art supply store (A) A tablet computer (6) Ata public library (B) Amobile phone (©) Ata school (©) Aradio (0) Ata hardware store (D) Aclock 72, What can listeners find on the first floor? 78. What is unique about the product? (A) A product demonstration (A) Its screen (B) A discussion-group meeting (6) Its low price (C) Refreshments (C) Its range of options (0) Items on sale (0) Its size 73. What are listeners encouraged to do by 79. What does the speaker suggest some August 30 ? listeners do? (A) Activate a rewards card (A) Calla customer service number (B) Enter a contest (8) Recycle older products (C) Register for a class (C) Visita sales booth 1D) Fill out sur (D) Log on to a Web site (©) surveys: Zenlishedumn__©) 000 ; 74, Who mast likely is the speaker? 80. Why has the meeting been called? (A) An appliance salesperson (A) To explain a manufacturing process (B) A repair technician (6) To announce a merger (C) An apartment manager (C) To provide details on a contract (D) Ahotel receptionist (©) To inform employees of an error 75. What is the speaker calling about? 81. Why does the speaker say, “It's been a (A) An advertised rebate weak?’ (@) An expired warranty (A) To express concer about a delay (C) An inaccessible parking space (6) To praise a team’s performance (0) A broken appliance (C) To remind employees about a rule (0) To agree with a business strategy 76. Why is the listener asked to stop by an office? 82. What does the speaker ask Masaki to do? (A) To return akey (8) To collect a package {C) To drop offa letter {D) To make a payment (A) Calla shipping company (6) Verity some addresses (C) E-mail staff members (0) Give a speech TOP 1 TRUNG TAM CO NHIEU HOC VIEN SG HOU CHUNG CHI QUOC TE NHAT VIET NAM - 2028 Zenlish 83, 84, 85. 87. TOP 1 TRUNG TAM CO NHIEU HOC VIEN SG HOU CHUNG CHI QUOC TE NHAT VIET NAM - 2028 Which department does the speaker work for? (A) Building Security (B) Public Relations (C) Technology (D) Payroll What does the speaker ask the listener todo? (A) Train her on some software (B) Send an employee to her office (C) Check some payment information {D) Attend an orientation What does the speaker mean when she ‘says, "This form is only one page, though"? (A) Apolicy has been changed. (8) Atask should not take long. (C) The wrong document was given out. (O) Some instructions are unclear. ‘What product wil listeners learn about on the tour? (A) Watches: (8) Computers (C) Knives (0) Batteries Who is Laura Shen? (A) Acompany president (@) Anews journalist (C) Ascientst (0) Actient What does the speaker mention about the tour? (A) Large bags are not allowed. (6) Photography is not permitted, (C) The size of a group is limited. (0) Registration is required. 90. ot. 92. Zenlishieduuvn 93. 94. (D) Develop a recipe Who most likely is the speaker? (A) A travel agent (6) Achef (©) A farmer (0) Afilmmaker What caused a delay? (A) Equipment problems (8) Poor weather conditions (C) Heavy traffic (0) Lost luggage Why does the speaker say, “ile answering questions when it's over"? (A) To explain that he will be busy (8) To ask listeners not to interrupt him now (C) To encourage people to stay afterward (0) To corect a scheduling mistake Who is the speaker congratulating? (A) Executive board members (8) Anew business partner (C) Marketing staff (0) Food scientists ‘According to the speaker, what do customers lke about the commercial?” (A) The images of families (B) The video quality (C) The professional actors (D) The background music ‘What most likely will listeners do next week? (A) Interview candidates (@) Share ideas (©) Cheek some statistics Zenlish Passenger: x» James Albertson as Flight: Gate: Seat: 20, wais B12 7A. Customers 15 oaraing Zone: 1 lI) ° 0 ‘Travel Hobbies Art Fiction 95. What is the announcement about? (@) Connecting Taft information 98, What event did the speaker recently attend? (8) Alost item (A) An advertising seminar (C) A flight cancellation (8) An awards ceremony (0) Agate change (C) Amanagers’ meeting (0) Awriting workshop Look at the graphic. Which number should James Albertson pay attention to now? ‘99, What topic does the speaker report on? (a) WAIS (A) Company finances (e) B12 (8) Human resources (C) 7A Zenlishieduvn — (C) Advertising 4 (0) Competitors 97. What will the speaker announce later? 