Cites of Sigmar Battletome

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Oedii ei. ealea ABILITIES ALLEGIANCE BATTLE TRAITS FREE CITIES VOI b OO) Ruy CITIES OF Advance tn Fr the bateild HUMAN ORDER Return Fie: Salvoes of enemy {fire are met with return volleys Iwice as devastating, You can reveal this order when a friendly unit within 3 ‘ofthe Hino with this orders targeted by a shooting attack Ifyou do so, aftr all ofthat ‘enemy unit’s shooting attacks have been resolved, pick 1 friendly Crimes oF Scan HoMAN unit that is more than 3” from all enemy units and within 3 ofthe Hero with this order. That unit can immediatly shoot. SIGMAR ORDER i ous an be heard across You can reveal this order atthe start of your ‘movement phase, Ifyou do so, until the end enemy charge phase Ifyou do s0, pick friendly ofthe phase, add "tothe Move characteristic Crries of Sica unit that is more than 3 offiendly Crrtns or SteMAw units that start from all enemy units and i within 3” ofthe anormal move within 3° ofthe Heo wit Heno with this order. You can attempt a charge {his order In adlition tthe end ofthe phase with that unit, In addition, ifthat uot makes friendly Casretre units with the Fortified ‘ave in this phase, improve the Rend Position’ ability can establish a fortified position ‘ven if they made a normal move in this phase i ‘hey are within 3° ofthe Hiwo with this oder, CITIES OF SIGMAR ORDER Gounter-charge: You order your solders to hold inl they cam see the whites ofthe enemy's eyes, then suddenly charge forth in the name of Sigmar! that unit's melee wespons by | until the end of he trn HUMAN ORDER Engage the Foe: The ers HUMAN ORDER Suppressing Fire: thunderous barrage of shots rains down upon the foe disrupting their cohesion and strength to draw Teaving them vulnerable to a {follow-up attack mmander. 5 been preserving is ‘weapons my head-on Vou can reveal this order a tof your charge phase ale, You can reveal this order a the start of your shootin, phase. Ifyou do so, pick | nly Crrtes OF friendly Crrtes oF Sis Homay unit within 9 Heno with this order that unit shoots, ial of attacks targeted the same x enemy unit, roll 206 and it yet fought Je, and is within 3 with this orde kes a cha the number of models slain by phase, add | to those attacks to the result. acks characteristic af the result exceeds the Bravery at unit’s melee weapons characteristic of that enemy until the end of the following unit, itis suppressed until th fend ofthe turn, The stil effect applies to a unit that is suppressed, ‘ombat phase DUARDIN ORDER Form Shieldwall F AFLE ORDER gromril shields held by the ; en leader cold torn isnigh tpassbte ander their undring ocd heey You can reveal this onder tthe sta Ravenna e You can reveal this order atthe tart ofthe charge Lricndly C3 shildwall until the end ofthe phase. While ait asin cewah ae applies to that uns until the end ofthe en can pick fren sand ANUV isformed into shieldwall, the stske last ec applies to that unitbutithasa ward of 9 AELE ORDER Swit Disengage: The speed and discipline of the DUARDIN ORDER selves is unmatched, Ata trident commanc. they (Grim Last Stand: Eve inthe face of withdraw from combat in good order ready to insurmountable odds, the fierce descendants of reposition and asa thei foes anew the Khazalid Empire stand with weapons in hand, ready to sell hei ives dearly. You can reveal this order atthe end ofthe combat phase. t'you do so, pick | friendly Cres oF You can reveal ths order tthe star of your Stewan AnLF unt thats within ofthe Heo combat phase. I'you do so, you can pick 1 with his order and is within 3 of any enemy Iiendly Crr1es oF Soma Duaxprn unit that units. That unit can immediately retreat Is within 3" of the Heo with this order Until the end ofthat phase, each time a model from that unit isslnin hy am atack made witha melee ‘weapon, you can pick J enemy unit within 3” of that models unit and roll die, On a4, that ‘enemy unit suters | mortal wound, ENHANCEMENTS COMMAND TRAITS HUMaw 6 cies chosen by the God King to Tead the Dawnbringer Crusade This general becomes a PRIEST they are not saya Pats. In addition, they know the Hammer of Sigmar prayer below in addition to any rapes they know Hammer of Sigmar: The priest calls upon Sigmar himslft les tir allies with the strength 0 overcome any foe Hammer of Sigmar isa prayer that has an answer value of4 and a range of 12. 1f answered, until the start ofyour next hero phase, add I to wound rolls for attacks made with melee weapons by fniendly Crrius oF Steaa HUMAN units while they are wholly within range ofthe chanter, Grizaled Veteran: This general has seen countless battles in ther time. Now, ony the strongest of blows can lay them lw, Ferovinp only. Wound rolls made for altacks that target this general only wound on anunmodified 4, SENTINELS OF ORDER pride Master of Halistis: This general takes gr fhe firearms forged im thelr city id the most from the weapons inthe qual Thus the welder this general issues the All-out Attack command (ore rules, 134) toa friendly CasteLire unit he shooting phase, add I to wound roll for attacks ‘made with missle weapons by that unit in that phase. This effect sin addition tothe normal eect oF All-out Attack, Fiery Temper: While rash and imp general shows unwavering bravery in ‘enemy and soften the st to charge Youcan re-oll charge rolls fr thi Crrits oF Stoman Humay units while they are wholly within 18" ofthis general OF Mighty Lincage: Ths proud 49 continue this glo legacy by challenging the strongest opponents At the star ofthe combat phase. you can say that this general willisuea challenge Ifyou do $0, pick I enemy Hem within 5 ofthis general. Until the end ofthat phase, the trike frst, fact applies to this general butallofthesttacks they make Jn tha phase mast target tha Unparalleled Duelist: he martial sills of this general are unmatched. bs single combat, ‘every mistake made by their ‘opponents brutally punished without a moment's hesitation Foreac hit rll foran attack made wt nelee weapon that Fargets this general that does not Scoreahit, theatiacking unit safes | mortal wound afterall. ofits attacks have been ener ony De tough ass ig AL the end ofeach combat phase rlla dice ‘currently allocated general. Ona ished ach wound this hat wound LORDS OF THE MOUNTAINS Master of Ancient Late: This bane This general becomes a Parser. this oneal is aleeady a Pans, they know 1 additonal Prayer rom the Rune Lone psy erp p10) EOIN DREADED LEADERS Ake general oly Secretive Warlock: Away from ying ees this general has dedicated themselves to the study of forbidden tore, Wizanp only, Add 1 to casting and unbinding rolls made for this general Draconic Blood: pact: Whisper retold ofthe blasphemous Blood: pact this warlord has {formed wth the Black Dragon they ride into batt Hexo mounted on Back Dragon ‘only, Atthe start ofthe combat phase, you can say that this senerl will draw poser from "heir draconic blood pact IF you do so this general sues mortal wound that cannot benegated. However, until the end ofthat phase, add 1 the Attacks characteristic of the ‘weapons tis general’ mount semed with SsaTnd AWUV 7 CUB a6 BK ARTEFACTS OF POWER URES OF THE CITIES TRE tion being ich alongside them Brazier of Hoty Fame: hampionsynboies the tight. to he darkness of Rolla dice each time a mouel would ee from a teMan HUMAN uast hat wholly within 12 cs not fe. lastro Vivetts Magnificent Macroscope: this lescope isfted with lenses of rare Hyshian glass The view provides allows the bearer to tracken ‘movements from afar and launch long range attacks