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1. Introduction/ background
Currently, the world is increasingly developing, the worldwide population reaches nearly
8 billion people. People have different physical and mental needs. The development of
traffic, infrastructure, and lifestyle has caused noise pollution to increase. Noise comes
from vehicles such as motorbikes, cars, and car horns, and can also come from factories,
enterprises, and construction projects. Furthermore, it also comes from the volume and
actions of the people around us.

2. Statement of the problem

Noise pollution is a topic of concern in modern society. Because noise is always around
us and it never ends. For instance, factory capacity, transportation needs, and even quiet
places like libraries and offices are increasingly losing their original function. People are
also gradually losing standard behavior when in public. And young people today are
facing a myriad of problems in life such as work, study, and economic pressure.
However, the fact that they have to deal with surrounding noise causes them many
problems. Noise pollution causes many consequences in several aspects. Specifically,
noise affects health and causes diseases such as stress and hearing loss. Furthermore,
noise reduces the work and study efficiency of students. For young people who need to
concentrate on work or personal life, noise can cause many psychological problems.

3. Aims
Firstly, we would like to know about IBD students' views about noise around them, how
it affects their lives, and whether their influence is too much or insignificant.
Furthermore, we wanted to determine which noises directly affect students. Finally, how
does noise affect the lives and studies of students at IBD?

4. Research Questions
The survey consists of three questions to answer the research:
1. What is IBD student’s opinion about noises around them?
2. Which noises impact students directly? Why? Give an example.
3. How does noise affect the lives and studies of students at IBD?

5. Literature view
5.1/ Causes of noise pollution
5.2/ Noise types and sound levels are identified around us
5.3/ The consequences that noise effects on students (includes academic
performance, health, lifestyle)
5.4/ Solution to reduce noises (includes solutions for individuals and communities)
6. Methodology

Research tools:
The questionnaire is sent to people in this age group directly and online.
Additionally, knowledge gleaned from other surveys, relevant records, and inquiries

7. Tentative timetable
Week 3: Research proposal
Week 4: Survey questionnaire
Week 10: Report
Week 11: Presentation

8. Tentative outline
Part 1: Introduction
Statement of the problem
Purpose of the research
Research questions
Part 2: Literature review
Cause of noise pollution
Noise types and sound levels are identified around us
The consequences that noise effects on students
The solution to reduce noises
Part 3: Research methodology
Research methods
Part 4: Data Findings & Analysis
Part 5: Recommendations & Conclusion
Part 6: References
Part 7: Appendix

9. References

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