PROJE Physical 1

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Measurements and Errors

Lab Group 1
Giray Kırım (Id:1146423807)
Busenur Arlı (Id:11728066124)
Yağmur Ertarakçı (Id:15022067306)

Date: 30.10.2023
1 Introduction
The purpose of this experiment was to find the dimensions of certain shapes. Getting the
right measurements seemed pretty simple, but we found that systematic and static errors
can get in the way. Systematic being an error that consistently produces the same incorrect
result. And static errors, which come from unpredictable things we overlook while
measuring. We used a ruler, caliper, and weighing scale for measurements and calculations.
After direct measurements we calculated non-direct values like volume. Then determined
their densities to see it from another angle. Finally, weighing scales were used to measure
the masses of everything and our findings were recorded.

1) Caliper: A vernier caliper is a instrument having a fixed and a movable parts on a
graduated stock, used for measuring the diameters, lengths and depths of objects. A caliper
has two parts such as the main scale and secondary scale. Also, cubes, cones, rectangular
prisms and cylinders can be measured with a caliper. As can be seen in the pictures below,
the objects, that are mentioned, are fixed according to caliper parts such as main scale and
secondary scale and are measured. The vernier caliper that was used in that experiment had
the sensitivity of 0,05cm.

2) Ruler: A ruler is a smooth-edged strip tool that is usually as a straightedge or for

measuring. The lengths of cubes, cones, and rectangular prisms can be measured with a
ruler as can be seen in the pictures given below. The ruler that was used in that experiment
had a sensitivity of 0.1 cm.

Lower sensitivity value provides high accuracy in measurement devices.

1) Cube, cone and rectangular prism shape measurements were measured with caliper and ruler
2) For the cylindrical shape, only the measurement was made with a caliper.
3) The measurements that are found were noted
4) Measurements were made by taking into account the rates of error.

3) Weighing scale:

A scale or balance is a device used to measure weight or mass. These are also known
as mass scales, weight scales, mass balances, and weight balances. The weighing scale
used in this experiment was normal. We wrote our notes in grams and kilograms.
2 Calculations and Results
2.1 Dimensions of Cylinder that was measured with caliper.

Parts Caliper Results (cm) Final Results(cm)

D1 (4.5) + (2x0.05) ± (0.005) 4.6 ± (0.005)

D2 (1.2) + (8x0.05) ± (0.005) 1.6 ± (0.005)

D3 (1.2) + (10x0.05) ± (0.005) 1.7 ± (0.005)

L1 (6) + (1x0.05) ± (0.005) 6.05 ± (0.005)

L2 (2) + (2x0.05) ± (0.005) 2.1 ± (0.005)

L3 (1.1) + (14x0.05) ± (0.005) 1.8 ± (0.005)

2.2 Dimensions of Rectangular Prism1 that was measured with ruler and caliper

Parts Ruler Results (cm) Caliper


L1 (4.5) ± (0.1) (4.5) ± (0.005)

L2 (5.5) ± (0.1) (5.5) ± (0.005)

L3 (3.4) ± (0.1) (3.5) ± (0.005)

2.3 Dimensions of Rectangular Prism2 that was measured with ruler and caliper

Parts Ruler Results (cm) Caliper


a (4.5) ± (0.1) (4.5) ± (0.005)

2.4 Dimensions of Cone that was measured with ruler and caliper

Parts Ruler Results (cm) Caliper


R (4.5) ± (0.1) (4.48) ± (0.005)

H (6) ± (0.1) (5.98) ± (0.005)

 Density of Cylinder
Volume of Cylinder=π*(D/2)^2*L
Vbt=π*(D3/2)^2*L3 π*(1.7/2)^2*1.8=4.08 Vbt=4.08cm^3
Vt=π*(D2/2)^2*L2 π*(1.6/2)^2*2.1=4.22 Vt=4.22cm^3
Vb= π*(D1/2)^2*L1 π*(4.6/2)^2*6.05=100.05 Vb=100.05cm^3
Vb-Vt-Vbt= 100.05-4.22-4.08 Volume of Cylinder=91.75±0.008cm^3
Mass of Cylinder=129.87±0.01gr

 Density of Rectangular Prism1

Volume of Rectangular Prism=A*B*C Mass of Rectangular Prism=121.36±0.01gr
Vp=4.5*5.5*3.5(with caliper) Vp=4.5*5.5*3.4(with ruler)

Vp=86.62cm^3 Vp=84.15cm^3
Density=1.40±0.002gr/cm^3 Density=1.44±0.002gr/cm^3

 Density of Rectangular Prism2

Volume of Rectangular Prism=a*a*a Mass of Rectangular Prism=128.75±0.01gr
Vp(with ruler)=4.5*4.5*4.5 Vp=91.12cm^3 Density=1.41±0.003gr/cm^3
Vp(with caliper)=4.5*4.5*4.5 Vp=91.12cm^3 Density=1.41±0.001gr/cm^3

 Density of Cone
Volume of Cone=1/3*π*(R/2)^2*H Mass of Cone=47.97±0.01gr
Vc(with ruler)=1/3*π*(4.5/2)^2*6 Vc=31.8cm^3 Density=1.5±0.01gr/cm^3
Vc(with caliper)= 1/3*π*(4.48/2)^2*6 Vc=31.52cm^3 Density=1.52±0.001gr/cm^3
3 Discussion and Conclusion
The experiment involved measuring the dimensions of objects using both a ruler and a
caliper. To account for the measurement instruments' sensitivities, errors were introduced
into the measurements. Subsequently, the volumes of the objects were calculated using
these adjusted values. Finally, volume-mass graphs were created, and the slopes of these
graphs were used to determine the objects' densities.

In the experimental setup, it was noted that the caliper provides more precise
measurements compared to the ruler. Therefore, measurements taken with the caliper
yielded values with lower error rates. However, it's important to acknowledge that there
may have been both systematic and statistical errors during these measurements. For
instance, statistical errors arose when group members recorded slightly different values
when reading the ruler. To mitigate this, the group averaged their values. Additionally, a
systematic error was considered as there could have been a calibration issue with the
vernier part of the caliper.

Giancoli, Physics Scientist & Engineers with Modern Physics (2014)

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