with deadly accuracy ‘Add 3" to the Range characteristic of missile weapons used by friendly Crrtes oF Staatan Human units hile they are wholly within 12 ofthe bearer, Shemtek’s Grimoire: This ancient tome holds the secrets ofthe fabled wicard of yore, Shemtek Using the power held within, a wizard can conjure ‘an electrical storm inthe skies above to dampen enemy sorcery Wizaxv only. Once per battle, a the start ofthe enemy hero phase, you can say thatthe bearer will conjure a storm. Ifyou doo, roll D3, Until the end ofthat phase, subtract the amount of that rll from ‘astng rolls made for enemy WizaRDs, Sigmacite Warhammer: F Maras, the fabled warhammer of Sigmar, tis po Pick 1 ofthe bearers melee weapons, Im Rend characteristic of that weapon by1 and add Ito the Damage characteristic f that weapon Flask of Lethisian Darkwater: Sour 1 of ie Shyishan city of Leth fully sipped, ts black liquid potion is care ody and Once per battle, tthe end of any phase, you can say that the bearer will sip fom the lask. Ifyou o 50, you can heal up to D6 wounds allocated to Glimmering: The glining facet of Mallus the very core ofthe World-that-Was, afer fleeting tre ‘Once per phase, you can re-roll 1 hit oll or 1 wound Il foran attack made by the bearer or 1 sve roll for am attack that targets the bearer Book of Grudge: Within eh erught aguas the and past trangresson dope evengs At the tart of your hero phase, the bearers more than from all enemy units, you san ay they wil of Grudges If you do, pick I enemy unit that Isvisibleto the bearer and rolla dice Ona 4s, grudge is found, ‘Add 1to hit rolls for atacks made by Giendly Crs oF Stoman DUARDIN units that target that enemy unit until thenext grudge isfound Shadowshroud Ring: Ifthis obsidian ring is turned around the wearer’ finger thre times, it emits a cloud of black shadow that engulf them ace perbattl, a the stat of yourhero phase, you can say that the bearer willuse the ring. IF you do so, nil the start of your next ero phe, the bearer isnot ‘sible to enemy units that are more than 12's, ANCESTOR RELIES, unyielding surfaces aero he ately waa fr oct nem thet et AL te tart ofthe combat phase, this unt is within of any ena ‘unis, you can say will sik the ‘round. Ifyou doo, the bearer ‘anno ht this phase: however, ralla dice for each enemy unt within ofthe bearer On a4 the strike lst tet applies to that enemy ani unt the end of ‘he phe, SOK EXOTIC ARMAMENTS ‘Agu Heno only ‘Venomfang Blade: The glistening serrations on his weapon's edge ‘inject deadly toxine into those who fest bite Pick I ofthe bearer melee weapons. [the unmodified ‘woud roll for an attack made swith that weapon is, that atack ‘causes D3 mortal wounds to the target in addition to any damage itinmicts, Heavy Metal ingot nbued with ‘he fagot makes a immovable ond an wndoppabe force of rol foraftacks hat age the bearer ifthe ester cg Ot. At Ag Anklet of Epiphany: Thi tethers its weaver tothe reat ohiok they stand along thee fora upon buried energies that ave lin fallow since the Age of Mah Wrzanp only: Add 6’ tothe range ‘of spells cast by the bearer wile the bearers whallyonaterain feature andor is contesting an objective SPELL LORES LORE OF THE COLLE Human Weeano (inc a he wi cp ht acne ih wound cate ucla spel hat has a esting eat secs cs pck enemy unit Tai unge and valet the caster: Roll | dice fo creates a numbing ying Masa Te Paes ley sae “and stumble. ‘pstiying Masa isa pl that has casting PatbeclSanlarange (24: I'uccessfuly cast, eg renee ce ote Gaon: Tha nit cannot ra etl yur next hero Phase Tnadlon, ibtact2 rom charge lls for that unit unt your next hero phase, Pall of Doom: A cloud ofterifying darkness pours orth and engulfs the wizard’ foes Pallof Doom sa spel that has «casting value of Zand a range of 18" Ifsuccessfully cast, pick 1 enemy unit within range and visible tothe caster. ‘That enemy unit cannot isue or receive commands ‘commands until the start of your next hero phese. Pha’ Protection: The wizard calls upon the beneficent Guardians of Light to protect their allies from harm, Pha's Protection isa spell that hasa casting value Of and a range of 18 I'successflly cast, pick | friendly Crrtes oF Stewa HuMay unit wholly ‘within range and visible tothe caster, Until the start ‘of your next hero phase, ignore modifiers (positive and negative} to save rolls for attacks that target that unit, Rain of Jade: A zephyr of magic carries forth droplets of restorative Aqua Ghyranis, healing the wounds ofan ally, Rain ofJade is a spell that ha a casting value of Panda range of 12" I succesfully cast, pick L {lendly Crties oF SicataK HUMAN model wholly nge and visible to the caster: Rolla dice for Rye $ GIATE ARCANE ach wound cuttently allocated to that model, Ona of Lead: As the wizard gestures pons and armour become d cumbersome until the haples at thelr foes, their w swarriors.are crushed under their own weight Transmutation of Lead isa spll that has casting range of 12" I succesfully cast, sible to the value of 7 anda pick | enemy within range and ‘aster. Rolla numberof dice equal tothe num of models in that unit For each roll that equals or ‘exceeds that unit's Save characteristic, that un suffers | mortal wound Twin-tailed Comet: A blazing comet races across the sky, inspiring those Sigmarites who witness i before crashing into the enemy's ine Twin-tailed Comet isa spell that has a casting value of and a range of 18”. f successfully cast pick within range and visible to the easter asterand 1 model h friendly Dr nth Homaw unit th er has a Bravery pick friendly satis wholly Until the empta Crns i of 206 rolls made for that unit until the start of roll 3D6 inst LORE oF Da # WIZARD inch RK SORCERY ‘Sap Strength: The caster ces Umbra summons coling wisps of black ‘that wrap araurd the limt ref la they grap and tary allowing them to pase through armour as Sap Stengeh is spell that has : scasting Yale of Gand arange 2° frecuentes gc ad Vine tothe caster of your next hero phase, ech tinea bateshock ls mae foethat uni a nl. 26 must be alld inte of 1 dice Be Of18" Isuccesflly cast pick enemy anit within range and visible to the caster Subtract 1 from wound rll fr attacks made by that unit unl the start of your next hero phase, cg fete At: ag acsting value of 7 and aang of cea pce Ante unt wholly within ange and vise tothe caster Unt the art of your next hero ps, when making sve role for stacks ‘made with melee weapons by tha CCrrtes oF Staan Arte unit the targets Save characteristics PRAYER SCRIPTURES RUNE LORE DvaRDIn Patesr (including Unique unt) only Rune of Unfaltering Aim: The Runeof Oathand Steet: he Rune of Wrath and Ruin: The moment this rune is struck, the Blessing of Grungi hardens striking ofthis ae causes the wind dies down to naught and duardin steel as each suit of. ery earth before the Ruelord 19 ‘weapons hold steady as frozen armour remembers the hammer crac, venting fie and sulphurous inte allovingshtsto ith awa tht forget faomes that engulf the enemy mark with ease, Rune of Oath and Stel sa prayer Rune of Wrath and Ruin Runeof Unfaltering Aimisa __withananswervalueof 3 anda prayerwith ananswervaluc of 3 prayer with an answer value of3 range of 12: Ifanswered,pick anda range of 1 Iranswercd, Anda range! 12' Ifanswered, Lfslendly Crmmes oF Sigman pick L enemyunitwitin rn pick Iriendly Crrtes or Stoman Duagbrx unit wholly within and visible othe chaner. Rol Duanory unit vhollywithin—rangeand visible tothe chanter. 