4100. Look at the graphic. Which store section will (A) Where to find luggage be expanded? (8) How to select a new seat {A) Travel (C) Whom to contact for a refund (8) Hobbies (D) When repairs will be finished (C) Art {(D) Fiction TOP 1 TRUNG TAM CO NHIEU HOC VIEN SG HOU CHUNG CHI QUOC TENHAT VIET NAM - 2028 Zenlish LESSON 1-— PART 1: TRANH TA NGUOI - DAP AN Il - ACTUAL TEST LA ‘A. They're sitting on a bench B. They're lying on the grass CC. They'te riding their bicycles D. Theyre swimming in the water 28 ‘A.One of the menis putting on a tie B. One of the men is standing at a counter C.One of the men is setting a briefcase on the floor . One of the men is typing on a computer 3D ‘A. The man is taking some paper out of a printer D. The mans putting ¢ fle ina drawer C.The woman issigning her name D.The people are reviewing adocument 48 ‘A.A woman is arranging the shelves B.A woman is standing at the board C.Awoman is watering a plant D. Awoman is washing a window 5. ‘A.The women are in a parking lot B. The women are shopping for clothes C. The women are ina supermarket . The women are paying for food 6A A.They're resting ina waiting area B.They/te boarding an airplane C. They're waiting in line D. They're packing a suitcase Ill — MINI TEST 1 1A ‘A.He's looking at the engine B, He's reading manual C. He's turning on the water D.He's driving a car 2A A.They't B. Theyre walking out of a shop looking into astore CC. They're trying on some shoes D. They're washing o window 3c ‘A. The mans wtng in anotebook 8. The women re hanging out papers The people are facing a board A group is entering an office ac ‘A.He's walking around the office BB. He's putting on his jacket C. He's working at his desk He's picking up a cup 5B ‘A. The man is moving some choirs B. The people are eating in a restaurant (C. The waiter is serving some sondwiches D. The woman is ordering her meal 68 A.They're waiting in ine together B. They're playing a game outdoor C. They're sitting at the dentist's office D. They're opering the gate TOP 1 RUNG TAM CO NHIEU HOC VIEN SG HOU CHUNG CHI QUGC TE NHAT VIET NAM - 2028 Zenlish IV. MINI TEST 2 Lic 2D ‘A. She's cooking « meal ‘A. They/te talking on the phone B, She's walking arourd a farm B, Theyre moving some furniture C._ She's shopping for food C._They'e reading some books D._ She's eating a salad D._ They're standing by a table BA 4D A. He's climbing into a truck ‘A. She's opening a box B, He's entering a store B, She's putting on boots C. He's getting on a train C._ She's folding some paper D._He's locking up 0 drawer D.__ She's holding a book 5. ¢ oA ‘A. They'te meeting in a restaurant A. Themanis pushinga cart B, They're looking at the computer B, The manis taking a break C._ They're examining a document C. The manis leaving the store D._They‘e fling some forms D._The man is closing the door TOP 1 RUNG TAM CO NHIEU HOC VIEN SG HOU CHUNG CHI QUGC TE NHAT VIET NAM - 2028 Zenlish LESSON 2 - LUYEN DE PART 1 - DAP AN I. Actual Test 1 1B [A She's searching in her handbag B.She's looking in a display case . She's paying for a purchase D. She's holding some flowers 2c [A.The mans switching off a lamp B. The man is opening some curtains C. The man is seated by a window D. The man's hanging some photographs on the wall 3A ‘A.Some chairs are arranged in a circle B, Some stairs are being cleaned .Atoofis being repaired D.A tree is being timmed 4A ‘A.One of the women is wearing a scarf BB, The women are tolking to each other CC. The manis pouring coffee into a cup D. The people are closing their menus 58 ‘A.Annotice is being hung on a post B.The women are walking toward a doorway C.The manis changing a bicycle tire D.A basket is being removed from a cart 6D ‘A.A shop assistant is giving @ man some money BB. Some people are entering a supermarket C. A cashier is putting merchandise into o bag . Some customers are waiting in line Ill Actual Test 2 1c ‘A He's waking along the shore B.He's swimming in the sea C.He's holding a fishing pole D. He’ getting into a boat 2¢ ‘A.A woman's standing on a busy street B.A woman's wiping a car window with a cloth ‘C.A woman's carrying a jacket