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29 Aug 1st Class:

*In the Yesterday 28/Aug*

*Sociology 302 class we started this topic*

Sociology of Collective Behavior and Social Change.

*Define:* Collective Behavior is emergent and extra institutional social forms and Behavior.


Crowd, Rumors, social movements,

Mass Hysteria, Propagandanda, Public Openion, Fads and Fasion.

Explained examples into my wording as she taught in the class:

*Crowd:* A group of people in close proximity, such as a protest or a concert audience.

*Rumors:* Unverified information that spreads rapidly among people.

*Social Movements:* Organized efforts aiming for social or political change, like civil rights

*Mass Hysteria:* Widespread anxiety or excitement that affects a group of people.

*Propaganda:* Manipulative information used to influence opinions or behaviors.

*Public Opinion:* General consensus or viewpoint held by the majority of a society.

*Fads and Fashion:* Temporary trends that gain popularity and then fade away.

*These are the topics we covered in the Sociology class, and I have briefly described each
of them in simple terms with examples to make them easily understandable. *

*1. Structural Conduciveness:*

This refers to the existence of social conditions or structures that make it possible for
collective behavior to occur.

Example: In a town with high unemployment rates and limited access to education, there
may be a structural conduciveness for a protest or social movement to emerge, aiming to
address these issues.

*2. Structural Strain:*

This occurs when there is a significant gap between societal goals and the means available
to achieve them, creating tension and dissatisfaction.
Example: Economic inequality can lead to structural strain, as people feel frustrated by their
inability to attain a decent standard of living, potentially sparking protests or movements
demanding economic reforms.

*3. Generalized Belief:*

A shared belief among a group of people that a problem exists and that collective action can
address it.

Example: Climate change activists share the generalized belief that climate change poses a
serious threat and that collective efforts, like global climate strikes, are necessary to combat

*4. Precipitating Factor:*

This is a specific event or incident that triggers collective behavior, serving as a catalyst for

Example: Precipitating Factor in Pakistan – Assassination of Benazir Bhutto:

The assassination of former PM Benazir Bhutto in December 2007 served as a pivotal

precipitating factor in Pakistan. Her tragic death in a suicide bombing and gun attack at a
political rally led to widespread protests and demands for political reform, ultimately shaping
Pakistan’s political landscape and highlighting security challenges in the country.

*5. Mobilization for Action:*

The process by which individuals and groups organize and coordinate their efforts to engage
in collective behavior or activism.

Example: Social media platforms have played a crucial role in mobilizing people for various
causes, such as the movement, where survivors of sexual harassment and assault came
together to share their stories and advocate for change.

*6. Operations of Social Control:*

These are mechanisms or strategies used by authorities or established institutions to

regulate or suppress collective behavior.

Example: During political protests, the use of riot police, curfews, or restrictions on public
gatherings represents operations of social control aimed at maintaining order and limiting the
impact of the protest.

Resource Mobilization Theory by Charles Tilly.

Shared interests 4 points:

1: in order for some form of Collective action to take place that people involved must first
come to realize that they share certain views of the social world and have common interests.
2 But shared interests alone are not enough to bring about collective action . Organizations
strongly affects a groups ability to act on its collective interests.

3: Mobilization is the process whereby a group gains control of the resources needed for
collective actions

These resources may be time, labour’s, money, equipment or anything else that cne be used
act on share interests.

Opportunity arises when some aspects of a group’s environment changes , affording the
group bew chances to act on its interests. Thanks J))

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