6 dice. For each roll of 5, that fangeand visible to thechanter, Subtract from wound rolls for enemy sufers 1 mortal ‘Add thiol foratacka made atch that targt ha nit sand nalon with missile weapons by that the start of you p Se ‘unit until the start of your next that wnitis ruined unt the start pee of your next hero phase. While units ruined, ignore postive modifiers to sae rolls fr atacks that target that unit HAMMERHAL AQSHA Tlammetha, the Twin-Tatled Cty, i shining embodiment of the Stormrift Realmgate 1d souls keen to drive iat spans cther side ofthe gi The Aqshian Ick the tain aumensAt Agata of, but they you command a Hammerhal Agsba a AVENTIS FiRESTRIKE, at the sa additional 1é point if that model is on th TEMPEST’S EYE ‘The enormous Titanspear Mountain rises proudly above the ash plains of the Brimstone Peninsula in Aqshy, its summit masked by banks of pure white clouds. Carved out of the bedrock of this immense monolith is Tempest’ Eye, a wondrous city of soaring towersand palaces that domina Jand and sky for many Teagues around. Rapid Redeploy: Th combat before Friendly Temrst’s Ev can retreat and SkxVESSEL units (inc stllshoot in the same t Tsk opaianeen steal arnt Lae = they will ames wild magi cel have been resolve aan cs ler any eet ofthe spell HAMMERHALGHYRA The armies of Hammerhal Ghyr re bolstered by a of dedicated soliery, who march arth nthe name Speer ty reclaim thelands oat tothe Dark Gods inthe Nghe Bounty ofthe Vrdant ity: Te abundant resources of Harmer ira ensure its armies are away wel supe. When picking Hammerhal Ghyra stm, ifthe bttepack you are Using has restrictions onthe number of reinforced units you can include, you can include 1 additional Crrts oF StoMaR reinforced ‘unitin your army. In addition friendly Hasrwraitat Guna HUMAN units havea Bravery characteristic of 10 while they hae 1000 rote models, THE LIVING CITY Known asthe Viridian Shield, the warriors ofthe Living City and their Syivaneth allies are adept fighting amidst the green labyrinth ‘of the Everspring Swathe, launching wel planned ambushes before fading back into the trees. Hunters of the Hidden Paths: The warriors ofthe Living ity know of Sere paths though the eins, which they sil navigate onder Setup ambushes for thse who threaten them. Pa ed yucn pence a ate ving ouhne ses eA etch iin set Lo batt a mere than mallee ns yc Ft. A + Fastness ses from the hough it resides in the Ream en iy loming ove the landscape Tike w great, met elcome: Thea protonged and punts sethe All-ovt Attack command! up 93 timesin your LETHIS Prime Innetlands of Shyish, the solemn peoples of Lethis ve the worship of forgotten gods’, most notably Morrda, Master of the Bleak Raven, His grim worshippers are said to possess the power to stil the soul upon death, preventing it from slipping into Nagashis clutches. Friendly Letuis Hustan Hirors that are not WizaRps become Prursrs. In addition friendly Leraus Human Priests and frend Allied StoRMCAST ETERNALS PRIESTS know addition to any others they know: -Morrda’s Embrace: Words of power ar heralding the doo to hear them -Motrda’s Embrace i prayer with an ans fonda of 12 answered ick | ener sod visible tothe hanter, Ward saves cannot be mac soit anil the stat of your next hero phas VINDICARUM | Built into the heart ofa dorms iscid Fl, Vindicarum is a hard-line bastion faith its populous unwavering and zealous ut for the God: Unyielding Faiths Unforgiving and res face of outward threats, the city of Vindicarum has become « bulwark ofthe Sigmarite faith; and its warriors possess an wnrelenting ze Friendly Vinprcanum units can receive the Rally command while they are within" of any enemy units. In addition, when a friendly VINDICARUM FLAGELLANrS unit receives the Rally command, you ‘ean return I slain. model to that unit foreach 5+ instead of each 6 EXCELSI bite and any Bev Fanon Crass ashe, ck een model in that FREEGUILD CaVvALty valle Within ofthat Eaanovinn € SETTLER’S GAIN Seer Gain hth amin tamans hese ances th ower ote swe mae tic bothrscengt bye lates Expert stration: Under the Lumina te hon wc a ca eee ed a arr sels with grat hl whe c= lyhaldery have ee cna andl ‘Ada 1 to casting cll for friendly Serrtzn’s Garw Wrz aR0s. In addition, at the start of each hero phase, you receive 1 adlitional Command point ithe model picked tobe your generals within ¥ of any friendly allied Losniwert Reatst- ons HEROES. MISTHAVN Known a the City of Scoundrel, Misthivn ian infamous den Ut plrater and cut throats, Home to many Scourge Private, Sorting Covens and wariors ofthe Orde Serpentis thei armies Fad out snaked in inky darkpess to launch ighining raids upon unsuspecting foes “Shadowed Approach: The warriors of Misthien swt bear down upon their foes under cover of unnatural darks you can pickup to3 diferent friendly 12 rom all enemy unis. Each pred units that ae more tha 12 tromall enemy aoe nats ean make a roar of up 0 D6 (all separately <8) of hoe paramount rca make aTaote of yp lO D6 Isao tage Units can finish his move within 3” f enemy ve [At the end of your heto phase Suen @ent ag oe PATH TO GLORY Your Path to Glory campaign tells the story of your army as they brave the Chaos-tainted wilds beyond their parent city in an attempt to establish ‘new settlement. To begin with, your army is travelling through the wilderness. This ‘means that they do not have ‘any territories under their control and can only embark ‘on the quests on page 112. At the same time, after each battle, they will earn crusade Points, suffer setbacks when defeated, and receive blessings ‘when victorious. Once you have earned 25 crusade points, ‘you can fight a final battleplan ‘and, ifyou win, your crusade reaches its end and you can establish your new settlement. A great place to keep track of ‘your crusade points isin the Notes section for your warlord ‘on your order of battle PATH TO GLORY The following sectior you are using a Cities of Sigmar army. ides rules for your Path to Glory campaign if EMBARKING ON A DAWNBRINGER CRUSADE ‘When you start a Path to Glory campaign with a Cities of Sigmar army, your army is said to be om ertsade and will remain so until y founded. While your army is on crusade, the following rules apply 1, You do not start with any territories under your control and yo bring territories under your control. Do not make exploration rolls, 2. Order of battle limits do not apply to you. You can include any number of units on your order of battle (but you must still spend glory points to add them, as normal). 3. You do not have a Stronghold and cannot establish an Outpost. 4. The only quests you can embark on are those on page 112. While your army is on crusade, you must keep track of the number of erusade points you have. You start with 0 crusade points, and after each Path to Glory battle, you can earn or lose crusad: the table below. In addition, you earn crusad quests on page 112. You can never points as shown on points by completing the O crusade points. Won a major victory D6+3 Wona minor victory p32 Battle was a draw 1 Opponent won the bale aes In addition, in step 1 of the aftermath seq the Setbacks table or the Blessings table (opposite) as follows. Ifyou did not win a major victory or a minor victory, roll once on the Setbacks table and apply the result. Ifyou won a minor vietory, roll once on the Blessings table and apply the result. If you won a major victory, roll twice cn the Blessings table and pick 1 of the results to apply you must roll on either Mt Filthy conditions have lg ‘an outbreak of plague in youy P ur camp, Rolla dice for each unit th i thats ligibe unit is infected by Nur, Sai ale’ Rot, Increase casualty score by 1 me No Way Forward: Your current path 2 is blocked. You'll