over her arm D.A woman's patking a vehicle 38 A.Atruck has stopped at a traffic ight B.A man is loading boxes onto a cart C.Amanis kneeling on the grass D.Some boxes are stacked on the ground 48 ‘A.Oneof the women is writing on a notepad B. One of the women is looking at some files C. The women are sitting at their desks . The women are facing each other 5D A.Cors are parked in a garage B Plants are amranged on tables C. There are umbrellos blocking « road D. There are chairs set up in front of a building 6A ‘A. Some travelers are seated in a waiting area B, Some workers are setting up partitions C.One of the women is handing out tickets .One of the men is approaching a counter TOP 1 TRUNG TAM CO NHIEU HOC VIEN SG HOU CHUNG CHI QUOC TE NHAT VIET NAM - 2028 Zenlish IV. Actual Test 3 1A 28 ‘A. He's looking in a file drawer ‘A, Some people are sitting in a cor He's printing some documents B. Some people are facing each other C. He's stacking some folders ©. Awoman is opening her handbag D. He's putting on his glasses D. Aman is removing his jacket 3A 48 ‘A. Clothing is hanging on racks A. Some armchairs are occupied Lights have been tuned off in the store B. Books and magazines have been arranged. C. Awomanis folding a coat on shelves, D. Awomanis opening a garment bag C. Agate has been placed at the bottomof stairway D._A painting has been left on the floor 5c 6D A Aflagis being raised on a pole A. Amanis putting up @ metal barier B.A shipis approachinga pier B, Some people are boarding a bus C. Some people are walking toward a boat C. Acarttis being loaded with bricks D. Some workers ore sweeping a dock D. A wheelbarrow is being pushed at a work site V. Actual Test 4 1c 2¢ ‘A. He's talking on a phone ‘A. One of the menis placing braches into a B. He's folding « newspaper container CC. He's writing on a form BB, One of the men is plonting a tree D. He'sleaving an office CC. The men are working near each other D. The men are canying ladder 3A 4A ‘A. They're looking into a copy machine ‘A. Bags of merchandise are on display B. They're posting notices on @ board B.A shopping cart is being filed ©. They/te putting some papers in a file C._ The woman is putting on an apen D._ Theyre moving equipment out of o room D. The woman is handing a bag to a customer 5B 6D ‘A. Amonis unpacking a suitcase A. Some artworkis being framed B. A musician is playing outdoors B.A plant is hanging from the celing ©. Some park benches are empty C. Some chairs have been stacked against o D. Some people are setting up a tent wall D._Alamp has been set on top of a counter TOP 1 RUNG TAM CO NHIEU HOC VIEN SG HOU CHUNG CHI QUGC TE NHAT VIET NAM - 2028 Zenlish Vi. Actual Test 5 1B 2a A. Amanis opening a drawer A. Abicycle has been loadedonto a truck B. Amanis wiping a counter B, Cycists ae riding down a city street. ©. Amanis ordering a meal C. Several cars are parked ino row D. Aman is pouring a beverage D. Adtiveris getting out of vehicle 3D 4D A. Awomanis hanging up a sign A. Some people are entering o building B. Some customers are waiting inline B._ Some people are holding on to a railing C. Some customers are paying for some C. Some people are crossing a road merchandise D. Some people are descending some stars. D. Awoman is wearing a jacket 5c 6c [A projector's being repositioned on a desk ‘A. Alamp has been attached to the wall B, Some printed materials are being B, Adoor has been left open distibuted to a closs CC. Anotfice is unoccupied C. An audience is listening to a lecture D. keyboard is covered with file folders D._ Some people are organizing a workplace TOP 1 TRUNG TAM CO NHIEU HOC VIEN SG HOU CHUNG CHI QUOC TE NHAT VIET NAM - 2028 Zenlish LESSON 3 - PART 2: CAU HOI THONG TIN: WHO + WHERE + WHEN - DAP AN ‘A. WHO 1. Who will meet meat the airport? A.Mr. Chang, our sales manager B. Yes, between eleven and twelve C. There's good one nearby 2.Do you know who willbe taking over after Claudia retires? A.llmnet tired B.Wedon't know yet CC. Inher office 3.Do you know who's in charge of training the new recruits? A.Yes, itis right on time B.Next week .'m afraid I don’t know “4, Whol be joining us at dinner? A Tonight at seven o'clock B. Jim and Maryare coming (©. Well be having chicken B, WHERE 11. Where should | put this scarf that | found in the hallway? ‘A.No, I'm afraid that isn’t mine B.