have to find anothe, route around. a Ifyou are embarked on a que: y A quest, you lose D6 quest points (o a minimum of 0} Low Ammunition: With powder stores running dry, every shot must count. In your next Path to Glory battle, at the end of each of your shooting phases, roll. «dice for each friendly unit that shot in that phase. On a 1, that unit has run out of ammunition and cannot be picked to shoot for the rest of the battle So Many Mouths to Feed: As supplies ‘dwindle, your warriors begin to go hungry: ‘You cannot recuperate units in the aftermath sequence of this battle, 3: Defeat after defeat Downtrodden Spi begins to take its tol. 5 Intheaftermath sequence ofthis battle, do not pick a unit to be your favoured warriors Righteous Indignation: Your faith in 6 Sigmar wavers not! You receive D6 glory points. FOUNDING YOUR CITY ‘Once you have amassed 25 or more crusade points, Dawn’ on pages 118-119, Ifyou win that battle, do not rol city. When you do so, your army is no longer on crusade. aftermath sequence of the battle: 1, Set each of your order of battle limits to the number of each frritory from the corresponding unit type on territory I Sigmar your roster (for example, if you territory under your mal have 3 Heroks, set the HEROES apa iat ang points they can gninas normal). = Ne cont unit limit to 3). Ifyou have no heres nits ofthe corresponding tyPe setit to 1, you ean choose to ight the batteplan‘Avait the Coming Ion the Blessings table; instead, you can found your In addition, follow these steps before resolving the 2, You receive a stronghold and can immediately pick | Cities of crritories table and A Night’s Respite: Tired fon the m quiet night is a we 7m No effect High Spirit: thelr victory fog additional renown iain nin Hidden Spring: A sacred font of heating Aqua Ghyraniss found onthe trail. AYOTS OL HIV Atthe end of the aftermath sequence of this battle, for each unit your order of bale that as a casualty score of 1 or more, reduce its casualty score salty score by 1 A Way Through: Your scouts comeback with news ofa quicker route your army can take, = Ifyou are embarked on a quest, you gain Dé quest points Reinforcements Arrive: Word reached {your parent ity of your location ard they dispatched warriors to bols In the aftermath sequence ofthis batt you can add 1 unit to your order of bal without spending any glory points to do so. ‘Twin-tailed Comet: A divine portent lights up the night sky, imbuing the spirits of your choose fo continue their warriors asthe ‘march rather than camp. ‘You receive D3 additional crusade points 3, Bach unit on your order of | battle that is nota HERO gains the First Founding Veterans’ ‘veteran ability on page 113 (note: that thisis in addition to the 3 Crd Peery ee og sade. Crossing it will take time, the safest route to take. RR enn Seren torr a) pick 1 of the results to apply. Rye eee scat Peete oT current number of quest points to the Ona 12+, you reach the other side. Once you pee eee smn ar) eer a eres en ers aT 330) and complete this quest after you have done J a ener steer ee eet ees een QUEST™ ier en eee ee stall your advance. Finding a route between the will save valuable time, ‘each time you Pee een Tee Ts Peay Pole ere sei Pema eee ERR ICE eons Seem Cot iam erie? ‘Once you find your way through the mires, roll a dice and add 1 if you won your last battle, On eee tec cai) quest. On a 1-3, you cannot complete this quest until you fight the ‘Hold or Die’ battleplan as the invader (Core Book, pg 334). Pe Seen errs Snes ones con etd eet eng er eid Cer ae You seck a pass over a chain of mountains, but Ca an re ee Tee eae ee While embarked on this quest, until you have eterna ee ca ae ere ee es Ree eet eee See es Ona 7+, you find a mountain pass. Once you Pentre ree ee ts reakthrough’ battleplan as the invader (Core eee oe te ree een eee ene ery Peet ter erremten Areca. Perec ots ce Crean this quest once you have gained 10 or more ‘quest points or ater you are ambushed and have Ps When you complete this quest, you receive 5 additional crusade points if you won the battle ‘or were not ambushed, or 3 if neither happened. VETERAN ABILITIES avime a CITIES OF Si san abilities from the AAR unit on Your Path to Glor Bae the setera ¥ roster g Bains able belo low instead of the table g fable found in the veteran abi oFe Book YOU can Pick of the wavering Resolve: These warriors will muster every u Hosein on al ides. bit of st Strength to drive ve back the ener MEM, e¥6R When the unit can use this veteran ability once perb = ttle in the hero phase, If it llycommand in that phase even ifitis within ¥ efece does so this : Sere his unit can receive th xpert Marksmen: With es like hawks, these soldiers are wel a pes ell rained in targeting enem the reach oftheir pe resting enemy warriors beyond AUYOTO OL HLVd titarmed with missile weapons only. This unit can use this toshoot [it does so, increase the Range characteristic ofthis ofthe phase. Righteous Conviction: The light of Sigmar is said to shine down upon these spon their god to smite the priests and prophets ofthe enemy in battle, “td im chorus they cal eaten bly once per battle when tis picked ‘missile weapons by 6° until the end HoMmay unit only. This unit can use this veteran ability ly lity once per battle in the hero phase. it tnitcan chant the Smite prayer (core rules 202) asifit were Purest, ns nt” Peas Hit doesso this Mobile Bulwark: Veterans of countless battles, these soldiers can assume a defensive that would impress even the most weathered Greywater artileryman hs Sermaton witha sped CasteutTe unit with the ‘Fortified Position’ ability only. This unit can use this veteran ability once per batle inyour movement phase after making a normal move. Ifit does so, this unit can establish a fortified position ss fithad remained stationary. uugh as Gromril: Once formed up into a shieldwall, these stubborn duardin are nigh impossible to shift npr unit only. This unit can use this veteran ability once per battle when itis picked for the ‘Form Jdwall” order, IFit does so, it has a ward of 4+ until the end of the phase instead of 5. icksilver Speed: These aelven warriors are swift even for their fleet footed kind. LP unit only. This unit can use this veteran ability once per battle at the start ofthe combs the strike-first effect applies to this unit until the end of at phase if it dea charge move in the same turn. Ifit does so, (turn, eaeraane bility is gained by non-HERO units 4s described under ‘Founding Your City’ on page 11, the following veteran UU ‘nyour order of battle after you have fought and won the ‘Await the Coming Da is picked to shoot or ‘once per battle when it a dof the phase. ran ability ‘ y that nit until th ks made b First Founding Veterans: This unit can use this vetet ight, Ift does so, you can re-roll ht rolls of 1 for attac PATH TO GLORY TERRITORIES Alternatively you can pic 61 ARABLE RECLAIM ans of purifying waters, this land has Fall taint and now produces valuable ur city’s burgeoning population. Tnerease your Reinforced Units limit by 2 [Upgrade SGP] Ghyranite Tract: Increase your Reinforced Units limit by 4 instead of 2. In addition, you receive 1 additional glory point in step I of the aftermath sequence. 62 GUARDIAN IDOL Standing sentinel on the borders of your territory, these foreboding statues harness geomantic ley Ines to imbue your warriors with saintly power ‘his territory cannot be upgraded. In a Path to Glory batl,ifyou could set up faction terrain, you can setup 1 Guardian Idol wholly within your territory for each territory ofthis type that you control Friendly Crrtes oF Steman units havea ward of 66+ while they are within 3° of any Guardian Idol in their territory. 63 DUARDIN QUARTER Foundries, smithies and other forgeworks spring up in ‘your city as the duardin bring to bear their knowledge of mining, metallurgy and runecraft. Increase your WAR Macutnes limit by 2 and your Prrests limit by 1 [Upgrade 10GP] Ironweld Workshop: Increase your ‘Wax Macuyes limit by 4 instead of 2 7 anexploration roll the rolls 61-66, that roll will correspond to a terttory on the table below When making an exploration rr from the Territories table in the Core Book that corresponds to a roll of 21-42 TERN se NA7F Gf DA leg CoE Te i Na AVA OM dic a Ce Pisce blige lous ile beans fae Bearer ale [Upgrade 10GP Dockside Beast-pens: Increase Your Montana Init ley 3tastesd of 65 FREEGUILD BARRACKS The cries of drillmasters cut through the morning air 4 they harden the warriors under their command through rigorous training. Each time you recuperate a FREEGUILD unit, that unit gains D3 renown points, If that unit earns a new rank, resolve it immediately. [Upgrade 10GP] Military Academy: Each time you recuperate a FREEGUILD unit, it gains DS points instead of D3, 66 GEOMANTIC NEXUS You have pinpointed the critical source of the ic energy that your settlement ha must construct a Nexus geoma) " ‘founded upon. Now, you Syphon 5 its true power. his territory can be controlled without spending ny glo do so, You can only control t 1. Ithas no effect until it Up Syphon: Ina Path to Glo d set up faction terrain, you can Syphon wholly within your ter his terrain feature has been affected by a successful Smash To Rubble monstrous rampage, friendly Crvtes oF SigMAR units have a ward of 5+ instead of 6+ while they are within 3° of any Guardian Idols that are within 24" of that Nexus Syphon, HEROIC UPGRADES During your Path to Glory ca 8 campaign, yo upgrades for your Herons. Hero with anoth may be able t rare replaces th hi A heroic upy la p i more powerful righty champion in your army Houcan pc aero upgrade in tep7 ofthe aterm sequence to do so, consult the table he the eligible options, Pach © will be upgraded to, which renown points that Heo must hav replace your HERO's wars withthe new one chosen. You can only i aftermath sequence low and pick tof de lists the warscroll the Hino Lis required, the amount o and the amount of glory point pen. Once you have picked picked scroll on your order af battle 1 heroic upgrade in each heroic upgrade, Ifthe new warscrollis a type that is limited on your order of battle for example, itis a MonsTER — you will need to have increased your onder of battle limits to accommodate it hefore itcan be upgraded CORE ENHANCEMENTS ‘When you pick a heroic upgrade for a HERO, they keep theit renown points and any core enhancements that they are still eligible for. If your Hero had any core enhancements that they are no longer eligible for, they lose those core enhancements. Ifthis enables you to pick a new core enhancement for your order of battle, you can do so. Freeguild Cavalier- ‘Marshal or Freeguild Marshal Froeguild Marshal on Griffon and Relic Envoy Freeguild Cavalier _Freeguild Marshal 4g i Marshal and Relic Envoy Battlemage on Griffon Battlemage 35 6 Battlemage on eee ei A Luminark of Hysh Battlemage on Celestial Denies eat el Hurricanum Sorceress on Black Re 35 6 peop rakol sence oe oe CITIZENS OF THE REALMS sv aeros the Mortal Real is ar limitless, what with each fallen empire ‘smaller clans and tribe ' + comes to naming your ovn character, (el fee to pick one ‘Alternatively, pick a realm, then generate a first name with on ‘i at some inspiration wh ‘Thebreadth having splintered it ineach area, Ifyou wan from the ists below or use th fall ofa 196 and a surname with GHUR SHYISH ULGU [DAUR e taste a vi — TE ‘CHAMON AZYR Alkasn 1 Galdstrik 1 Asileo 1 Abrachis Vennst 2. Prosperin 2 junitan Vale Arglynt 3 Caldiron 3 Onials 3 Menthior nvr 4 Goertha 4 Atherscribe 5 Glimmerbrack 5 Lecutia 5 Surblessed 6 6 _Blovia 6 Heavensent a. 2. 0-@ Once you've generated a name for personality quirk - or roll on all thre a... AELVE: ee DUARDIN TE moes;E-, 2 Ynqiloth 2) the Shade Tas a 3 Eladrian 2 Gleamteat fee Cee a) Yanai 4) the tan Kennek 3 Bjarnsen Your character, why not pick a able from the three below to determine #eand pick the one you like the best seta Tab ‘Sigmar’ Zealot: This citizen i true believer, wr siping the GodKingin thought and deed Blinded by Greed: The lac of westh defines tis citizens ollook and agenda nll hing, ‘Gung:ho Crusader: Danger? What dager? With Sigmar’ grace, no challenge to great Cursed: Some fl force has puta curse upon this one Can they overcome it hefoe th end? Beloved ofthe Comet This one has the eye of Sigmar upon them, thei fate eve ore Anveterate Gambler: Taking risks comes naturally to this one, whether onthe bate rin he gambling en. QUIRK Teller of Tall Tales: The citizen loves nothing mo ethan to recount stories of ge ist. Side Hustle: Black marketer, slum king, or loan shark, this onehasa sestt agen, Inventive: No challenge or quandary is beyond the ingenuity ofthis one’ sharp mind. ‘Weather-beaten: The yeas speat on the Fonlier have let heay lines on thie fest, CCantankerous: Best not bother this one unles its realy important or they have jus eaten. Lover in the Ranks: Though few know i one as Javed partner in the same wathost Idealistc: The demands of pragmatism Fresh Blood: Whether wide-eyed youth or an untested elder this ont his escaped war until now. Homesick: Long months onthe toad have been filled with yearning for family and heath Cea This one as sen al andthe a war ave rate the down aes opel: Sul i the grace of Sigmar pon the, thy’ armies an re agin ho The nightmares of war agains he darkness torture every night and haunt every dy. ‘away when ther sa statement o be made Hautes AUOTO OL HIVd Pye n nO) i AWAIT THE COMING DAWN Sehr hE) gd Bonin e ane te ibedttbespieea | reo bile iceman ne Neen aT cela nea Rar ree recor Hetero mec cr eer ret etana pees prvbereeeratertom Runa mentor cote oor me opener eeeentn nS MMR [ier roeeapraniotai challenge. This night, Hoa ek lopyinate Seplravepoeed Lnepesnnee titre Umm oa Barman aihomnen Ebates oo er eve aM TENS TCT re mm st Taree cto Pagerennensrvcsmnnenra rama ert ii ine gant co eet eee erp rennin Raa In enn tees ec cnc ree Facsanenervorrer eri pea MIMI Thc a ete cc ree rules. 2812) todetermine which | of namelese warrior) astead, the plone i ati ee So Donne oH er vereueker keyed feature during the battle, eure Chg ee pom aaean ernest atria Fira arene plyerisusioga GhisofSigmar | FACTION TERRAIN | hasbeen destroyed, you canst besa or scperirr none Woy gratin (ope a mein Er paegeeree ern ee unc rears re ees tren eee rr ee ee 5 pena Bea reer PLO} Tater destroyed canbe replaced Sa staat prone renns i) ieccomn area Peers erat: Sigmar army isthe Dawnbringer. p aaeeebberrin pt n ms 7 eae aes ; yo do 30, those N MW COes TERRITORY DUN TERRITORY oe Ua a OPS S Pere ect Presi ne mone pa BATTLE LENGTH ‘The battle lasts until 1 player claims victory (see Glorious Victory). PON Ne aN cee eees eget decides which player takes the first turn GLORIOUS VICTORY Ifatthe end ofa battle round, eerste arena nn territory, the attacker clalms Perea nL) has broken, iat the end of battle round, there are no enemy units Brenner aad territory (excluding horde units) Peete u a Pee ea nnd Perr aia Bera 119 ONE Coa yee i ccc ee RP ese Peter PIU BLK Ke) ag ay Pinch enn aot os Pertti nt ! eyes ih Ifthe attacker wins the battle, they eer estes peer eer un