| set them on your desk last night C. You can leave it with the receptionist 2. Where has Ms. Garcia gone? A.At three o'clock B.To see Mr. Jones C.No, not yet 3. Where are you going on vacation? A For three weeks B. Im going by train €.1'm just staying here ‘4. Where have you been? ‘A\No, not yet B. It's from Paris C. The post office C, WHEN 1. When are you planning to go on vacation?'s neara lake B.In December C. For two weeks 2. When are we interviewing the next job candidate? ‘A.As part of the hiring process B. Our top three choices about fifteen minutes 3. When will the building plansbe finished? A From the architect B.Yes, Iplan to ©. By Thursday, |hope ‘4. When do you think we'll arrive in Dallas? A.Anew schedule B. Around dinnertime CC. From the fist through the eighth TOP 1 RUNG TAM CO NHIEU HOC VIEN SG HOU CHUNG CHI QUGC TE NHAT VIET NAM - 2028 Zenlish D. MINI TEST 1. Who's going to take the director to the aitport? A. Tomorrow morning B. Her secretary will CC. Follow the map 2. Where will you be sending this document? A. Yes, it will also go by fox B. To the address on this line ©. Imbeing transferred to Paris 3. When isthe best time to call you? ‘A. No, this & my second best B, had a good time, too c ‘musually in before lunch ‘4, Who's responsible for sending the invitations? A. He got an e-mail B. Mr. Santoti handles that C._ No, she wasn't invited 5. Where do you store the batteries? A. The room looks bare B. Inthe top drawer C. From9am.toS pm 6.When will the client arrive? A. Acleaning service B. Not until this aftemoon CMs. Kim will 7. Whois Mr. Park meeting at the airport? A. Inside the terminal B, They called the taxi C. Anew client £8, Where'd you find that lovely winter coat? A. Thank you, it was a gift B. Every Jonuary ©. No, haven't found them ‘9. When will the press conference begin? A. She was very impressed B._ Inthe banquet room C. As soon as the microphone arrive 10. Who booked the airline tickets? A. Laura retuned the book B._ Flights leave every hour C. Someone in the Paris office E. ACTUAL TEST 1. Who's going to repair the computer system? (A) There are going to be two pairs. (6) A technician will fix it tomorrow. (CINo, ! don't know how. 2, Where isthe supermarket? (A) Every night unti rine, {B) About three or four dollars. (C) Down the street from my office. 3. When will the plant begin production? (A) In less than six months. (8) Welllplon them on the weekend, (C)At the new factory 4, Who should | tel if need to leave early? (A) Let your supervisor know. (8) For @ dentist appointment. (©) About two o'clock. 5, Where con! make a copy? (A) The machine is broken. (8) A dolor per cup. (C1 Sony, can't 6. When is the inspector supposed to arive? (A) At the oiport. (8) Around ten. {(Chtt’s once a month, 7. Who's going to take the director to the airport? (8) Tomorrow morning. (6) Her secretary will () Follow the map, ‘8 Where can get a pencil? (A) From the supply cabinet. (8) sin ink, (C) Twenty-five cents each, TOP 1 RUNG TAM CO NHIEU HOC VIEN SG HOU CHUNG CHI QUGC TE NHAT VIET NAM - 2028 Zenlish 9. When is the race supposed to stort? (A) The ticket cost ten dollars. (6) In ten minutes. (©) We've just run out 10. Who is going to take charge when Mr. Giovani leaves? (A) Yes, he certainly is. (8) Im going to charge the battery. (C) We don’t know yet. 1. Wher is next yeor's basketball tournament being hed? (A) We're taking tour. (8) At the new stacium. (C) t’sin the basket 72, When does the grocery store close? (A) He bought fruit. {B) Close the door, please. (C) Soon, | think. “3. Who's responsible for sending the invitations? (A) He got an e-mail (8) Mr. Santori handles that. (C)No, she wasn't invited “W, Where'd you hear the news? (A) On television. {B) It was new. (C)Onthe right 18, When can I get the results of my physical? (A) Twenty dolar, | think. (6) Within a week. (C1¥es, you con. 1, Who's going to be working on the design project? (A) ead the sign. (8) Just you and Tom, think. (C] A week from tomorrow. 