Pete ecard ‘without spending any glory points rons Nicroerpearadante nn rey Beemer Ty cee get eam Pee rotor Re ual CASTELITE FORMATION Mn ee ee ind the brunt of the enemy assault and mete out retribution in turn. ji INI RU NTL oe ‘Hold Formation? These soldiers have campaigned together from Paniptiire dyer - plapepaiema ‘When a unit in this battalion receives the Inspiring Presence command, roll a dice for each other unit in this battalion wholly within 12° of that unit. On a 4+, do not take battleshock tess in that phase for the unit being rolled for. ami? GRUDGEB Lc tet sctling of not forgotten grudges. RCO OUND WAR THRONG ; eet ee ee BU th acy Siabborn to the End: The Dsposered are renowned fo ther tubborn ‘refusal to admit defeat, expeclally inthe face of overwhelining odds, aM cece eT ee ‘in the third and subsequent battle rounds. ey Re REIT THRALL WARHOST Ensorcelled by the unbreakable will of a Sorceress, the warriors of this warhost hue themselves into battle, each aelf compelled to give their life for their dark and terrible mistress should she demand it. Cena eee ABILITIES ere en nee es ee ee oy leads this bleak host commands her underlings to murder the foe with Freee eee Creed ee eC eee ey this batalion is within 12" of any enemy units, ou can say that she will, See eer era ee Peer net rece ‘made with melee weapons by units inthis battalion until the end of ores the hattlepack: pick from the fo pick Alter you have picked your army, you ean pic Exemplar of the Acadamae Martial: When the Battle ends, you complete this grand strategy if you ‘completed at least 4 batle tactics and every battle tactic you completed this batle was from the "For Honour and Glory’ lst below. Reclaim for Sigmar!: When the battle ends, you complete this grand strategy ifthere isa last 1 friendly Crrtes oF Sema unit wholly within ‘each large quarter ofthe battlefield BATTLE TACTICS than once per battle, Bring Full Arms to Bear: Pick 1 enemy nit. You complete this battle tactic if that unit is destroyed this turn and was suppressed as a result of the “Suppressing Fire’ order, Raise the Banner: Pick | objective controlled by Your opponent. You complete this tactic if you control that objective at the end ofthis turn and ‘friendly Freeaui.p ComMAND Conps that includes a Great Herald contests it. MATCHED PLAY sow ar using sys that you mus pick grand strategies ts ser ell as those found nthe battlepac GRAND STRATEGIES | ofthe grand strategies below and record it on your army 1 destroyed his turn battle tactics for your army, you re using, TENETS OF WAR | Cities of Sigmar army only. Hold the High Ground: When the battle ends, you complete this grand strategy if there are any friendly units within 12 re of the battlefield and no enemy units within 12" of the centre ofthe battlefield. Banners Held High: When the battle ends, cach | player totals the number of Standard Bearers and Anis with the Torat keyword in their army that ae on the btlefield. If your total is high complete this grand strategy Atthe start of your hero phase, you can pick I of the battle tactics below. You must reveal your choice to your opponent, and ifyour battle tactic instructs you to pick something, yous must te You have until the end of that turn to complete the battle tactic. You cannot pic ‘our opponent what you pick FOR HONOUR AND ¢ Gities of Sigmar army on Mount the ¢ by your oppo control that obj every friendly unit that contests it has a mountis and made a charge move this turn ive controlled nis tactic if you. of this turn and Strike Without Warning: You complete this bate tactic i'3 or more friendly Criugs oF SIGMAR AELE units made a charge move this turn Iron Might: You complete this battle tactic at the end of the turn if3 or more friendly Crvtes oF Stgmar DuaRDIn units fought this turn and no fiendly Crvixs oF SiewAR Duanprw units were io IONS CORE BATTAL You can include any of the folk mat army ifthe batlepck you are using DOC Rc hs NAA Ay UNIT ICONS ‘ BATTALION ABILITY ICONS (Mandatory/Optional) Unified: One-drop Deployment (core rules, 262.1) Watchtower: Expert: Once per bate, unit rom this battalion can recive the Pasi Major on AlL-out attack or Allout Defence command without the commend Ogor Warhulle being issued and without a command point being spent. £ gf tors G Magnificent: When you pick enhancements for your army Freeguild Fusiliers or (Core rules, 27.3), you can pick | extra enhancement. Freeguild Steelhelms unit JK Slayers: Once per battle, | unit fom this ataon can receive the All-out Attack or Unleash Hell command without the command 2 corre being issued and without a command point being spent Great Cannon Strategists: Once per batle, when you receive command points at the Start of your hero phase, you can receive 1 extra command point. Swift: Once per batle, | unit from this battalion can receive the At = the Double or Forward to Vietory command without the command being issued and without a command point being spent. Sr TAHLIA VEDRA esr Le LEE WEAPONS ange Attacks Tot To Wound Rena 5, mot Fh s é 2 3 a DAMAGE TABLE ‘Wounds Suffered Move Leonine jaws SOmpid Stinger Unparalleled Tactician: en to HEROES, Paralysing Venom: Pick 1 enemy Monsen that made a charge move ths turn andi within tunit, Roll dice, Ona 34, the strike-Last effect applies to that enemy Monster until the end of ERHAL AQSHA, FREEGUILD, HERO: ‘ria ks il roe PONTIFEX ZENESTRA ictrertrictanie rere mcr oes Range Attacks Toit T Rrra FLAGELLANTS Range Attacks To Hit To Wound CHAMPION: | model in this tit suffers LESS tht acay Wounds Suffered Marshal on Grin ie 1ofthefllowing weapon options: Sigmarite Runeswont MOUNT: This unit’ Griffon s armed with Razor Claws and a Deadly Beak FLY: Thisunit can ey arn ree Pe ae Pte sane Scr a ore cee conte ner eee Ane TALES Ta HS Worm Raa © DAMAGETAREE > Razor Claws Deadly Beak this unit madea charge move in thesametum, add YotheDamage 1h shatiteristcof ts eegulé Lance and Sign Improve the Rend characteristic of, Freeguild Lance by 1 Piercing Bloodroar: The iri wr eyofa nigh tem sro When you cary out he Ro ‘monstrous anpge with an pick 2 enemy units within ote Instead of funy, Huo, MONSTER, : LON GRIFFON eee ouinn, H 1, FREEGUILD MARSHA aaa 1h MARSHAL FREEGU Designer's Note: er eee) Crores iver Rousing Speech; Pick up t ofthis unit, For each unit picked, characteristic, until the end ofthe turn, m Tera Treinen) Sees ae ected Eee Ears Ea a8 oe = Onpen, Crrtts oF 5 FRervi Cavaui HUMAN, FRsscuitp, Hexo, ALCHEMITE WARFORGER ____ MELEE WEAPONS Sage Ao Ht To Worn Rend Dam: ‘Tongst 2 3 : ; An Alchemite Warforgeris armed with Runic Crucible: Th a Tongstaf. arried WIZARD: Thiswoitcan attempt o cast Ispellin your hero phase and attempt tounbind I spell inthe enemy hero phase. yo pick spell from the Loe ofthe Callegiste Arcane for this uni At the start of yourhera pase, you ‘mst be Transmutation of ead an say thst ter ko cxpend the power ota raniruible Inui ses he power ofan Crucible ad to canting lls fo ths Satan heroes IC wore caveat the power ofiteramiccrcbl, rake See eat anyspelstispbsebut_ metal cane sartoryourneatherophas, (anya Ad ev alls fr renal CTE OF aaa Aa Hanis while by a Sie within 2 his unk ena eae I Couesiat cn MAR, HUMAN: Onper, Crrtzs oF S : ALCHEMITE WARFO IST ices BATTLEMAGE Rauige Attacks To Hit To Wound Rend Damage Oxper, Crntes oF AN, COLLEGIATE ARCANE, HERO, Wizann, BATTLEMAGH a ar Ss é Realmstone Orb Ensorelled Skull Ancient Grimoire Ritual Dagger e 2 Celestial Battlemage Bright Battlemage with White Battlemage with Realmstone Orb Enchanted Blade with Ancient Grimoire 'WARSCROLL BATTLEMAGE i DAMAGETARLE ‘Wounds Suffered 5 Razor Claws FLY: Thisunit an fy re (AN, COLLEGIATE ARCANE, Heo, MONSTER, erate (icin ge Miacks TOM To Wound Rend Dam, Sree CELESTIAL HURRIGANUM ange Attacks 70 Wound |" Read Dam: $F StenAx, HUMAN, COLLEGIA rae yer MISSILE WEAPONS MELEE WEAPONS, ONS Attacks Range Attacks ee eaien va wizarp: cilia you bind 1 this unit ‘CREW: This unit's Acolytes ate armed EV otal cinton the heating adel base. Rlladiefor ech unt tat has ny models pase Foteach ll MOUNT: This unit's Washorsesare MEE orc ith Scclshod Howes een “Sie Onpex, Crriks OF Stostan, HumAN, Cou MAGE ON Lvs are An To Hit_To Wound TLEMAGE Rend ft To Wound Rend Damage ‘CANE, HO, WAR MACHINE LUMINARK OF HYSH Range Attacks Scaring Beam of Light 30 1 MELEE WEAPONS, Range Attacks reane Tools v . Stee-shod Hooves 1 4 Searing Beam of Light As incrlocing Tenses of aeterquart kit place ea of Binding wht light shoots fort MISSILE WEAPONS 4 Luminarkof Hysh is armed with a Searing Beam of Light and Areane Toot MOUNT This unit’ Warhorses ae med with Stel-shod Hooves, Do notuse the mvatack made with Seating Beam ight stead pick plat on the Patel within enge ofthe shooting Thodel hats vsble tot and drava Taightline between tat pint andthe ‘foxetpoincon the sbooting mode dis ice foreach ut that as tack sequence for Buse, Rolla dice ny models pused across by tha ine Poreach rll that unit suffers D3 mortal wounds. ened devastating arcane Pee Domine ‘Toit To Wound Rend ToHit Damage See below — ToWound Rend Damage -cnly CHES oF Stowaan HUMAN Unis havea ward of 6 while they ae wally within 9 of any with this abl end tite Cot Duper, CITIES OF ‘SiGMan, HUMAN, Hyst_ TATE ARCANE, Wak MAC yi FREEGUILD COMMAND CORps Range AGERS TO HIC To Woden Pera LD STEELHELMS Range Attacks oie To Wound Rend Damage STANDARD BEARER ince onset bere Peerrosertoerer Ti termination ad thee DRDEK, CITIES OF SIoWAK, HUMAN, FREEGUILD, CASTELITE, FREEGUILD STEELHELMS eee FREEGUILD CAVALIERS MELEE WEAPONS Range AWackY To Hit To Wound Rend Damage Cavaller Weapon aa > oe Arch- Knight Blade es 6 lt Stes-shod Hooves Bis 4 “s 1 selina Freguld Cavaliers Devastating Charge: Thundering ac cd'mitha Cavalier Weapon. th bull, theCavaers bul vp cd SlelahodHowes. linkudeasa laters (CHAMPION: Lodelin this unit 7 yhisunitmade achargemovein nhean Atch-Knight That model the umeturn, ad tthe Danae armed with an Arch-Knight® Blade Characteristic ofits Cavalie Weapons instead of Cavalier Weapon Solimprove the Rend character of its Cavaliee Weapons by STANDARD BEARER: 1 in every 5 models in this unit can bea Cavalier Herald, Add 1 tothe Bravery aractristi of this unit while it cludes any Cavalier Heralds Caran Sa Earns Corin Poet Sect ns Ea Coors ys oF SIGMAR, HUMAN Pons putes FREEGUILD FUSILIERS Aitake To Ht To Wound “Rend pi, ToHit To Wound Rend 1v WEAPONS Range Attacks Reena Sry FUSIL-MAJOR Caen MISSILE WEAPONS Range Attacks ToH ToWound Read Da Long Fusll_ 2a 7 ‘MELEE WEAPONS Range o Hit To Wound Rend Da Warhulk Mace 2 3 2 A Fusib Major on Ogor Warhulk is Range Find. ortifed Position: farmed with a Long Fusl F COMPANION: This unit’ fori srmed with « Warhulk Mace atthe st (Crack Shot Tales are 1 He f wihasingle walpacts Bai : neta phase, the at phase, ihe vamodiiedhtolfran tack wats Scr dea ie tiaa ai astasaetaspees, 207 Pe fequence ends, Afterall ofthis units same phas BAMMMTPMM ack have been resolved, you can col REMMI Sie foreach crack shot it attempted, EXOMAEOUSEME For cach rollthat sat east double the UCP tsrpct unit's Wounds characteristic ssn the enemy lie RNS Merierermeeriimrtias ick | model from that unit besa comercmeris Paeetorrerertea Parner Bo eoerrer nest) TUMAN, OGOR, FREEGUILD, CasTeLtTE, HERO, (oN OGOR WARHULK EAT ee peecireereirienroeen Pool sprert serra Cori eee te Preece rc) ier Pre et oon ey Cone allocated to this unit MISSILE WEAPONS: STEAM TANK COMMANDER rerpressure its boll rolls. Iftherolisless han the nusber of wounds current his uit sues STEAM TANK cas Range Attacks Toit To Wound Rend, Range Attacks To Wound Rend pang D3 mortal wounds. th al This a he following ef Hy tothis unit rece valves tun the start of your next Rero phase: No comm e Power the Whee This unit ca hat pha Power the Guns: Add 110th chara his unt’ tea Division Commander: ova the tu the al aK, HUMAN, eens ‘To Wound Rend Dams Range Atta To Hit ‘Steam Cannon 2 Steam Gun 2 i ae i ‘MELEE WEAPONS Range To Wound Rend Dam: Crushing Wheels 5 A Steam Tank is armed witha Steam Cannon, Steam Gun and Crushing Wheels, Steel Behemoth: shed beneath war machine After this unit m: youcan pick thisuni and roll dice ‘enemy unit suiers D3 mor the Guns: Add. 10 the More Pressuce!: rise ofthis unit’ St the valves ans an improve ‘catastrophic backfir In yourhero phase, you can say tha this unit will overpressure its bile, Ifyou do s0, roll 2D6, Ifthe roll is less than the number of wounds current! allocated to this uni, this unit sutfers D3 mortal wounds. f the rolls equal Oorgreater than the number of wounds MAR, HUMAN, IRONWELD ARSENAL, WAR MACHINE, STEAM TANS MMe ear ea Jermess of Ghurislethal is, When patrol ofFlesh-eater ghouls ‘and pu tothe sword. nerges from the Gnarlwood, RT cero HASKEL HEXBANE MISSILE WEAPONS Range Attacks To Hit Wound Rend pig MELEE WEAPONS Range Altacka To Hit To Wound Rend fer deployment but befor fee there ste any enemy Wizann Hixors Preece een fn the batlfeld of those nite mu Detect et iarad be plcked ob the target ofthe witch poerenercay In. Add Tt the damage inflicted by ial madeby this at frect SEO Oxvrn, Crries oF SicMax, HUMAN, OnDER OF AzvR, HERO, Haske Hexaay, Rocce HEXBANE’S HUNTERS iE WEAPONS MIS Attacks Range ToHit To Wound” Rend! Da (Crossbow Launcher 18 1 Volley Pistol 3 3 1 ‘MELEE WEAPONS Ran ToHit Ta Wound Rend Dan Great Axe $ 2 ‘Witeh Hunter Weapons Ferocious Bite The models in Hexbane's Hunters are Brydget Axwold, Aemos Duncarrow Quiet Pock, Ratspike and Grosbiter Brydget Axwold is armed with a Volley Pistol and Witch Hunter Weapons, ‘Aemos Duncarrow is armed with a Agents oft a tw Great Axe, Quiet Pock sarmed witha fies . ; Crossbow Launcherand Witch Hunter ‘ek r Add ote Weapons, Ratspike and Grotbiter are hat ‘Dears, Dat ‘ach armed with a Ferocious Bite Add 1 tothe damage intl Wrzann keyw attacks made by this unit that sulfers D3 mortal wounds theunit you picked tobe the ‘ofthe witch hunt (ce the Hask ne reais Hexbane warscroll, orient Pecan with conviction and bring Seeman tt Crore eect Z coer eet enemies of Sigmar beware! 1s, ORDER OF AzyR, Hexnane’s HUNTERS To Wound Rend Damage beret bacterin ‘OF StoMAK, HUMAN, ORDER oF AzYm, Hk, Ga Range Attacks To Hit ToWound Rend Damage ME Rangel Attacks To HE To Wound Rend Damage ‘Consecrated Blade v 3 3 F 1 > Doratia ven Denst is armed with 2 ‘Weapons of Banshment ‘int-thaumie Crossbow and tena Consecrated Blade, afwoun the target ofthat atackisa WizaRD fe Daznox. addon, whea this ade ight or abouts yoo am Saose trends spel to ete target of 3 6 itattachs Ifyou do orl die wee hat atack cree at it does Jo potmakea wound oe save ol Instead, Tall2D6 fhe clls grates than the lating vale ofthat ends sel that ‘dies pels spell fe Attacks To Hit To Wai wand Rend py, mage Reon RUNELORD A Runelord is arms ‘and Forgehamme ORDER, CITIES OF 18, DisPosstssED, HERO, PRIEST, RUNELORD orthis unit Tr =< =a = 8 peace °8?