17. Where didyou put the factory somples | brought yesterday? (A) They'reon my desk. (8) t's afact. (0) They'e too bright 18 When are the conference proposals due? (A) On January twenty-seventh. (8) For three days. (C) Hell do it. 19. Who's the person in charge of payroll? (A) We only take cash, (6) That would be Mona Ui. (C) Payments ore due today. 20. Where's the nearest public phone? (A) Thirty-five cents @ minute. (6) There's one across the street. (C) Please call ogain later. 2], Who explained this report to you? (A) Sure, let’s meet this afternoon, (6) Mr. Novak cid, yesterday. (C) The plane leaves at two, 22, Where can | pay for this sweater? (A) Yes, i's rather cold outside (6) There's a cash register right over there. (C1 You can have it back on Monday. 23, When is the inspector supposed to aive? (A) At the cirport (8) Around ten. (C)l’s once a month 24, Who willbe the lead engineer for the project? (A) The engine needs repairs (6) Dr. Ramirez, l believe. (C\Near the station, 25, When will Joseph be returning from his vacation? (A) Sometime next week. (8) To Paris (C)It starts at eleven. TOP 1 TRUNG TAM CO NHIEU HOC VIEN SG HOU CHUNG CHI QUOC TE NHAT VIET NAM - 2028 Zenlish LESSON 4 - PART 2: CAU HOI THONG TIN: WHAT/WHICH + WHY+ HOW - DAP AN ‘A. WHAT/ WHICH 1. What time should | meet you in the lobby? ‘A. How about at noon? The side door C. That's plenty of time 2, What type of chair would you like for your new office? A That's a good choice B.IIl just keep the one I'm using now . Itwon't arrive for another month 3. What's the price of this book? A. Fifteen hundred yen B. Yes, with steamed rice, please C. From Northern Mexico “4, What color do you think we should paint the walls? A.t's thatone over there B.I prefer green C.No, I dontt care fort B. WHY 1. Why ate the technicians here? ‘A. They should be here soon. B.No, at the escalator C. To set up anew computer lab 2 Why was the schedule changed? ‘A. Because Mr. Wang couldn't be here then B.Lwill schedule an appointment . Sorry, don't have any 3. Why isnt the printer working? Ault’s out of ink BB. Print yourname here C.Abt of work “4, Why did you work s0 late last right? Alln hour B. We had a long meeting . Until next week Cc. HOW 1.How was the food? A.At the restaurant, B. With the stoff members. was very good. 2. How much was the new computer? A The intemet. B.Nine hundred dollars. C.No, it isnot new. 3. How long is the wait at the ticket booth? A Forthe play. B. About fifteen minutes. .To boost up the sales. “4, How do you get along with your new assistant? A.To help me withthe project. BI want tocome along os well C1 reaily keher a lot. D. MINI TEST 1. What time are you servinglunch? A. Downat the harbor B. From Nam. to2 p.m. C._Yes, Ihave time 2. Why's the cafeteria closed? A. Down this hallway B, For about an hour C._ It's being repainted 3. How much does it cost to get in? A. Onlyon Saturday B. Less than ten dollars C._Yes, they admit children “4, What does a round-trip ticket to Milan cost? A, To see a designer's show B._It'simported from Italy C._Itdepends on yourdeparture date TOP 1 RUNG TAM CO NHIEU HOC VIEN SG HOU CHUNG CHI QUGC TE NHAT VIET NAM - 2028 Zenlish 5, Why has the workshop been canceled? ‘A, About twenty minutes ago B, Inroomfourteen C._ Because many people couldn't attend % How many copiesof the document do you need? A, That really wasn't necessary B. Twelve should be enough C._Nocoffee forme, thanks 7, Which of these computers needs to be repaired? A, Idlike a pair B. The one onthe left C._Atechnical support representative Why isn't Amy at worktoday? A. Shehas a doctor's appointment B._ t'mbusy in the morning C._No. She's not coming. 9, Row do |renew my membership? A. Ateachersassociation B. There's a form online's not new 70, Why did she call the library? A. Next to the magazines B, No.Iddn't C._Toreserve a book E. ACTUAL TEST 1, What's the topic of today's seminar? (A) Inn hour. (8) 'm not sure. (C)No, on the bottom. 2. Why has the trafic stopped moving? (A) Maybe there's some road construction. (8) Yes, 'd love to see a movie. (C)No thanks, lcan take the train. 3. How will you get to the restaurant tonight? (A) Il take the bus. (B) Nolater than seven o'clock. (C) think tll rest o while “4 What time does the train anive? (A) tt should be here soon. {B) Yes, think t might rain. (C)No, | wor't have time 5. Why/s the store closed so early today? (A) No, itisn't very close. (8) Yes, | got up ot six today. (C) It’s a national holiday. 