* CrT125 oF Sici4n, DuanoiN, Dispossessen,Loxonranoe reece 1S PAW BOO 8a) Range Attacks “oH To Wound Rend Damage Each modelin a Hammerersunitis— Kingsguards Th ‘th a Gromril Great Hammer. oat atthe befor same WARDEN more than unit Wants Kine bs itis within ofthisunit Peart Seen hen aL Te teem MA, DUARDIN, DISPOSSESS ores DisrossusseD, InonDRaKES era COGSMITH fit To Wound Rend Damage Range Attacks To Hit ToWound Rend Bing ‘The Ironweld Arsenal is led as much by its duardin Cogsmiths as it is by human inventors 4 3 fortitude underpins Sigmar’ empire, just as their ingenuity drives eer GYROCOPTERS Range Attacks Tw Hit To Wouad Rend Damage MILEE WrARONS: Range “Attacks To Hit Ta Wound” Rend See BEY 29s, Coss or Stes, Duan mowwatm Asis, Wax Macnis, | é GYROBOMBER Range! VAWacka ToHie To Wound Rend Damage : ‘ToWound Rend Damage Rotor Blades . . 2 A Gyrobomberts armed witha Clattergun ond Rotor Blades shop over he enemy ‘etal payload ont the hapless his unit can ly tari Belo Ao thi unit as made a aoemal move, pick enemy unit tha this unit passed ross and roll dice. On 2s, that fem unit safes D3 mortal wounds Peer reer Protaras pacers Coererieapeny Create rae] OupER, C1188 OF SIGMAB, DUARDIN, IONWELD ARSENAL, WAR MACHIN pie eat ss SORCERESS Henge Atincks To HRW Rend OVENS, HERO, WIZARD, Bamage aap MELEE WEAPONS Ebon Halberd Ina Black Guard unit ie ean Ebon Halberd MPION: | model inthis unit ing, Add 1 tothe ructeristic ofthat models his unit can bea jater_Add | t the Bravery sti ofthis unit whet ony Standard Beaters, MUSICIAN: Lin every 1 models in Y bea Drummer. Add | fo charge voll for this unt wallet ny Drummers ey Perens Pore) are] oes Onpex, Crus came reper Sern SORCERESS Range Attacks ‘To Wound Rend 8 OF Sl6MAK, AFLE, DaRXLING CoveNs, Heo, WizanD, SORCERESS creer BLACK GUARD “Attacks Toit To Wound Rend « Damage ‘Steel and Sorcery: Black Guardare ite charged with protecting Sorerese ‘the eld of bate tur, they bene from the shadowy arcane wands woven This unit has award of 4+ while is thin 3 of any friendly Sorceress Unies, Ia addition, frend Sorceress tnits havea ward of 4+ while they are within of any units with his abit. Designer's Note This docs no include Sorceress on Black Dragon ats (OF SIGMAR, ABLE, DARKLING CovENS, BLACK GUARD, enter Poaceae ers True virtuosos of daughter, Perret Eten Bassai iene) cers BLEAKSWORDS ToHit To Wound Rend MELKE WEAPONS Diag PEE Onpre, Cries or Stowax, AFLP, DARKLING CovENS, BLEAKSWORDS fee EXECUTIONERS Range Attacks ‘MELEE WEAPONS ToHit To Wound Executioner’ Draich 3 % Bach model in an Executioners unit is z farmed with an Executioner: Draic CHAMPION: | modelin this unit can bea Lordling Ada Ito the Attacks characteristic ofthat model's Severing Strike: He Iethe nee weapons, thatattack ea STANDARD BEARER: Linevery ‘T8663 10 modelsin this uni can be Standard Bearer Add | to characteristic of this unit while Includes any Standard Bearers MUSICIAN® 1 in every 10 models in thisunt can be Drummer, Add 1 to charge roll for this unit while it includes any Drummers, ree DARKSHARDS ange Attacks sige Attacks Te Hit To Wound Rend — py Range Atock ot Damage freee DREADSPEARS ToHit To Wound Rend Din ‘MELEE WEAP Range Attacks Darkling Spear ar Bach modelin a Dreadspears unit is Coven farmed witha Darking Spear (CHAMPION: 1 model inthis unit ‘anbea Lording. Add Ito the tacks characteristic ofthat models Add 1 tohit this unit that made a charge melee weapons, STANDARD BEARER: in every 10 models in thisunit canbe Standard Bearer Add | tothe Bravery characteristic ofthis unit while it Includes any Standard Bearers, MUSICIAN: | in every 10 models in this unit ean bea Drummer, Add 1 to charge rolls for this unit while t Includes any Drummers Peery Tromeripetann Caan Pea sty Proper re Peto tenant pnaeronatie eee erat Corea Ten ce eer Cota ents {var on sbidian sealed corinne Peer a caren at corn meee neta Range Aulcks To Hit To Wound Rend Damage os Zeb ee The Krulebys of the Shadrac Convergence expecting the armed force of heir monsters matched by a menagerie ofhorars when Coens Eero pourra Pore atte Coarse Ereteareeerye i Por eeneinnn Loerie cree DRAKESPAWN CHARIOTS Altcks TOHGC Ta Wot” Rend Damage Viiaeks Te Hie Ta Wound Red DRAKESPAWN KNIGHTS “MELEE WEAPONS: Barbed Lance Ferocious Jaws “Range AWads Toit To Wound Rend 2 2 a 1 Damage Lina Drakespavn Knights tha Barbed Lance 1; This units Drakespawn are ned with Recocous Jaws AMPION: 1 modelinthisunit 1 Dread King, Add othe haractersic ofthat models fame turn, tthe Damage itl ofits Barbed Lanees and improve the Rend characteristic ofits Barbed Lanees by taracterstic ofthis unit while BF ncludes any Standard Bearers MUSICIAN: Lin every Smodelsin tis nit can bea Hornblower Add Loran Tolls and charge rolls for this wot while includes any Hornblower Eo: cunts or pete ee DARK RIDERS Toit To Wound Rend — Demag Range” Attacks Ringe Atlcks To HC To Wound Rend’ “imag BF oxen, Crries oF Sioman, Arts, SHADOWMLADES, DARK RIDERS reece ASSASSIN (MELEE WEAPONS So ae COTE EOL es Polson-coated Blader v 5 Deathshead Pots In Forthe Kill An Assassin i armed with Poison ‘oat Blades PBI . é FLEETMASTER seks oHlit To Wound Rend — Damage POD Osorn,Cinis or iowan, Ansa, Sco aa cam, Ante ScovngsPaivaranas Hono, BLack Ak Tebrarasrea aon BLACK ARK CORSAIRS MISSILE WEAPONS Repeater Handbow Foie To Wound Rend MELEE WEAPONS TwHit ToWosnd end Damage Vicious Blade az 1 Paired Vicious Blades v 3 He © ‘model in a Black Ark Corairs ‘irmed witha ] ofthe following options Vicious Blade Itepenter Handbow o Paired lade, delivers apr Ifthe unmodified trol foranattack made witha ile weapon ta targets Afusanit i the atackng unitsuters vinat models 1 oral wound after al of tsattacks have beer soled AMPION: 1 modelin this H nitcan bea Reaver Add tothe haracterist weapons. STANDARD BEARER: Lin every 0 models in this unit can bea Standard Bearer, Add tothe Bravery characteristic ofthis unit while hades any Standard Beare Cee cen erste Cre it Poa peep ey i asi. Ear MUSICIAN 1 in every 10 models nisunit can bea Horablower, Add 110 vi tolls and charge rolls foe this wait ‘phil includes any Hornblowers SCOURGERUNNER CHARIOTS Range” Atiacks ToHit To Wound Rend Damage Auacks To Hit To Wound Rend Damage ‘MELEE WEAPONS ange Attacks Toit To Wound! Read Damage Fanged Tentaces : s 1 spiked Tail 3 p 1 Cruel Goad and Whips 1 A.haribiysisarmed with Fanged Tentacles anda Spied Tal (CREW: This unit's handlers are armed swith Cruel Goads and Whips, ee omer peters JOURGE PRIVATEERS, Mons, KHARIBDYSS PITCHED BATTLE PROFILES Pitches atte profiles are periicll recent Pitched Battle pris for you witha more recent date i 1 updated in a downloadable faction, visi warhammer com Publication take precedence over those with DE format. To checkf there ate more unity-com. Pitched Rattle profiles |eteskawods i Aatilesy Single [rongbeants w Battie {ete trim i oa Batting [sys a Behemoth age Laminark of Hy 7 = ia Single i pea 1 230 Behemoth Satin eens | Ines ai ee | Iatlemage a me Leet Sige Bacarra San ra soe Ea Denst . [ — ae i} ae : Leader ‘Single, Unique. These units must Galen ven Denst 1 to ae taken anaice Ainge | | RL a gests |r Op a wise -| [Pontifex Zenestra, Matriarch ofthe! mamgserce | ee : sete see | i 1 ca ae jattlemage on Celestial Hurricaum 1 260 Leader, Behemoth ‘Single \ Battemage on Lurainatk of Fa 1250 Leader, Behemoth Single l |Freeguild Marsha! on Griffon 1-270 Leader, Behemoth ‘Single | steam Tank Commander RT ii ide Behan eee | : Bateine general is ck Ak corni (eae retereas [bck Guns cB ner Caves acer ‘Sait s For each Bleakswords or orsign me Darkshards: 10 au be pociae is the army asa PRODUCED BY THE WARHAMMER DESIGN s ‘With thanks to ‘he Faithful and the UK NEOS for their ational Games Workshop Ld, Willow Road, Lenton, Nostinghatn, NG? 205, United King ‘ a WARHAMMER COM

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