6. How long wilt be before we get to the theater? (A) It’s three meters clong (6) About 15 minutes or so. (O) No, not bybus. 7. What do you think of this month's budget? (A) Yes, this month, (6) Looks ike we need money. (©) Thanks, it was a gift ‘8. Why is Mr. Suzuki moving to South America? (A) didn't know you were moving, (6) She's transferring to a new office. (C) The plane arrives at nine, 9. How late is the gymnasium open? (A) not late. (6) It closes at eight. (O)No, that's OK. 10. What time are you serving lunch? (A) Down at the harbor. (8) From A.M, to2P.M. (Ces, Ihave time, 1. Why did you work s late last night? (A) In one hour (8) We had a long meeting. (©) Unti next week. 12, How should we celebrate Jennifer's retirement? (A) More than twenty years. (6) Let's throw her a party. (©) She's very tired, 18, Which restaurant should we eat dinner at? (A) Dinner is at seven P.M, (8) Either one is fine. (C) We can meet tomorrow. 14, Why did Mrs, Chang leave early? (A) She had a doctor appointment. (8) About thity minutes ago, (©) She's usually on time. 15, How much doesa museum ticket cost? (alit’s ten euros. (B) It’s not far. (C) By one o'clock. 16. What's the houtly pay rate? (A) No, i's my old watch. (8) t's theirs, not ours. (c) t's thirty dollars. TOP 1 TRUNG TAM CO NHIEU HOC VIEN SG HOU CHUNG CHI QUOC TE NHAT VIET NAM - 2028 Zenlish 17, Why don't you join us for dinner tonight? (A) No, they haven't yet. (6) Thanks, but Ihave other plans. (©) To attach some new parts. 18. How did you leam of this position at Norman Press? (A) read about it in the newspaper. (8) 'mstilllearninghow. (C)itopens at 9:00 AM. 19, What would you lke to drink? (A) Yes, thank you. (8) No, Idon't (C) Orange juice, please. 20. Why don't you come to the beach with us? (A) don't eat peaches (8) Yes, he arrives today. (C) Sure. When are you leaving? 21, How bigs the meeting room? (A) Big enough for thirty people. {B) On the tenth foor. (Cl ¥es, it should be. 22, What's the weather forecast for this weekend? (A) No, there were five of them, (6) They're predicting rain. (Cis a week from now. 23, Why was the schedule changed? (A) Because Mr. Wangcouldn’t be here then. (8) I’ schedule an appointment (C) Sorry, | don't have any. ‘24, How faris the hotel from the train station? (A) About ten minutes ago. (8) The hotels fry smal. (C) Only a few minutes away. 25, Why ore there so many cars in the road today? (A) It needs a lighter road, (6) There's a special event later. (C11 drive mysel, thanks. TOP 1 RUNG TAM CO NHIEU HOC VIEN SG HOU CHUNG CHI QUGC TE NHAT VIET NAM - 2028 Zenlish LESSON 5 - PART 2: CAU HOI NGHI VAN YES/NO - DAP AN 1. TEST TACTIC 1. Are you free to joinme for breakfast? A Ijoined it last year B.No,its not fee . Sorry, but I'm late for work 2.Did youattend the research presentation? ‘A.No, tvebeen out of town B.Ididrt bring agitt C.Can | have your attention, please 3.Do youwant to try one of ourdesserts? A Ill try to moke it B. No, but fi C.Apaty of two some tea 4, Hover't weehosen a firm to design our Website? AWe' stil reviewing proposals B.No I picked it up C. At wow I, MINI TEST 1.Do you know where Keiko's office is? (A) That's the offical logo. (8) To reserve a room, (C)t's onthe second floor. 2. Wasnt thisassignment due last week? (A) it's taking longer than we thought. (8) Sign at the bottom of the page. (C)No, you don't need permission. 3. Have you gone to the leadership training yet? (A) Anew training manual (8) Sure, we can leave some for you. (C) didn't know it was required. 4 Are you available for an interview next Tuesday? (A) Yes, 'd be happy to come in. (8) Abit earlier next time. (C) Sure, let's go over the weekend. 5. Wasnit the office furiture shipped last month? (A) The delivery's been delayed. (8) Ms, Martinez does. (C) Amore modem design. 6.00 youhave some paper clips I can use? (A)The paper comes in several colors. (8) | foundit very useful (C) How many do you need? 7. Are you using the copier? (8) Wouldyoulike some more? (8) You go ahead. (Mr. Tong's office. 8, Dol need to use o microphone to give speech? (A) Right ofterlunchis served (6) The rooms quite small. (Citwos really well written 9. Has Ms, Medrano been tothe doctors office yet? (A) No, her appointment isnt until noon. (8) Thanks, tm feeling much better. (CII probably wait in the lobby. 10, Didn't Emir move to the comer office? (A) The bokeryis around the comer (©) Yes, | saw him in there this morning. (Cll know a good moving company. TOP 1 RUNG TAM CO NHIEU HOC VIEN SG HOU CHUNG CHI QUGC TE NHAT VIET NAM - 2028 Zenlish UL ACTUAL TEST 1s Ms, Burns likely to come to the meeting? A.Probablynot B.Yes, likeit a lot C.We came here yesterday 2. Do | have to fil out these forns now? ‘A.No, thanks, lam already full B, They have been informed C. Yes, we need them for your interview 3.Hove the emergency exits been inspected? A.Only inanemergency B, Through the main entrance C.Yes, everything is fine “4, Do you happen to know where the fitness center is? ANo, it does not fit B. He isin good condition C.Yes, it is around the corner 5. Did that new book get « good review? A. No, Ihaven't booked my flight, B.Yes, few of us C.The one | sawwas pretty favorable. 6.Are these instructions clear? ‘A.No, could you repeat them? B.Itis clready clean .He is a good teacher 7, Do you lke the theater that just opened? A\No, she lives far away B.Isoldit last year .Yes, I think itis wonderful ‘8, Should | wear atie tonight? ‘A.No, itis not a formal event BB. Excuse me, do you have the time? C.Lwill be at the hotel 9.Canyou tell me when the plays start? ‘A. How about another time? begirs at 8 C.She startedat a young age 10, Should | ask Ms. Okude to sign this contract? A.Thedesignis very nice B.No, she is not in today Its making contact 11.Do you need help with this computer? ‘A.Yes, lam having trouble running this program B, Well | usually take a commuter train . The one over there isn't beirg used 12. Do you want to order lunch from Mexicanrestaurant? A.The delivery arrived yesterday. B, That was an excellent meal C.No| brought my lunch today 13.[sthere a manual for the new projector? A.the is leading the project, B.Sure, itis in my briefcase €.She hos the latest machine 14, Will we need to make changes to the budget? ‘A.Here is your change B. | couldn't make it yesterday CC. think this is fine 18.,Ae you going to install the equipment yourself? A.Amore efficient assembly ine B.No, the manufacturer will do that €.7000$ 16,Can you tell me which computer Ishould buy? ‘A.We called a technician B.| recommend alaptop C.A2~year warrenty 7.Cantt we see the movie tonight? A.The Garden Theater B, Frontrow seats C.1am afraid Ihave other plans 18. Isn't Mr. Willa a little late? ‘A. Yes, he should be here by now B.Yes, itis abit small C. Late yesterday aftemoon 19.Don't you want to bring a book to read? ‘A.No, Idon't think so B.Yes, Ihave read it €.We already booked 20.Can't Mr Lee meet with us before noon? ‘A. made the introductions B.No, he is busy all morning CC. The upstairs meeting area TOP 1 TRUNG TAM CO NHIEU HOC VIEN SG HOU CHUNG CHI QUOC TE NHAT VIET NAM - 2028 Zenlish 21.Aren't your colleagues going to join us for 22. Didrit you see Tony Flynn's Presentation? lunch? A.They enjoyed the trip A.ltwas alovely gift B. Unfortunately, | arrived too late B,You are very weleome C.Yes, they are looking forward to it C. Try sitting somewhere else 223. Isn't Karl planning to come to the party? 24, Didn't you want to write the project summary? A.As far as | know heis ‘A.No, you should turn left B. He needs both parts B. remember that writer C.The café he went to last time C.1 did, but | could use your help 25. Weren't you at the meeting this morning? ‘A.No, |was with the client B.I didn'tmeet him C.Room 501 TOP 1 RUNG TAM CO NHIEU HOC VIEN SG HOU CHUNG CHI QUGC TE NHAT VIET NAM - 2028 101 Zenlish LESSON 6 - PART 2: CAU HOI DUO! + TRAN THUAT - DAP AN ‘A. CAU HOI DUO! - TAG QUESTION 1. You've operated this equipment before, haven't you? A. Yes, many times B. In the training manual C.No, the factory 2.Mr, Chang will eceive a raise, won't he? A.Yes, he’s worked really hard this year B. No, I gotit for my birthday .Illpay him a visit soon 3. Sonia works at the movie theater, doesn't she? A. Yes, she sells tickets there B. The film wasn't bad It worked out perfectly 4, Idon't have to renew my security badge, do I? ‘A.The guard at the front desk B.No, the one you have is still valid . Tickets ore seven dollars each ®. CAU HOI TRAN THUAT ~ STATEMENT 1. The chai in my office is very uncomfortable, A. Let me find you another one B. It's aaifficult decision . There's room for six at the table 2. Please read this manual before tomorrow's, training session. A. I'llbe sure tolook it over B.'s @ new transmission CC. |sawhim at the station ‘3.Lthought the workshop was very useful, A. That could work B. Yes. learned alot’s new, not used 4, The doorto the supply closetis locked, ‘A.Some paper supplies B.I'l call the manager C. I can close the window for you C.MINITEST 1. You drive to work every day, don't you? A.Yes, take the bus B.1 ama reseorch worker C. Only oecasionally 2. Mr, Johnson seems so busy lately A. Why is that? Can you find « new one? .ltwas finished early 3. There & only one entrance to this building, right?” A.He is standing right over there B.No, there is a side door too C. By showing your identification badge 4, There's a mail for you ‘A.Could you please? B.Who isit from? C.They ore busy 5, There isa bark on Delmont street, isn’t there? ‘A. John was planning to B.Yes, near the Electronic store .To deposit some money 6.We are running out of paper soon ‘A. just ordered more B, lam going with you C.Abox of office supplies 7.You don't need to use thecopier now, do you? Aes, this is good coffee B.lready have some, thanks C.No, | just finished with it 8, | haven't heard from Nancy in weeks! A Ithas been fixed B. Neither have | C. They heard the recording TOP 1 RUNG TAM CO NHIEU HOC VIEN SG HOU CHUNG CHI QUGC TE NHAT VIET NAM - 2028 102 Zenlish 9. The train stops here frequently, doesn'tit? A. West street station B.Every half hour ils that too quick? 10, | can help you call clients if you'd lke! A.Oh, | hope she is alright B. Yes, | gave one to every client C. Thanks, that would help me alot D. ACTUAL TEST 1.11am looking for an inexpensive DVD ployer AAs likely os possible B.He ploysos well C.Let's see what isavailable 2.You made extra copies of the agenda, didn't you? ‘A.Oh, but forgot to bring them BB Thanks for doing that C.No, the exitsis on the left 3.Lets discuss the building designs this moring, (A) We can do it this afternoon instead. (8) The signonthewall (C) Does he workin that building, too? 4, | wonder f the client hos arrived to the airport A.Let me check B.Yes, thats wonderful C.No, the hotelis nearby 5, We've just ordered several new fax machines, haven't we? ‘A.Yes, we should get them tomorrow. B.They should be in alphabet order C. The facts arereported were correct, 6. The registration deadline is on Friday. (A) Where did you hear that? (6) Trey arrived already. (CVYes, td ike to, 7, We need a bigger hall for the banquet. A. There is a big hole in the ground B, No, we have to import more C.Mike is looking into it 8. The wotkshop's been canceled, hasn't it? {Its about managing your time B. No, it has just been postponed .Itwas a very nice shop 9.1 canit seem to open the file you sent me. (A) Yes, the post office is stil open (6) Sorry-til try sending it again. (C) We cont see that far either. 10.We willbe having our photos taken at 4 pm A.Yes, Ihave Blarrived late C.lcan't be there then 1. The ights willbe replaced, won't they? A Alighter workload B.The supply cabinet €.Yes, wll take care of it 12.| really need the updated expense report. (A) The trip to London (8) It wasnt that expensive. (C)1l send it as soon as possible. TB. need the complete inventory by 5 today. A\No, lenly have 2 B. That shouldn't be a problem . finished reoding that story 14, That building is tl under construction, isnt it? ‘A. Maybe the site manager B.Itis due to be finished in October, C.Yes, itis on level 6 18. The dinner with the clients is Wednesdoy. (A) Four copies, please. (8) Im sure that he did, (€) That's not what | was told. 16. 1m going to put on my sweater (A) The morning weather report. (6) | could turn the heat up. (©) haven't decided yet TOP 1 TRUNG TAM CO NHIEU HOC VIEN SG HOU CHUNG CHI QUOC TE NHAT VIET NAM - 2028 103

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